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*So often, when it comes to approaching others about our business, we make excuses. We quit
on the person before even offering them the opportunity to join our business. WHY???*

- They're loaded and don't need the money...

- They don't have the money to get started...
-They're so busy already...

*See what I mean?? We talk ourselves out of approaching new people by judging their need
solely based on what we see or know from the outside.*

So, how do we change that??

GET RIGHT! Before you can approach anyone, YOU have to BE SURE!!

If YOU aren’t sure…THEY aren’t sure!

*Think about all the reasons why each person SHOULD join your team.*

How would or how could your business opportunity potentially benefit THEM?

You might have incredible products, but *they’re buying YOU* as well.

*The greatest weapon you have in your arsenal is your authenticity*. You want to be able to
anticipate each potential recruit's needs and/or objections and provide REAL reasons that speak
to that person’s situation.


- They understand business and leverage

- So they could make even more money!
- What does that person love or enjoy where MORE MONEY would be a benefit??
*Write that down!*


-They need this business to make money!

-What support systems do you have in place?
-How will you assist them as they get started?
-What are the initial bonus opportunities verses the initial start up cost?
*Write those things down!*


-Your business could help them to leverage their time and achieve time freedom!
- Do they have kids?
  - Are they working more than one job outside the home?
- Are they constantly working overtime?
  - How might having extra income from your business help them to leverage their time in order
to have more time for their family...or whatever they enjoy?

*Be prepared to explain how investing x number of hours in their business could actually GIVE
them MORE TIME!*

*They need to know that you are committed and that you understand THEIR NEEDS.*

*When they see this, trust is built, and they will be more open to hearing what you have to say!*

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