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The Best Day of My Life

If I had to choose only one day in my life to live it again, it would be September,
23th in 1996. I was seven years old and I used to spend my afternoons cooking
with my mom or reading short stories with my grandpa.
Every day at six o’clock, my dad would come home and tell us about his day at the
office. He was always very tired but still cheerful. He never let anything bad from
his work show in his mood once he got home.
On the 23th of September, something unusual happened. I was taking peeks
through the window since a quarter to six, as I did every afternoon. The church bell
sang and I knew it was six o’clock, and my dad would be home any minute.
The time past by and he didn’t arrived. My mom was beginning to worry. Cell
phones were not very common at that moment, so we had no way of getting in
touch with him. Mom called the office: he had left at half past five, as accustomed.

My name is Rose Jackson. I’m 30 years old and I’m an engineer from the U.S.A.,
but the least I do is working as an engineer or staying in my country, I’ve felt the
need of traveling since I was a little child. My father used to take my siblings and I
on at least three trips a year. To give you a little review of what my life has been I
can tell you that I’ve been married twice in two different countries and gotten
divorced once.  I’ve tried unimaginable types of food, I’ve seen ineffable
landscapes and I’ve known incredible people, in both, negative and positive ways.
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I learned how to speak several languages when studied in high school, also my
parents taught me Spanish. This is something that has allowed me to work as a
foreign language teacher and as an interpreter everywhere I’ve visited. I have to
tell that this is a very well-pay job all over the world, so thanks God I haven’t
passed through a lack of money situation while traveling.
I’ve visited all America, but I haven’t been to Argentina yet. I’m looking forward to
go there this year. I’ve heard they have the smoothest and delicious steaks in the
world and I can’t wait.  I’ve also been in great part of Europe.  Italy is one on my
favorite places there, I’ve become in a wine expert and that’s thanks to that
country. I’ve also gained some extra pounds thanks to their food.
I’ve visited several places and I don’t regret or get tired. Actually I haven’t visited
Africa or Asia. So there is a lot of traveling to do.  When am I going to stop? I don’t
know. Maybe never.

5 Easy Ways of Recycling

When I first felt the urge to help Mother Earth get better, I didn’t know where to
start. How do you face a global problem on your own? You don’t, of course. The
key to making a difference is doing and telling.
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This is why I would like to share with you five easy tips that will help you start
recycling. You can use them at home, at your office and, of course, at other
people’s homes. Every time you visit a friend or a relative, remember to have these
five tips in mind to transmit them as the valuable treasure they are.
1. First of all, recycle your aluminum cans. Keep them in their own bag and
take them regularly to the closest recycling center.
2. Use rechargeable batteries. When you throw regular batteries away, they
pollute the Earth gravely. Keep yourself from doing so by replacing them for
rechargeable, ecological ones.
3. Take your own cloth bags to the store. This will help reduce the number of
plastic bags you throw away, and the amount of trees cut down in order to
make paper bags.
4. Whenever you need to travel, choose to ride a bicycle or use the public
transportation. Cars generate a great amount of air pollutants that cause big
damage to our atmosphere and reduce our life quality.
5. Last but not least, spread the word. These easy tasks can be integrated into
anybody’s life. Help others save the Earth and save yourself in the process.

I visited Madrid some weeks ago and it was the best trip ever! I stayed there
for three months and I really enjoyed it.
Everything was perfect: the food, the hotel, the people there, and the
environment. In my first day, I just went shopping all day long. It was so fun!
At night, we went to a lot of clubs and the drinks were fabulous. I could meet
people from around the world and they were very friendly and nice. But the
most beautiful thing for me was the food.  I just ate everything! I loved the
typical food and the foreign too. It is very cheap!
I just want to go there once again. It would be awesome.

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Advantages and disadvantages of abortion

This topic causes a lot of controversy all over the world. Many people are in
favor and a lot are against.  Is it really killing when an abortion is made or is
it saving lives of ill women that present pregnancy danger? Do people do
something bad or is avoiding potential suffering of a human being that will
not have nothing or nobody to count on during his/her childhood?
The latest research about the topic let us know that if this procedure is made
in certain level of the pregnancy we will not be killing, also some researches
say that a high percentage of women have saved their lives when they took
the decision. On the other hand, some countries allow the procedure when
the pregnancy comes from a rape. Despite the evidence presented in the
previous lines a lot of people are still against.
In conclusion it could be said that despite all the advantages that abortion
could bring to society, it is not totally accepted yet.

Letter to a Friend – My vacations

Dear Sarah,
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How did you enjoy your summer holidays? I have to say, I had the greatest time
As you know, I went on a road trip with a couple of friends from college, Sam and
Jessica. They are so funny, we laughed all the way from home to the first tourist
inn, which was seven hours away. Because they both play in the same orchestra,
they know the best jokes about musicians.
Sam is also a marvellous driver. Since he was the only one who knew how to drive,
we had to stop for him to rest every three hours. But he never complaint, not a
word! He’s such a doll.

Christmas Now and Then

There are many people that enjoy themselves greatly during Christmas and some
of them even look forward to celebrating Christmas many months in advance. But I
can assure you there is no one as fond of Christmas festivities as I am.
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The sweets, the decorations… even the sweaters! I love everything about
Christmas and, was there a way, I would celebrate it all year long. In fact, my best
memories of my childhood are those from Christmas days.
At home, my mom would always set the table with special candles and cloth, all in
red and green. My dad would light the fireplace and my elder sister would prepare
some hot cocoa for everybody. Since we lived in Massachussets by then, it was a
really cold holiday, and I learnt to love cold weather thanks to all these treats.
Although carol singers weren’t much of a fashion in our neighborhood, we enjoyed
good music from some old discs my dad would play. He kept this very antique
record player which he had to repair every once in a while, but he was right about
one thing: nothing sounds as pure and beautiful as music played in an authentic

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