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pallia-ve care in
(Through Volunteering system)
Muhamad Zulfatul A’la
•  Pendahuluan
•  Konsep volunteers/relawan
•  Lesson learnt dari F.Kep UNEJ dengan Garwita InsEtute dalam
peningkatan kualitas relawan paliaEf
•  PalliaEve care is best delivered through a mulEdisciplinary team
•  Primary care and community care are essenEal to provide palliaEve
care services to the large majority of people in need
•  Community-based palliaEve care services are those offered at a
community health centre (CHC) or that are run with community
•  Community-based palliaEve care services are typically provided by
both health-care professionals and community health workers/

World Health OrganizaEon. (2016). Planning and implemenEng palliaEve care services: a guide for programme managers.
Burbeck, R., Candy, B., Low, J., & Rees, R. (2014). Understanding the role of the volunteer in specialist palliaEve care: a systemaEc review and
themaEc synthesis of qualitaEve studies. BMC palliaEve care, 13(1), 3.
Oncology volunteers, including those with a personal history of cancer, indicated higher levels of
self-compassion and psychological well-being than paEents with cancer and even community

Peer volunteers were less saEsfied with their volunteer work and reported worse general health
and psychological well-being than volunteers without a cancer history

Meyer, A., Moran, C., Fitzpatrick, T., Ernst, J., & Körner, A. (2018). Oncology Volunteers: The effect of a personal cancer history on
compassion and psychological well-being. Clinical journal of oncology nursing, 22(4), 398-406.
Engaging in overseas volunteering assisted student
nurses to reconnect with their empathy and
compassion, and explore the humanisEc and
interpersonal nature of nursing rather than the
technical skill based components of nursing idenEty

Coatsworth, K., Hurley, J., & Miller-Rosser, K. (2017). A phenomenological study of student nurses volunteering in Nepal: Have their
experiences altered their understanding of nursing?. Collegian, 24(4), 339-344.
Siapakah volunteer/relawan itu?

Social support

Social ac-vism
helping behavior

Concept Analysis
Volunteer PaliaEf di Indonesia


Government Community
volunteering volunteering (NGO)
Lesson learnt
D e n g a n G a r w i t a i n s E t u t e
m e l a k u k a n p e l a E h a n d a l a m
meningkatkan kapasistas relawan

Inisiasi D e n g a n G a r w i t a i n s E t u t e
melakukan akEvitas pendampingan
Dep. KMB kriEs F.Kep UNEJ p a s i e n k a n k e r , h o m e c a r e ,
melakukan kerjasama dengan penyuluhan di komunitas, wisata
Garwita InsEEute, yang merupakan sehat, seminar regional
NGO di bidang PaliaEf di Jember
Training untuk volunteers Seminar regional Wisata Sehat Palia-f
Pendidikan Keperawatan?
Pengabdian Masy. Pengajaran
Bekerja sama dengan Garwita InsEtute dlam M e l i b a t k a n p r a k E s i v o l u n t e e r u n t u k
seEap pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat. memberikan pengalaman dalam meningkatkan
Kegiatan juga di mapping secara bersama pemahaman materi paliaEf
sehingga kegiatan dapat berkesinambungan. Memberikan kesempatan mahasiswa mengkaji
Melibatkan mahasiswa dalam pelaksanaan pasien kanker dengan pendampingan
pengabdian masyarakat.

PeneliEan yang dilakukan adalah dengan peneliEan payung
mahasiswa dengan sampel pasien dengan kemoterapi. Juga,
pencarian hibah bersama Garwita IInsEtute
•  Kerjasama NGO dan puskesmas dalam peningkatan

Pelayanan pelayanan paliaEf di komunitas perlu diinisiasi

•  Peran serta perawat pendidik dalam pelayanan paliaEf
harus diEngkatkan

•  Volunteering sebagai konsep yang telah eksis, namun perlu

PeneliEan dilakukan eksplorasi di Indonesia

•  Pemberdayaan masyarakat di area keperawatan paliaEf
perlu dieksplorasi lebih mendalam

•  Volunteering sebagai wahana untuk mahasiswa profesi

Pendidikan atau akademik dalam meningkatkan skill kompetensi

•  Keterlibatan prakEsi dalam pengajaran paliaEf perlu
Terima kasih

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