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Definition Author: Kimberlee Hangse

Peer Reviewer's Name: Ashley Mize

Part 1: SLO Scores

Consult the regular Definition Rubric to see the full SLOs. Highlight, Bold, or Color the scores you think
are appropriate for this draft using the tool bar above.

SLO #1--Rhetorical Awareness (written for the right audience and purpose):

1-Below Basic 2-Developing 3-Proficient 4-Advanced

SLO #2--Ethical Research (correct citations; diverse, authoritative sources):

1-Below Basic 2-Developing 3-Proficient 4-Advanced

SLO #3--Persuasion (claims supported with appropriate evidence):

1-Below Basic 2-Developing 3-Proficient 4-Advanced

SLO #4--Organization (conventional definition organization is present):

1-Below Basic 2-Developing 3-Proficient 4-Advanced

SLO #5--Language and Design (middle-level language and user-friendly, logical design):

1-Below Basic 2-Developing 3-Proficient 4-Advanced

Part 2: Successes and Challenges

To receive full credit, give detailed answers here and use the SLOs' language to guide your choices.
Either add a short example from the paper or say where you see the success or the challenge (e.g., a
paragraph number).

Two Successes:

1. The evidence you used for the Ageism in Healthcare section was great! I got a clear understanding of
under treatment and over treatment, and how the elderly are mistreated in healthcare.

2. In your section on Population, by stating how many elderly people there are in the world, I thought
you did a great job connecting the So What portion of the prompt. This section makes you realize how
big of a problem ageism is and how many people it affects.

Two Challenges:

1. This sentence, "As more speak up about facing ageism in healthcare, it is found that they have
worsened conditions inhibiting on the quality of life." under your Ageism in Healthcare section was a bit
confusing to me. Do they have worsened conditions because it is just being brought to light, or is
speaking up about ageism causing them to have worsened conditions.
2. Some of the words you used, gerontologist (in the history section) and infantilizing (in the ageism in
healthcare section) for example, might need to be explained. I found I had to look up the meaning for
them, however, I do not know much medical terminology so it might work for an audience that is in
public health.

Definition Author: Carys Houck Teal

Peer Reviewer's Name: Ashley Mize

Part 1: SLO Scores

Consult the regular Definition Rubric to see the full SLOs. Highlight, Bold, or Color the scores you think
are appropriate for this draft using the tool bar above.

SLO #1--Rhetorical Awareness (written for the right audience and purpose):

1-Below Basic 2-Developing 3-Proficient 4-Advanced

SLO #2--Ethical Research (correct citations; diverse, authoritative sources):

1-Below Basic 2-Developing 3-Proficient 4-Advanced

SLO #3--Persuasion (claims supported with appropriate evidence):

1-Below Basic 2-Developing 3-Proficient 4-Advanced

SLO #4--Organization (conventional definition organization is present):

1-Below Basic 2-Developing 3-Proficient 4-Advanced

SLO #5--Language and Design (middle-level language and user-friendly, logical design):

1-Below Basic 2-Developing 3-Proficient 4-Advanced

Part 2: Successes and Challenges

To receive full credit, give detailed answers here and use the SLOs' language to guide your choices.
Either add a short example from the paper or say where you see the success or the challenge (e.g., a
paragraph number).

Two Successes:

1. SLO 5- Your definition was easy to follow. The partitioning and chunking with white space allowed me
to differentiate between information and topics.

2. SLO 3- I loved your example about the Challenger Rocket in paragraph 5. It is a great example to show
the importance of accurate information in engineering and how autoCAD can help with that.
Two Challenges:

1. I felt your definition was a little on the shorter side. I would like to see more in your sections "Why
Design Software Exists", "Primary Users" and your primary section of "AutoCAD". Maybe you could add
some process of operation for autoCAD and the steps an architect or engineer would take to use it. Or
expand on the graphics and explain to the reader what is being shown in the figures. This would help
with SLO 3.

2. SLO 4- The "History and Development" section felt out of place to me. I think organizing it before
primary users would be more effective.

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