A6-Q1-W1-07 (5TH Day) Validated

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Name:______________________________ Grade and Section:_______________


Module Code: LDS1-A6-Q1-W1-07

First Quarter/First Week/Fifth Day

A. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Discusses the concept that art processes, elements,

and principles still apply even with use of technologies.

Traditionally, painters need art supplies to create a masterpiece. Now in the
digital age, drawing and painting become easy to perform by the help of computer
programs and softwares. Despite these changes, the important aspects of art:
elements, principles and processes remain.

Elements of Art
1. Line is a dot that takes a walk. Line can be straight, swirly, jagged, dotted,
dashed, broken, thick, thin, zig zag, diagonal, vertical, horizontal, curved,
bold, parallel or perpendicular.
2. Shape is a two-dimensional (2D) flat enclosed area. It may be geometric,
organic/natural, irregular, circle, square, diamond, crescent, hear, etc.
3. Color is the element of art derived from reflected or absorbed light. Color
adds interest and mood to a work of art. It is also referred to as “hue”.
4. Texture refers to how something feels or looks like it would feel if you could
touch it.

Principles of Art
1. Contrast is the arrangement of the opposite elements (light vs. dark, rough
vs. smooth, small vs. large… etc) in a composition so as to create visual
2. Emphasis makes certain parts of an artwork stand out. It creates the center
of interest or focal point. It is the place in which an artist draws your eye to
3. Harmony refers to the arrangement of elements to give the viewer the feeling
that all the parts of the piece form a coherent whole.
4. Pattern is a very important design concept which refers to the visual
arrangement of elements with a repetitive form or intelligible sequence.
Garcia-Quinitio, L. ( 2016 ) The 21st Century MAPEH in Action. REX Book Store

Name:______________________________ Grade and Section:_______________

A. Match the picture with the corresponding form of line. Write the letter only

B. D. F.
C. E.

____1. zigzag ____4. swirly

____2. diagonal ____5. curved
____3. parallel
. B. Identify the principle of art being shown. Write it inside the box.

by Unknown Author is licensed under

Integrated the Development of the Following Learning Skills:

 Communication (Following directions)
 Critical Thinking (applies the different elements of art in an artwork)


 Some art elements are line, shape, color and texture.

 Some art principles are contrast, harmony, emphasis and pattern.
 Art elements and principles remain even with the use of technology.

Make a logo design that features your hometown or province (if you have no
computer, you may do it manually). Then, dIscuss the elements and principles
of art that you use. Write it at the back of this module.
Name:______________________________ Grade and Section:_______________
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
unique, detailed unique, detailed unique, detailed unique, detailed work not unique,
and interesting. and interesting. or interesting. or interesting. detailed or
Explores Explores some Shows some Shows minimal interesting and
several different different developing risks taken. shows no
options and options and ideas but Similar to original ideas or
takes many takes some without a true examples risks taken.
creative risks creative risks sense of shown
Use of exceptional good under- has basic minimal no
elements and under-standing standing and understanding understanding understanding
Principles and application application and application and application and application
work done with work done with work done with work done with work done with
exceptional care good care and basic care and minimal care no care and
Craftsmanship and attention to attention to attention to and attention to attention to
detail and detail and detail and detail and detail and
neatness neatness neatness neatness neatness
exceptional, good and work has basic minimal lack of
complete and is mostly understanding understanding understanding
Understanding, consistent. complete and of project of project of project and
Achievement, consistent. requirement and requirement, work is
and work is and work is incomplete and
Completion somewhat incomplete and inconsistent.
complete and inconsistent.


Integrated the Development of the Following Learning Skills:

1. Communication (Following directions) 3. Critical Thinking (applies the different elements and principles
2. Creativity (create an original artwork) of art in an artwork)

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.
_______1. People cannot create artworks with the computer.
_______2. Lines, shapes, colors and textures are elements common to both
traditional and digital art.
_______3. The principles of arts like rhythm, harmony, contrast, and emphasis apply
even with the use of technology.
_______4. Art processes, elements and principles still apply even with the use of
new technologies.
_______5. Elements and principles of art need not to combine in creating wonderful
images, paintings and sculptures.

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