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Zoom call with one person, either an undergrad or graduate level student who
knows an equal or greater understanding of musical rhythms and notation. The
students are in an area where they are free to be somewhat loud and also ask
questions during the class. The students should be using a device with a
webcam and keep that turned on throughout the whole lesson. 
To teach a system of counting to help students understand why rhythm is so
important in music and also to understand how to teach others in the same


National Standards
 MU:Pr4.2.2a 
 MU:Pr4.2.E.5a 
 MU:Re7.2.2a
 MU:Pr4.2.1b
Colorado Standards High School Level
Expression of music
 1.A
 2.C
Theory Of Music
 1.A
 1.C

SWBAT learn a system of counting using 8th note subdivisions and sing and clap given rhythm
SWBAT identify the critical beat correctly by clapping on the correct beat with an audio prompt
SWBAT verbally count while subdividing the 8th note pulse 
SWBAT learn in a virtual environment to become more comfortable with learning in a virtual
format. Assess by asking at the start and end of lesson how comfortable the student is with
virtual learning.

Positive Mindset
Hands that can clap/feet that can stomp
Good internet
Worksheet supplied

Anticipatory Set
 Engagement
o Get students engaged mentally or physically
o Keep students curious
o Not always necessary to tell students EVERYTHING to start the lesson
 I can feel it coming in the air tonight (clap)
 Framing
o Tell students what they’re learning, how they’re learning, what they’re going to
show to prove they learned it
 State, Recall, repeat
 We’re going to be learning about 8th notes, what are we going to
learn about?
 Eighth notes
Activities and Procedures   ----------------(Give this a lot more detail/student action)
 Have students fill out rhythm tree
o Tree is half filled out already
 Gives students the ability to write the notes to imprint the knowledge while
also learning how notes are divided
 Quarter note activity 
o Have students clap out rhythm using quarter notes and half notes
 Rhythms will be provided on worksheet
 Will give students 30 seconds to look at it on their own then ask someone
to demonstrate for the class
 Deconstruct whole note down to eighth notes
o Move on to dotted and larger intervals (half > eighth)
 Include eighth notes into rhythmic activities they already know
o Have students create a 2-bar rhythm using eighth notes as well as quarter and
half notes
o Give them new rhythm to notate using eighth notes
 Repetition
o Repeating exercise to reinforce what was just learned
 During this process, have students self-eval to see where they’re at

Assessment Methods --------------- (Relate all methods to objectives)

 Diagnostic
o Eval students prior knowledge on rhythms
o Worksheet
 Student Formative Self-Assessment
o Thumbs up/middle/down
 Summative
o Worksheet

Closure Activity
 Have students write a 3-bar rhythm based off of audio example
 Have students clap a 2-bar rhythm based off of audio example
 Homework: Use website that plays audio examples that students have to notate, maybe

Mike Tucci                                                                         Name:________________________________

Objective:                                                                                                       Date:________________
SWBAT verbally count while subdividing the 8th note pulse 
SWBAT learn a system of counting using 8th note subdivisions and sing and clap given rhythm correctly
SWBAT identify the critical beat correctly by clapping on the correct beat with an audio prompt
SWBAT learn in a virtual environment to become more comfortable with learning in a virtual format. Assess by asking at the start
and end of lesson how comfortable the student is with virtual learning.

In music, we keep rhythm by having specific symbols to show how long a note is held
out for. The diagram (left) shows exactly how this breaks down from a whole note all the
way down to 16th notes. 

This system allows us to know exactly what rhythm to be played, even if we don’t know
the music!

One side of the rhythm tree has been filled out for you, fill in the other side to complete the tree!
Aural Training

Practice clapping the rhythm below while counting out the beats.

What’s the dotted note??

Practice the 8 rhythms below by counting and clapping the beats like you just did!


Using the blank measures below, listen to the audio examples and notate them using the
rhythms you just learned about.

4 - Exemplary 3 - Satisfactory 2 - Unsatisfactory 1-


Aural Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is

Training convert rhythms convert rhythms convert most rhythms unable to
from a written form from a written form from a written form convert rhythms
to an audible form to an audible form into an audible form from a written
using claps or using claps or using claps or other form into an
other methods of other methods of methods of audiation audible form.
audiation with no audiation with with few mistakes.
mistakes. minimal mistakes.

Notation Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is

hear audio hear audio hear audio examples unable to notate
examples and examples and and notate them audio examples
notate them notate them somewhat accurately after listening to
accurately after accurately after after listening to the the example at
only listening to the listening to the example at least least once.
example once. example at least once.

Participation Student stayed Student stayed Student stayed Student showed

engaged engaged engaged throughout a lack of
throughout the throughout the the lesson. interest/was not
lesson, was able to lesson and was focused during
answer questions able to answer Student couldn’t the lesson.
when asked, and questions when answer questions
asked meaningful asked. when asked. Student couldn’t
and important answer
questions to assist questions when
their and others’ asked.

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