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Symposium (SD) Green Chemistry, Science in sync with Nature

Ms. Rimando

o Important: Do scientific research

The Basics of Research

o Definition of Research
 Rigorous, Investigation, Systematic, Process, Qaunti and Quali.
 Purposive, systematic and scientific process.
 Gathering, analyzing, classifying, organizing, and interpreting data
 Gives a solution to a problem, prediction, invention, discovery of truth.
 Preservation and improvement of the quality of human life.

o Purpose

o Goal

o Aims
 Verify existing knowledge
 To acquire new knowledge
 To apply new Knowledge
 Advancement of the researcher’s expertise

What makes research SCIENTIFIC?

o Scientific Research
 Application of scientific method to the investigation of relationships among
Phenomenon or thecnical problem
 Application of scientific method to the investigation among different variables
 Acquiring knowledge and truths about the world using techniques that do not
follow the scientific method.

o Characteristics of a Good Research

 Realistic  Critical
 Systematic/logical  Empirical
 Cyclical  Parsimonious/Simple
 Testable  Patient and Unhurried
 Analytical Activity
 Objective  Replicable
Charecteristic of a Good Researcher

o Research-/oriented
 Courius and wants to find out.
o Efficient
 Use time properly
o Scientific
 Does not readily accept conclucsion
o Effective
 Doing the right things.
o Active
 Responds to the callenges of the modern world.
o Resourceful
 Does his/her own improvisation.
o Creative
 Have novel ideas in mind.
o Honesty
 Reports whatever the results.
o Economical
 Resources are not wasted.
o Religious
 Faithful to the task he/she is expected to do.

A good researcher is WELL-BEHAVED.

Scientific research will promote discipline.

Green Chemistry

o Branch of chemistry concerned with developing products and process to reduce or

eliminate hazardous substances.
o Chemistry
 Study the compositions and chances that matter undergoes
o A.K.A Sustainable Chemistry
o Prevent pollution at its source.
o Source reduction
 Reduces hazards
o Modifications to equipment
o Process
o Reformulation of products
o Substitution of raw materials
o Improves house keeping

o Prevent waste;
 Design chemical synthesis to prevent waste.
 Leave no waste to treat
 Clean up

o Maximize aton energy:

 Design synthesis so that the final product contains the maximum proportion of
the starting materials.
 Waste few or no atoms
o Design less hazardous chemical systhesis
 Dedsign synthesis to use and generate sunstances with little or no to xicity.
o Design safer chemical and products
 Design chemical products that are fully safe
o Use safer solvents and reaction condition
 Must use safer solvents
 Avoid harmful chemicals
o Increse enery effienciency:
 Rune chemical reations at room tempture and pressure when evr possible.
o Use renewable Feed stocks/ raw materials.
o Avoid chemical divativess.
o Use catalysts, not stoichiometric reagents.
o Design chemicals and products to degrade after use.
o Analyse in real time to prevent pollution.
o Minimize the potential for accidents.

Benefits of Green Chemistry

o Human health
o Environment
o Economy and business

Green Chemistry is not just a definite solution but an ultimate necessity

Ms. Sison (Investigatory Project Proposal Capsule Framework)

o Element of Research
 Characteristics of research
 Science process Skills
 Purposes of Research
 Bennificiaries

o Parts of the investigatory project report

 Title Page
 Chapter 1
o Background of the study (purpose why you have conducted the study)
 Problem
 Solution
 Legal basis
o Statement of the Problem
o Hypothesis
o Paradigm
o Importance of the Study
o Scope and Delimitations
o Definitions of terms
 Chapter 2
o Research design
 Method
 Design
o Instrumentation and data gathering
o Instrumentation and Data collection
 Mechanical tool
 Chemical tool
o Tools for Data Analysis

 Chapter 3
o Results and Discussion

 Chapter 4
o Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
o Appendices

Parts of IPPC (passed on Friday next week)

o Brief Textual Presentation of the Problem Solution Analysis

o General Statement of the Problem
o Specific Questions
 Effects of dependent and independent variable
o Hypothesis
o Research Method and Approach and Statistical Tools to be used

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