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Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Above Standard Score

(1) (2) (3) ✔

(4, if exceeds
the standards)
Explanation  does not present information, arguments, ideas, or  presents information, findings, arguments and supporting  presents information, findings, arguments and supporting
of Ideas & findings clearly, concisely, and logically; argument lacks evidence in a way that is not always clear, concise, and logical; line evidence clearly, concisely, and logically; audience can easily follow
Information supporting evidence; audience cannot follow the line of of reasoning is sometimes hard to follow the line of reasoning
(x5) reasoning
 attempts to select information, develop ideas and use a style  selects information, develops ideas and uses a style appropriate to
 selects information, develops ideas and uses a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience but does not fully the purpose, task, and audience
inappropriate to the purpose, task, and audience (may be succeed
too much or too little information, or the wrong approach)  clearly and completely addresses alternative or opposing
 attempts to address alternative or opposing perspectives, but perspectives
 does not address alternative or opposing perspectives not clearly or completely
Organization  does not meet requirements for what should be  meets most requirements for what should be included in the  meets all requirements for what should be included in the
(x3) included in the presentation presentation presentation

 does not have an introduction and/or conclusion  has an introduction and conclusion, but they are not clear or  has a clear and interesting introduction and conclusion
 uses time poorly; the whole presentation, or a part of it,  organizes time well; no part of the presentation is too short or too
is too short or too long  generally times presentation well, but may spend too much or long
too little time on a topic, a/v aid, or idea
Eyes & Body  does not look at audience; reads notes or slides  makes infrequent eye contact; reads notes or slides most of the  keeps eye contact with audience most of the time; only glances at
(x1) time notes or slides
 does not use gestures or movements
 uses a few gestures or movements but they do not look natural  uses natural gestures and movements
 lacks poise and confidence (fidgets, slouches, appears
nervous)  shows some poise and confidence, (only a little fidgeting or  looks poised and confident
nervous movement)
 wears clothing inappropriate for the occasion  wears clothing appropriate for the occasion
 makes some attempt to wear clothing appropriate for the
Voice  mumbles or speaks too quickly or slowly  speaks clearly most of the time  speaks clearly; not too quickly or slowly
 speaks too softly to be understood  speaks loudly enough for the audience to hear most of the time,  speaks loudly enough for everyone to hear; changes tone and
but may speak in a monotone pace to maintain interest
 frequently uses “filler” words (“uh, um, so, and, like,
etc.”)  occasionally uses filler words  rarely uses filler words

 does not adapt speech for the context and task  attempts to adapt speech for the context and task but is  adapts speech for the context and task, demonstrating command
unsuccessful or inconsistent of formal English when appropriate
Presentation Aids  does not use audio/visual aids or media  uses audio/visual aids or media, but they may sometimes  uses well-produced audio/visual aids or media to enhance
(x2) distract from or not add to the presentation understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence, and to add
 attempts to use one or a few audio/visual aids or media, interest
but they do not add to or may distract from the  sometimes has trouble bringing audio/ visual aids or media
presentation smoothly into the presentation  smoothly brings audio/visual aids or media into the presentation
Response to Audience  does not address audience questions (goes off topic or  answers audience questions, but not always clearly or  answers audience questions clearly and completely
Questions (x2) misunderstands without seeking clarification) completely
Participation in Team  Not all team members participate; only one or two  All team members participate, but not equally  All team members participate for about the same length of time
Presentations speak
(x2)  All team members are able to answer questions about the topic as
a whole, not just their part of it

Rate the following from 1 to 5 being the highest.

Evaluator: ______________________________________
(Print name and sign) The project’s: Feasibility/Adaptability:_____ Impact to the school community: _____

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