CHC43015-Subject 4-AWB-F-v1.2

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4Assessessment Workbook

CHC43015 Certificate IV in
Ageing Support

Work in Health and

Community Sector
V1.2 Produced 24 July 2020

Copyright © 2017 Compliant Learning Resources. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system other than
pursuant to the terms of the Copyright Act 1968 (Commonwealth), without the prior written permission of
Compliant Learning Resources.
Version control & document history

Date Summary of modifications made Version

Version 1 final produced following assessment

17 March 2017 1.0

Removed multiple choice and matching items for

20 March 2017 1.1
automated quiz.

Corrected typographical error in Case Study 1’s video

24 July 2020 1.2
submission instructions

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This is an interactive table of contents. If you are viewing this document in Acrobat,
clicking on a heading will transfer you to that page. If you have this document open
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TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................3
INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENT........................................................4
WHAT IS COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT...................................4
THE DIMENSIONS OF COMPETENCY..............................................6
REASONABLE ADJUSTMENT.........................................................7
THE UNITS OF COMPETENCY.......................................................9
CONTEXT FOR ASSESSMENT...............................................10
ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS....................................................10
ASSESSMENT METHODS.............................................................11
RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR ASSESSMENT....................................12
ASSESSMENT WORKBOOK COVER SHEET......................................13
KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT.........................................................14
CASE STUDIES.........................................................................20
Case Study 1: Eddie....................................................................................................20
Case Study 2: Javier...................................................................................................26
Case Study 3: Janis....................................................................................................30
WORKBOOK CHECKLIST............................................................36

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The questions in this workbook are divided into two categories.
The Knowledge Assessment covers generic underpinning knowledge of basic terms
and concepts relating to the relevant units of competency. These questions are all in a
short answer format. The longer questions requiring creative thought processes are
covered in the case studies assessment. You must answer all questions using
your own words. However, you may reference your learner guide and other online
or hard copy resources to complete this assessment.
Some questions cover processes you would be likely to encounter in a workplace.
Ideally, you should be able to answer these questions based on the processes that are
currently in place in your workplace. However, if you do not currently have access to
a workplace, then answer the questions based on processes that should be
implemented in a typical workplace setting.


The features of a competency based assessment system are:
 It is focused on what learners can do and whether it meets the criteria
specified by industry as competency standards.

 Assessment should mirror the environment the learner will encounter

in the workplace.

 Assessment criteria should be clearly stated to the learner at the

beginning of the learning process.

 Assessment should be holistic. That is it aims to assess as many

elements and/or units of competency as is feasible at one time.

 In competency assessment a learner receives one of only two outcomes

– competent or not yet competent.

 The basis of assessment is in applying knowledge for some purpose. In

a competency system, knowledge for the sake of knowledge is seen to be
ineffectual unless it assists a person to perform a task to the level
required in the workplace.

 The emphasis in assessment is on assessable outcomes that are clearly

stated for the trainer and learner. Assessable outcomes are tied to the
relevant industry competency standards where these exist. Where such

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competencies do not exist, the outcomes are based upon those identified
in a training needs analysis.

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Definition of competency
Assessment in this context can be defined as:
 The fair, valid, reliable and flexible gathering and recording of evidence
to support judgement on whether competence has been achieved. Skills
and knowledge (developed either in a structured learning situation, at
work, or in some other context) are assessed against national standards
of competence required by industry, rather than compared with the
skills and knowledge of other learners.


Developing and conducting assessment, in an Australian vocational education and
training context, is founded on a number of basic conventions:

The principles of assessment

 Assessment must be valid

o Assessment must include the full range of skills and knowledge

needed to demonstrate competency.

o Assessment must include the combination of knowledge and skills

with their practical application.

o Assessment, where possible, must include judgements based on

evidence drawn from a number of occasions and across a number of

 Assessment must be reliable

o Assessment must be reliable and must be regularly reviewed to

ensure that assessors are making decisions in a consistent manner.

o Assessors must be trained in national competency standards for

assessors to ensure reliability.

 Assessment must be flexible

o Assessment, where possible, must cover both the on and off-the-job

components of training within a course.

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o Assessment must provide for the recognition of knowledge, skills
and attitudes regardless of how they have been acquired.

o Assessment must be made accessible to learners though a variety of

delivery modes, so they can proceed through modularised training
packages to gain competencies.

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 Assessment must be fair and equitable

o Assessment must be equitable to all groups of learners.

o Assessment procedures and criteria must be made clear to all

learners before assessment.

o Assessment must be mutually developed and agreed upon between

assessor and the assessed.

o Assessment must be able to be challenged. Appropriate

mechanisms must be made for reassessment as a result of

The rules of evidence (from Training in Australia by M Tovey, D Lawlor)

When collecting evidence there are certain rules that apply to that evidence. All
evidence must be valid, sufficient, authentic and current;
 Valid

o Evidence gathered should meet the requirements of the unit of

competency. This evidence should match, or at least reflect, the type
of performance that is to be assessed, whether it covers knowledge,
skills or attitudes.

 Sufficient

o This rule relates to the amount of evidence gathered. It is imperative

that enough evidence is gathered to satisfy the requirements that
the learner is competent across all aspects of the unit of

 Authentic

o When evidence is gathered, the assessor must be satisfied that

evidence is the learner’s own work.

 Current

o This relates to the recency of the evidence and whether the evidence
relates to current abilities.


The national concept of competency includes all aspects of work performance, and
not only narrow task skills. The four dimensions of competency are:

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 Task skills

 Task management skills

 Contingency management skills

 Job or role environment skills

Adapted Reasonable Adjustment in teaching, learning and assessment for learners
with a disability - November 2010 - Prepared by - Queensland VET Development
Reasonable adjustment in VET is the term applied to modifying the learning
environment or making changes to the training delivered to assist a learner with a
disability. A reasonable adjustment can be as simple as changing classrooms to be
closer to amenities, or installing a particular type of software on a computer for a
person with vision impairment.
Why make a reasonable adjustment?
We make reasonable adjustments in VET to make sure that learners with a disability
 the same learning opportunities as learners without a disability
 the same opportunity to perform and complete assessments as those without a

Reasonable adjustment applied to participation in teaching, learning and

assessment activities can include:
 customising resources and assessment activities within the training package
or accredited course
 modifying the presentation medium
 learner support
 use of assistive / adaptive technologies
 making information accessible both prior to enrolment and during the course
 monitoring the adjustments to ensure learner needs continue to be met.

Assistive / Adaptive Technologies

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Assistive / adaptive technology means ‘software or hardware that has been
specifically designed to assist people with disabilities in carrying out daily activities’
(World Wide Web Consortium - W3C). It includes screen readers, magnifiers, voice
recognition software, alternative keyboards, devices for grasping, visual alert
systems, digital note takers.

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Reasonable adjustment made for collecting candidate assessment evidence must not
impact on the standard expected by the workplace, as expressed by the relevant
Unit(s) of Competency. E.g. If the assessment was gathering evidence of the
candidates competency in writing, allowing the candidate to complete the
assessment verbally would not be a valid assessment method. The method of
assessment used by any reasonable adjustment must still meet the competency

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The units of competency specify the standards of performance required in the
This assessment addresses the following unit(s) of competency from CHC43015
Certificate IV in Ageing Support:

CHCCOM005 - Communicate and work in health or community services

1. Communicate effectively with people
2. Collaborate with colleagues
3. Address constraints to communication
4. Report problems to supervisor
5. Complete workplace correspondence and documentation
6. Contribute to continuous improvement

CHCDIV001 - Work with diverse people

1. Reflect on own perspectives
2. Appreciate diversity and inclusiveness, and their benefits
3. Communicate with people from diverse backgrounds and situations
4. Promote understanding across diverse groups

For complete copies of the above units of competency:

Download them from the TGA website:

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To complete the assessments in this workbook, candidates need to have access to
their learning materials and the internet. The written questions and project may be
completed wholly at the student’s home or chosen place of study.

The assessment requirements specify the evidence and required conditions for
Each unit of competency can be unbundled to reveal three key assessment

1. Performance Evidence
- describes the subtasks that make up the element of the unit
2. Knowledge Evidence
- describes the knowledge that must be applied in understanding the tasks
described in the elements
3. Assessment Condition
- describes the environment and conditions that assessments must be
conducted under

The associated assessment method in this kit covers all of these components as
detailed in the matrix to follow:
Units of Competency

Assessment Activities

Multiple Choice Questions  

Research – Short Answer Questions 

Case Studies  

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There are eleven (11) Assessment Workbooks for the course. Nine (9) of which are
Theory Workbooks, one (1) is the First Aid Workbook, and one (1) is the Skills
Workbook. This is Workbook 4.

Theory Workbooks
The Theory Workbooks use the following assessment methods:

1. Knowledge Assessment – A set of generic and workplace questions testing

the student’s general knowledge and understanding of the general theory
behind the unit.
2. Case Studies – Detailed scenarios and simulated environments providing all
necessary information required to complete relevant tasks and activities

The theory workbooks in this course are as follow:

Workbook 1 – Support Independence and Wellbeing
Workbook 3 – Manage Aged Care Compliance

Workbook 4 – Work in Health and Community Sector

Workbook 5 – Support and Empowerment of Older People

Workbook 6 – Deliver Care Services Using a Palliative Care Approach

Workbook 7 – Facilitate the Empowerment of People with Disability
Workbook 8 – Support Relationship with Carers and Families
Workbook 9 – Plan and Deliver Services to Clients
Workbook 10 – Develop and Maintain Networks and Collaborative

First Aid Workbook

The First Aid Workbook contains guidance for you in submitting your requirement in
the unit HLTAID003 Provide First Aid. Refer to Workbook 2 – First Aid for this

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Skills Workbook
The Skills Workbook contains the practical assessment which covers all units of
competency of CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support.
These practical assessment activities will be completed during the course of your
Vocational Placement.
You should not commence with the Skills Workbook until you have
completed the nine (9) theory workbooks and have received feedback
from your assessor.

The assessment method used in the Skills Workbook includes:

1. Practical Assessment – a set of tasks or activities completed according to set

instructions and guidelines to meet the requirements of the relevant units.
These tasks and activities require you to have access to a workplace.

The skills workbook in this course is:

- Workbook 11 – Skills Workbook


To complete the assessments in this workbook, the candidate will need access to:
 Computer with internet access and a working web browser
 Installed Software: MS Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader
 A video recording equipment for the case study
 An audio recording equipment for the case study
 Volunteer/s for the case studies

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WORKBOOK: Workbook 4

TITLE: Work in Health and Community Sector




Please read the Candidate Declaration below and if you agree

to the terms of the declaration sign and date in the space
By submitting this work, I declare that:
 I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made
aware of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment candidate,
and choose to be assessed at this time.
 I am aware that there is a limit to the number of submissions that I
can make for each assessment and I am submitting all documents
required to complete this Assessment Workbook.
 I have organised and named the files I am submitting according to the
instructions provided and I am aware that my assessor will not assess
work that cannot be clearly identified and may request the work be
resubmitted according to the correct process.
 This work is my own and contains no material written by another
person except where due reference is made. I am aware that a false
declaration may lead to the withdrawal of a qualification or statement
of attainment.
 I am aware that there is a policy of checking the validity of
qualifications that I submit as evidence as well as the
qualifications/evidence of parties who verify my performance or
observable skills. I give my consent to contact these parties for
verification purposes.

Name :      Signature:       Date:      

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1. Briefly describe how each of the following can influence communication in

an aged care context.

Concept Influence
I believe language is one of the biggest barriers to patient
receiving holist care. If patient is unable to communicate
symptoms and needs in aged care, this can result to inaccurate
assessment and interpretation of actual condition. Language
a. Language
barrier poses real problems in assessing the patient's baseline,
therefore no continuity of care. hence, language influence
positive communication in a context of aged care. language
assist to communicate and share feelings.
b. Culture High risk of patient being misunderstood from cultural
perspective , making it difficult for staff to address patient's
needs. the culture of patient and care taker effects on behaviour
of people and communication. it is important to ensure
individual from different background could feel safe and good
care experiences in aged care. cultural awareness lack could
result to frustration and could impact on their relation in age
care service. hence, culture could cause misunderstanding during
c. Religion it is essential to respect religious belifs of people in age care for
making them comfortable. Religion could could influence on
medicines, diet, and good health abstains. If in aged care,
religious need could not be addressedit could decrease level of
satisfaction and generate conflic during communication.
Planning of aged care requires for considering religion for
meeting choice of old peopleact and preferences on their interest.

d. Emotional state Emotion plays an important role in communication of aged care.

It an individual is aware of their emotional feeling it would make
better communication of aged care. It is important to notice
emotion and feeling during aged care. If emotion is not
considered during communication of aged care, it could release
negative impact while attempting to connect with aged care old
e. Disability Disanility could influencein aged care communication as
individual with intellectual disabilities like impairment, hearing,
speech, etc. have difficulties in communication. Appopriately
failure in communication with people has become one of the
barriers in aged care for disable people.

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f. Health Due to change in cognitive decline and physical healt
communication skills will also change. Speech process could be
changed due to aging. Such as in aged care if an individualis
suffering from illness it is essential for speaking politely with
respect and care.
g. Age older individual might not be able for providing and reciving
information in proper way. It is essential for considering age
during communication with old ones. Like the old person could
not hear properly it service provider speaker at fast seppn or low

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2. The following are some of the cultural influences in Australia. Select at least
two (2) of these influences.
Briefly discuss how each influence changed the practices in the diverse
Australian society.
a) Pearling industry
b) Farming industry
c) The bush
d) Clothing
e) Food
Each discussion must be between 50 – 100 words in length.

a) Pearing industry: In Australia, it has intresting and long history. This industry
has being change from 1860. Pearing industry took proper advantage of
technology and diverse workforce from indigeneous divers for a change. This
industry made its divers more skilled and today society of Australia have
improved pearing industry with its workforce.

b) Farming industry: It refers to the industry that includes various activities like
animals' rearing, growing crops, etc. Australia holds an important position as
different agriculture product producer like wool, wheat, millet, atc. In
Australian society farming practices have been changed with development of
innovative techniques of farming and various scientific developments. In the
present condition it has brought big improvements in farming sector in proper
managed way. In australia, some of the big farming includes horticulture,
animals products, crops, wool, etc.

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3. Briefly how diversity practices and experiences affect each of the following:
a) Personal behaviour
b) Interpersonal relationships
c) Perception
d) Social expectation of others
Each discussion must not exceed 50 words.

a) personal behaviour: Experience and practise of diversity have both negative

and positive impact on the behaviour of person. It is very essential for
understanding own emotions and feelings for behaving posoitively with other
and to understand them. Practice of diversity could be encouraged to
understand cultural background of others and to avoid conflict by
encouraging for maintaining good communication. Every individual has
ability for understanding various values, tends, and thoughts because of
experience and practice of diversity and for for improving skills of

b) Interpersonal relationships: It refers to the association among the

individuals. Experiences and diverse practise influences on interpersonal
relationships as it upgrades other culture acceptance among individual
belenging to various culture. It would increase prejudice as well as

c) Perception: It refers to interpreting sensory information processing and

understanding information present around. Experience and practices of
diversity would increase awaresness and make individula understand wrong
and right. Different individual have various cultural perception as experience
would develop sense for understanding people.

d) Social expectation of others: Experince and practice of diversity have huge

impact on social expectation of other in the environment as various beloning
to various culture have various thinking and opinion. It could assist in
analyzing matter and various perspective that would support for meeting
social expectation of thers. It also consist negative impact as it could generate
conflict because of various culture and view point.

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4. Research about your own cultural background.
a. In the spaces provided, describe your own culture’s:
i. Community attitudes
ii. Language
iii. Policies
iv. Structures
b. In the corresponding columns, describe how these aspects of your
culture impact different people and groups.

Your own culture: Hindu culture

Community Attitudes
Description: Impact different people and groups:
Hindu belief is totally non-exclusive and Hinduism reinforced a strict social
accepts all other faiths and religious hierarchy called a caste system that
paths. In fact, an ancient Vedic text says made it nearly impossible for people to
that God or Truth is one and wise people move outside of their social station.
refer to it by very many names.
Description: Impact different people and groups:
Language is intrinsic to the expression language is also used to transmit values,
of culture. As a means of laws, and cultural norms, including
communicating values, beliefs and taboos. Language, since it expresses and
customs, it has an important social reinforces culture, influences the
function and fosters feelings of group personal identity of those living within
identity and solidarity. It is the means the culture and creates boundaries of
by which culture and its traditions and behavior. Those boundaries can include
shared values may be conveyed and censorship.
Description: Impact different people and groups:
Dharma, the basis for the legal system, Hinduism reinforced a strict social
is a system of natural laws in which hierarchy called a caste system that
specific rules are derived from an ideal, made it nearly impossible for people to
moral, and eternal order of the universe. move outside of their social station.
The fact that the laws are based on this
eternal order is their source of
validation and authority.
Structures in your own culture

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Description: Impact different people and groups:
The caste system divides Hindus into Hinduism reinforced a strict social
four main categories - Brahmins, hierarchy called a caste system that
Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras. made it nearly impossible for people to
Many believe that the groups originated move outside of their social station.
from Brahma, the Hindu God of

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5. Research about the rights and responsibilities of:
a. individual support workers, including aged care workers,
b. employers,
c. and clients (aged care clients)
Identify the appropriate actions when these rights or these responsibilities are
not being upheld or carried out.
Complete the table provided below. Further guidance is provided for you within
the template.

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Appropriate actions when rights
are being infringed OR
Rights Responsibilities responsibilities are not being carried
Provide at least one (1) for each Provide at least one (1) for each out.

Provide at least one (1) for each

right to: respect for their to respect the rights of care fire from job
Workers individual human worth and workers to their human, legal and
(These include dignity; respect for their privacy; workplace rights including the
individual support
workers, aged care
respect for their confidentiality right to work in a safe
workers, care environment

right to expect reasonable work Employers have a responsibility to giving a notice and attempting to
performance from their staff. provide safe working conditions negotiate with the infringer
regarding fee and terms if
Employers applicable

be safe and high quality care and have a responsibility to: Show to contact the infringer in a
services consideration and respect to all professional manne
staff, volunteers, clients and
Clients or aged care

Case Study 1: Eddie

Scenario 1
You are supporting an older person for the first
time and you would like to know their
preferences in care. The person you are assigned
with is Eddie, an elderly person from an
Aboriginal background, and is having a hearing
loss due to ear infection.
You introduce yourself to Eddie with a smile and
he smiles back to you. Then you asked him if it’s
alright to ask him questions. He smiles and nods
his head. You asked him about his day and he
responds with a nod. You start asking about how
you could help him. Eddie looks at you and leans
Source: a little forward. You repeat the question because
you think that he did not hear you well. Eddie
shakes his head and looks down. You asked him if he could speak English to which he
looks unto you and shakes his head.
The policy and procedures in your workplace require you to seek immediate
assistance from an interpreter for this kind of situation.
Task 1
Answer the following questions.
1. Identify two (2) things in the scenario that can potentially lead to a
misunderstanding or difficulties in communication.

a) Empathy: It has become difficult for understanding feeling and respond of

Eddie appropriately in condition due to empathy skills lack.

b) Proper interaction diffencicy - Due to the disability of the Eddie there is not
good interaction in scenario.

2. Identify two (2) personnel whom you could ask for immediate assistance
regarding this scenario.

a) Doctors- Doctors can provide help by assisting for knowing the hearing as
well as other Eddie's health condition.

b) Aged care specialist advisor - Aged care specialist advisor could provide
advice and provide strategies for copping up with existing conditions .

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Task 2
Refer to your responses in Case Study 1 Question 2.
For the purpose of this assessment scenario, your workplace requires you to call an
interpreter through phone to request for assistance.
Using an audio recording device, simulate a phone call with two (2) interpreters or
relevant persons to inform them of your need for assistance. Explain about the
situation and the communication need.
Your audio recording must be no more than 5 minutes long in total.
Save your file using the filename: CHC43015-Subject 4-Case Study1 and submit it
to your Assessor.
Guidance: Submit only one audio recording for this assessment but it should
contain two simulated phone calls.

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Scenario 2
Eddie has been ill for the past few days and he refuses to take his medications. He
keeps telling the other support worker attending to him, through an interpreter,
that the centre is making him very sick. He says that bush medicine will make him
feel better as that is what they used in their community. He talks about his life in
the Country, how he loves to tend his land as it makes him feel strong.
He tells you that he misses his family and he wants to see his grandchildren. Eddie
asks the other worker every now and then when he can leave the centre. He is
afraid that he may not be able to leave the place and he wants to die in his own
Country. The support worker then suggested that maybe his grandchildren can
visit him in the centre. Eddie got upset when the worker said this. He told them not
to take away his grandchildren. Eddie wouldn’t speak with anyone again after that
Task 3
Answer the following questions.
Identify three (3) impacts of social and cultural diversity portrayed in this scenario.
Guidance: You may refer to other resources about the Aboriginal culture to
answer the question.

1. What are the impacts of social and cultural diversity from this scenario?
Identify at least three (3).

a) Aboriginal culture - Eddie is not ready to accept change.

b) Beliefs in traditional methods     

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c) Impact in mental condition

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Scenario 3
Eddie’s other support worker, Isabelle, has been stressing out. Isabelle says Eddie
would not cooperate with her. She approached one day to complain about the
situation. She says that she should not be assigned to a client who doesn’t speak
English and has a lot of considerations for treatment.
For this assessment, you are to demonstrate your communication skills in order to
address the conflict between Eddie and Isabelle.
Task 4
Role-play a conversation with Isabelle and record it in a video. Seek the assistance
of a volunteer (this can be your friend, family, or colleague) to simulate the role of
the support worker.
Use the following guidelines to complete the scenario:
 The support worker must tell you about the issues between them and Eddie.
 Assist the support worker in understanding Eddie’s culture.
 Provide possible solutions on how you can support Eddie’s needs despite the
 Ensure to maintain sensitivity between both cultures when addressing the
Your video submission must be no more than seven (7) minutes long. Save your
video using the filename: CHC43015-Subject 4-Case Study Video and submit it to
your Assessor.
Guidance: Any video submission longer than what is required will be marked as
not satisfactory.

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Case Study 2: Javier
Scenario 1
You are working at a residential aged care
facility with a number of younger workers.
One of the residents is 7o-year old Javier,
who has been diagnosed for chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. He has
been a chain smoker since he was age 20.
His treatment plan includes avoidance of
cigarette smoking.
One day, while you were assisting a client
for an early morning walk, you saw Javier
and two younger workers, Eli and William,
smoking vape (electronic cigarette) in the
designated smoking area of the facility.
When it was time for you to assist Javier,
you told him you saw him smoking vape with the young workers. You tell him about
the health effects of using vape. Javier says that it is better than using a real cigarette.
You know that if he continues to smoke, his health condition might worsen. In fact,
he has been coughing a lot lately and has been having chest pains despite taking
medications. He does not report this to the support workers who are also assisting
him as he fears that they will find out that he has been smoking again.
Task 1
Answer following questions.

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1. As a residential aged care client, what are Javier’s rights?
Identify at least two (2).

a) Receiving proper care and treatment

b) Right to report health situations to support workers

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2. Identify two (2) of Javier’s responsibilities that have been compromised in
the scenario.

a) Following the rules and regulation

b) Providing appropriate and sufficient information

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Scenario 2
After talking with Javier, you decided to talk with the Eli and William, the workers
Javier has been smoking with.
You told Eli and William what would possibly happen to the Javier and to them as
workers if they did not stop smoking. Eli told you that they are just helping Javier
reserve his right as he wanted to smoke again.
The next day, just like nothing happened, you saw the Eli and William again with
Javier. You overheard from other workers that Javier has been giving them money
to buy liquid nicotine.
The service provider prohibits any staff in the facility from participating in any
substance use with the client including drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes. Moreover, staff
are to avoid any situations that will cause conflict of interest while performing their
duties in the facility.
According to your organisation’s policies and procedures, you are report instances
like this to your co-worker.
Task 2
Write a report to your supervisor informing him about the incident. In your report,
discuss any legal and ethical responsibilities that were breached in the scenario.
Discuss the actions you have taken and any feedback that you have identified.
Write your report below.

The purpose of this report is to let you know about the recent incident of our
residential aged care and make you aware. Javier is smoking with young workers
although he is well known about own health conditions
Our client Javier who is facing pulmonary disease is not fulfilling own
responsibilities. He is smoking with young workers although he is well known
about own health conditions. Avoidance of smoking is very important to maintain
his health condition. Young workers are paticipating with Javier and supporting
him. Although service providers prohibits workers to participate in using
substances such as cigerettes, drugs etc. Young workers breached code of conduct
in aged care working environment. I have warned him about the health condition
and made him aware about negative impact on health. Still i heard he is providing
money to workers for buying liquid nicotine.
It has become one of the critical issues. So it is important to aware both client and
support workers about the ethical and legal responsibilities . Proper policies need
to be developed and encouge proper monitoring in working environment. Action
should be taken against this issue and implement actions that will avoid such

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activities in future.

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Case Study 3: Janis
Janis is an 80-year old client in a Lotus Compassionate Care’s respite care facility.
She has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease about eight years ago, and is
showing signs of dementia. She stays at home with her youngest son, Ian, who serves
as her carer during weekends.
On weekdays, Ian brings his
mum to the facility as he has to
go to work.
You have been assigned to
provide care services for Janis.
Janis undergoes therapy at least
twice a week, usually every
Monday and Thursday. She has
been observed to be cooperative
with the therapist and care
workers, and shows a light
One Monday, her son Ian requested if he could watch over while his mum undergoes
therapy session as she is unwell. According to the organisation’s policies, carers of
clients are only allowed to watch their patients outside the therapy room. While the
therapy session is ongoing, you noticed that Ian is uneasy – he is pacing around the
room and peeks into the therapy room’s small window. After the therapy, the
specialist reports that Janis is unusually quiet today. You leave her to his son, as the
son requested that he talk with his mum.
A few minutes later, you see Ian storming out of the room, his face looking furious.
You walk over to Janis to ask what happened. She is hesitant at first, but she tells you
that her son is suggesting that she stays in the facility as he may not be able to watch
after her anymore. His son also told her that he would be managing the house while
she is away, so he asked her to provide access to her bank accounts so he could also
pay for her medications. Janis says that Ian probably got upset because she couldn’t
tell him the information about her accounts as she might be having memory lapses.
Janis further tells you not to speak about this with anyone.
Janis returns home with his son that weekend but is not around the following week.
His son tells you that his mum has become very ill and does not want to leave the
house. He promises to bring her next week.

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Janis arrives at the respite care facility on the week advised. She is more quiet and
only stares or nods when you talk with her. She also seemed to have lost weight.
While helping her get dressed one morning, you noticed that she has bruises on her
wrists. She also has rashes on back. You ask Janis what happened and she tells you
that his son is getting stressed out with her and is drinking a lot lately. He asked
her one time to sign a document but her hands are having difficulty moving, so his
son gripped her hand. You ask her if she’s hurt but she says that she will be fine.
She feels sad because she wants to stay with her son. Her son also tells her not to
call him as he will be very busy.
You suspect that Janis is being abused by her son. Under your organisation’s
policies and procedures, any suspected abuse of clients, whether by their carer or
support staff in the facility, must be immediately reported to the supervisor.
Guidance: For the purpose of this assessment, the date that you are currently talking
with Janis is 23 May 20xx. The current time is 9:00 AM.

Task 1
Answer the following questions.
1. What are the indicators of risk affecting Janis in the scenario? Identify at
least two (2).

a) Abused by own son: Son of Janis treat her badly and her son also hurt her.
Janis felt sad because she want to stay with her son. But because of behavior
of son of Janis, she is at high risk. Behavior of Janis indicate that he is
stressed and shows unethical behavior.

b) Dementia: As we know that janis is suffering from Dementia and Dementia

forget the memeries because of memory lapses. It is the major risk which is
affecting mental health condition of Janis.

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2. What is your duty of care to Janis, relating to the scenario? Identify at least
two (2).

a) Making son of Janis aware regarding her disease

b) Reporting incident to the supervisor

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Task 2
Role-play the last part of the scenario where you are speaking with Janis about the
suspected abuse. Your task is to show evidence that you can use effective
communication in the context of an aged care setting.
Use the following guidelines to complete the scenario:
 Janis asked you not to report about the bruises and rashes you found on her
 She also asked you to call her son and tell him that she wishes to be home
for the weekend.
 She tells you that she wants to stay with her son because he is starting to
become an alcoholic and is going out with some friends whom she doesn’t
As the care worker, you must be able to demonstrate the following:
 Appropriate use of verbal and non-verbal communication when speaking
with the client
 Listening to the client’s requests and clarifying what they meant
 Briefly discuss the service that the organisation can provide if she decides to
stay in a permanent residential care facility
 Ensure the client that you are maintaining the confidentiality of the
Enlist the assistance of at least one volunteer and video record this task to be
submitted to your assessor. Your video submission must be no more than 7
minutes long.
Guidance: Any video submission longer than what is required will be marked as not
Your assessor will be evaluating you based on the criteria of the Assessor’s
Checklist provided.

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Assessor’s Checklist
For assessor’s use only. Check Yes or No if the candidate’s submission meets the
following criteria:
1. The student’s video submission is no more than 7 minutes Yes
long. No

2. The verbal and non-verbal communication appropriately:

a. Uses active listening Yes


b. Clarifies information (e.g. repeats client’s request)

c. Uses proper posture in the act of listening

d. Maintains eye contact as necessary

e. Nods or shakes head as necessary

f. Maintains proper professional distance from client

3. The candidate does not provide personal advice to client Yes

about the situation. No

4. The candidate has provided information about residential Yes

care services, within his/her own work role. No

5. The candidate ensures the client that the conversation is Yes

confidential. No

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Task 3
You have reported the situation about Janis to your supervisor, in line with your
organisation’s policies and procedures. The supervisor asks you to complete a form
that will be filed in case there will be an instance the suspected abuse happens
again. He has further advised you to keep track of the signs of possible abuse that
you have notice of the client.
Complete the Reportable Assault Form.
Guidance: For the purpose of this assessment, your work number is your home
phone number.

Reportable Assault Form

Your Name:      
Work Number:      
Name of Provider:      
Note: An officer might contact you for further details on the incident.
Report is related to:
unreasonable use of force or assault
unlawful sexual contact
Date and time of alleged/suspected assault was made known:
Date:       Time:      
Has assault been reported to the police? Have police arrested or charged a person in
relation to the assault?
Do not know
Actions taken:
I declare that the information I have provided in this form is complete and correct.
Name:       Date:      

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When you have completed assessing the assessment workbook, review the
candidate’s assessment against the checklist below:
The candidate has completed all the assessments in the
Part 1: Quiz - Work in Health and Community Sector

Part 2:

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Eddie

Case Study 2: Javier

Case Study 3: Janis

The candidate has completed the templates/submitted all of the

following evidences:
Case Study 1
Task 1: Case Study Questions

Task 2: Audio recording submission

Task 3: Case Study Questions

Task 3: Role-play video submission

Case Study 2
Task 1: Case Study Questions

Task 2: Report to Supervisor

Case Study 3
Task 1: Case Study Questions

Task 2: Role-play video submission

Task 3: Reportable Assault Form

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Candidates must achieve a satisfactory result to ALL assessment tasks to be
awarded COMPETENT for the units relevant to this cluster.

To award the candidate competent in the units relevant to this subject, the candidate
must successfully complete all the requirements listed above according to the
prescribed benchmarks.

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Well done for finishing this workbook. We hope that what you learn with
us will open up new pathways of success in your life. At Compliant
Learning Resources, we continually strive to improve our courses and
heighten the learning experience for you. One way we do this is by
seeking feedback. Your experience is important to us and we are very
keen to hear any suggestions or complaints you may have. Click on the
button below to let us know what you think of us and our course.


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