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Name: ________________________________________ Grade: ____________

Name of Teacher: ______________________________

Module Code: LDS1-A6-Q1-W1- 03-04

First Quarter / First Week / Second Day
 Applies concepts on the use of the software (commands, menu, etc).
 Utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and software)

Definition of terms for drawing software
Have you ever tried using a computer software to draw something? Although
most software are expensive, there are those that you can download for free. Once
you use them, you will find out that most features that allow you to create lines and
shapes, and change these lines to thick lines, and vice versa are common. You can
even erase and do it over again. Study the following and familiarize yourself with
some of the tools found in most drawing software.
Basic Drawing Tools Selection and Erasing Tools
Pencil Tool – used to Moving Truck Tool – allows
draw free lines onto various parts of the image to
the picture. be selected and moved
around the canvas. There
Line Tool – used to
are different shapes and
create perfectly
sizes such as circles or
straight lines.
rectangles that can be
Paint Bucket Tool –
used to fill an area
with a solid color or Erasing Tool – provide
pattern. several different ways to
erase various parts, or all, of
Square Tool – used to your drawing.
create a perfect square or
rectangular shapes. By Dye Tool – used to pick out
changing the line thickness colors already used
in the Line Tool, you could somewhere in the canvas.
change the thickness of the

Circle Tool – is similar to

the Square Tool, used to
create perfectly circles.
Thickness can be change
using the Line tool.

Text 1. Lugue V. et. Al. (2016) Music and Arts for Fun 6 (Textbook, p. 105-107). Vibal Group Inc.
 The Text Tool includes “rubber stamps” of the letters of the alphabet, which
tell the name of the letter when selected.
 The Typing Tool has basic functions that add text to the image in different
fonts and various size.
 Opacity gives the degree to which something reduces the passage of light.
 Undo lets one cancel, annul, or reverse an action or its effect.
You will notice that you can create all the elements of art such as lines,
shapes, color, and texture using the tools available in most drawing software. By
practicing you can become better at it and create digital art much like the way you do
it in traditional art.

Exercise 1. Draw the icon of the following tools inside the box.

Pencil Tool Dye Tool Square Tool Moving Truck Tool

Line Tool Erasing Tool Circle Tool Paint Bucket Tool

Integrated the Development of the Following Learning Skills:
3. Communication (Following directions)
4. Creativity (Drawing)


 Drawing software has basic drawing tools that include Pencil Tool, Line Tool,
Square Tool, Circle Tool and Paint Bucket tool. Moving Truck Tool, Erasing
Tool and Dye Tool are included in Selection and Erasing Tools.
 Art skill like drawing can also be done using new technologies.

Exercise 2. Make an artwork using a computer program.
Materials needed:
 Computer, laptop, tablet or cellphone
 Any drawing software such as Inkscape that is installed in your
computer (you can download the free application on or your preferred choice of drawing software.
 Printer

Steps to follow:
1. Using your chosen device, open the drawing software available.
2. Draw inspiration from the various plants and animals in your surroundings,
also called flora and fauna, to draw different shapes and lines. Experiment
with the different colors as well.
3. Make sure to use the different elements of art to make your work interesting.
4. Follow the different principles of art like, harmony, rhythm, contrast, and
emphasis using the tools available in your software.
5. Give a title of your work.
6. Print your artwork.
7. Submit your work.
8. When computer software is unavailable, finish the work manually.
Integrated the Development of the Following Learning Skills:
5. Critical Thinking (applies the different elements of art in an artwork)
6. Creativity (create an original artwork)

Rubric for Artwork

Superior Excellent Good Average Needs Rate Teacher’s
Improve- Yourself Rating
Indicators (5) (4) (3) (2) ment
Effort –
Completed the
Craftsmanship –
neat, clean &
complete. Skill
use of the art
tools & media
The artwork is
appropriate to
the style.
Attention to
details is seen
Submitted work
on time

Write T on the blank if the statement is true and F if it is not.
_____1. You can create all the elements of art using tools in a drawing software.
_____2. There are various programs that can be installed in the computer for artists
to use.
_____3. Computer software allow us to create digital artwork.
_____4. You can make an artwork without using the elements of art.
_____5. Circle Tool is used to move images around the canvas.

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