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Energy stored in a coal is

कोयले में संग्रहीत ऊर्जा ______ होती है
(a)kinetic energy/ गततर् ऊर्जा
(b)potential energy/ स्थिततर् ऊर्जा
(c)chemical energy/ रजसजयतिक ऊर्जा
(d)nuclear energy/ परमजणु ऊर्जा

Sol. Chemical energy is stored in coal. Coal is a Hydrocarbon. When coal
is burnt its chemical energy comes out in the form of light and heat
energy which result in formation of vapors of Carbon Dioxide(CO2) and

Q2. In electromagnetic induction, the induced charge does not

depend on –
तिद् युत चुम्बकीय प्रेरण में, प्रेररत चजर्ा तकस पर तिर्ार िही ं करतज है –
(a) Change in flux / प्रिजह में बदलजि
(b) time of change of magnetic flux / चुंबकीय प्रिजह के पररिताि कज समय
(c) Resistance of Coil / िक्र कज तिरोध
(d) None of the above /इिमें से कोई िही ं

Sol. Induced charge does not depend upon time of change of magnetic
flux, as Induced charge Q = n∆T∅R

Q3. Waves which do not require any material medium for its
propagation is–
तरं गे तर्िके प्रसजर के तलए तकसी र्ी र्ौततक मजध्यम की आिश्यकतज िही ं होती है-
(a) Matter waves/ द्रव्य तरं गें
(b) Mechanical waves/ यजंतिक तरं गें
(c) Elastic waves/ लोचदजर लहरें
(d) Electromagnetic waves/ तिद् युतचुम्बकीय तरं गें
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Sol. Electromagnetic waves differ from mechanical waves in that they do
not require a medium to propagate. This means that electromagnetic
waves can travel not only through air and solid materials, but also
through the vacuum of space.

Q4. In modern periodic table, the number of period is

आधुतिक आिता सजरणी में, अितध की संख्यज तकतिी है?
(a) 2
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) 8

Sol. There are seven periods in the periodic table.

Q5. Match List-I with List -II and select the correct answer using the
codes given below the lists:
सूची-I कज सूची-II से तमलजि कीतर्ये और सूतचयों के िीचे तदए गए कूट कज उपयोग
करके सही उत्तर कज चयि कीतर्ये:
List-I / सूची-I List-II/ सूची-II
A. Distance / दू री 1. Hertz / हर्ट्ज ़
B. Energy / ऊर्जज 2. Light Year / प्रकजश वर्ज
C. Intensity of sound / ध्वनी की तीव्रतज 3. Joule / र्ूल
D. Frequency / आवृत्ति 4. Decibel / डे त्तसबल

(a) 2 3 4 1
(b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 2 3 1 4
(d) 2 1 3 4

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Sol. Light-year is a unit of length, joule is the unit of energy. Intensity of
sound is measured in decibel. Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz).

Q6.Neutron was discovered by

न्यूटरॉि तकस के द्वजरज खोर्ज गयज िज?
(a) J.J. Thomson/र्े. र्े. िोमसि
(b) Chadwick/चैडतिक
(c) Rutherford/ रदरफोडा
(d) Priestley/ प्रीस्टतल

Sol. Neutron was discovered by James Chadwick. Sir James Chadwick was
a British physicist who was awarded the 1935 Nobel Prize in Physics for
his discovery of the neutron in 1932.

Q7. The increasing order of acid strength of HCI, HI, HBr, HF is

HCI, HI, HBr, HF की एतसड तजकत कज बढ़तज क्रम है-
(a) HCI < HI < HBr < HI
(b) HI < HCI < HBr < HF
(c) HF < HCI < HBr < HI
(d) None/ कोई िही ं

Sol. Hydrogen Iodine has the largest size, thus weakest bond with
Hydrogen and hence largest acidity. The size of the anions increases the
order is HF<HCl<HBr<HI

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Q8. A group of archaebacteria is used in the production of-
अचेबक्टे ररयज कज समूह तकस के उत्पजदि में उपयोग तकयज र्जतज है?
(a) Ethane / एटै ि
(b) Methane / मीिेि
(c) Acids / एतसड
(d) Alchohols / अल्कोहल

Sol. Archaebacteria sub-kingdom of the kingdom Prokaryote, which on
the basis of both RNA and DNA. Archaebacteria have unique protein-like
cell walls and cell membrane simple organic compounds such as
methanol and acetate as food, combining them with carbon dioxide and
hydrogen gas from the air and releasing methane as a byproduct.

Q9. The largest invertebrate is-

सबसे बडज अकशेरूक है-
(a) Octopus / ऑक्टोपस
(b) Squid / स्क्वीड
(c) Coral / मूंगज
(d) Jellyfish / र्ेतलत़िश

Sol. Invertebrate is the animals that do not have a backbone. The
colossal squid is the largest invertebrate. It’s maximum size is 12 – 14

Q10. Which one of the following pairs is no correctly matched?

तिम्न में से कौि से र्ोडे सही ढं ग से मेल िही ं खजते?
(a) Vitamin A/तिटजतमि A – Night Blindness/रतौंधी
(b) Vitamin B_3/तिटजतमि B_3 – Pellagra / पेलजग्रज
(c) Vitamin D/ तिटजतमि डी – Colour Bindness/ रं ग अंधजपि
(d) B6/B6 -Anaemia/अिीतमयज
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Sol. Colour blindness is a sex-linked genetic disorder. It does not relate
to vitamin D. The deficiency of Vitamin A causes night blindness. Vitamin
B3 is also called niacin . Its deficiency causes pellagra. The deficiency of
folic acid causes anaemia.


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This chart gives complete information about the different types of
Vitamins, sources of vitamins and Scientific names of vitamins.

CommonName Scientific Food Sources

Vitamin A (Fat- Retinol Green leafy vegetables, nuts,
soluble) tomatoes, oranges, ripe yellow
fruits, guava, milk, liver, carrots,
broccoli and watermelon.
Vitamin B1 (Water- Thiamine Fresh fruits, corn, cashew nuts,
soluble) potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas,
wheat, milk, dates, black beans,
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin Bananas, grapes, mangoes, peas,
(Water-soluble) pumpkin, dates, yoghurt, milk,
mushrooms, popcorn, beef liver
Vitamin B3 Niacin Meat, eggs, fish, milk products,
(Water-soluble) guava, mushroom, peanuts,
cereals, green peas, etc.
Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Meat, kidney, egg yolk, broccoli,
(Water-soluble) Acid peanuts, fish, chicken, milk,
yoghurt, legumes, mushrooms,
avocado, etc.
Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine Pork, chicken, fish, bread,
(Water-soluble) wholegrain cereals, eggs,
vegetables, soya beans, etc.
Vitamin B7 Biotin Walnuts, peanuts, cereals, milk,
(Water-soluble) egg yolks, salmon, pork,
mushroom, cauliflower, avocados,
bananas, raspberries, etc.
Vitamin B9 (Water- Folic Acid Citrus fruits, green leafy
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soluble) vegetables, whole grains, legumes,
beets, etc.
Vitamin B12 Cobalamin Fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, etc.
Vitamin C (Water- Ascorbic acid Fresh citrus fruits such as orange
soluble) and grapefruit, broccoli, goat
milk, black currant, and
Vitamin D (Fat- Calciferol Fish, beef, cod liver oil, egg yolk,
soluble) liver, chicken breast and, cereals.
Vitamin E (Fat- Tocopherol Potatoes, pumpkin, guava, mango,
soluble) milk, nuts and seeds.
Vitamin K (Fat- Phytonadione Tomatoes, broccoli, mangoes,
soluble) grapes, chestnuts, cashew nuts,
beef and lamb.

Fat-soluble vitamins:

Vitamin A.

Vitamin D.

Vitamin E.

Vitamin K.

Water-soluble vitamins:




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Vitamin C.

Folic acid.


Vitamin B12.

Pantothenic acid.


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