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1. Answer Activity 1, 2, & 3. 
2. Save it as PDF.  
3. Submit your final output via Google Classroom.  
4. Deadline: October 28, 2020 (Wednesday) 12:00PM (lunch time).  


Complete the following statements.  

I believe that this world is ambivalent because we have mixed feelings or contradictory ideas
about everything and despite having the answers, we are still always doubtful .
The atypical kind of life is the best kind of life.  The most important thing man must have is
knowledge and determination. 

1. Can these statements be considered philosophies? 

 Yes. In philosophy, we have our own convictions that help us characterize what we know in this
world and these statements convey how I view the world. 
2. Can philosophy help you clarify and define these statements? How? 
 Yes because with the use of Philosophy, we can further analyze, understand and explain the
meaning of these statements.


Analyze some of the choices that you have made in your life by classifying them using the
graphic organizer.  



 Study SHS in MSU - School for college

 My course in college - Where I go to
1. Based on the nature of your personal choices, can you say that you are a free person?

Since I was little, I was already curious about anything related to medicine. My dream occupation
when I was little was to become a nurse and now that I got bigger, I want to become a doctor. My
parents never dictated me on what path I will take up for college. They mildly concerned because
they thought I didn’t have the passion for medicine since they thought I was scared of blood. They
constantly remind me to take up a course that I want, making sure that they are not pressuring me into
anything I don’t want to do. Regarding SHS, my mother always wanted me to study in MSU but I
didn’t want to. I didn’t want to because my close friends wanted to study in Davao so I wanted to be
with them. Still, I studied for the entrance exam in MSU and fortunately I passed. I took entrance
exams in some schools in Davao and fortunately passed them all too but after thinking maturely and
logically for months, I decided to go for MSU because it was the best choice. With the pandemic
going on, my parents almost didn’t want me to study in MSU, yet I insisted because I really wanted to
despite the difficult situation. My school for college was already decided by my parents the moment I
stepped into high school but it is fine with me that I let them decide for me because they know what’s
best. Sometimes my parents are strict about where I go to and sometimes they’re not. They are just
protective at times because of how the world is with crime crates going up and all. Overall, I think I
am a free person. I am not restricted or locked by all means and I can still do whatever I want to do
with limitations.

2. What is your ultimate cause or destiny in life? 

My ultimate cause or destiny in life is to be happy and give back to others. I want to
be happy even in the most little things. I want to be happy that I was able to
graduate, have a job and repay my family for everything. I want to give back to
others, to the community and help those who are in need. I want to travel the world,
be happy and pay back those who made me happy too.

Reference Book: Abella, Roberto D. 2016. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person.
Quezon City, Philippines. C&E Publishing. Inc.  
1. What are your personal ideas about the nature of world and the universe? 
- The world and universe is a very complex and mysterious place. The world in established
inside the universe we live in. It characterizes our reality, our past, present and future. Our
excursion to getting some answers concerning everything on the planet and the universe
resembles a journey on an expressway without any finishes. We can find new things to
discover that there is in reality much more sort out.
2. What characteristics distinguish man from all other things that exist? 
- The characteristic that distinguishes humans from other things that exist is the capacity for socially
learned, shared abstract concepts that can be transmitted from one generation to the next and our
ability of complex reasoning, our use of complex language, our ability to solve difficult problems,
and introspection
3. In your personal life, what are the things that you consider “real”, “true”,
or unchanging?
- In my personal life, many things have changed. Growing up, my likes and
dislikes have changed, the way I think and the way I view the world. The only
things that haven’t changed are my love for my family, God and the people
that make me happy and it will never change.
4. Did you experience a situation where you had to defend our beliefs?
- I have not yet experienced a situation where I had to defend my beliefs. I
never involve myself in arguments and debates unless someone has offended
and violated me.
5. Have you experienced a situation where what you believed to be true turned out to be
untrue? How did this experience affect you?
- Yes I have. Before, I believe anything someone tells me especially if they are older than me
and I also easily believe what I read online. If it is untrue, it doesn’t affect me that much
because it already happened a lot of times but sometimes it irritates me that I easily believe
what people say even if it’s not factual. Now, I try to research and gather information before
believing anything.

Reference Book: Abella, Roberto D. 2016. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Quezon City,
Philippines. C&E Publishing. Inc.  

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