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Legal Studies Unit 1 Term 1A Test 2021

Haileybury 2021
Unit 1 Legal Studies
Test Term 1A
Reading time: 5 minutes
Writing time: 25 minutes


Structure of book
Number of Number of questions to be Number of
questions answered marks
4 4 15

Key Knowledge
 the role of individuals, laws and the legal system in achieving social cohesion and
protecting the rights of individuals
 the principles of justice: fairness, equality and access
 characteristics of an effective law, such as
o it reflects society’s values;
o is enforceable;
o is known;
o is clear and understood; and
o is stable
 types of law such as criminal law and civil law
 the distinction and relationship between criminal law and civil law

Legal Studies Unit 1 Term 1A Test 2021
Part A /5 marks
Question 1 (2 marks)
Explain the role of individuals in achieving social cohesion.







Question 2 (3 marks)
Using examples, distinguish between fairness and access as principles of justice.










Legal Studies Unit 1 Term 1A Test 2021
Part B Use the stimulus to assist you to answer the following questions /10 Marks
Question 1 (6 marks)
Kai was the victim of an attack by Wes. He suffered significant injuries, including a fractured eye socket
and a broken nose. The police investigated and arrested Wes who was charged with the crime of
intentionally causing serious injury. Kai will be held in prison until his case can be heard.

a. Is this an example of a criminal or civil case? Justify your answer. (2 marks)







b. Wes’ legal representative has informed him that that the other party will be known as the plaintiff
and he will be the defendant. Also, Wes will need to prove his innocence in court; however, if he
doesn’t want to fight the charges then he will have to plead liable. Further, if the court finds against
Wes, they cannot provide him with a term of imprisonment.

Identify two errors made by Wes’ legal representative in the scenario above. For each error, explain
the correct process or procedure which should have occurred (4 marks)

Error 1 _______________________________________________________________________________


Correct process/procedure for Error 1 ______________________________________________________




Error 2 _______________________________________________________________________________


Correct process/procedure for Error 2 ______________________________________________________




Legal Studies Unit 1 Term 1A Test 2021

Legal Studies Unit 1 Term 1A Test 2021
Question 2 (4 marks)
Under Section 70C of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) it is a crime in Victoria to correspond or do business with
a pirate. This offence carries a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment.

Do you think this is an effective law? Justify your answer, with reference to two characteristics of an
effective law.













Extra Writing Space












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