A Great NOTE From An ABO

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A great NOTE from an ABO. We must save it somewhere.

BWW BBS New Delhi By Sh. Sumit & Tanya Bahadur (EDC) on 22-07-2018

Key Points discussed are:

1. Proper planning prevents poor performance.

2. Plan no. of meetings , plan as per your target.
3. If Your part-time business can give you an income equivalent full-time job then it has got lot
of potential.
4. Focus on what you have learn not what you got.
5. Residual income is an attraction.
6.Take this business in your priority.
7. Make your self worthy to do Amway business.
8. This business gives life style.
9. This business gives respect, friend, we can change life of lots of people, Good health and
wealth as well.
10. We need a why ? To do this business.
11. Ask people about theirself. praise their belongings and their attributes.
12. Do not judge people.
13. Make friends.
14. Every person is special in his own way.
15. In india youth has high aspirations.
16. Make people comfortable with themselves.
17. Personal growth is very important.
18. Make yourself profitable. Give product on MRP to customers.
19. Strengthen your basics.
20. Give the customer only product what he want. Don't force people to buy other products. Start
giving product as per need.
21. It takes time to build this business.
22. People do what you do, they don't do what you say to do.
23. Focus on what r u duplicating.
24. Put team interest before yours.
25. Start giving credit to yr downline to enhance their self image.
26. This business serving based leadership,not on the cost of your privacy.
27. Don't give free anything to your downline.
28. Groom your team as your children. Help them to earn.
29.  Love every people of your downline even if you do not like right now.
30. Talk about good and positive things about your team.
31. Be authentic.
32. Everything comes to you, so don't propagate false things.
33. Maintain integrity in all forms.
34. People make their fortune in part time.
35. This business needs sacrifice of your personal/ free time.
36. Make your life full of values.
37. Attend meetings with spouse.
38. Complement your spouse. You should look and feel happy.

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