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Diversity Project Reflection

Reflection Paper

Haoxiu Chen

College of Business & Public Management

GE 1000-W04

Dr. Leah Li Echiverri

10 December 2020


 In the last few weeks, my group members and I worked really hard to prepare the

diversity project. We put the target on cultural diversity, and to make our project completer and

more reliable we discussed the topic through comprehensive aspects like the definition,

reflection, and influence and also did a variety of research, then collected all material into a

PowerPoint in the end. 

           After finishing the presentation during the class, I learn a lot from the whole process in the

group project. It proceeds me with another efficient way of studying. In our group, each group

members have different roles, so it’s impossible to lose any of us. Members take responsibility

for their own work which saves much time and energy compared to individual work. As for me, I

played a role as a writer and presenter. My job is to analyze our ideas after discussion, read

research regarding main ideas, and present to the class. Through this work I developed my ability

in analyzing, reading, and oral communication, therefore enhancing the sense of responsibility.

This group project makes me feel more confident and more related to my teammates. The result

of our presentation is perfect; however, we made many adjustments to the PowerPoint. For

example, we replace some verbal content with images which is more clear and vivid. 

           There is no doubt that different identities have their own worldview, as well as the Wen

Zhou Kean students do. They perfectly represent their views in their work, and some of them

showed off the topic of cultural diversity by taking us on a world culinary journey; some of them

scheduled interviews with Wen Zhou Kean professors to look for distinguishing ideas which

comparing with our local thoughts; the others like us searched materials from the internet and

combine with our points. Every group made an extraordinary presentation that completely

expresses their worldview, so some of them really empress me and change my thoughts about the

world. One of the most impressive presentations for me is about cultural reference. Before

watching their presentation, I have no idea how many kinds of references such as the language,

architecture, costume, and so on consist in one culture, therefore broadening my horizon to a

large extent. Moreover, I find a similarity between me and other students. We both like our

native culture and take proud of it.    

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