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Project : A Film Review Marks : 10

 The project should be done on interleaf loose sheets, bound together with
the help of either a ribbon or a string.
 The cover page should bear a creative title and the name of the movie on
the top and the name of the student, with his class and section towards the
bottom right hand corner of the page. Eg…



(A project in English Language)

Name of Student

Class, Section, Roll No.

 The first page should contain the list of contents.

 Follow the video link given for writing the review. The video mentions 6
paragraphs to be written. Each paragraph should be written on a separate
page with a heading, as a different chapter.
 [ Link for the video]
 Paragraphs should be very short.
 From chapter 1 to chapter 6, the write up should consist of only 500 words.
So please do not elaborate.
 Presentation should be very neat and you may add pictures and
colours, if you want. Any clippings or pictures should be stuck on the
blank pages with proper labeling.
 Please make a serious effort as this is for the boards. Following the video,
please do a spell-check after completion.
 There is no need of filing or adding any channel file. The pages tied
will be just enough. Happy writing!!!!!

 Cover page
 Page of content
 Cast List with name of Director , Producer and Music Director
 Introduction : Paragraph / Chapter 1
(name of the movie, production house, producer, director, cast, source if any, duration
and release date or year)
 Content of the film: Para /Chapter 2
(Plot summary, acting prowess, direction, art direction, costume etc.)
 Favourite scene: Para /Chapter 3
(visual effects and graphics, music and choreography )
 Favourite actor/ actress/ character: Para / Chapter 4
 Rating ( with reason): Para/ Chapter 5
 Conclusion: Para / Chapter 6
(Social message or contemporary critical relevance, and personal opinion)
 Acknowledgement
 Reference sources

N.B. The above formatting follows the pattern discussed in the video with
additional points. So follow the video for instructions and this formatting for inclusion
of the points.

Your Chapter 1 to Chapter 6 should in parts, sum up to 500 words.

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