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(Orden ng mga Pambansang Alagad ng Sining)

Order of National Artists

(September 6, 1916 – August 1, 2002)
published books

• Selected Stories (1963)

• Poetry and Politics:
The State of Original
Writing in English in the
Philippines Today (1979)
• The Francisco
Arcellana Sampler
Arcellana died in 2002 As a
National Artist, he received a state
funeral at the Libingan ng mga Bayani
(September 8, 1915 – November 28, 1999)
The works of Gon zale z have
been publis hed in Filipin o, Englis h,,
Chinese, German, Russian an d In donesian
Short fiction

Short Fiction

• –

H e d i e d o n 2 8 No v e m b e r 1 9 9 9 at
t h e a g e of 8 4 . A s a N a t i o n a l A r t i s t ,
Go n z a l e z was h o n o r e d w i t h a s t ate
fu n e r a l a t t h e Li b i n g a n n g m g a B a y a n i .
Resil B. Mojares
(September 4, 1943)
Mojares Filipino historian and
also a critic of Philippine literature. He is
known as for his books on Philippine history.
One of Mojares’ known
works is the Origins and Rise of
the Filipino Novel: A Generic Study
of the Novel Until 1940 (Quezon
City UP Press, 1983; second ed. 1998)
Francisco Sionil Jose
He was awarded as Philippine Nation
Artist on 2001. F. Sionil Jose is a
journalist and one of the most widely
read Filipino writers in the English
language. He is also a publisher
and a lecturer on cultural issues.
Novellas: “Two Filipino Women”

Short Fiction: “The God Stealer

and Other Stories”
Waywaya : Eleven
Filipino Short Stories
*Jose founded a bookshop, publishing house and art gallery.
*He also established Solidarity
a monthly magazine of current affairs, ideas and the arts
*He strengthens the cultural links between
the Philippines and the European Union (EU).
*He contributed the Rosales Saga
a five novels encompassing a hundred years of Philippine history,
painting a vivid documentary of Filipino life which have been
translated into more than 20 languages and published worldwide
Alejandro reyes Roces
(July 1924- 23 May 2011)
short stories
published books
•Fiesta (1980)
•Something to Crow About (2005)
•Of Cocks and Kites (1959)
Nick Joaquin
the diverse heritage of the Filipino people

short sto ry Tropical Gothic (1972)
collections Stories for Groovy Kids (1979)

the play Tropical Baroque (1979)

collections Collected Verse (1987).

of poetry T h e B a l l a d o f t h e F i v e B a t t l e s ( 1 9 8 1 )
exploration of the
Philippine colonial past under Spain
psychology of social danger

literary artistry and Filipino


contribution to Philippine literature in English
Bienvenido Lumbera
A literary scholar, social
commentator, librettist, and
poet who has been chosen as
2006 National Artist for
He introduced Tagalog literature which is now known as
Bagay poetry, a landmark aesthetic tendency that has
helped to change the vernacular poetic tradition

B a g a y
He is the author of the following works:
*Likhang Dila, Likhang Diwa
(poems in Filipino and English), 1993
* Balaybay Mga Tulang Lunot at
Manibalang, 2002
*Sa Sariling Bayan Apat na Dulang
May Musika, 2004
*Agunyas sa Hacienda Luisita
Pakikiramay, 2004
As a literary scholar, his major
books in clude the following:
* Ta g a l o g P o e t r y , 1 5 7 0 - 1 8 9 8
* Tr a d i t i o n a n d I nf l u e n c e s SCHOLAR IS an academic, who
in its Developmen t works as a professor, teacher or
* P h i l i p p i n e Li t e r a t u r e researcher at a university or other
*A History an d higher education institution
A n t h o l o g y , Re v a l uat i o n
* E s s a y s o n P h i l i p p i n e Li t e r a t u r e ,
W r i t i n g t h e Nat i o n / P a g - a k d a n g Ba n s a .
A rock-opera ballet that
tells the creation story
of the Manobo tribe from
Mindanao, Tales of the
Manuvu is based on an
article written by
historian and
anthropologist E. Arsenio
Manuel. It represented a
change of pace for Ms.
As a librettist for the Tales of the Manuvu and Reyes, whose early work
consisted of dramatic
Rama Hari, he pioneered the creative women-centered historical
fusion of fine arts and popular imagination pieces such as Amada.
received the award for his creative and
critical work directed towards a literature
rooted in the search for nationhood
Cirilo f. Bautista
Is a poet, fictionist and
essayist with exceptional
achievements and
significant contributions to
the development of the
country’s literary arts who
. has been chosen as 2014
National Artist for
1. Summer Suns (1963)
2. Words and Battlefields (1998)
3. The Trilogy of Saint Lazarus (2001)
4. Galaw ng Asoge (2003)
“The Trilogy of Saint Lazarus,” is as reinvention
of the epic and is a narrative in modern idiom of Philippine history.

According to fellow poet, the late Ophelia Alcantara-Dimalanta,

“The Trilogy of Saint Lazarus conveys the Filipino
psyche, the ‘uniqueness and beauty of the Filipino Experience.”

Is hailed by local and international critics

as the greatest modern epic poetry in the
English language confirms Bautista's
position as the foremost Filipino poet today.
The Archipelago

The Archipelago
Telex Moon
Sunlight on Broken Stones

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