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VOL. 11, NO.

13, JULY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.



Freddy Humberto Escobar1, Ruben Alberto Gonzalez2, Laura Maria Hernandez2 and
Claudia Marcela Hernandez1
1Universidad Surcolombiana/CENIGAA, Avenida Pastrana, Neiva, Huila, Colombia
2The University of Oklahoma, Mewborne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering, E. Boyd St. SEC Rm, Norman, Ok,
United States of America
E-Mail: fescobar@usco.edu.co

Pseudolinear flow takes place in finite-conductivity fractures when the fracture face possesses a moderate to high
face skin. Then, an apparent linear flow will be developed once wellbore storage has decayed. If given the case, the
interpreter should avoid interpreting the test using the model for an infinite-conductivity fracture. Although, the straight-
line conventional analysis has been included, this paper presents a methodology that uses characteristic points and lines
found on the pressure derivative plots. The formulated technique was applied to a synthetic example and successfully
compared to conventional analysis.

Keywords: fractured wells, fracture skin, TDS Technique, linear flow, bilinear flow.

1. INTRODUCTION wells. And, recently, Escobar, Zhao and Zhang (2014)

Undoubtedly, the work conducted by Gringarten, presented an interpretation methodology for bi-zonal
Ramey and Raghavan (1974) was a breakthrough in the (composite) gas reservoirs also using the TDS Technique.
field of well test interpretation for vertical fractured wells. Escobar, Ghisays and Bonilla (2014) presented a new
They used Green functions to develop the pressure model for the elliptical flow regime and homogeneous and
solution for infinite-conductivity and uniform-flux fractured occurring formations when they are produced
hydraulic fractures. Then, Cinco, Samaniego and through fractured wells. Also, Escobar et al. (2015)
Dominguez (1978) provided a semi analytic solution for presented well test interpretation in fractured wells in
describing the pressure behavior of an oil well drained by which the threshold pressure gradient plays an important
a finite-conductivity fracture. They provided the onset for role. All the former works referred to transient pressure
defining whether or not a fracture has infinite or finite analysis. As far as transient rate analysis is concerned,
conductivity. The limiting value was set to 100 which for Escobar, Castro and Mosquera (2014) presented the TDS
practical sense became 300. Then, a fracture has infinite methodology for infinite and finite-conductivity
conductivity when its dimensionless conductivity value, hydraulically fractured gas and oil wells.
CfD, is greater than 300. It has finite conductivity, The model for pseudolinear flow regime was
otherwise.\ introduced by Wong, Harrington and Cinco-Ley (1984)
Several researches have been conducted on the and they applied conventional analysis for well test
formulation of methodologies for well test interpretation interpretation in such systems. A typical of case of a
of hydraulically fractured vertical wells. To name a few of damaged fractured well is given in Figure-1. Early data is
them: Escobar et al. (1999) applied the TDS Technique, affected by pseudolinear flow regime and the bilinear
Tiab (1993a), to finite-conductivity fractured vertical oil behavior shows up once wellbore storage effect are
wells. They successfully applied the developed vanished. The purpose of this work is to extend TDS
expressions to field and synthetic data and pointed out the Technique for pseudolinear flow. The developed
practicability of this methodology. Later, Nunez, Tiab and expressions were successfully tested with synthetic
Escobar (2003) extended the former work for gas wells examples.
using the pseudopressure and pseudopressure derivative
function. Tiab (1993b) introduced the elliptical flow 2. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION
regime and provided its characterization via TDS
Technique applied to oil wells. The conventional analysis 2.1. Mathematical model
methodology was later presented by Escobar,
Montealegre-M and Cantillo (2006). Escobar et al. (2012)
found for gas wells that the pseudotime function helps to
better characterized both fractured wells and naturally
fractured formations. They provided TDS technique as the
interpretation tool. The same year, Escobar, Bonilla and
Cicery (2012) characterized heavy oil formations drained
by infinite-conductivity hydraulically fractured vertical

VOL. 11, NO. 13, JULY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


1000 In-situ proppant

permeability, kf Altered zone
Pseudolinear flow
thickness, w a
Bilinear flow
 P & t *P ', psi



Fracture width, wf Fracture face altered

Wellbore storage
zone zone permeability, ka

Figure-2. Finite-conductive fracture with fracture face

skin. After Stewart (2011).
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
t , hr

 wa  k
Figure-1. Pearsall field horizontal well data. After S fs x f    1
Stewart (2011). 2  ka 
Wong et al. (1984) presented the mathematical Substituting the dimensionless quantities given
solution for pressure behavior under pseudolinear by Equations (3), (4), (6) and (7) into Equation (1), it
conditions: yields:

 3/2  S fs
( PD ) PLF  PLF 
(tDxf )1/2 (1) k 
4 S fs C fD C fD  2 wa   1 k
khPPLF  ka  

141.2q B 2k f w f (8)
which pressure derivative is:
 3/2
2x k
f 0.0002637kt
 3/2
(tD * PD ') PLF  (t 1/2
) (2) 4 k   ct x 2f
8 S fs C fD
 wa   1 k f w f
 ka 
where the dimensionless quantities are defined by
Equation (8) implies that a Cartesian plot of
pressure or pressure drop versus the square-root of time
0.0002637kt (3) will yield a straight line which general equation is given
tDxf =
 ct x 2f by:

khP PPLF  bPLF  mPLF t PLF (9)

PD  (4)
141.2q  B
Notice that for pressure buildup test, the tandem
kh(t * P ') square root is plotted insetad.
t D * PD '  (5) After substituting Equation (7) in Equation (9),
141.2q  B the intercept and slope can be used to estimate fracture
conductivity and the wa(k/ka-1) product, respectively:
k f wf
C fD  (6)
k xf 798.7 q 2  B  B
k f wf 
mPLF bPLF h 2 k ct
The system under study is given in Figure-2. The
fracture is surrounded by a zone of reduced permeability – 2
fracture face skin- then flow towards the fracture face is k   bPLF h 
impaired, then only flow along the fracture is seen. This is
wa   1    k k f wf
reflected as a linear flow regime.  ka   313.7q B  (11)

2.2. Conventional analysis 2.3. TDS Technique

Wong et al. (1984), who introduced conventional The pressure and pressure derivative behavior
analysis for the case under study, defined the product of generated by the model proposed by Wong et al. (1984) is
fracture face skin by the half-fracture length by: given in Figure-3. A linear flow along the fracture
characterized by a slope of 0.5 on the pressure derivative
is given instead of a bilinear flow regime with slope of ¼

VOL. 11, NO. 13, JULY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


on pressure derivative. If the skin and damage zone width Substituting the dimensionless parameters in the
are small; then, the bilinear flow regime can be seen as above expression:
shown by the field example provided by Stewart (2011).
The pseudolinear behavior is mathematically treated 1/ 2
1  ktPLF   (P ) PLF 
below. S fs      2 (16)
156.814 x f   ct   (t * P ') PLF 

Use of Equation (7) in Equation (16) leads to find

1.E+00 the wa(k/ka-1) product:
PD & tDxf *PD '

Radial flow
k  1  kt PLF   (P ) PLF 

wa   1   2  (17)
  
 ka  246.33   ct   (t * P ') PLF 
1.E-02 flow regime

During radial flow the dimensionless pressure

1.E-03 derivative is a straight line with zero slope which takes the
1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00
t Dxf
1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05
value of one half. In such case, a horizontal line is drawn
along the radial flow regime and the pressure derivative
Figure-3. Dimensionless pressure and pressure derivative corresponding to such line is read and horizontal
versus dimensionless time behavior for a finite- permeability can be obtained from the following
conductivity fractured vertical well with face skin, Sfs = expression developed by Tiab (1993a):
0.08 and CfD = 100.
70.6q B (18)
After substituting Equations (3), (5) and (6) into k
h(t * P ')r
the pressure derivative governing equation, Equation (2),
we obtain,
Tiab (1993a) also provided an expression to find
the skin factor by reading the pressure drop at any
kh(t * P ') PLF  k 3/2
0.0002637tPLF arbitrary time during radial flow:
 (12)
141.2q B 8 S fs k f w f  ct x f
 Pr  k tr  
Substituting Equation (7) and solving for the Sm  0.5   ln  2
 7.43  (19)
fracture conductivity, it yields:  (t * P ') r   ct rw  

2 Cinco et al. (1978) presented the pressure model

1.6216 tPLF  q B  (13) for finite-conductivity fractures:
k f wf   
k   ct  h (t * P ') PLF 
wa   1 2.451 4
 ka  PD  t Dxf  S fr (20)
Equation (12) is used by reading an arbitrary
point during the pseudolinear flow regime. However, it is Assuming the fracture skin is negligible and
better to read an averaged point which is obtained by substituting the dimensionless quantities in the above
extrapolating the one-half straight line to the time of one expression and solving for the fracture conductivity, Tiab
hour, then, Equation (13) becomes: et al. (1999) found a way to find fracture conductivity:
1.6216  q B  1  q B 
k f wf    k f w f  1947.46
k   h(t * P ') PLF 1    (21)
 ct wa   1  ct k  h(P) BL1 
 ka 
(14) The pressure derivative of Equation (20) is:

Dividing the pressure equation, Equation (1), by 0.6127 4

the pressure derivative expression, Equation (2), it yields: tDxf * PD '  t Dxf (22)
( PD ) PLF 8S fs
 2 (15)
Also, Tiab et al. (1999) substituted the
(t D * PD ') PLF  (tDxf )1/2
dimensionless parameters another form of obtaining
fracture conductivity:

VOL. 11, NO. 13, JULY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


2 Cinco-Ley et al. (1978) also presented the

121.74  q B  following equation for the same purpose:
k f wf    (23)
 ct k  h(t * P ') BL1 
  1.92173  3.31739 
Sm  ln  rw    (29)
  x f 
Equations (21) and (23) use, respectively, values k f w f 
of pressure and pressure derivative at a time of 1 hr. This
is practical since allows averaging the pressure and
pressure derivative data values: rw 1.65  0.32u  0.11u 2
Tiab et al. (1999) also presented an important u  ln  (30)
equation that enables us to find fracture conductivity from x f 1  0.18u  0.064u 2  0.0054u 3
the intersection point between the pressure derivatives of
radial flow and bilinear flow regimes, tRBLi, 3. SYNTHETIC EXAMPLE
A synthetic test was simulated with Equation (1)
 ct with the information given below:
t RBLi  1677 (k f w f )2 (24)
k3 B = 1.1 bbl/STB q = 500 STB/D
h = 30 ft  = 2.5 cp
xf = 200 ft ct = 1x10-5 psi-1
2.3.1. Relation between Pseudolinear and Bilinear flow
Pi = 1950 psi  = 10 %
k = 50 md rw = 0.3
In this work, we found that the point of
CfD = 80 Sfs = 0.1
intersection between the pressure derivatives of
pseudolinear flow regime, Equation (2), and bilinear flow
Estimate fracture conductivity and the wa(k/ka-1)
regime, Equation (22), to also estimate wa(k/ka-1) product
product using both TDS Technique and conventional
by the application of Equation(7);

k  1 kt PFLBLi Solution by TDS Tecnique

wa   1  (25)
 a 
k 74.954  ct The following data were read from Figure-4.

2.3.2. Relation between Pseudolinear and Radial Flow tr = 436.4 hr Pr = 321.6 psi
Regimes (t*P’)r = 64.5 psi tPLF = 1.07 hr
As mentioned before, the dimensionless pressure PPLF = 35.12 psi (t*P’)PLF = 7.92 psi
derivative takes the value of one half during radial flow tPLFRi = 23 hr
regime. Then, if the right-hand side of Equation (2) is set
to 0.5, the following expression can be obtained: 1000
PPLF  321.6 psi

k  k 2t PFLRi 100 (t * P ') r  64.5 psi

wa   1  (26) (t * P ') PLF  7.92 psi
 P & t *P ', psi

 ka  3073.832 ct (k f w f )
10 t PLFRi  23 hr
PPLF  35.12 psi
2.3.3. Other Useful Relationships
Tiab (1997) presented an excellent expression to 1
t PLF  436.4 hr
find half-fracture length when fracture conductivity is t PLF  1.07 hr
known or vice versa:
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

1.92173 (27)
t , hr

xf 
1 3.31739 Figure-4. Pressure and pressure derivative versus time
 log-log plot for the synthetic example.
rwe  Sm k f wf
Use of Equations (18) and (19) allow finding permeability
Economides, Watters and Dunn-Norman (1988) and mechanical skin factor:
presented the below to find the skin factor when radial
flow is unseen but the half-fracture length is known: 70.6q B 70.6(500)(2.5)(1.1)
k   50.2 md
h(t * P ') r (30)(64.5)
  1.92173  3.31739 
Sm  ln  rw    (28)
  x f  k f w f 

VOL. 11, NO. 13, JULY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


 321.6  (50.2)(436.4)   798.7(5002 )(2.5)(1.1) (2.5)(1.1)

Sm  0.5   ln  5 2 
 7.43  k f wf 
 64.5  (0.1)(2.5)(1  10 )(0.3 )   (26.1)(8.11)(302 ) (50.2)(0.1)(1105 )
kfwf = 665340.8 md-ft
Sm = -6.5 k   (8.11)(30) 

wa   1    (50.2)(665340.8)
 a  
k 313.7(500)(2.5)(1.1) 
Equation (17) is use to find the wa(k/ka-1) product: wa(k/ka-1) = 10.67 ft
Find dimensionless fracture conductivity with
1/2 Equation (6);
k  1  50.2(1.07)   35.1 
wa   1   5    2
 ka  246.33  (0.1)(2.5)(1 10 )   13.6  k f wf 665340.8
C fD    66.3
k xf (50.2)(200)
wa(k/ka-1) = 10.9 ft

Determine fracture conductivity with Equation (13) The estimation of fracture conductivity in the
example is 80. The TDS technique provided a closer value
2 than conventional analysis.
1.6216 1.07  500(2.5)(1.1) 
k f wf  5  
10.9 (0.1)(2.5)(110 )  30(13.62)  CONCLUSIONS
kfwf = 721057.2 md-ft New expressions for the estimation of fracture
conductivity and the wa(k/ka-1) product (a total of three)
Determine the dimensionless fracture were developed to characterize the pseudolinear flow
conductivity with Equation (6); regime found on hydraulic fracture with face skin. The
expressions were succesfully tested with a simulated
example providing acceptable results compared to the
k f wf 721057.2 input-simulated values and conventional analysis provided
C fD    71.9
k xf (50.2)(200) by Cinco et al. (1978).

Equation (26) allows verifying the wa(k/ka-1) product: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

The authors thank Universidad Surcolombiana,
and the University of Oklahoma for providing financial
k  (50.22 )(23)
wa   1  5
support for the completion of this study.
 ka  3073.832(0.1)(2.5)(110 )(721057.2)
wa(k/ka-1) = 10.46 ft Nomenclature

Solution by Conventional analysis B Volume factor, rb/STB

The slope and intercept from the Cartesian plot of bPLF Intercept of the P vs. t0.5 Cartesian plot
Figure-5 are: CfD Fracture conductivity
ct Total system compressibility, psi-1
mPLF = 26.1 psi/hr0.5 h Reservoir thickness, ft
bPLF = 8.11 psi k Reservoir horizontal permeability, md
Find fracture conductivity and the wa(k/ka-1) ka Fracture face altered zone permeability, md
product using Equations (10) and (11); mPLF Slope of the P vs. t0.5 Cartesian plot
P Pressure, psi
Pi Initial reservoir pressure, psi
Pwf Wellbore flowing pressure, psi
300 q Flow rate, BPD
rw Wellbore radius , ft
mPLF  26.1 psi / hr 0.5 Skin factor
 P, psi

Sm Mechanical kin factor
Sfs Skin fracture in fracture face
Sfr Fracture skin
bPLF  8.11 psi
t Time, days
0 tD Dimensionless time coordinate
0 5 10 15 20 25
t , hr tD*PD’ Dimensionless pressure derivative
Figure-5. Pressure drop versus square root of time (t*P’) Pressure derivative
Cartesian plot for the synthetic example. xf Half-fracture length, ft
wa Altered zone thickness, ft

VOL. 11, NO. 13, JULY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


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