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IBIMA Publishing

Communications of the IBIMA

Vol. 2011 (2011), Article ID 360500, 11 pages
DOI: 10.5171/2011.360500

Implementation of MS1500: 2009:

A Gap Analysis
Salina Daud1, Rohayati Che Din2, Suzaida Bakar1, Mohd Ridzuan Kadir1 and Noraina
Mazuin Sapuan1
College of Business Management and Accounting, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia
IKIP International College, Pahang, Malaysia


A comprehensive halal food guideline known as Malaysia Standard Halal Food Guidelines (MS
1500: 2009) was launched in 2004. This standard is a new concept in marketing as well as a quality
benchmark for producers. The objective of the study is to analyse the gap between importance and
performance factors in the implementation of MS 1500: 2009 Halal food guidelines in
Malaysia. Survey questions were distributed to managers or supervisors of selected Halal
companies located at two Halal Hubs in Malaysia. Findings suggest that the companies in the
sample should target improvements of the premises’ layout in the implementation of MS 1500:
2009 standard. Besides that, these companies shall also focus on the factor that relates to the
processing of Halal food. The results indicate that the use of the importance-performance analysis
in evaluating the implementation of MS 1500: 2009 standard can identify how companies
implement this standard effectively.

Keywords: Malaysian Halal Food Standard, Importance-performance Analysis, Food Industries


Introduction Razak said at the launching of the Sixth

International Halal Showcase 2009, “The
Malaysia has undertaken measures to opportunities in the halal sector are huge and
support the development of its halal industry should be explored to the fullest”. Datuk Seri
as identified in the Second Industrial Master Najib shared the same view with Malaysia’s
Plan (1996 – 2005) and The National two previous prime ministers in regard to
Agricultural Policy (1998 – 2010). The positioning the country as an International
Government has set aside almost RM100 Halal Food Hub.
million in IMP3 to help boost efforts to make
Malaysia an international halal hub. The It is part of the government strategies to
strategic thrust to make Malaysia an promote Malaysia Halal Food Standards
international halal food hub has been MS1500: 2009 to the world. Successful
reiterated in every budget speech for the last recognition and world acceptance of the
few years (Othman, 2008). The halal industry Malaysia Halal Standard is important to
is touted as a new growth sector for Malaysia facilitate Malaysian potential food producers
in light of the huge potential of this market. and exporters to gain control over global
The Prime Minister Datuk Seri NajibTun halal market. Malaysia halal food program

Copyright © 2011 Salina Daud, Rohayati Che Din, Suzaida Bakar, Mohd Ridzuan Kadir and Noraina Mazuin
Sapuan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License unported
3.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that original
work is properly cited. Contact author: Salina Daud. E-mail: salina@uniten.edu.my
Communications of the IBIMA 2

started as early as 1980s with the halal food guidelines were brought before
establishment of Trade description Act 1972 JAKIM, the governing body authorised to
comprising two orders: Trade Description oversee Halal certification (jakim.com.my).
Order (the usage of halal) and Food labelling, More non-implementation of halal guidelines
1975. In 2004, a comprehensive halal food by food producers were reported in
guideline known as Malaysia Standard mainstream newspaper of being
MS1500:2004 Halal Food Guidelines was late. Variation in Food Act and Food Safety
established. In 2009 the standard was Guidelines compliance has often been
revised. Today Malaysia Halal Food Standard attributed to particularistic aspects of food
is known as MS1500: 2009. producers during implementation
(Fernandez-Martin, 1996; Early, 2002). A
The ultimate success and credibility of the number of studies on Food Act and Food
Malaysia Halal Food Standard MS1500: 2009 Safety Guidelines compliance, for example
at the domestic or international level will Goldstein (2003) has pointed to the
depend on whether all parties involved in the importance of several factors in
food production implement the halal food implementation stages.
guidelines requirements completely or not.
Food producers that have applied for halal The implementation of Malaysia Standard
certificate have to adhere to halal MS1500: 2009 Halal Food Guidelines has not
requirements to prevent from non- been subject to many empirical studies in
implementation incidences. Besides, Malaysia. A few studies were done on halal
consumer may misinterpret the halal food branding (Shahidan and MdNor, 2006),
standard requirements when companies halal products from the consumers
partially comply with the standard. Stringent perception (Nuradli et al., 2007), quality
implementation of the halal standard leads to assurance in halal food (Hayati et al., 2008),
consumer trust in halal products. Consumer value chain of halal certification system
trust in the halal product is important (Nurulhuda et al., 2009), and the concept of
because it affects the brand that is associated Theory of Planned Behavior in halal food
with the halal product (packaging), the purchasing (Syed Shah and Nazura, 2011).
farmers that produce/provide the raw Beside these few studies on halal food
materials, the companies that process and production, there have not been any studies
supply the products, or the country from done yet on halal food guidelines
which the products originate. Needless to implementation. The purpose of this study is
say, Halal food production involves the whole to identify to what extent the MS 1500: 2009
system, from the government regulatory has been implemented by food producers
agencies, the producers, the supplying and to analyse the gap between importance
companies, the transportation systems, and and performance factors in the
all the intermediaries including the agents or implementation of MS 1500: 2009 Halal food
distributors. guidelines in Malaysia. This study differs
from previous studies on Food Act or Food
Much hope was put forward by the Safety Guidelines because
government to see the successful companies’ compliance with Food Safety Act
implementation of MS1500: 2009 halal food or Food Safety Guidelines is compulsory and
guidelines by Malaysian food producers. Still mandatory. In the case of halal compliance, it
there are lots of complaints of partial is not so. The food businesses can opt to
implementation to the guidelines by errant comply with the halal guidelines by applying
food producers. The number of cases of for halal certification and only food
implementation infractions involving companies awarded with halal certifications
Malaysian food producers varies greatly. are required to comply with all halal
During the period 1982 to 2008, about 40 procedures and requirements. .
cases of non-compliance with MS1500: 2009
3 Communications of the IBIMA

MS1500: 2009 Halal Food Guidelines According to Sumali (2006), halal and good
food means food that is permitted under the
Malaysia Standard MS1500: 2009 Halal Food Shariah law which fulfils the following
Guidelines is a policy to guide Production, conditions:
Preparation, Handling and Storage of halal
food products in Malaysia. The standard is a • The food or its ingredients do not contain
Hirst revision of MS1500:2004 which was any parts or products of animals that are
based on a previous standard developed by non halal to Muslims by Shariah law or
SIRIM known as MS1500: 2000. Malaysia products of animals which are not
Standard MS1500: 2009 Halal Food slaughtered according to Shariah law;
Guidelines covers the guidelines of Food
Safety Principle (MS1514), Hazard Analysis • The food does not contain any ingredients
Critical Control Point (HACCP-MS1480) as that are najis according to Shariah law. The
well as the guidelines for good hygienic food is safe and not harmful, and cleaner;
practice (GNP) and Sanitation Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs). The guidelines • The food is not prepared, processed or
not only fulfil the halal requirement, but also manufactured using equipment that is
maintain standards that meet global contaminated with things that are Najis
benchmark such as ISO 9000 and Codex according to Shariah law;
Alimentarius and Hazard Analysis Critical
Control Point (HACCP). • The food or its ingredients do not contain
any human parts or its derivatives that are
MS1500: 2009 Halal Food Guidelines is based not permitted by Shariah law; and
on Islamic law. Source of Islamic law is Al-
Qu’ran, a divine book revealed to Prophet • During preparation, processing, packaging,
Muhammad from Allah the Creator, “today I storage or transportation, the food is
have perfected for you your religion and physically separated from any other food
completed my favour upon you and have that does not meet the definitions stated in
chosen for you Islam as your religion” Al- the items above or any other things that
Quran verse 124. Dr Yusof al Qardawi, an have been decreed as Najis by Shariah law.
Islamic scholar, divided Islamic law into two
main sections, Al-ibadat and Al-mu’amalat. Yaakobet al. (2007) point out that halal and
Dietary law (food and drinks, including ritual good food concept leads to three important
slaughtering and hunting) is included in the guidelines in the selection of food and drinks
Al-mu’amalat section. Islamic dietary law in Islam. They comprise;
dictates that Muslim may only eat halal and
wholesome food as stated clearly in Al- (I) whether the consumption of the
Qu’ran, Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 168, “O ye foodstuff is prohibited by Allah s.w.t;
people! Eat of what is on earth, halal and
good, and do not follow the footsteps of the (II) whether the foodstuff is obtained
Evil One, for he is to you an avowed enemy”. In through halal or haram means and
the above mentioned verse, the word good is
being associated with the word halal to (III) whether or not the material is harmful to
emphasise the importance of wholesomeness health.
in food. In Muslim perspectives, all halal
products must also be necessarily good. In According to Othman (2008), companies
other words, halal carries the notion of producing halal products alone will not make
wholesomeness of the products so that their it to the top. He points out that food must
consumption may lead to the well-beings of also be “thoyyiban”, which encompasses
mankind in general. quality. In other words, food must be
Communications of the IBIMA 4

nutritious and hygienic, and manufacturers studies (Hutchinson and Chaston, 1995).
must ethically deliver what consumer wants. Yapp and Fairman (2005) studies on Food
Yaakobet al. (2007) argue that quality halal Safety and Food Act Regulation
food concept and requirements are implementation concluded that poor
comprehensive, covering the whole food knowledge and awareness of regulations are
production process. It begins from farm stage major factors contributing to non-
and continues to the next levels of implementation of policies and procedures
production process until the product goes stipulated by the act. Another study by
into the customers’ hands. According to a Wright (1998) and Taylor (2001) noted lack
recent research, it has been found that of trust in the legislation as reason for non-
MS1500: 2009 Halal Food Guidelines is a implementation of the policy. Lack of trust in
comprehensive standard and recognised as a the enforcement officers is also found to be
new concept in marketing as well as a quality one of the factors contributing to
benchmark (Shahidan and MdNor, 2006). noncompliance of food safety and Food Act
regulation by Taylor (2001) and Yapp and
Implementation of MS1500: 2009 Halal Fairman (2005).
Food Guidelines
Just as the studies on the implementation of
Winter (1990) deHined implementation as the Food Act and Food Safety regulation are few,
“make or break” stage of a program. so are the studies on the implementation of
According to Winter (1990) and Lipsky Malaysia Standard MS1500: 2009 Halal Food
(1976), successful implementation process Guidelines. The implementation of MS1500:
leads to successful program outcomes. 2009 requirements are inherently difficult,
Various authors found different conditions involving challenges that frequently lead to
constraint policy outcomes. Pressman and unsuccessful execution. In an example of a
Wildavsky (1973) feel perception of program successful effort by Nestle Malaysia, it was
intentions by various stakeholders affect observed that during their initial initiative to
program outcome. Elmore et al. (1987) on implement the halal program, the halal
the other hand, identifies inadequacy of systems were reinforced by bureaucracy,
resources, whereas ineffective organisational service organisations, policies, regulations,
structure (Schneider et al., 1990; Sabatier personnel and training, as well as funding
and Mazmanian, 1980) and inability to create (Othman, 2008). Their implementation
sustaining political linkages (Yanow, 1987) strategies were complex and had to address a
constraints program outcomes. Winter and long list of barriers that were uniquely
May (2001) argue that successful adapted to overcome the implementation
implementation depends on the problem. Every aspect of implementation is
interrelationship among actors in the various fraught with difficulty, from system
stages of implementation. Ingraham (1997) transformation to changing service provider
indicates there is seldom a perfect fit behaviour and restructuring organisational
between problems as defined by legislation, contexts.
the design of program aimed at alleviating it,
and the implementation delivered by that Importance-Performance Analysis
program. Researchers on policy
implementation agree that implementation is The important-performance concept is based
the key to achieve the goals of a policy on multi-attribute models. This technique
(Pressman and Wildavsky, 1973; McLaughlin, identifies the performance of an attribute
1987; Lipsky, 1976; Sabatier and Mazmanian, that can be changed without affecting the
1980; Elmore, et al., 1987; Yanow, 1987). importance of the attribute (Kitcharoen,
2004). According to Nale et al. (2000), a
The implementation of Food Act and Food particular application of the technique starts
Safety regulation was a subject to very few with an identification of the attributes that
5 Communications of the IBIMA

are relevant to the choice situation last quadrant is the ‘possible overkill’ (low
investigated. This approach, also known as importance, high performance) assumes that
quadrant analysis, was introduced by all elements or attributes that are relatively
Martilla and James (1977), and focuses on unimportant, should be viewed as an area of
pinpointing those quality and service performance “overkill” and management may
elements that; a) are most important to want to redirect resources from these
customers and/or are likely to make the elements to high-priority areas in need of
strongest contribution to overall customer improved performance.
satisfaction and loyalty; and b) are in need of
improvement because customers’ With little modification, important-
evaluations of the company’s performance on performance analysis (IPA) has been applied
these elements are relatively unfavourable to a diverse range of contexts including
(i.e. customers are dissatisfied and/or hospital services (Yavas and Shemwell,
perceive that the company’s performance is 2001), tourism management (Wade and
in need of improvement). By using the Eagles, 2003), education (Nale et al., 2000;
central tendency measure such as mean, O’Neill and Palmer, 2004) and service quality
performance scores are ordered and (Ennew et al., 1993; Ford et al., 1999).
classified into high or low categories, and Hansen and Bush (1999) pointed out that IPA
then by pairing these two sets of rankings, is a simple and effective technique that can
each attribute is placed into one of the four assist practitioners in identifying
quadrants that will be displayed graphically improvement priorities for service attributes
using an importance-performance matrix. and direct quality-based strategies. In
addition, Hawes and Rao (1985) pointed out
The important-performance matrix consists that IPA is also being used in identifying
of four quadrants; concentrate here, keep up improvement opportunities and guiding
the good work, low priority and possible strategic planning efforts.
overkill (O’Neill and Palmer, 2004).First, the
‘keep up the good work’ quadrant (high Material and Method
importance, high performance) assumes that
all elements or attributes that fall in this A cross sectional methodology was employed
quadrant are to be key drivers of consumer in this study where managers or owners of
satisfaction/preference, and the Selangor Halal Hub and Port Klang Free Zone
management’s job is to ensure that the Hub in Malaysia were selected as
organization continues to deliver or perform respondents for this research. A survey
well in these areas. Second, the ‘concentrate instrument that has a 1-5 Likert scale was
here’ quadrant (high importance, low designed and it consisted of two main
performance) assumes that all elements or sections. Section A focused on respondents’
attributes that fall in this quadrant are the profile and Section B focused on the level of
key drivers of consumer satisfaction or importance and performance of each MS
preference and should be viewed as critical 1500: 2009 dimensions. The dimensions for
performance shortfalls. It is the MS 1500: 2009 include management
management’s responsibility to ensure that responsibility; premises; devices, utensils,
adequate resources are allocated to these machines and processing aids; hygiene,
attributes to improve performance in these sanitation and food safety; processing of
areas. These areas are priorities for halal food; storage, transportation, display,
improvement. Third, the ‘low priority’ sale and servings of halal food; packaging,
quadrant (low importance, low performance) labelling and advertising and legal
assumes that all elements or attributes are requirements. All variables were checked on
relatively unimportant, such that poor the reliability and validity criterion and all
performance should not be given a great deal met the validity and reliability requirements.
of priority or attention by management. The IPA will be used in this study to analyse the
Communications of the IBIMA 6

gap between importance and performance employees. 76% of these companies have
factors in the implementation of MS 1500: sent their staff for Halal Certification (MS
2009 Halal food guidelines in Malaysia. 1500: 2009) training. However 88% of these
companies sent their staff to Halal
Results and Discussion Certification Training less than 2 times in a
year. 96% of these companies produce only
Respondents’ Profile halal products, while 4% of them produce
both halal and non-halal products.
A total of 70 Halal Certified Companies
located in Selangor Halal Hub and Port Klang Reliability Analysis
Free Zone Hubwere taken as a sample. Of
these, 50 (71%) completed survey The reliability of the data was verified using
questionnaires were collected. Since this is a Cronbach alpha, where the closer the
pilot study, small sample is enough to run the Cronbach alpha is to 1, the higher the
analysis. All the samples chosen for the pilot internal consistency reliability (Sekaran,
study were from the same population in the 2000). The alpha coefficients for this study
actual survey (Malhotra and Birks, 1999). are all above 0.70 and were concluded as
Majority of the companies have more than being reliable (Hair et al., 2006; Nunnally,
200 employees (44%) and 90% of these 1978). Table 1 presents the Cronbach alpha
companies have more than 50% of Muslim coefficient for each dimension.

Table 1: Coef*icient of Cronbach Alpha for Importance and Actual Performance Scale

No. Dimensions Importance Actual No. of

Performance items
1 Management responsibility .96 .91 9
2 Premises .90 .92 10
3 Devices, utensils, machines and processing aids .78 .71 5
4 Hygiene, sanitation and food safety .96 .93 10
5 Processing of halal food .97 .98 9
6 Storage, transportation, display, sale and .96 .94 4
servings of halal food
7 Packaging, labelling and advertising .93 .98 9
8 Legal requirements .92 .85 4

Gap Analysis performances have not met the importance

attributes of the MS 1500: 2009 standard. In
Table 2 presents a summary of other words, companies selected in the study
managers’/owner’s importance-performance were under performing significantly in all
means for 8 scale items. The negative gap dimensions that rated important in MS 1500:
value between importance-performance 2009 standard.
means reflects that the companies’
7 Communications of the IBIMA

Table 2: Summary of Means

No. Dimensions Importance Actual Gap (P-I)

1 Management responsibility 4.66 4.43 -.23
2 Premises 4.74 4.35 -.39
3 Devices, utensils, machines and processing 4.53 4.36 -.17
4 Hygiene, sanitation and food safety 4.73 4.63 -.10
5 Processing of halal food 4.77 4.56 -.21
6 Storage, transportation, display, sale and 4.84 4.72 -.12
servings of halal food
7 Packaging, labelling and advertising 4.81 4.73 -.08
8 Legal requirements 4.79 4.66 -.13
Overall means 4.73 4.56
Note: (P-I) value is significant at p < 0.05

Figure 1 presents the importance- 2) packaging, labelling and advertising; and

performance map of MS 1500: 2009
standards. The data used to construct the 3) legal requirements.
importance-performance grid were the
overall means of importance and These three attributes are the strength
performance for all scale items which are dimensions possessed by the companies in
4.73 and 4.56 respectively. One item falls into the sample, which means that these
the “concentrate here” quadrant (high companies really put into operation these
importance/low performance) which is three dimensions.
premises. Companies need to take immediate
action on this dimension that focuses on Two attributes that fall in the “low priority”
layout of premises that facilitates products (low importance/low performance) quadrant
process flow from receipt of raw materials to are in relation to management responsibility;
finished products, layout that facilitates and devices, utensils, machines and
cleaning and proper supervision of food processing aids. This indicates that both of
hygiene, layout that has adequate sanitary these dimensions do not require immediate
facilities, and layout with loading and resource allocation as they are performing at
unloading bay to allow effective transfer of the level appropriate to the importance
perishables products. The premises should attached to them at the present time.
also be kept in good repair and condition to However, the companies should hold in
prevent pest access, the premises shall be reserve resources to cope with a possible
effectively separated from pig farm or its change of importance attached to them due
processing activities, the premises shall be to changes in the business environment in
dedicated for halal slaughtering and the future.
processing only, and the premises shall be
refrained from pets and other animals. There is one item that falls neither into the
“concentrate here” quadrant nor into the
Three items were located in the quadrant “keep up the good work” quadrant, namely
“keep up the good work” (high processing of halal food dimension. The
importance/high performance), which are: companies in the sample need to check this
dimension from time to time according to
1) storage, transportation, display, sale and business environment. If this dimension later
servings of halal food; falls under the “concentrate here” quadrant,
Communications of the IBIMA 8

then companies need to take an immediate time on this dimension. If this dimension
action to rectify this problem. Another one later falls into the “possible overkill”
dimension falls neither into the “keep up the quadrant, then the companies need to
good work” quadrant nor into the “possible immediately remove resources allocated to
overkill” quadrant, that is hygiene, sanitation this dimension and redeploy the resources
and food safety dimension. The companies in saved to develop dimension located in the
the sample also need to check from time to “concentrate here” quadrant.

Concentrate Keep up the
here good work
4.80 7 8
2 4


4.20 Low priority Possible


4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00


Note: 1- Management responsibility, 2- Premises, 3- Devices, utensils, machines and processing aids, 4-
Hygiene, sanitation and food safety, 5- Processing of halal food, 6- Storage, transportation, display, sale
and servings of halal food, 7- Packaging, labelling and advertising, 8- Legal requirements

Fig1. Importance-Performance Map of MS 1500: 2009 Standards

Conclusion and Future Research bay to allow effective transfer of perishables

products; layout with good condition to
As a conclusion, this study suggests that the prevent pest access; layout that is separated
companies in the sample should target from pig farm or its processing activities,
improvements of the premises layout in the layout that is dedicated for halal slaughtering
implementation of MS 1500: 2009 standard. and processing only, and layout that is
The premises layout dimension includes refrained from pets and other animals.
layout of premises that facilitates products Besides that, these companies shall also focus
process flow from receipt of raw materials to on the processing of halal food dimension
finished product; layout that facilitates that falls neither into the “concentrate here”
cleaning and proper supervision of food quadrant nor into the “keep up the good
hygiene; layout that has adequate sanitary work” quadrant. If this item falls into the
facilities; layout with loading and unloading
9 Communications of the IBIMA

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