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Name: ________________________________________________________Score:

Grade &Section: ________________________________________________Date:______________

General Directions: This test is composed of two (2) parts and each part has different types of test with
corresponding points. Read the directions in each test before answering the test items. You may use BLUE
and BLACK ink pen and avoid using erasable pens. Read, study and have fun in answering the questions!
God bless!


Directions: Write TRUE if the statement with the underlined word/s is correct. If the underlined word/s in
the statement is incorrect, change it to make the statement true and write FALSE. Write your answers on
the blank provided. (2 point each)

_________________1. The expressionist found that they could best capture the ever-changing effects of
light on color by painting outdoors in natural light.
_________________2. Fauvism characterized by dream fantasies, memory images, and visual tricks and fantasies.
_________________3. Social realism expresses the artist’s role in social reform.
_________________4. Surrealism depicts an illogical subconscious dream world beyond the logical, conscious
physical one.
_________________5. Futurism artworks were a play of planes and angles on a flat surface.
_________________6. Cubism arts were created for a fast-paced, machine propelled age.
_________________7. Color field painting uses different color saturations to create a desired effect.
_________________8. Action painting technique could be splattering, squirting, and dribbling paint with no pre-
planned design
_________________9. Performance Art uses sculptural materials and other media to modify the viewer’s
experience in a particular space.
________________10. Installation art include activities such as theater, dance, music, mime, juggling, and

TEST II. ESSAY (M) (10 Points)

Direction: Answer the following questions briefly but substantially. You may use the back part of this
paper for your answer. (2 pts Content, 2 pts Organization of Ideas, 1 pt Relevance to the Question) (5 pts

1. Many modern artists believe that one of the purposes of art is to heighten our awareness of being alive. Do you
agree with the statement? Explain your answer.
2. What does Modern Art reveal about modern society? Elaborate your answer.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

~ Benjamin Franklin

Prepared by:
Mr. Eloice D. Pablo
August 2019

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