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OCTOBER 22, 2020

Reminders (as agreed):

Learners are to prepare the following (rationale, background of the study,
Statement of the Problem in BULLET FORM and DIRECT TO CONCEPTS only)
 Title
 Rationale
 Background of the study
 Statement of the Problem(As possible only three)
 Statistical Treatment
 Budget proposal

II. Schedule of proposal will be posted on our FB page.

III. Order of Presentation (sections and learners are alphabetically arranged and will
present alternately as MALE1 and FEMALE1, etc.)
Barrion, Belardo, Biyo and Lovelace.
IV. Chapter 1 is to be submitted at the end of 1st semester.


Criteria 81-85.99 86 – 90.99 91 – 95.99 96 – 99.99 SCORE

Content Essential parts Although a research The study The study

(50%) are problem is identified, shows a presents a
inappropriate statements are too relevant significant
to the research narrow or too broad research research problem,
problem which fail to establish problem with articulates clear,
presented. the importance of concise reasonable
(40.5-42.99) the research area. questions that questions given
(43-45.49) connect to the the purpose,
issue. design, and
(45.5-47.99) methods.

Organization The proposal is The proposal may be The proposal is The proposal is
(20%) not focused understandable, but focused. It well-focused. It
and is poorly it could still be explains how previews the
organized. improved to be more the study is topic, presents
(16.2-17.19) focused and introduced and the material in a
organized. presented in a logical manner,
(17.2-18.19) comprehensible and shows how it
manner. will be concluded.
(18.2-19.19) (19.2-19.99)
Timeliness/Pr The The Researcher is The Researcher The Researcher is
eparedness Researcher is able to present is able to able to present
(15%) not able to his/her study during present his/her his/her study
present his/her scheduled study during during his/her
his/her study proposal and the his/her scheduled
during his/her study is accepted but scheduled proposal and the
scheduled majority of the parts proposal and study is accepted
proposal. are to be changed. the study is with very minimal
(12.15-12.89) (12.9-13.64) accepted with corrections.
corrections. (14.4-14.99)
Presentation Learner is Learner is able to Learner is able Learner is able to
(15%) unable to accurately answer a to accurately sufficiently
accurately few questions in answer most answer almost all
answer relation to the questions in questions in
questions in research. relation to the relation to the
relation to the (12.9-13.64) research. research.
research. (13.65-14.39) (14.4-14.99)

VI. The Researcher must submit his/her paper three days ahead of his/her schedule.
The written output is to be encoded on a long bond paper, using Courier New 11 as
font style and size. The Paper should only be 3 pages maximum excluding the Budget
VII. Parents/Guardian should be present during the proposal hearing.

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