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Detergent (buku /serbuk

Plastic Tali(with hooks at the end for clothes line/hanger/ berus baju
Slipper getah for masjid(ones
that are easy to slide
Spray air(small)
Hair dryer Sunglasses ensure with string for convenience.
Brush rambut

Shaver Sewing kit (small travel type)

Nail clipper Optional Toiletries Charger
Small scissors Notebook/ Post it/Pens
Chap Stick Buku Doa
Alarm Clock Buku doa Umrah
Small face mirror Marker/masking tape
bring to mosque for sneezes and nose bleeds due to Tali(To wrap stuff)
dry weather !! small packs of tissue Misc Plastic bags (TMC)Bring every where, it comes handy
Small Tupperware drinks/With compartments for food)meal times when there are a lot of people)

Food Plastic for food

Rendang Tissue paper/ toilet paper.

3 in one Milo Cocoa/Nescafe food Padlock and Key

plastic mugs (buy thermos if Umbrella ** optional Subtopic

"S" Hooks
Clear bag (easy to bring into the mosque)\ easy inspection
Baju Ihram
Kain Pelekat tak berjahit Men
Shaver Set Package set budget
Set date
Jubah (3)
Baju tidor(2) Read on rituals
Seluar panjang (3) Read any thing can appreciate the holy sites
Baju Dalam(3) Read on history more
Socks(3) Umrah /Hajj
Spiritual Mentally
Uncang kasut (Cadbury)/Pouches
workout/excersice to get into
See through bags
Physical shape
Telekong/mini telekong (2/2)
Glove and half gloves Ladies
Towel(2) advise from gene ** PERIOD!! timing
Kain Batik(1)
Medical Prepare one's self with vitamins etc
Seluar dalam (4)
Bring ample vits/medication refer to ch.list
Panty liner (1 small box)
Pads(1 box)
Notes: Chekak rambut (1 pack) Men'tis
Vaccinations get advice from doctor
bring everywhere to ensure Influenza
the aurat Small Mirrror/brush
Recommend "SIMPLE" non Fragrance products
for toiletries change in Malaysia
bring small change more convenient
I scanned my pass with photo Passport
Minyak Urut Ladies Only with black tuding
& put on all my belongings &
luggage for easy identification Band Aid agent in charge to obtain
Make Extra laminated passes. Men no head gear in photo
Toiletries VISA
Used covered shoes in Mina & Vitamin C! ensure the size of the photo
(accordance to Saudi Govt Tabung Haji will issue letter
Arafah Children medication
Tooth paste/brush Tabung haji will prepare the
Shampoo visa
Soap HAJJ use international passport VISA done by agent
Cream/face cream
Pumice stone
** ladies may require period
keep calendar handy pills!!

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