DO s1986 39

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Peoublika ne Pilipinas (§epublic of the Philippines) MINISTRI NE EDUKASYON, KULTURA AT TSPORTS CAINTATRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS) 28 + Mayndla August 22, 1986 MECS ORD Mo. 39, 5.1956 GUIDELINES FOR THE SURCHASE OF TEXTBOOKS AND. OTHER TNSTUCTTONAL MATERIALS FOR THE PUSLIC SCHOORS To: Bureau Directone Regional Mectors Schools Superintendents Presidents, State Colleen and Universtetes Chairmen, Local School Board Cheirran. Textbook Coumeil General Manager, Instructional Materials Corporation Executive Dinector, Educatfonal Development Project Inplementing Task Force (EDPITAT) Cormission on audit le Effective inmediately, the following guidel¥nes shall be observed in the purchase of textbooks and other tustructional materials fn accordance with the provisions of Trestdential Decree No. 687, Executive Order No. 808, MECS Order No. 64, s. 1925 and Letter of Instructions Mo. 189. The Textbook Counc! shall solect and oreseribe appro: priate textbooks and other tnstructional materials, ‘keluding supplenzatary and reference books, and shall x the maximum retail prices therefor, b. The "Snietry op local units shall determine the tnstrue~ onal msterials they need from those asproved by the Textbook Counetl ard shall submit the requisition there- for, together with the cortificatton of availability of funds, to the Instructional Materials Comporation (INC), throurh the Brean concerned. The IMC shall suoply the required Mstructional materials ron its own stock or by orocurine then through public bidding or cenvass of qualified suppliers as nay be neces- sery to obtain the nest advantageous artes for the govern- reat. The T¥C Roard shall ensure the reasonableness of prices, which vhall be reviewed annually by the Commission on Audit. a. Pursuant te Special Provistons, page 1ua of the General 8 Act, the purchase of textbooks, reference mentary readers, teaching aids, manuals, gS, shall be effected through special = Ro. 1177, anong other th budeete, in accordance with Section 40 oF P.. 2 These guidelines refer to purchase of instructional materials out of the budgetary anpropriations of the Ministry, the budcets of local government units, ani the Special Education Fuad. Instructional materials Se Jnetude textbooks, teaching aids, verkbooks end other teachtag materiale for public elementary snd secondary schools. ‘ounct1 and the Instrue~ adresses of the ion are as follow: 3. The 0} 2 tional Vatenials Corpor the Instructional Materials Council Ninistey of Education, Culture and Sports Palacio del. Gobernador Intrammos, Manila Attention: Ye. Esther C. Compuz Council Secretary Instructional Natertals Corporation Ay Mas Regidor Street hrea ¥I, Us P. Diliman Campus P.0. Box 211, Cuszon City Attention, ‘ne. Tlorinia S. Espiritu Santo Chief, Field Coordinating Unit Telephone No. 92-99-61 Bee Inmedlate dissemination of these puidelines ts requested. (Scp.) LOURDES R. QUISUNBING Minister 1995) orien: (No.6, Feference: ~(.0. 1-75) Allotment: 1-2 fn the, Perpetual_Index ‘ollowing subjests: To be andicated under the BUREAUS & OFFICES LEGISLATION TEACHING ATDS TexTROOYS

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