Reading For Meaning

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1(a) Why did the writer rush through the airport?

Ans. He was late for the plane, the plane was about to take off.
(b) Why do you think the writer was trying ‘to hold down the lid of the box’?
Ans. So that Mij, the otter, his pet would not escape.
2(a) Give two reasons why, according to the writer, Mij would not be considered
an attractive travelling companion.
Ans.(i) he was noisy
(ii) he was scruffy
(b) What, according to the writer, would be the woman’s attitude to Mij? Answer
in your own words.
Ans. She was impatient and pity.
3(a) The writer ‘spoke to the stewardess’. Explain what he told her and what he
asked her to do.
Ans. He told her that he had an otter and he asked her to put the fish in the
(b) Without using the words of the passage, explain fully what was unusual about
the way the stewardess reacted to the writer’s request.
Ans. She reacted calmly. She took the fish the parcel as if it were valuable.
4(a) ‘Otters are extremely bad at doing nothing’. Pick out and write down the
single word used later in the paragraph which continues the idea of ‘doing
Ans. Inertia
(b) ‘One of these moods descended on Mij’. What kind of ‘mood’ was this?
Ans. To make a mess and make things untidy.
(c) Why did Mij climb into the box?
Ans. To throw the contents out of the box.
5(a) There was a ‘wave of disturbance’ down the passageway. Explain fully what
was happening here.
Ans. The passengers were frightened my Mij and the people went one by one.
(b) Why does the writer describe the stewardess as a ‘goddess’?
Ans. She was good-natured, saved him from disaster, she helped people.
6. Give two reasons why the writer ‘could deduce no meaning’ from the
gentleman who stared at him.
Ans. (i) he didn’t speak
(ii) he had no expression on his face.
7(a) How was the writer eventually re-united with Mij?
Ans. Mij came back of his own accord.
(b) How did his re-union with Mij affect the writer’s relationship with him in the
Ans. Mij trusted him absolutely.
8. Word Meanings:
Ans. 1. inquisitve: curious
2. scant: barely sufficient
3. provoking: irritating
4. order: sequence
5. hoist: raise or haul up.

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