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The review of system is a series of questions about all body systems that help reveal concerns or
problems. In clinic settings, patients usually fill out forms that give pertinent information, and then then
nurse reviews answers during the interview.

 General Health State. Weight gain or loss, fatigue weakness, malaise (general body weakness),
pain, usual activity, fever, chills.
 Nutrition and Hydration. Conditions that increase the risk of
malnutrition or obesity. Nausea, vomiting. Normal daily intake, Change in bowel or bladder habits
Abnormal enlargement of nodes
weight and weight change, dehydration, dry skin, fluid excess with Unusual bleeding or discharges
Thickening of lumps in the breast
shortness of breath or edema in the feet and legs. Diet practices to Indigestion or difficulty swallowing
Obvious changes in warts or moles
promote health. Nagging cough or hoarseness

 Skin, Hair, and Nails. History of skin, hair, or nail disease. Rash,
itching, pigmentation or texture change, lesions, sweating, dry skin, hair loss, or change in
texture, brittle or thin nails, thick or yellow nails. (Diaphoresis – excessive sweating.)
 Head and Neck. History of high or low thyroid leer. Headaches, syncope, dizziness, sinus pain.
 Eyes. History of poor vision or vision problems, glaucoma, cataracts, hearing loss, ear infections.
Use of contact lenses or glasses, changes in vision, blurring, diplopia, light sensitivity
(photophobia), burning, redness, discharge. Last eye examination. (Frequent tearing.)
 Ears. History or ear or hearing problems. Ear pain, changes in hearing, tinnitus (ringing in the
ears), vertigo. Last hearing evaluation, ear protection.
 Nose, Mouth, and Throat. History of mouth or throat cancer. Colds, sore throat, nasal obstruction,
nosebleeds, cold sores, bleeding or swollen gums, tooth pain, dental carries, ulcers, enlarged
tonsils, dry mouth or lips. Difficulty chewing or swallowing, change in voice. Last dental
 Thorax and Lungs. History of emphysema, asthma, or lung cancer. Wheezing cough, sputum,
dyspnea, last chest x-ray, last tuberculin skin test.
 Heart and Neck Vessels. History of congenital heart problems, myocardial infarction, heart
surgery, heart failure, arrythmia, murmur. Chest pain or discomfort, palpitations, exercise
tolerance. Results of last screening for cholesterols and triglycerides.
 Peripheral Vascular. History of high blood pressure, peripheral vascular disease, thrombophlebitis
(the calf – secondary pump, is not functioning), peripheral edema, ulcers, circulation, claudication
(cramping sensation), redness, pain, tenderness.
 Breasts. History of breast cancer or cystic breast condition. For adolescents, concerns about
breast changes. Pain, tenderness, discharge, lumps, last mammogram, frequency, and date of last
 Abdominal-Gastrointestinal. History of colon cancer, gastrointestinal bleeding, cholelithiasis,
liver failure, hepatitis, pancreatitis, colitis, ulcer or gastric reflux. (Stress ulcer is common in
hospital patients.) Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Food intolerance or allergy,
constipation, diarrhea, change in stool color, blood in stool. Last sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy,
and stool for occult blood.
 Urinary. Renal failure, polycystic kidney disease, UTI, nephrolithiasis. Pain, change in urine,
dysuria, urgency frequency, nocturia, incontinence (lack of voluntary control). For children,
toilet-training, bed-wetting.
 Musculoskeletal. History of injury, arthritis, joint stiffness, pain, swelling, restricted movement,
deformity, and change in gait or coordination, strength, cramps, weakness.
 Neurological. History of head or brain injury, stroke, seizures. Tremors, memory loss, numbness
or tingling, loss of sensation or coordination.
 Male Genitalia. History of undescended testicle (cryptorchidism), hernia (protrusion of
intestines), testicular cancer. Pain, lesions, discharge, swelling. Change in penis or scrotum,
protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
 Female Genitalia. History of ovarian or uterine cancer, ovarian cyst, endometriosis
(inflammation), number of pregnancies and children. Pain, burning, lesions, discharge, itching,
rash. Menstrual and physical changes, protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted
infections. Last pap smear.
 Anus, Rectum, and Prostate. History of hemorrhoids, prostate cancer, benign prostatic
hyperplasia. Urinary incontinence, pain, burning, itching. For men, hesitancy, dribbling
(discontinuous urination), loss in force of urine stream. (Urine normal value is more than 30cc per
 Endocrine and Hematologic Systems. History of diabetes mellitus, high or low thyroid levels,
anemia. Polydipsia, polyuria, unexplained weight gain or loss, changes in body hair and body fat
distribution, intolerance to heat or cold, excessive bruising, lymph node swelling. Result of last
blood glucose.

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