Mon56 p2 Milestone2 Modelling

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Team Number: Mon-56

Please list full names and MacID’s of all present Team Members
Full Name: MacID:
Daniel Bamm bammd
Aydann Mueller Muella6
Danielle Fong fongd5
Sean Khaira khairs5
Team Number: Mon-56

You should have already completed this task individually prior to Design Studio 8.

1. Copy-and-paste each sub-team member’s refined sketch on the following pages (1

sketch per page)
→ Be sure to indicate each team member’s Name and MacID

We are asking that you submit your work on both worksheets. It does seem redundant,
but there are valid reasons for this:
• Each team member needs to submit their refined concept sketches with the
Milestone Two Individual Worksheets document so that it can be graded
• Compiling your individual work into this Milestone Two Team Worksheets
document allows you to readily access your team member’s work
o This will be especially helpful when completing Stage 3 of the milestone
Team Number: Mon-56
Name: Danielle Fong MacID: fongd5
Insert screenshot(s) of your refined sketches below
Team Number: Mon - 56
Name: Aydann Mueller MacID: Muella6
Insert screenshot(s) of your refined sketches below

*If you are in a sub-team of 3, please copy and paste the above on a new page
Team Number: Mon-56

You should have already completed this task individually prior to Design Studio 8.

1. Copy-and-paste each team member’s storyboard or flowchart sketches on the

following pages (1 team member per page)
→ Be sure to indicate each team member’s Name and MacID

We are asking that you submit your work on both worksheets. It does seem redundant,
but there are valid reasons for this:
• Each team member needs to submit their storyboard/flowchart with the Milestone
Two Individual Worksheets document so that it can be graded
• Compiling your individual work into this Milestone Two Team Worksheets
document allows you to readily access your team member’s work
o This will be especially helpful when completing Stage 4 of the milestone
Team Number: Mon-56
Name: Daniel Bamm MacID: bammd
Insert screenshot(s) of your workflow below
Team Number: Mon-56
Name: Sean Khaira MacID: khairs5
Team Number: Mon-56

Complete this worksheet during design studio 8 after creating the low-fidelity prototypes.

1. Take multiple photos of your low-fidelity prototypes

→ Include an index card (or similar) next to the prototype, clearly indicating your
Team Number, Name and MacID on each sketch
2. Insert your photo(s) as a Picture (Insert > Picture > This Device)
3. Do not include more than two prototype photo’s per page

Make sure to include photos of each team member’s prototype

Team Number: Mon-56

Name: Aydann Mueller MacID: Muella6

Insert screenshot(s) of your low-fidelity prototype below
Team Number: Mon-56

Name: Danielle Fong MacID: fongd5

Insert screenshot(s) of your low-fidelity prototype below
*If you are in a sub-team of 3, please copy and paste the above on a new page
Team Number: Mon-56

As a team, document your observations for each low-fidelity prototype. Make sure to label
your observations to indicate which prototype it belongs to. As a starting, consider the
following: (note, this does not fully encompass all discussion points)
→ Advantages and disadvantages of each prototype
→ Extent to which each concept aligns (or does not align) with the List of Objectives,
Constraints, and Functions you came up with for Milestone 1
→ Reliability of the design in picking up the surgical tool
→ Reliability of the design in securing the surgical tool
→ Extent to which it allows for tool sterilization

Document your observations for each prototype in the space below. It is recommended you
document observations in a table or in bullet form (it should be clear which prototype you are
referring to for each observation.

Prototype 1:
• Easily allows steam to enter and exit the container through the holes located at the top
and bottom of the container
• Racks on the inside allow for the tool to be thoroughly sterilized as it keeps the tool
elevated leaving all sides of the tool accessible for sterilization
• This container is portable due to its relatively small size
• This container keeps the surgical tool securely inside, however there is no way of
keeping the tool from moving around on the inside.
• The foam indents on the side of the container allow for the gripper to securely grab a
hold and transport the container with minimized risk of dropping it
• The lid on the top allows for easy access to the inside of the container for when placing
and removing the tool.

Prototype 2:
• Side bars have a force pushing down on the clamps to securely hold the container as the
clamp pushes up when it lifts the container up
• Easy access for steam to enter the container from the slits at the top of bottom
• Clamp can only grip the container parallel to the side bars
• The container can hold the surgical tool, but it is not fully secure inside and can slide
inside the container
• Opening on the side allows for easy access to insert and remove tools, but if not closed
securely, tools may slide out of the container from the side when being transported
Team Number: Mon-56

As a team, document your observations, specifically any similarities and differences

between each team member’s visual storyboard or flowchart in the table below.
Document your observations for each visual storyboard / flowchart in the space below.
Potential problems: how do we find the location and identify the object with only one sensor.

One splits into two separate paths depending on the size of the object while the other uses just
one pathway no matter the object ID.
One checks for number of objects left while the other just repeats the tasks for a set amount of
Uses a conditional statement to either repeat the program or terminate
Uses very similar process for arm’s movement
Team Number: Mon-56

As a team, write out a pseudocode outlining the high-level workflow of your computer
program in the space below.

Move arm to home

Identify container ID
If container is large: (Open corresponding autoclave)
Use gripper to pick up container
Move container to corresponding autoclave
Release gripper and place container in autoclave
If container is large: (Close autoclave)
Move arm back to home
If containers are left: (Restart the code)
End program

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