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Tissue Blood formers Route: IV tPA is a thrombolytic (i.e., Indications: Monitor for S&S of excess
Plasminogen Coagulators and it breaks up blood clots) bleeding q15min for the first
Activator Anticoagulants Dosage: formed by aggregation of FDA-approved hour of therapy, q30min for
Thrombolytic activated platelets into indications for alteplase second to eighth hour, then
Acute Myocardial
GENERIC enzyme fibrin meshes by include pulmonary q8h.
NAME: activating plasminogen. embolism, myocardial
Recommended total dose
alteplase More specifically, it infarction with ST- Monitor neurological checks
for AMI is based on
cleaves the segment elevation throughout drug infusion
patient weight, not to
CLASSIFICAT zymogen plasminogen at (STEMI), ischemic q30min and qh for the first 8 h
exceed 100 mg,
ION: its Arg561-Val562 peptide stroke when given within after infusion.
regardless of the selected
bond to form the serine 3 hours of the start of
administration regimen
protease, plasmin. symptoms, and re- Protect patient from invasive
(accelerated or 3 hr)
establishment of patency procedures because
in occluded intravenous spontaneous bleeding occurs
Pulmonary Embolism:
(IV) catheters. twice as often with alteplase as
100 mg IV infused over 2
hr; institute parenteral with heparin.
anticoagulation near the
Active internal bleeding, IM injections are
end of or immediately
history of cerebrovascular contraindicated.
following alteplase
accident, recent (within 2
infusion when the PTT or
mo) intracranial or Prevent physical manipulation
thrombin time returns to
interspinal surgery or of patient during thrombolytic
<2x normal
trauma, intracranial therapy to prevent bruising.
neoplasm, arteriovenous
Acute Ischemic Stroke:
malformation, bleeding
0.9 mg/kg IV; not to Lab tests: Coagulation tests
disorders, severe
exceed 90 mg total dose; including APTT, bleeding
administer 10% of the time, PT, TT, INR, must be
hypertension, likelihood
total dose as an initial IV done before administration of
of left heart thrombus,
bolus over 1 minute and drug. Also check baseline Hct,
acute pericarditis,
the remainder infused Hgb, and platelet counts, in
over 60 minutes case of bleeding. Draw Hct
following drug administration
to detect possible blood loss.
Current Recommendations for the Management of Stroke Patients in the Middle East in the Era of COVID 19 Pandemic


My chosen journal talks about the recommended managements for stroke patients during this time of pandemic. We all know how COVID 19 has
changed the way we manage illness, and it had a huge impact on stroke care worldwide. The quantities of thrombolysis and thrombectomy
treatments are declining, so as the rates and door to door to treatment times for thrombolysis and thrombectomy are expanding. The stroke
units are being redistributed to serve COVID-19 patients, and stroke groups are being redeployed to COVID-19 focuses. Coronavirus affirmed
cases and deaths are rising step by step. This pandemic has indeed compromised and threatened all stroke care accomplishments provincially.
Middle East and North Africa Stroke and Interventional Neurotherapies Organization (MENA-SINO) is the primary stroke association provincially.
It desires the need to growing new systems and proposals for stroke care during this pandemic. This will require various channels of mediations
and make a defensive code stroke with quick triaging way. Some of the recommendations are infection control screening, history of infection or
contact with infected person, for pre- hospital stage. In using other services like CT- scans, a dedicated CT scan room for COVID- 19 patients
should be established if multiple rooms are available and avoiding of multiple visits there should also be implemented to minimize exposure.
This applies to all medical facilities in the hospitals. Everyone must wear PPE as we all know and for post hospital stage, tele stroke consultation
is advised. Creating and extending the tele-stroke programs are earnestly required. Incorporating such measures will prompt an improvement
and redesigning of the administrations to an acceptable level.


Stroke is an illness that needs immediate action especially that it has permanent irreversible effects on a person both physically and emotionally.
I feel sad that going to the hospitals nowadays needs strict safety precautions to be followed. Of course, it’s a huge hassle to go through
especially when the patient is in an emergency situation but at the same time, I agree that there should be such protocols because it would be a
huge help especially in the rapid assessment of the stroke patients and it will also ensure the safety of the medical staff and avoid risk of
infections to the patients. This should also be applied on all cases and not just in the hospitals. I believe that this can also help not just the stroke
patients but also in minimizing the COVID cases if these rules are strictly followed. After all, these aren’t implemented for no apparent reason at
all. I just hope the medical staff does not take long to attend to stroke patients, as an effect of the strict protocols that needs to be followed
because it can cause a worse situation with him or worse, death.

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