Pe Week1 Answer

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What’s More


Rate yourself according to the following statements about your daily

activities using the scoring system below. Get the score and determine
your current lifestyle quality based on the table provided below.

1 2 3 4 5
Never Never Sometimes Often Always
I engage in physical activities for at least 30 minutes several
days a week.
I engage in physical activities that challenge my heart rate.

I do not stress myself about schoolwork deadlines.

I make sure I have time for myself.

I take care of the environment.

I do warm-up and cool-down before and after exercise.

I am conscious about what I eat.

I eat vegetables and fruits.

I take note of what the label says about my food.

I believe in what I see on TV and online about fitness, health
and nutrition.
I have a first aid kit and I know how to use it.

I find time for leisure and recreation.

I can manage my time well.

I spend quality time with my family and friends.

I have adequate sleep.

61-75 Excellent
46-60 Above Average
31-45 Average
16-30 Below Average
1-15 Needs Improvement

What is your score?

Based on your score, how do you describe your lifestyle quality?

What I Have Learned

Direction: To check your learning in this lesson, elaborate the idea depicted the quote
below in 5 sentences.



What I Can Do

Directions: Evaluate your daily

activities in your home or community and categorize them accordingly whether
it should be a STOP or GO. Write your answers on the designated box. Provide
at least five (5) on each category.
What’s In

Based on the image you see below, answer the questions


1. What lifestyle do you think does the

patient has?

2. What does the doctor want to convey

to the patient?
3. What do you think the patient needs to do?

4. How do you determine the ideal weight of a ell-well-it-seems-your- person?

What I Have Learned

Think About It!

Instruction: Read the following questions below and answer briefly.

1. Why do we need to manage our weight and lifestyle?


2. What can you do to elevate you and your family’s health status?

ACTIVITY 1 – The Family Weigh In

Directions: Calculate the BMI of 10 family members and relatives.
Categorize their weight accordingly on the first table. Write your weight
management recommendation for each family member on the second table.
Show your BMI calculations on attachment #1.

1. Conversion Values
Centimeters (cm) to Meters (m) – 𝑐𝑚/100 (e.g. 168cm/100 = 1.68m) Pounds
(lbs.) to Kilograms (kg) - 𝑙𝑏𝑠/2.2 (e.g. 110lbs/2.2 = 50kg)

2. BMI Formula:
𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 (𝒌𝒈)
𝑩𝑴𝑰 = 𝟐

𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 (𝒎)

Table 1 – BMI Calculation & Category

Name of Family Relationship Height Weight
Member/Relative to Learner (𝒎)𝟐 (kg) BMI Category
Table 2 – Weight Management Recommendation
Name of Family
Member/Relative Recommendations Signature
ACTIVITY 2 – The Family Exercise Plan
WEEK 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
(what exercise
are you doing?)
(How long did
you do it?)

(Who were with
you during the

(What do you
want to achieve
in this exercise?)
(Let the people
who watched
you or performed
with you sign
here as you
evidence. If
photos/videos as
stories and tag
your teacher)

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