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Please refer to the guidelines circulated

Please assign weights based on your reading, attending classes, knowledge, understanding and
experiences. Weights of the relationships will be on a scale of -10 to +10 are based on the
intensity of the relationships/ interactions between the two dimensions.

Scale for interactions/ links:

1 to 2 (positive or negative) = Very low
3 to 4 (positive or negative) = Low
5 to 6 (positive or negative) = Moderate
7 to 8 (positive or negative) = High
9 to 10 (positive or negative) = Very high

This means -9 is higher than -7.

Questions in red text depict inverse relation requiring negative sign

Agrarian distress, doubling farmer’s income and the role of natural farming
How much Droughts and floods increase Water crisis?

How much Droughts and floods increase Crop failure?

How much Droughts and floods increase Cost of cultivation?

How much Water crisis increases Crop failure?

How much Water crisis increases Cost of cultivation?
How much Chemical fertilisers increase Soil toxicity?
How much Chemical fertilisers increase Soil fertility?

How much Chemical pesticides increase Cost of cultivation?

How much Chemical pesticides causes Decrease in Soil micro-biota?

How much Chemical pesticides increase Soil toxicity?

How much Chemical pesticides decrease Soil fertility?
How much Hybrid and GM seeds increase Cost of cultivation?
How much Pest attack increases Crop failure?
How much Crop failure increases Cost of cultivation?
How much Crop failure increases Indebtedness?

How much Crop failure increases Agrarian crisis/ Farmers suicide?

How much Crop failure decreases Farmers’ income?

How much Price volatility of agri-commodities increases Agrarian crisis/ Farmers suicide?

How much Price volatility of agri-commodities decreases Farmers’ income?

How much Increasing cost of cultivation increases Agrarian crisis/ Farmers suicide?
How much Increasing cost of cultivation decreases Farmers’ income?

How much Dowry system increases Indebtedness?

How much Psychological and emotional status increase Agrarian crisis/ Farmers suicide?
How much Indebtedness increases Agrarian crisis/ Farmers suicide?

How much Decreasing Soil micro-biota negatively affects Healthy ecosystems?

How much Decreasing Soil micro-biota negatively affects Soil fertility?

How much Decreasing Soil micro-biota affects Agricultural productivity?

How much Soil toxicity decreases Agricultural productivity?
How much Soil fertility increases Agricultural productivity?
How much Natural farming decreases Cost of cultivation?

How much Natural farming causes Decrease in Soil micro-biota?

How much Natural farming decreases Soil toxicity?

How much Natural farming increases Soil fertility?

How much Natural farming is responsible for High Soil organic carbon?
How much Natural farming increases Water holding capacity of the soils?

How much Natural farming increases Local ecosystems and biodiversity?

How much Natural farming increases Agricultural productivity?
How much High Soil organic carbon increases Soil fertility?

How much High Soil organic carbon is responsible for Water holding capacity of the soils?

How much High Soil organic carbon is responsible for Healthy ecosystems?

How much Water holding capacity of the soils decreases Cost of cultivation?

How much Healthy ecosystems is responsible for High Soil organic carbon?
How much Healthy ecosystems increases Farmers’ income?
How much Solar-based micro-irrigation decreases Water crises?
How much Increasing agricultural productivity decreases Agrarian crisis/ Farmers suicide?

How much Increasing agricultural productivity increases Farmers’ income?

How much Increasing cropping intensity increases Farmers’ income?
How much Livelihood diversification increases Skill building?

How much Livelihood diversification increases Farmers’ income?

How much Reduce post-harvest losses (modern warehouses) increases Farmers’ income?

How much Remunerative price to farmers Reduce post-harvest losses (modern warehouses)?
How much Remunerative price to farmers decreases Agrarian crisis/ Farmers suicide?
How much Remunerative price to farmers increases Farmers’ income?

How much Value addition, processing, and market linkages Reduce post-harvest losses (modern warehouses)?

How much Value addition, processing, and market linkages increase Farmers’ income?

How much Crop and livestock insurance decreases Agrarian crisis/ Farmers suicide?

How much Skill building increases Livelihood diversification?

How much Skill building increases Farmers’ income?

How much Increased Farmers’ income increases Value addition, processing, and market linkages?
Weight 1
to 10/
OR -1 to





















Rationale for the weight

Drought will lead to lead to increase in water demand which will lead to water crisis. Flood occurrence means more water ava
ground water table. So, both these events goes in opposite direction so they will nullify each others effect.
Due to Drought, water demand will increase fro crops and due to unavailability of water there are higher chances that crop fa
to issue of water logging in fields and it will result in oxygen depletion, weakening of plant defenses. Flooding favor the develo
crops may suffer increased disease problems after flood occurence.

In draught prone areas, farmers have to shift to micro irrigation and others methods for water procurement which will lead to
farmers will incur cost in removing thewater from field. Flood damages field infrastructure, so proper structuring of field which
In case of water intensive crops , if water required is not available for crop then ultimately it will effect in crop growth and ma
time some of the crops are drought tolerant which does less amount of water.
In water crisis areas, cost of cultivation will increase as farmers have to shift towards micro irrigation which require extra cost
Chemical fertilizer will moderately effect soil toxicity. Chemical fertilizers when used in excessive amount will lead to increase
Effect will be high as primary pupose of adding chemical fertilizer is to enhance crop growth by enriching soil .

Chemical pesticides will increase the cost of cultivation but it will be low as majoe expenses in cultivation are from procureme

Pesticide contain harmful chemical which destroys soil microbes by altering soil pH, soil alkalinity. Indiscriminate, long-term an
severe effects on soil ecology.
Chemical pesticides are primary reason for increasing soil toxicity. Excessive use of pesticides may lead to alterations in or the
soil microflora.
Soil fertility gets highly effected by excessive use of pesticide as they contain various harmful chemical which are not beneficia
As Hybrid and GM seeds are expensive as compared to normal seeds so it will lead to increase in cost of cultivation.
Pest attack decreases the ability of plants to defend themselves against pest so chances for crop failure are very high.
In very initial stage if crop failure occures then, farmers have to again sow the crops which will lead to increasae in cost of culti
If farmer has taken loan and crop failure happens, farmers' income will be very less and chances of loan repayment will decrea
increase indebetness.
If crop failure will be there then farmers' income will decrease drastically and it may lead to crsis or farmers' sucide. Crp failire
on farmers and which may lead farmers to sucide.
If crop failure will happen then its effect on farmers' income will be very high because they will not get remunerative price

Price volatilty effect on farmers' suicide wll be moderate. If market price will be less then, farmers will get less but he would n

As farmers' income is dirrectly depending on market price and if price will be less or high it will accordingly effect farmers' inco

Its effect will be moderate as high cost of cultivation is not primary reason for farmers' suicide. Thought it may increase indebt
Increase in cost of cultivation will highly effect farmers' income as income of farmer dirrectly depend cost of cultivation of cro

Dowry system will higly effect farmers' financial condition. Generally farmers take hight amount of formal or informal credit w

Psychological and emotional status of farmer greatly effect farmers' future steps .Low emotional status may lead farmer to tak
Major reason of farmers' suicide is indebtness which they are not able to pay, so they are very highly corelated.
A rich soil microbiota have several advantages for the healthy ecosystem through increased nutrient use efficiency and uptake
as plant resistance and resilience against global climatic change and biotic stressors.
Soil micro biota will highy effect soil fertility. If soil have high amount of microbes like bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, algae an
Agricultural productivity depends on many various factors, but condition of soil is major as soil having less microbiota will lead
result in lower yield.
If soil toxicity is high then proper growth of crop will not happen as nutreints will not be available to the plants.
Better the soil fertility, better will be the crop growth which will result in better or higher agricultural productivity.
Since farmers are not requires to buy any input in natural farming, the cost of cultivation will decrease drastically.
Natural Farming is chemical free method. It uses biological pesticides which will enhance soil microbiota to high extent or it w
Natural Farming promotes the application of jeevamrutha — a mixture of fresh cow-dung, urine of aged cows, jaggery, pulse
this method will decrease soil toxicity highly.
Natural Farming is chemical free method. It uses biological pesticides which will enhance soil microbiota. So in this way Natura

Natural farming increases the carbon content in the soil which helps in maintaining water content and improve soil structure.
Natural farming method promotes soil aeration, minimal watering to plants, inter-cropping, and discourages intensive irrigatio
in healthy ecosystem. Natural Farming is environmentally-friendly farming method.
Natural farming boosts crop growth as all inpust used are evironment friendly. It also reduces cost of cultivation which leads to
Soil fertility dirrently depends on amount of carbon trapped in soil. So high carbon content in soil will result in better soil fertil
Soil organic carbon highly effect water holding capacity of the soils as organic carbon present in soil improves aeration and st
hydrological properties of soil which helps in better water holding capacity of soil
Soil organic carbon is important for the stabilisation of soil structure, retention and release of plant nutrients and maintenance
a key indicator not only for agricultural productivity, but also environmental resilience.
Better water holding capacity will decrease water required for crop which ultimately will effect cost of cultivation. It will mode
cultivation cost depends on many other parameter.
Healthy ecosystem will protects soils from acidification, erosion and pollution. Healthy ecosytem will discourage land degrada
retention of organic carbon in soil.
Healthy ecosytem will help in better crop growth. Agricultural productivity will be higher, which will benefit farmers.
Micro irrigation (include drip and sprinkler irrigation) is very efficient and effective method. These method reduces water cons
conventional method. So micro irrigation will help in better handling of water crisis and will also reduce cost of cultivation as s

If agriculture productivity will be high then farmers will get better returns which will lead to prosperity and decreases the chan

Farmers income primarily depends on Agriculture productivity. If agriculture productivity is high then farmer will get better ret

Increasing cropping intensity will enhance food production. Also, output per unit area increases with manifold returns to the f
If farmers indulge in diversified activities, it will help them in learning new things and honing their skills.
If farmers' are involved in agri allied sector like dairying, bee keeping , fisheries. It will reduce their over dependence on core a
If post harvest losses gets reduced then it will benefit farmers in both qualitative and quantative terms. Better infrastructure, b
remunerative prices of produce. It will lead to increase in farmers' income.
In India, post harvest losses are around 30%. So farmers produce get reduced in quantitive terms and also due to natural cala
lead to spoilage of produce which many times result in fetching lower prices.
If farmers are not given better returns for their produce then chances of indebetness on farmers will increase which may force
Farmers income dirrectly depend on what they are getting for their produce. Better market price of crops will lead in increasin
Better warehouse storage facilities, better processing plants and good transportation system will result in strenthening the su
post harvest losses incurred by farmers'.
Large-scale promotion of secondary value addition, market linkages and strenthening Proccessing unit will result in reducing p
growth and benefit the farmers through trickling down process.
If farmers are given insurance in case of natural calmities like pest attack, drought, floods it will acts like a tool that allows farm
They will be sure that they will get compensation which will minimise the chances of suicide.
As agriculture diversification need skills and knowledge about managing different activities. By skill upgradation of of farmers
activites like dairy farming, horticulture etc which will lead to livilihood diversification.
Skill building of farmers' will push them to adopt agri allied activities. So dependence on agriculture will reduce and they will h
I think it will moderately affect as supply chain is mainly effected by government policies. Though better skill will encorage fa
proccessing of their produce.

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