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Lesson 2
Detailed Quantity Survey
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
1. Discuss the methods in determining the quantities of materials needed per scope of
2. Apply techniques in computing for quantities of materials

An estimator must know how to compute the length of lines, areas of plain figures and volume
of solids which may represent parts of building for which quantities of materials are to be
estimated. (Tagayun, 2002). It is to take note that consistency in using dimensions is a must. One
can adopt the metric system (meter, centimeter, millimeter). When computing, see to it that the
considered measurements are in just a single unit. Conversions can be made as needed by using
conversion tables (refer to Fajardo. Simplified Construction Estimate, Charter 1-3. Latest Ed.)
In estimating quantities of materials, center line measurements are advisable. Other
references consider inside dimensions. Allowances for wastage may be added to computed

Lesson 2.1. EARTHWORKS

Earthworks are engineering works created through the moving and/or processing of massive
quantities of soil or unformed rock. Earthwork is done to reconfigure the topography of a site to
achieve the design levels. Earthwork involves cutting and filling to achieve the required
 Cutting is the process of excavating earth material from a work location or borrow pits to
achieve the desired topography.
 Filling is the process of moving excavated material or additional earth material to a work
location to achieve the desired topography.

Earthwork in excavation and backfilling of soil up to required depth is required for construction
of foundation and trenches. Excavation and backfilling of soil is a very important part of
construction process, and care must be taken. Correct measurement of excavation and backfilling
is required because excavation cost is major part of the foundation construction .

Volumes are computed from cross-section measurements by the average end area
By the Average-End-Area method: Volume = L x (A1+A2)/2

where: Volume (metric) (m3)

L is in meters
A1 and A2 are in square meters.

Also, where not practical to measure material by the cross-section method due to erratic
location of isolated deposits, acceptable methods involving three dimensional measurements may
be used to measure material in the original position. Equations for these measurements are:
Volume (m3) = Length x Width x Depth

Measurements for volume are nothing more than applying basic distance and elevation
measurements to determine the locations and elevations of points where the volume is to be
determined. The key to volume calculation is the determination of area. Most volume calculation
formulas contain within them the formula for an area, which is simply multiplied by the height to
determine the volume. For instance, the area of a circle is pi times the radius squared. The volume
of a cylinder is the area of the circle times the height of the cylinder. If an area can be determined,
it is generally easy to determine the volume. (

To estimate the quantity of earth fill needed to fill up hollow spaces in the building, compute
its volume and multiply by 1.25. The 25% is added as allowance for compaction of the loose soil
to be delivered. That is,
Volume of earth fill required = volume of space to be filled x 1.25


Lesson 2.2.1. Concrete Works
Estimating concrete components (that is the quantity of cement, sand and gravel) can be
done through two methods.
 by volume method
 by using tables (tables from the required text book from the syllabus and other references)

The volume method is generally used and can be applied in estimating the materials for all
concrete members employed in a construction project. The concrete volume is being multiplied
by factors appropriate for a specified class of concrete mixture in order to obtain the estimated
quantities of cement, sand and gravel.
To use tables from the text book and other references, the estimated quantities of cement,
sand and gravel can be computed. However, this is only limited to concrete members with sizes
specified on tables.
In concrete proportioning, from Simplified Construction Estimate by Max B. Fajardo, the
following table is suggested.
Table 1. Concrete proportioning

Note: the current common available cement in the market is 40 kgs/ bag

Consider this sample problem 1:

A concrete post 4.00 meters high with cross sectional dimensions of 40 cm x 40 cm is

supported by a footing slab 20 cm thick by 1.20 meters square. Using a class A concrete, find the
quantity of cement, sand and gravel if there are 12 posts.

By volume method:

1. To find the total volume of 12 posts;

V = (0.40)*(0.40)*(4.0)(12 units)
V = 7.68 cu.m.
2. To find the total volume of 12 footing slabs;
V = (1.20)*(1.20)*(0.20)(12 units)
V = 3.456 cu.m.
3. To find the total volume of concrete, add no 1 & 2
Total Volume = 7.68 + 3.456
V = 11.136 cu.m.
4. To get the required quantities of cement, sand and gravel, refer to table 1.
Cement = (11.136)*(9.0) = 100.22 bags say 101 bags
Sand = (11.136)*(.50) = 5.57 cu.m. 5.75 cu.m.
Gravel = (11.136)*(1.0) = 11.14 cu.m. 11.25 cu.m.

Lesson 2.2.2. Metal Reinforcement

Review the different deformed bar classifications from Building Design 1.
Estimation of steel reinforcement quantity for concrete slab, footing and column, beams
etc. is crucial for the cost evaluation for the construction. Design drawings are used as a base for
computing rebar quantity in different structural elements.
The quantity and length of the main reinforcement is determined by the ‘Direct Counting
Method’ that is, counting the number of reinforcement on one structure then multiplied by the total
number of the same type or category in the plan.
Under the direct counting method, the vertical and horizontal reinforcement are counted
individually in the plan with due considerations on the hooks, bends, lap, splices and development
lengths. For this learning guide, hooks, bends, splices and development length to be added, use
(note: d= diameter of the bar):
a. Hook/bend
 for 180 and 135 degrees – add 13.5 d
 for 90 degrees – add 17d
b. Development length/splice length = 40d
For other reinforcement parts such as lateral ties, stirrups, dowels, cut bars and others,
steel bars should be selected from the various commercial lengths of bars (6.0m, 7.5m,9.0m,
10.5m and 12m). Keep in mind that unnecessary cuts/extra cuts should be minimized to avoid
Tie wire for reinforcement joints should be cut to the minimum required length. The length
of the tie wire depends upon the size of the bars to be tied on. Usual length ranges from 0.25m
to 0.40m. Hence, there are 53 meters in a kilogram of tie wire.
Hence, the following are some suggested steps in computing each structure.

Calculate Steel for Footing

Size of footing and its reinforcement details (bar size and spacing) shall be known from design
drawings. After that, the following steps will be taken to compute steel quantity.
1. calculate the required number of bars for both directions.
No. of bars = {(L or w – concrete cover for both sides) ÷ spacing} +1
where L or W: length or width of footing
2. Then, find the length of one bar
Length of bar =(L or W–concrete cover for both sides) + 2*bend length
where L or W is length or width of footing

3. After that, compute the total length of bars which is equal to the number of required bars
multiply by the length of one bar. If the same size of bars is used in both direction, then
you can sum up both quantity of the bars

Calculate Steel Quantity for Columns

Longitudinal steels
1. Compute total length of longitudinal bars which equal to the column height plus laps for
footing then, multiply number of longitudinal bars.
Lateral ties
1. Compute cutting length of lateral ties
Cutting length=2*((w-cover)+(h-cover))+Ld
w: column width
h: column depth
Ld: lateral tie development length
2. Calculate the number of lateral ties by dividing the column height over lateral ties
spacing plus one.
3. Estimate total number of lateral ties needed in a structure.

Calculate Steel Quantity for Slab

Main Steel Bars
No. of bars= (Slab length(L)/spacing) +1
Shrinkage and Temperature Steel Bars
No. of bars= (Slab length(S)/spacing) +1
1. Compute cutting length
Main steel bars
Cutting length= clear span(S)+ Ld +inclined length+2×45degree bend
Shrinkage and Temperature steel bars
Cutting length= clear span(S)+Ld +inclined length+2×45degree bend
Ld: development length which is illustrated in figure 1
Inclined length can found from the following expression:
Inclined length= 0.45D
D=slab thickness-2*concrete cover-bar diameter

Figure 1. Typical elevation of slab

Sample Problem 1:

Determine the number of 12mm diameter steel bars including tie wire in kilograms if there are
30 pieces of 1.15m x 1.15m independent square footing.

Figure 2. Plan and elevation (from Simplified Construction Estimate by Max Fajardo

1. Find the net length of one cut reinforcing bar

Length of cut bar = L footing – 2*(concrete cover) + 2*(bend length)
L cut bar = 1.15 – 2*(0.075) + 2*(13.5)*(0.012) = 1.32 m
2. Find the number of cut bars in one footing and the total number of footings needed in 30
No. of cut bars per footing = 6 x 2 = 12 pcs; Total number of cut bars = 12 x 30 = 360 pcs
3. Consider a commercial length of bar and divide it by the result of step 1, L cut bar. Use the
whole number.
Number of cut bars from a commercial bar = 6 / 1.32 = 4.54 pcs.
4. Divide the result of step 2 by step 3, to get the number of 6.0m bar
No. of steel bars = 360/4 = 90 pcs
Therefore, there are 90 pcs 12mm x 6m steel bars to be ordered.
To get the quantity of tie wire:
1. Compute number of intersection of one footing.
No. of Intersection per footing = 6 x 6 = 36 ties
2. Solve for the total ties of all footings.
Total number of intersection = 36 x 30 = 1080 ties
3. Multiply total ties with the length of each tie. (1 tie wire = 30 cm)
Total length of ties = 1080 x 0.3m = 324 m long
4. Convert total length of tie wires to kilograms. (1kg no. 16 tie wire ≈ 53 m long)
No. of kg of tie wire = 324/53 = 6.1 kg or say 6.25 kgs.
Therefore, there are 6.25 kg No. 16 G.I. wire to be ordered


Lesson 2.3.1 Concrete Hollow Block (CHB)

 Concrete Hollow Block is popularly known as CHB. It is classified as load bearing and
non-bearing blocks.
 The standard hollow block has three void cells and two and a half cells at both ends having
a total of four.

 The quantity of the materials needed for a certain masonry work made of concrete hollow
blocks generally comprises of the following items:
 Concrete hollow blocks.
 Cement and sand for block laying.
 Cement, sand and gravel filler for the hollow core or cell.
 Cement and fine sand for plastering.
 Cement and fine sand and gravel for foundation or footing.
 Reinforcing steel bars and
 Tie wires

Note: The size of concrete hollow block 1.) 0.20m; 2.) 0.40m; & 3.) varies from 0.10m, 0.125m, 0.15m, 0.20m


a. By Fundamental Methods
b. By the Area Methods

Sample Problem 2:

A concrete hollow block wall has a general dimension of 3.00 meters high by 4.00 meters
long. Determine the number of CHB, cement and sand required to construct the wall.

Figure 3-6. Plan (from Simplified Construction Estimate by Max Fajardo

By Fundamental Method
1. Divide the height of the fence by the height of one block
3 / 0.20 = 15 layers
2. Divide the length of the fence by the length of one block
4 / 0.40 = 10 pieces
3. Multiply the result of step 1 by step 2.
15 x 10 = 150 pieces CHB

By Area Method
To establish how many pieces of CHB can cover up one square meter:
Area of one CHB = 0.20m x 0.40m = 0.08 square meter
Number of CHB per square meter = 1 / 0.08 =12. 5 pieces
There are 12.5 pieces CHB for every one square meter

1. Area of the fence:

3.0 x 4.0 = 12 sq m.
2. Multiply:
12 sq m x 12.5 = 150 pieces CHB

To compute for the mortar and plaster:

Table 2-1 from Simplified Construction Estimate by Max Fajardo is useful in computing for mortar
and plaster of concrete CHB wall.

Also, the following tabulated values are useful in finding the cement mortar of concrete hollow
blocks (CHB) which can be done in three ways.
a. By volume method (using table 2-1)
b. By the area method (using table 2-2)
c. By per hundred block method (using table 2-3)

Size of Cement in bags, 40 kg
CHB Mixture Sand
(cm) A B C D (cu.m.)
10x20x40 0.792 0.522 0.394 0.328 0.0435
15x20x40 1.526 1.018 0.763 0.633 0.0844
20x20x40 2.26 1.5 1.125 0.938 0.125
From Simplified Construction Estimate by Max Fajardo
Size of Cement in bags, 40 kg
CHB Mixture Sand
(cm) A B C D (cu.m.)
10x20x40 6.336 4.176 3.152 2.624 0.348
15x20x40 12.150 8.104 6.072 5.064 0.675
20x20x40 18.072 12.000 9.000 7.504 1.000
From Simplified Construction Estimate by Max Fajardo

Sample Problem 3:
Continuing sample problem 2, determine how many bags of cement and sand needed to
install the 10 x 20 x 40 cm CHB using class B mortar.

Solution by Area method:

1. Find the area of the wall

Area = 3.0m x 4.0m = 12 square meters
2. Refer to table 2-2 using Class B mixture
Cement: 12 x 0.522 = 6.26 bags say order 7 bags
Sand : 12 x 0.0435 = 0.522 cu.m. say order 0.75 cu.m.

The proceeding table is used in estimating plastering


Cement in bags, 40 kg
Mixture Thickness of plaster
Class 8 mm 12 mm 16 mm 20 mm 25 mm
A 0.144 0.216 0.288 0.36 0.45
B 0.096 0.144 0.192 0.24 0.3
C 0.072 0.108 0.144 0.18 0.225
D 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.188
Sand 0.008 0.012 0.016 0.016 0.025
From Simplified Construction Estimate by Max Fajardo

Sample Problem 4:
From sample problem 3, list down the cement and sand necessary to plaster the two faces
of the wall at an average thickness of 0.016 mm class B mixture.

Solution by Area method:

1. Find the area of the wall (2 sides)
Area = 3.0 x 4.0 x 2 sides
A = 24 square meters
2. Refer to Table 2-4 under 16mm thick class B mixture
Cement : 24 x 0.192 = 4.61 say order 5 bags
Sand: 24 x 0.016 = 0.384 cu.m. say order 0.5 cu.m.

Lesson 2.3.2 Reinforcement of Concrete Hollow Blocks

 CHB reinforcement could be determined in three different ways:
A. Direct Counting Method
B. Area Method
C. Unit Block Method
In this method, the vertical and horizontal reinforcements are counted individually in the
plan. The length is determined from the elevation. The hook, bend and lapping splices are
imaginably calculated and added to its length.
1. Solve for the area of the wall. Area = Length x Height
2. Solve for the vertical reinforcement per m 2 referring to Table 3-5.
3. Solve for the horizontal reinforcement per m 2 referring to Table 3-5.
4. Add the results of 2 and 3.
5. Convert the value to the commercial length of steel bar (6m).
1. Solve for the area of the wall. Area = Length x Height
2. Multiply the area by 12.5 pcs per m 2.
3. Solve for the horizontal reinforcement per m 2 referring to Table 3-5.
4. Add the results for vertical and horizontal reinforcements.
5. Convert the value to the commercial length of steel bar (6m).


 Tie Wire – refers to gauge No. 16 galvanized iron wire popularly known as G.I. tie wire. (53 m/kg)
1. Solve for the wall area. Area = Length x Height
2. Refer to Table 3-6 to solve for the number of kg of GI tie wire.

From Simplified Construction Estimate by Max Fajardo

Sample Problem 5:
From figure 3-6, sample problem 2, determine the number of:
a) 10 x 20 x 40 cm CHB
b) Vertical reinforcement 10 mmφ spaced at 80cm
c) Horizontal reinforcement 10 mmφ at every 3 layers

Solution by Unit block Method

1. Solve for the wall area.
Area = Length x Height
A = 3 x 4 = 12 square meters
2. Multiply the area by 12.5 pcs per m2 .
No of pieces of CHB = 12 x 12.5 = 150 pieces
3. Solve for the vertical and horizontal reinforcement referring to Table 3-5, under column
per block
a. Length of Vertical reinforcement = 150 x 0.128 = 19.20 m
b. Length of horizontal reinforcement = 150 x 0.172 = 25.80 m
4. Add the results of (a) and (b)
19.20 + 25.80 = 45 m
5. Convert the length to the commercial size of steel bars, say 6.0m long
45 m / 6.0 = 7.5 pcs say order 8 - 10 mmφ x 6.0 m

Sample Problem 6:
Continuing the solution of sample problem 5, find the required tie wire in kilograms if the
reinforcements are spaced at:
1. Vertical bars spaced 0.80 and one horizontal bar after 3 layers of the block
2. Tie wire in kilograms
1. Solve for the wall area.
Area = Length x Height
A = 3 x 4 = 12 square meters
2. Refer to Table 3-6, tie wire is at 30 cm long
12 m2 x 0.024 = 0.29 kg. say order 0.50 kg #16 GI wire

Feedback Activity

1. Solve Problem Exercise on pages 35, 36 & 37, 1 to 5…….Simplified Construction Estimate
by Max Fajardo.
2. If the natural grade line of soil of Figure 1-19/page 35 is 2.0 m from the bottom of the
footing, solve for the total concrete materials (class A) needed to support Figure 1-20.
Solve also for the total volume of excavation.
A. In solving for concrete:
 use volume method only
 use 40 kgs of cement/bag
B. All answers should be handwritten(Arial 12)…picture/scan then send to . Deadline of submission October 19, 2020 6:00 pm.


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