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Effect of nozzle type, size and pressure on spray droplet characteristics

Article  in  Biosystems Engineering · July 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2007.03.001


241 7,647

4 authors, including:

David Nuyttens Katrijn Baetens

Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Bart Sonck
Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research


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Research Paper: PM—Power and Machinery

Effect of nozzle type, size and pressure on spray droplet


D. Nuyttensa,, K. Baetensb, M. De Schampheleirec, B. Soncka

Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Scientific Institute of the Flemish Community, Technology and Food, Agricultural
Engineering, Burg. Van Gansberghelaan 115, 9820 Merelbeke, Belgium
Department Biosystems, Catholic University of Leuven, MeBioS, De Croylaan 42, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
Department of Crop Protection, University Ghent, Coupure links 653, 9000 Ghent, Belgium

art i cle info The characteristics of agricultural sprays belong to the most critical factors affecting spray
drift, deposition on plants, spray coverage and biological efficacy. Hence, within the
Article history: framework of a research project about agricultural spray drift, the effect of nozzle type, size
Received 8 June 2006 and pressure on spray droplet characteristics was investigated. The objective of this study
Accepted 2 March 2007 was to develop a test rig and protocol for the characterisation of spray nozzles using a
Available online 19 June 2007 phase doppler particle analyser (PDPA). This test rig was able to measure droplet sizes and
velocities based on light-scattering principles. It was composed of a climate room, a spray
unit, a three-dimensional automated positioning system and an Aerometrics PDPA one-
dimensional system. The droplet size and velocity characteristics of different nozzle–
pressure combinations was measured and compared with the results obtained by other
researchers using different measuring techniques and procedures.
In total, 32 nozzle–pressure combinations were tested and classified based on droplet
size spectra and the British Crop Protection Council (BCPC) classification scheme. The test
results clearly show the effect of the nozzle type, size and pressure on the droplet size and
velocity spectra. Comparison with the results from other researches confirms the need for
reference nozzles to classify sprays because of the considerable variation of absolute
results depending on settings and type of measuring equipment.
& 2007 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction as well as environmental hazards. Hence, the ideal nozzle–

pressure combination will maximise spray efficiency for
The spray characteristics of agricultural spray nozzles are depositing and transferring a lethal dose to the target, whilst
important criteria in the application of pesticides because minimising off-target losses such as spray drift and user
of their ultimate effect on the efficiency of the pesticide exposure. The spray characteristics influencing the efficiency
application process. Droplet size and velocity affect the of the pesticide application process are the droplet size and
structure of the spray deposits and the driftability of velocity distribution, the volume distribution pattern, the
the droplets (Taylor et al., 2004). Furthermore, droplet size entrained air characteristics, the spray structure and the
may influence the biological efficacy of the applied pesticide structure of individual droplets (Miller & Butler Ellis, 2000).

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Nuyttens), (K. Baetens), (M. De Schampheleire).
1537-5110/$ - see front matter & 2007 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
334 BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 97 (2007) 333 – 345

Nomenclature n total number of droplets

RSF relative span, a dimensionless parameter indica-
D10 arithmetic mean diameter, mm tive of the uniformity of the drop size distribution
D20 surface mean diameter, mm V100, V200 proportion of total volume of droplets smaller
D30 volume mean diameter, mm than, respectively, 100, 200 mm in diameter, %
D32 Sauter mean diameter or the diameter of a drop v particle speed, m/s
having the same volume to surface area ratio as vs scanning speed, m/s
the total volume of all the drops to the total vvol10, vvol25, vvol50, vvol75, vvol90 droplet velocity
surface area of all the drops, mm below which slower droplets constitute, respec-
Dv0.1, Dv0.25, Dv0.75, Dv0.9 volume diameter below tively, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90% of the total spray
which smaller droplets constitute, respectively, volume, m/s
10%, 25%, 75% and 90% of the total volume, mm x length of the rectangular scan pattern, m
Dv0.5 volume median diameter (VMD) below which y width of the rectangular scan pattern, m
smaller droplets constitute 50% of the total Dx distance interval in the X direction during scan-
volume, mm ning, m
di diameter of droplet i, mm Dy distance interval in the Y direction during scan-
fd frequency of the scattered light, s1 ning, m
NMD number median diameter, the droplet diameter df fringe spacing, m
below which the droplet diameter for 50% of the y angle between the two laser beams, 1
number of drops are smaller, mm l laser wavelength, m

This paper focuses on the measurement of droplet size and system, a climate room and a PDPA laser system. Nuyttens et
velocity characteristics. al. (2005) have already described this test rig in detail.
Over the last years, several techniques using laser instru-
mentation have been developed to determine droplet char- 2.1. Spray unit and three-dimensional positioning system
acteristics, such as laser diffraction (Malvern laser) (Barnett &
Matthews, 1992; Butler Ellis & Bradley, 2002), the optical area The spray unit consisted of an insulated spray liquid tank
probe technique (Particle Measuring System) (Combellack with a volume of 100 l, a fluid level control system, a liquid
et al., 2002) and the phase doppler particle analyser (PDPA, temperature control system with a heating resistor and a
Aerometrics) (Farooq et al., 2001). Nevertheless, different cooling unit, a mechanical and hydraulic mixing system, a
studies have shown a wide variation in mean droplet sizes vertical in-line centrifugal pump and a pressure regulator
for the same nozzle specifications while using different with digital pressure gauge (resolution: 0.01 bar). In case of
techniques (Western et al., 1989; Barnett and Matthews, continuous spraying, a fluid temperature range from 5 to 50 1C
1992; Miller et al., 1995; Hewitt et al. 1998; Porskamp et al., was feasible.
1999; Womac et al., 1999; Nilars et al., 2000; Womac, 2000;
Herbst, 2001; Powell et al., 2002; Van De Zande et al., 2002).
2.2. Three-dimensional positioning system
The objectives of this study were to develop a test rig and
protocol using a PDPA, to measure and evaluate the droplet size
In the test rig, the PDPA equipment with the measuring
and velocity characteristics of different nozzle–pressure com-
volume at a fixed point is kept stationary, and an automated
binations including the BCPC reference nozzles and to compare
XYZ-transporter moves the nozzle with a traverse range of
the obtained results with the results obtained by other
2.0  2.2 m. The vertical distance between the nozzle and the
researchers using different measuring techniques and proce-
measuring point (Z direction) can be adjusted manually from
dures. In this paper, a description of a PDPA test rig and a
0 to 0.90 m. With this positioning system, different programs
measuring protocol is presented along with the results of 32
can be carried out:
commonly used nozzle–pressure combinations including the
BCPC reference nozzles. Results are compared with the results
obtained by other studies. The measurements are used as an (1) a free manually controlled movement of the spray nozzle;
input for a computational fluid dynamics drift-prediction (2) a movement of the spray nozzle to a certain XY position in
model (Baetens et al., 2006, 2007) and to classify nozzles based which the nozzle is stationed for a definable period of time
on their driftability by measurements in the field (Nuyttens et and
al., 2006) and in a wind tunnel (De Schampheleire et al., 2006). (3) a scanning of a defined rectangular pattern to sample a
‘complete’ scan of the spray cloud.

2. Materials and methods In the case of scanning a rectangular pattern the length of
the rectangular scan pattern x in m, the distance interval in
The test rig developed and used in this research is composed the X direction during scanning Dx in m, the width of the
of a spray unit, a three-dimensional automated positioning rectangular scan pattern y in m and the distance interval in
BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 97 (20 07) 33 3 – 345 335

the Y direction during scanning Dy in m, can be chosen as ing the particle. The spacing of the interference fringes
desired as illustrated in Fig. 1. Moreover, there are two depends on the beam intersection angle. The light wave-
possible ways of scanning: (a) continuous, at a constant length and the spacing are inversely proportional to the
definable scanning speed vs in m/s without stops and (b) diameter of the sphere. If a particle is moving with a velocity v
discontinuous, with stops at distance intervals Dx for a in m/s through the intersection of the beams, light will scatter
definable period of time. with a Doppler frequency fd in s1. This frequency fd is equal
to the velocity of the scattering particle velocity v divided by
the fringe spacing df in m. Hence, frequency fd and particle
2.3. Climate room
velocity v are related through

The laser measurements were performed in an insulated l

v ¼ f d df ¼ f d , (1)
climate room provided with a temperature and humidity 2 sinðy=2Þ
control system. Under normal working conditions, an ambi- where l is the laser wavelength in m; and y is the angle
ent temperature range from 5 to 30 1C and a relative humidity between the two laser beams in degrees.
range from 30% to 90% are achievable. Hence, realistic The fibre-optic receiver collects the scattered light when
outdoor climatic conditions can be simulated. particles pass through the measurement volume created by
the optical transmitter. Photomultiplier tubes convert the
2.4. Phase doppler particle analyser light into electrical signals to be processed for velocity and
size information by the RSA. Finally, the DataVIEW-NT
The PDPA laser used in this research was an Aerometrics software contributes to the overall ease of use of the system
PDPA one dimensional system. A droplet passes through a and gives complete control over the presentation and
small sampling volume, scattering light by refraction. For this acquisition of the data.
one-dimensional system, velocity measurement is limited to Measurement ranges for velocity and diameter can be
the dominant vertical direction. The system comprises changed through variations in the optical equipment, laser
several units, namely: a 300 mW Argon-Ion laser, a fibre drive, beam separation and lens focal lengths of the transmitting
a fibre-optic coupler, transmitter and receiver, a real-time and receiving optics. Settings were chosen to cover a size
signal analyser (RSA) and DataVIEW-NT software. The range of about 9–1000 mm. Phase doppler particle analyser
instrument was operated in the near-forward scatter mode systems in general have a tendency to generate some
(first order of defraction) with the receiving optics set at 301 to erroneous data in the high end of the droplet diameter range.
the incident beam. That is why validation criteria are used to decide whether a
When a spherical droplet crosses the measurement vo- droplet is to be accepted or discarded. As these erroneous
lume, formed by the intersecting laser beams, the rays enter data generally refer to large droplets, they can have an
the droplet at different angles. Since the droplet has a important influence on the droplet size characteristics. They
different index of refraction compared to its surroundings, can occur when a droplet passing the measuring volume
the rays have to travel along different optical paths causing reflects, and does not refract the light into the receiving optics
the light waves to shift relative to each other. These phase or because of the passing of more than one particle at a time.
shifts result in an interference pattern in the field surround- These erroneous measurements are eliminated by analysing
the intensity vs diameter graph. Upper and lower limit curves
determine which droplets to accept and which to discard. A
big droplet with low intensity is often a cause of the above-
mentioned erroneous measurements, and since a big droplet
is expected to refract light with large intensity, it is discarded
from the measurement. The same is valid for small droplets
with high intensity. Elimination of operator dependence is by
no means complete; however, a certain degree of data
evaluation is possible using this intensity validation feature.
On the other hand, PDPA requires no calibration because the
particle size and velocity are dependent only on the laser
wavelength and optical configuration. PDPA measurements
vs end are not based upon the scattered light intensity and,
consequently, are not subject to errors from beam attenuation
y or deflection which occur in dense particle environments.
x y
start 2.5. Measuring protocol
Prior to the laser measurements, the flow rate of each nozzle
was tested at a pressure of 3.0 bar by the accredited Spray
Fig. 1 – Scan trajectory; x and y, length and width of the Technology Laboratory (BELAC, 2006; BELAC accreditation
rectangular scan pattern; Dx and Dy, distance intervals in the certificate No. 197 — Test according to NBN EN ISO/IEC 259
X and Y direction; vs, scanning speed. 17025:2000) of the Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries
336 BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 97 (2007) 333 – 345

Table 1 – Characteristics of the scan trajectory for the different nozzle types

Scan speed vs, m/s x, m y, m Dy, m Measuring time, s

1101 flat fan nozzles 0.0250 1.50 0.40 0.10 316

801 flat fan nozzles 0.0166 1.00 0.40 0.10 324
801 cone nozzle 0.0300 1.00 1.00 0.10 400

x and y, length and width of the rectangular scan pattern; Dy, distance interval in the Y direction.

Table 2 – Overview of the tested nozzle–pressure combinations

Nozzle Pressure, bar Nozzle Pressure, bar Nozzle Pressure, bar

Delavan LF 110 01a 4.5 Albuz API 110 06 3.0 Hardi ISO F 110 03 2.0; 3.0; 4.0
Lurmark F 110 03a 3.0 Albuz AXI 110 02 3.0 Hardi ISO F 110 04 3.0
Lechler LU 120 06a 2.0 Albuz AXI 110 04 3.0 Hardi ISO F 110 06 3.0
TeeJet 80 08a 2.5 Albuz AXI 110 06 3.0 Hardi ISO LD 110 02 3.0
TeeJet 80 15a 2.0 Albuz ADI 110 02 3.0 Hardi ISO LD 110 03 3.0
Albuz ATR80 blue 3.0 Albuz ADI 110 04 3.0 Hardi ISO LD 110 04 3.0
Albuz ATR80 green 3.0 Albuz AVI 110 02 3.0 Hardi ISO Injet 110 02 3.0
Albuz ATR80 orange 3.0 Albuz AVI 110 04 3.0 Hardi ISO Injet 110 03 3.0
Albuz API 110 02 3.0 Albuz AVI 110 06 3.0 Hardi ISO Injet 110 04 3.0
Albuz API 110 04 3.0 Hardi ISO F 110 02 3.0 Hardi ISO Injet 110 06 3.0

BCPC reference nozzle–pressure combinations.


Volume, % of total

120 _ 140

160 _ 180

200 _ 220

240 _ 260

280 _ 300

320 _ 340

360 _ 380

400 _ 420

440 _ 460

480 _ 500

520 _ 540

560 _ 580

600 _ 620

640 _ 660

680 _ 700

720 _ 740

760 _ 780

800 _ 820

840 _ 860

880 _ 900
80 _ 100
40 _ 60
0 _ 20

Droplet diameter interval, µm

Fig. 2 – Volumetric droplet size distribution for different Hardi nozzles at a pressure of 3.0 bar: , Hardi ISO F 110 02;
—m—, Hardi ISO F 110 03; —’—, Hardi ISO F 110 04; —K—, Hardi ISO F 110 06; , Hardi ISO LD 110 02; , Hardi
ISO LD 110 03; , Hardi ISO LD 110 04; , Hardi ISO Injet 02; , Hardi ISO Injet 03; , Hardi ISO Injet
04; , Hardi ISO Injet 06.
BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 97 (20 07) 33 3 – 345 337

Research (ILVO), Belgium (Goossens & Braekman, 2003). A

maximal deviation of 2.5% was allowed compared to the 3. Results and discussion
prescribed nominal flow rate.
For the PDPA measurements, three nozzles were selected In total, 32 nozzle–pressure combinations (288 measurements)
for each nozzle–pressure combination to be tested. Each were tested including the BCPC reference nozzles (Southcombe
nozzle was tested three times. This makes a total of nine et al., 1997) and the nozzle–pressure combinations used in a
measurements for each nozzle–pressure combination. Each whole series of field drift measurements (Nuyttens et al., 2006)
scan yields data for at least 10 000 droplets. The British Crop (Table 2). Different characteristics were calculated:
Protection Council (BCPC) reference nozzle fine-medium
(Lurmark F 110 03 at 3.0 bar) was used as a reference nozzle (1) BCPC — BCPC spray quality class based on droplet size;
to check for the repeatability of the measurements and the (2) Dv0.1, Dv0.25, Dv0.75, Dv0.9 — volume diameter in mm below
measuring equipment (Southcombe et al., 1997). All measure- which smaller droplets constitute, respectively, 10%, 25%,
ments were made spraying water with a temperature of 20 1C. 75% and 90% of the total volume;
Environmental conditions are kept constant at a temperature (3) Dv0.5 — volume median diameter (VMD) in ı́m below which
of 20 1C and a relative humidity of 60–70%. The nozzle was smaller droplets constitute 50% of the total volume;
positioned 0.50 m above the measuring point of the PDPA. (4) V100, V200 – proportion of total volume in % of droplets
To enable the whole of the spray fan to be sampled, the smaller than, respectively, 100, 200 mm in diameter;
nozzle is mounted on the transporter. A different scan (5) D10, D20, D30 — arithmetic, surface and volume mean
trajectory (Fig. 1) was programmed depending on the type of diameters in mm, respectively.
nozzle, i.e. 110 1 flat fan nozzle, 80 1 flat fan nozzle or 80 1 cone They are given, respectively, by
nozzle. All measurements were carried out through the long P
axis of the spray cloud at a constant scan speed (Dx not
D10 ¼ i¼1 , (2)
applicable) (Table 1). n



Cumulative volume, % of total








0 _ 20

40 _ 60

80 _ 100

120 _ 140

160 _ 180

200 _ 220

240 _ 260

280 _ 300

320 _ 340

360 _ 380

400 _ 420

440 _ 460

480 _ 500

520 _ 540

560 _ 580

600 _ 620

640 _ 660

680 _ 700

720 _ 740

760 _ 780

800 _ 820

840 _ 860

880 _ 900

Droplet diameter interval, µm

Fig. 3 – Cumulative volumetric droplet size distribution for different Albuz nozzles at a pressure of 3.0 bar and the five BCPC
reference nozzle–pressure combinations: , Delavan 110 01 at 4.5 bar; —n—, Lurmark 110 03 at 3.0 bar; —B—, Lechler
110 06 at 2.0 bar; —&—, TeeJet 80 08 at 2.5 bar; —J—, TeeJet 80 15 at 2.0 bar; , Albuz ATR orange; , Albuz API
110 02; —’—, Albuz API 110 04; —K—, Albuz API 110 06; , Albuz AXI 110 02; , Albuz AXI 110 04; ,
Albuz AXI 110 06; , Albuz ADI 110 02; , Albuz ADI 110 04; , Albuz AVI 110 02; , Albuz AVI 110
04; , Albuz AVI 110 06.
338 BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 97 (2007) 333 – 345

un 2 defined by
u di
D20 ¼ i¼1 ; (3) Dv0:9  Dv0:1
n RSF ¼ , (6)

uP (9) vvol10, vvol25, vvol50, vvol75, vvol90 — droplet velocity in m/s
un 3
3 di
t below which slower droplets constitute, respectively, 10%,
D30 ¼ i¼1 , (4)
n 25%, 50%, 75%, 90% of the total spray volume.

where di is the diameter in mm of droplet i and n is the

Fig. 2 presents the volumetric droplet size distribution for
total number of droplets;
different types (F, standard flat fan; LD, anti-drift flat fan,
(6) D32 — Sauter mean diameter defined as the diameter in
and Injet: air inclusion) and sizes of Hardi agricultural
mm of a drop having the same volume-to-surface area
spray nozzles at a spray pressure of 3.0 bar. In Fig. 3,
ratio as the total volume of all the drops to the total
the volumetric droplet size distribution is presented cumula-
surface area of all the drops, and is given by
tively for different types and sizes of Albuz spray nozzles
d3i (ATR, hollow cone; API, standard flat fan; ADI, anti-drift
i¼1 flat fan; and AVI, air inclusion) together with the five BCPC
D32 ¼ (5)
d2i reference flat fan nozzles for nozzle classification, i.e.,
Delavan LF 110 01 at 4.5 bar (very fine/fine), Lurmark F 110 03
at 3.0 bar (fine/medium), Lechler LU 120 06 at 2.0 bar (medium/
(7) NMD — number median diameter in mm below which the coarse), TeeJet 8008 at 2.5 bar (coarse/very coarse) and TeeJet
droplet diameter for 50% of the number of drops are 8015 at 2.0 bar (very coarse/extremely coarse). These
smaller; reference nozzles are used to define six spray categories,
(8) RSF – relative span factor, a dimensionless parameter viz.: Very Fine (VF), Fine (F), Medium (M), Coarse (C), Very
indicative of the uniformity of the drop size distribution, Coarse (VC) and Extremely Coarse (EC). This classification is



Droplet diameter, µm






10 25 50 75 90
Proportion of total volume, %
Fig. 4 – Droplet diameters below which smaller droplets constitute 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 90% of the total volume (Dv0.1,
Dv0.25, Dv0.5, Dv0.75 and Dv0.9) for the five BCPC reference nozzle–pressure combinations and for different Hardi nozzles at
3.0 bar: , Delavan 110 01 at 4.5 bar; —n—, Lurmark 110 03 at 3.0 bar; —B—, Lechler 110 06 at 2.0 bar; —&—, TeeJet
8008 at 2.5 bar; —J—, TeeJet 8015 at 2.0 bar; , Hardi ISO F 110 02; —m—, Hardi ISO F 110 03; —’—, Hardi ISO F 110 04;
—K—, Hardi ISO F 110 06; , Hardi ISO LD 110 02; , Hardi ISO LD 110 03; , Hardi ISO LD 110 04; ,
Hardi ISO Injet 02; , Hardi ISO Injet 03; , Hardi ISO Injet 04; , Hardi ISO Injet 06.
Table 3 – Droplet characteristics (average7standard deviation) of 32 nozzle–pressure combinations
97 (20 07) 33 3 – 345

VF, very fine; F, fine; M, medium; C, coarse; VC, very coarse; XC, extremely coarse; Dv0.1, Dv0.5, Dv0.9, diameter below which smaller droplets constitute 10%, 50% and 90% of the total volume; V100, V200,
97 (2007) 333 – 345

proportion of total volume of droplets smaller than 100, 200 mm in diameter; D10, D20, D30, D32, arithmetic, surface, volume and Sauter mean diameter; NMD, number mean diameter; RSF, relative span
factor; vvol50, droplet velocity below which slower droplets constitute 50% of the total spray volume
BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 97 (20 07) 33 3 – 345 341

based on the comparison of the droplet size spectrum (Dv0.1, In general, the larger the International Standard Organisa-
Dv0.5 and Dv0.9) produced by a spray nozzle at a given pressure tion (ISO) nozzle size, the larger is the droplet size spectrum
with these reference spectra as shown in Fig. 4. In this figure, (Figs. 2–4) except for the larger Albuz air injection nozzles
droplet size characteristics Dv0.1, Dv0.25, Dv0.5, Dv0.75 and Dv0.9 where the difference in droplet sizes between Albuz
for different Hardi nozzles and the BCPC reference nozzles are AVI 110 04 and Albuz AVI 110 06 is negligible (Fig. 2).
presented together with the 95% confidence intervals for the For example Dv0.5 values were, respectively, 214.2, 273.6,
reference nozzles. Other nozzle–pressure combinations show 303.4 and 345.4 mm for ISO 02, 03, 04 and 06 Hardi standard
similar repeatabilities. flat fan nozzles at a pressure of 3.0 bar. This emphasises
Droplet sizes vary from a few micrometres up to some the need for effective drift control practices in systems
hundreds of micrometres depending on the nozzle type and with low application volumes. As expected, the five BCPC
size. For the same nozzle size and pressure, cone nozzles reference nozzles cover the entire range of measured
produce the finest droplet size spectrum and the highest droplet sizes (Figs. 3 and 4) and at a pressure of 3.0 bar,
proportion of droplets prone to drift, followed by standard flat the majority of nozzles is classified as medium (Table 3).
fan nozzles, low-drift flat fan nozzles and air injection A higher spray pressure corresponds with a smaller droplet
nozzles. This can be concluded from the Dv0.1, Dv0.25, Dv0.5, size spectrum but the effect of spray pressure for the Hardi
D10, D20, D30 and D32, V100, V200, values for the different ISO F 110 03 nozzle is rather limited within a pressure
nozzle–pressure combinations in Table 3. At a pressure of range from 2.0 to 4.0 bar compared to the effect of nozzle
3.0 bar, the Albuz AXI flat fan wide range nozzles produce size and type. Relative span factors, RSF, are quite constant
about the same droplet size spectrum compared with the for the different nozzle–pressure combinations and range
Albuz API standard flat fan nozzles. Only for the ISO 06 nozzle from 0.7 for the four types of Hardi ISO Injet nozzles, up to 1.3
size the droplet sizes are slightly bigger for standard flat fan for the Hardi ISO F 110 03 nozzle at a pressure of 4.0 bar.
Albuz API 06 nozzle. The values for V100 and V200 vary from 0.5% and 3.9%



Cumulative volume, % of total


























Droplet velocity interval, m/s

Fig. 5 – Cumulative volumetric droplet velocity distribution for different Albuz nozzles at 3.0 bar and the five BCPC reference
nozzle–pressure combinations: , Delavan 110 01 at 4.5 bar; —n—, Lurmark 110 03 at 3.0 bar; —B—, Lechler 110 06 at
2.0 bar; —&—, TeeJet 8008 at 2.5 bar; —J—, TeeJet 80 15 at 2.0 bar; , Albuz ATR orange; , Albuz API 110 02;
—’—, Albuz API 110 04; —K—, Albuz API 110 06; , Albuz AXI 110 02; , Albuz AXI 110 04; , Albuz AXI
110 06; , Albuz ADI 110 02; , Albuz ADI 110 04; , Albuz AVI 110 02; , Albuz AVI 110 04; ,
Albuz AVI 110 06.
342 BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 97 (2007) 333 – 345

for the Albuz AVI 04 nozzles at 3.0 bar up to 18.3% and 67.4% ties. A complete overview of the most important droplet
for the reference nozzle Delavan 110 01 at 4.5 bar (VF/F) characteristics is given in Table 3.
which is important with regard to driftability (Table 3). Similar to droplet size spectrum, each nozzle–pressure
For the other reference nozzles, V100 values of 5.5 (F/M), 2.7 combination produces a droplet velocity spectrum with
(M/C), 1.2 (C/VC) and 0.6% (VC/EC) are measured as presented velocities varying from about 0 to 15 m s1. This is illustrated
in Table 3. Although there is no specific droplet size range that in Fig. 5 which presents the cumulative volumetric droplet
is liable to drift under all conditions, many researchers have velocity distribution for different Albuz and the reference
considered droplets smaller than 100 (Grover et al., 1978; nozzles and in Fig. 6 presents droplet velocity characteristics
Byass & Lake, 1977) or 200 mm (Bouse et al., 1990) to be the vvol10, vvol25, vvol50, vvol75, vvol90 for different Hardi and the
most drift prone. It is important to note that for the different reference nozzles. Moreover, there is a strong correlation
air injection nozzles, V100 values are less than what one between droplet sizes and velocities. In general, bigger droplet
would expect regarding the V100 values of the reference sizes correspond with higher droplet velocities. That is why
nozzles of the BCPC nozzle class they belong to. This can also anti-drift flat fan nozzles generally produce faster droplets
be deduced from the low RSF values for the different air compared to standard flat fan nozzles for the same pressure
inclusion nozzles and it is important with regard to the and nozzle size. For air injection nozzles, droplet velocities are
classification of nozzles based on their driftability. Although it lesser than expected, mainly because of the big pressure drop
is possible to reduce the proportion of drift susceptible in the nozzle created by a combination of Venturi and pre-
droplets using anti-drift flat fan or air inclusion nozzles, orifice effect. This is illustrated by the steeper curves for air
there is a concern that because of the larger droplets an inclusion nozzles in Fig. 5 and the flatter curves in Fig. 6. The
increased runoff and a reduction in efficacy of foliar acting effect of the possible presence of small air bubbles in the
pesticides may occur (Wolf, 2002). Besides, the authors want droplets, which make them less heavy, is less important
to emphasise that many other factors affect drift formation because only little air is included using water at a pressure of
including environment, wind, temperature and liquid proper- 3 bar (Combellack & Miller, 2001). Again, variations in droplet


Droplet velocity, m/s

10 25 50 75 90
Proportion of total volume, %
Fig. 6 – Droplet velocities below which slower droplets constitute 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 90% of the total volume (vvol10, vvol25,
vvol50, vvol75, vvol90) for the five BCPC reference nozzle–pressure combinations and for different Hardi nozzles at 3.0 bar:
, Delavan 110 01 at 4.5 bar; —n—, Lurmark 110 03 at 3.0 bar; —B—, Lechler 110 06 at 2.0 bar; —&—, TeeJet 80 08 at
2.5 bar; —J—, TeeJet 80 15 at 2.0 bar; ——, Hardi ISO F 110 02; —m—, Hardi ISO F 110 03; —’—, Hardi ISO F 110 04; —K—,
Hardi ISO F 110 06; , Hardi ISO LD 110 02; , Hardi ISO LD 110 03; , Hardi ISO LD 110 04; , Hardi
ISO Injet 02; , Hardi ISO Injet 03; , Hardi ISO Injet 04; , Hardi ISO Injet 06.
BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 97 (20 07) 33 3 – 345 343



Droplet diameter, μm






Dv0.1 Dv0.5 Dv0.9 Dv0.1 Dv0.5 Dv0.9 Dv0.1 Dv0.5 Dv0.9 Dv0.1 Dv0.5 Dv0.9
Delavan 110 01 Lurmark 110 03 Lechler 110 06 TeeJet 80 08
at 4.5 bar at 3.0 bar at 2.0 bar at 2.5 bar
Fig. 7 – Variability of measured results (Dv0.1, Dv0.5 and Dv0.9) from 17 different studies on four BCPC reference nozzle–pressure
combinations by means of boxplots indicating the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 90th percentile of the measuring data; Dv0.1,
Dv0.5 and Dv0.9, Volume diameter below which smaller droplets constitute 10%, 75% and 90% of the total volume: ,
measuring results from this study.

velocities are important with regard to aspects of driftability,

crop penetration and retention by the plant surfaces. 4. Conclusions
Different drop size characteristics have already been
measured by other researchers using different techniques. A test rig for the characterisation of spray nozzles within the
For the BCPC reference nozzles, 17 references (Dv0.1, Dv0.5 and framework of a research project about agricultural spray drift,
Dv0.9) were found in total (Western et al., 1989; Barnett & using a phase doppler particle analyser (PDPA) was developed
Matthews, 1992; Miller et al., 1995; Hewitt et al., 1998; and a measuring protocol was established. This PDPA is
Porskamp et al., 1999; Womac, 1999; Nilars et al., 2000; Womac, capable of producing huge amounts of useful and repeatable
2000; Herbst, 2001; Powell et al., 2002; Van De Zande et al., data. From the results, it is clear that nozzle type as well as
2002). The spreading of these measurements is presented in nozzle size have an important effect on droplet size as well as
Fig. 7 together with the PDPA measuring results presented in on velocity spectra. For the same nozzle size and spray
this publication. It is clear that absolute results differ pressure, cone nozzles produced the finest droplet size
significantly between different researches depending on spectrum followed by standard flat fan nozzles, low-drift flat
measuring protocol, settings and type of measuring equip- fan nozzles and air injection nozzles. The larger the ISO
ment. In general, results of the PDPA measurements are nozzle size, the larger is the droplet size spectrum. Moreover,
situated at the higher end of the spreading. Moreover, droplet size and droplet velocity spectra were correlated to
variation between measuring results increases with droplet each other. This information is very useful with regard to the
size. This confirms the need for (BCPC) reference nozzles to risk of spray drift and the quantity and distribution of the
classify sprays. In Table 4, the BCPC classification for the deposit on the target. Comparison with the results from other
tested nozzle–pressure combinations is compared with the research confirms the need for reference nozzles to classify
results of five other investigations, also using laser techni- sprays because of the considerable variation of absolute
ques but not considering droplet size class ‘extremely coarse’. results depending on measuring protocol and settings and
Despite the wide range of absolute measurements (Fig. 7), type of measuring equipment. In future, results will be linked
classification was identical in 73% of the cases. This quite to the drift potential of different nozzle–pressure combina-
uniform classification confirms the usefulness of these tions and used as an input for a computational fluid dynamics
reference nozzles. spray drift model.
344 BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING 97 (2007) 333 – 345

Table 4 – Comparison of BCPC nozzle classification with different other investigations

References: I: Hardi nozzles product guide, II: Huygebaert et al. (2004), III: Nilars et al. (2000), IV: Nilars et al. (2000) and V: BCPC nozzle card.

Baetens K; Nuyttens D; Verboven P; De Schampheleire M; Nicolaı̈

Acknowledgements B; Ramon H. (2007). Predicting drift from field spraying by
means of a 3D computational fluid dynamics model. Compu-
This research was funded by the Ministry of the Flemish ters and Electronics in Agriculture. doi:10.1016/
Community IWT-Vlaanderen. The authors wish to thank the pag.2007.01.009
technical staff of ILVO and especially Jo Neirynck for the Barnett G S; Matthews G A (1992). Effect of different fan nozzles
technical support. and spray liquids on droplet spectra with special reference to
drift control. International Pest Control, 31, 81–85
R E F E R E N C E S BELAC (2006). Belgian Accreditation Body. Accreditation Certifi-
cate No. 197 — TEST according to NBN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2000
for the Laboratory for Spray Application Techniques of the
Baetens K; Nuyttens D; Verboven P; De Schampheleire M; Nicolaı̈ ILVO, T&V — Agricultural Engineering
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