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As I finished watching the movie "Passion of Christ" I realize that a man who stands naked and bloody in
a court surrounded by ungrateful people is the purest one. He is being whipped, beaten, spit upon,
mocked, embarassed and jeered. What did he do to deserve this treatment? He didn't murder someone,
In fact, He brings miracles that help us in many ways, He cured and healed the blind man (Matthew
9:27-31), deaf & mute man (Mark 7:31-37), lame (John 5:1-9, leper (Mark 1:40-45), two demoniacs
(Matthew 8:28-34), servant (Matthew 8:5-13), paralytic (Matthew 9:1-8) and also fed thousand of
people (Matthew 14:15-21)(Matthew 15:32-39) and bring few people back from the dead (Luke 24:56).
Jesus with His deciples travel far away enable to let the people know "The Words of God", He has many
believers, companions and deciples but when the time comes Jesus was arrested was literally
disappointing, I think this saying is true " It's hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough
just to stab you in it". I was furious about those people who are kind to Jesus and follow Him through His
journey turned so quickly and go against Him, like what apostle Peter did he was faithful to Christ but
still found himself denying Jesus three (3) times knowing that Jesus was captured. But despite of all
betrayals Jesus undergo He still face the people, endure the pain, suffer and disconcert. The most tragic
part of the movie really move my heart, the way they sway the whip called flagrum into Jesus body gave
me chills imagining how many bruise it can make, every blood that runs down through His feet
symbolize the bravery of His spirit tasting the hardship protecting His people. Everytime I think the
betrayal of His people makes me wonder, what if I was in their position? What would I do? Should I also
deny Jesus like what peter did or run for safety? this assumption are questioning my mind, but all of this
will be answered in my faith to Jesus I know faith is not enough but still one of the factors that help me
in my daily doings in life is believing Christ that all the struggles and challenges I encounter everyday has
a purpose and a path. Our Lord bore every pain and entered into depths of suffering, He did this with
dignity, with serenity, with dedication and without hesitation. Jesus saved the mankind "us" but even a
small amount of time we can bestow to Him is complicated for us, we use our time in doing useless
things and forgot the important one. As I saw how hurtful it was in the part of Jesus makes me guilty, if I
exchage position with Jesus I will end up just with the beating and can't go further to Calvary but look
how Christ endure it all and fail satan for not asking for help. The cross symbolizes torment, disgrace and
shame by nailing Our Lord Jesus Christ was unbearable but in a contrary He made the people believe
that the cross a wood of shame and disgrace became a wood of glory and now act as the sacred thing in
the world. If I will constract a scenario wherein Im one of the people who witness the happening and
decide who am I going to choose or give freedom from being captured, whether Jesus or Barabas,
should I choose Barabas a criminal who have done so many bad deeds?or should I choose Jesus a pure
man who proved that He is the Son of God, make miracles and done so many good deeds. In this
scenario we can relate it in our lives, sometimes we select the simplest, fastest and workless to do,
rather than working it hard, timely and need some patience. We choose what we think is the easiest and
doens't mind the concequences of our action, we didn't mind if its bad or not, our mindset are to focus
on what is more confortable for us. In the part of the movie wherein Jesus was already in the Calvary
with the two sinned man was a very touching moment, the other man saw, or sensed something in Jesus
that moved him to talk to Christ and ask for salvation. Then he said, 'Jesus, remember me when you
come into your kingdom'" (Luke: 23:42) we can all see that in his heart he believe in Jesus. What Our
Lord Jesus Christ did next was a very great example of understanding, acceptance, love, and compassion
in one act, without hesitation Jesus responded to his request for mercy "Jesus answered him, 'I tell you
the truth, today you will be with me in paradise'" (Luke:23:43). We can all see how wonderful He is even
if His people has already sinned Jesus still forgave and accept you for who we are, we have all the time
to repent our mistakes and sins and ask for forgiveness, it is never too late because Christ is always with
us, watching us and protecting us from harm and evil. Jesus cleansed the man from his sins and bestow
the sinner the gift of eternal life. On the other hand, in (Luke 23:39-41) says, "One of the criminals who
hung there hurled insults at him: 'Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!' he is the other criminal
who doens't believe in God and insult Jesus also, what happened next is the "karma" one of his eye was
being eaten by a crow alive and I think that's the concequences for not having faith in him. Having faith
with Jesus makes our day special, energetic, powerful and full of good vibes because we all know that
there is a shield or a barrier made by Him for the upcoming troubles and challenges in life, but if we
compare it to a person without a faith its life maybe colorless, something empty and boring. Since I was
a child my mother always play the movie passion of Christ in occasion like Holy Thursday and Good
Friday but since I was still a child back then and don't have any knowledge or deep understanding about
it I'll just look at the tv and saw how a man was being beaten up untill the blood cover the surface. I still
remember on how my parents look like whenever they see that part, It was anger and being mad for no
reason, I dont really understand. Untill I reach 13 where I saw a music video with a hillsong music then
inside the movie was the same why may parents look so mad and that time Ill understand, it was my
savior and salvation who sarcrifice for the sinner like me, its feels like breaking may heart into pieces
and making me feel mad also. In (John 19: 41-42) "Now in the place where He was crucified there was a
garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein was never man yet laid. There"—in the tomb, the
grave—"laid they Jesus" this was the last part of the movie even if Christ was dead at that time He still
show us a miracle, ressurecting from the dead that's what happened and there's also a sign that He is
coming back to lead, to protect His people and heal the world. "I go to prepare a place for you. And if I
go and prepare a place for you, I WILL COME AGAIN…" (John 14:2-3) Jesus will return and put salvation
and overcome evil in the world so that His people will attain the everlasting peace.

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