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I decided to pursue “again” Education as a second course because it is a career that
interest and inspire me. Becoming a teacher can change the lives of children. As a
teacher you have the ability to reach out and be a mentor and a role model for children
who need it and as a teacher allows us to influence the world in ways that are tangible,
lasting, and like no other. I want also to take this opportunity that given to me to
enhanced and improved my knowledge and skills so that I can contribute something. I
want to explore and learn new ideas, and investing in education will help me achieve my
career goals and succeed in life.
What I like about being a teacher is that it makes us happier and more fulfilled than
seeing a student discover their passion, experience success in learning, or come to
understand the importance of perseverance. My ultimate goal in taking up education is
that I want to be a type of teacher who is not just good in transmitting knowledge but I
also want to be a fun and interactive teacher. I want my students to be involved in all
activities and be more involved in their learning. I want to inspire the next generation of
learners to find their passion, talents and continue the quest for personal growth in all
aspects of their lives. My contribution later in the field of education is that I want my
students to be involved in all activities and be more involved in their learning. I want
them to develop their critical thinking skills and they should know how to apply the
concepts that they have learned in real life. To be honest, I always feel that I don’t have
an inch of creativity on my body. But since I have learned in this course the importance
of being a creative teacher I would try my best to practice it. I want to create activities
that are outside the box and fun to fully engage and motivate my students in learning.

“‘Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world,’
Nelson Mandela once said. This quote is the foundation of my teaching philosophy.
I believe each and every child has the potential and ability to bring
something unique and special to the world. I will help children to develop
their potential by believing in them as capable individuals.

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