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Evaluation Test - Analytics

Q6 Excel knowledge and logical Exam Complete the excercises on the sheet (Logical_Test) 41 Points 7 points on 3 excercises 10 on 2 exercises

Excel Skills Test. Please use tabs named Exercise to document the proces.
Once you have finished please copy and paste RESULTS/FIGURES to this tab.

Q7 During the last Senior Staff Meeting a discussion about Average Handel Time (AHT) raised up. Senior OM (Operation Manager) from Site A claimed that he had the best AHT performance.
Sr OM from Site B said that his performing was better than Site A performance due the fact that he was taking into consideration
the number of calls and therfore, his weighted AHT was much better.
You, as a both Sites PIPM, have the duty of dilucidate who is right and who is wrong. To do this go to Tab named Exercise 1 and, use your probed Excel skills
and knowledge, to find it out. After you finished your analisys please copy and paste answers in this page

Weighted AHT Site A Weighted AHT Site B Site with better AHT (wright dow your answer here)

Q8 Sr. OM (Operation Manager) from Site A is concerned about the Quality Performance of Coach Tamara Solorzano. 10
He is pretty sure that Tamara's Team has more than 30% of CSAT Scores 1 and 2s.
Using your probed Excel skills and knowledge, help out your Sr. OM and make a Histogram that reflects if OM's asumption is right or wrong (Fill in the blank use "X")
To do this go to Tab named Escercise 2
OM's asumption is (choose only one)
Copy and Paste Histogram here Right Wrong

Make your own comment:

Q9 Site Director wants to know if AHT of both Site are under control or uncontrolled. He needs to know this in order to set up a new Six Sigma Project on AHT 7
Performance. Your duty, as a PIPM, is advice your Site Director which Site is prefearible to analyze. To do this you need to make a Control Chart for each Site.
Go to Tab named Exercise 3 for more details. Remember to copy and paste Figures from tab Exercise 3 to this tab

Copy and Paste Control Chart Site A here Copy and Paste Control Chart Site B here
Wright down PIPM Recommendation here
Q10 During the most recent MBR (Monthly Business Review) our Client had expressed that we need to be focused on FCR (First Call Resolution) due to the fact that FCR and CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) Scores have a
very strong relationship. When the meeting was over, SD (Site Director) and OM (Operation Manager) ask you, as PIPM (Process Improvement Project Manager) , if this is true.
Using your strog knowledge of Excel features and your probed skills, make a correlation analisys over this fact. Go to Tab named Exercise 4 and follow the instructions.
Remember to Copy and paste your findings in here.

Copy and Paste Correlation Analysis Figure here

PIPM Recommendation upon results

Power BI 10
1. How is your knowledge in DAX?. Mention something about it.
2. How can you create a measure and prevent it from being subfiltered by another field, that the measure is static. Explain.

3. How would you connect one table to another to manage a single filter on data from different databases?

R studio 10
1. How do you create a variable using R studio?

2. How do you create a function using R studio?

3. What is the meaning of bucle, wich are the types most popular of them?

4. What is a library, how is it loaded in R and what does it recommend (Why and mention a function).
ADP Names HIRE Date Age Gender Campaign Csat
2929 Pedro 5/3/2010 45 Male Capital One 75.0%
1275 Juan 5/14/2010 26 Male Capital One 92.0%
1506 Michael 7/27/2010 18 Male Capital One 97.0%
1746 Aniceto 10/11/2010 37 Male Capital One 76.0%
1940 Saudi 11/30/2010 29 Female Capital One 91.0%
2008 Josue 2/2/2011 44 Male Capital One 69.0%
3519 Alvaro 2/13/2011 43 Male Capital One 69.0%
9979 Alex 3/17/2011 22 Male Capital One 83.0%
1329 Alejandra 4/11/2011 23 Female Capital One 68.0%
3788 Val 5/15/2011 43 Male Capital One 93.0%
1587 Jasson 7/7/2011 28 Male Capital One 98.0%
3973 Ken 10/3/2011 20 Male Equifax 81.0%
1326 Joseph 12/12/2011 37 Male Equifax 76.0%
4701 Mike 12/29/2011 24 Male Equifax 92.0%
2002 Peter 1/10/2012 28 Male Equifax 72.0%
4836 Silvio 2/17/2012 33 Male Equifax 78.0%
4967 Manuel 4/7/2012 26 Male Equifax 83.0%
5166 Miguel 6/6/2012 23 Male Equifax 85.0%
5193 Gilberto 8/25/2012 27 Male Equifax 69.0%
1726 Edilberto 11/17/2012 22 Male Cricket 75.0%
5660 German 1/2/2013 44 Male Cricket 90.0%
7528 Carmen 3/9/2013 27 Female Cricket 69.0%
6237 Josseline 4/17/2013 33 Female Cricket 95.0%
6559 Rosario 5/25/2013 34 Female Cricket 82.0%
6741 Mitchel 6/17/2013 30 Male Cricket 88.0%
6858 Bartolome 9/15/2013 28 Male Cricket 81.0%
4818 Douglas 9/30/2013 43 Male Cricket 67.0%
9237 Leopoldo 10/8/2013 45 Male Cricket 73.0%
7603 Sandra 11/1/2013 36 Female Cricket 94.0%
8128 Nieves 12/25/2013 43 Female Cricket 95.0%
4427 Karen 1/14/2014 30 Female VMU 93.0%
2559 Karelia 2/10/2014 34 Female VMU 93.0%
9652 Kevin 4/11/2014 30 Male VMU 97.0%
7360 Kiev 6/7/2014 32 Male VMU 86.0%
8497 Nicolas 9/1/2014 24 Male VMU 73.0%
2379 Myron 9/19/2014 34 Male VMU 71.0%
9760 Ariadnna 11/27/2014 18 Female VMU 77.0%
3818 Arnoldo 1/24/2015 24 Male VMU 69.0%
9143 Gustavo 2/28/2015 30 Male VMU 96.0%
7518 Marcos 3/9/2015 27 Male VMU 88.0%
Q6.1 How many Males and how many Females agents are on the following list of ADPs,
and percentage… (Use Vlookups, countifs, sums and divisions) {7 Po

ADP Gender Gender Count

1275 Male Male
1940 Female Female
9979 Male
1329 Female
1587 Male
1326 Male
2002 Male
4967 Male
1726 Male
7528 Female
6559 Female
9237 Male
8128 Female
7360 Male
2379 Male
7518 Male
nts are on the following list of ADPs, provide the numer Q6.2
From the entire Data Base and using a p
s, countifs, sums and divisions) {7 Points} 1) Csat
2) Csa
(you can use more tha
entire Data Base and using a pivot table provide the following information:
1) Csat per campaign
2) Csat per Gender
(you can use more than one pivot table) {7 Points}
Q6.3 Using the formula "if"and the formula "and" write yes to all the female agents that have a csat a
the "yes" and "no" found. {10 Points}

ADP Names HIRE Date Age Gender

2929 Pedro 5/3/2010 45 Male
1275 Juan 5/14/2010 26 Male
1506 Michael 7/27/2010 18 Male
1746 Aniceto 10/11/2010 37 Male
1940 Saudi 11/30/2010 29 Female
2008 Josue 2/2/2011 44 Male
3519 Alvaro 2/13/2011 43 Male
9979 Alex 3/17/2011 22 Male
1329 Alejandra 4/11/2011 23 Female
3788 Val 5/15/2011 43 Male
1587 Jasson 7/7/2011 28 Male
3973 Ken 10/3/2011 20 Male
1326 Joseph 12/12/2011 37 Male
4701 Mike 12/29/2011 24 Male
2002 Peter 1/10/2012 28 Male
4836 Silvio 2/17/2012 33 Male
4967 Manuel 4/7/2012 26 Male
5166 Miguel 6/6/2012 23 Male
5193 Gilberto 8/25/2012 27 Male
1726 Edilberto 11/17/2012 22 Male
5660 German 1/2/2013 44 Male
7528 Carmen 3/9/2013 27 Female
6237 Josseline 4/17/2013 33 Female
6559 Rosario 5/25/2013 34 Female
6741 Mitchel 6/17/2013 30 Male
6858 Bartolome 9/15/2013 28 Male
4818 Douglas 9/30/2013 43 Male
9237 Leopoldo 10/8/2013 45 Male
7603 Sandra 11/1/2013 36 Female
8128 Nieves 12/25/2013 43 Female
4427 Karen 1/14/2014 30 Female
2559 Karelia 2/10/2014 34 Female
9652 Kevin 4/11/2014 30 Male
7360 Kiev 6/7/2014 32 Male
8497 Nicolas 9/1/2014 24 Male
2379 Myron 9/19/2014 34 Male
9760 Ariadnna 11/27/2014 18 Female
3818 Arnoldo 1/24/2015 24 Male
9143 Gustavo 2/28/2015 30 Male
7518 Marcos 3/9/2015 27 Male
the female agents that have a csat above 80%, provide a count and a percentage of
s" and "no" found. {10 Points}

Campaign Csat Applicable Applicable count Percentage

Capital One 75.0% Yes
Capital One 92.0% No
Capital One 97.0%
Capital One 76.0%
Capital One 91.0%
Capital One 69.0%
Capital One 69.0%
Capital One 83.0%
Capital One 68.0%
Capital One 93.0%
Capital One 98.0%
Equifax 81.0%
Equifax 76.0%
Equifax 92.0%
Equifax 72.0%
Equifax 78.0%
Equifax 83.0%
Equifax 85.0%
Equifax 69.0%
Cricket 75.0%
Cricket 90.0%
Cricket 69.0%
Cricket 95.0%
Cricket 82.0%
Cricket 88.0%
Cricket 81.0%
Cricket 67.0%
Cricket 73.0%
Cricket 94.0%
Cricket 95.0%
VMU 93.0%
VMU 93.0%
VMU 97.0%
VMU 86.0%
VMU 73.0%
VMU 71.0%
VMU 77.0%
VMU 69.0%
VMU 96.0%
VMU 88.0%
Q6.4 Using excel formulas and the data below please provide the csat score of the following peop

Date Names Csat

1/1/2015 Pedro 99%
1/1/2015 Juan 73%
1/1/2015 Michael 95%
1/1/2015 Aniceto 74%
1/1/2015 Saudi 71%
1/1/2015 Josue 97%
1/1/2015 Alvaro 82%
1/1/2015 Alex 71%
1/1/2015 Alejandra 80%
1/1/2015 Val 70%
1/1/2015 Jasson 100%
1/1/2015 Ken 84%
1/1/2015 Joseph 97%
1/1/2015 Mike 100%
1/1/2015 Peter 72%
1/1/2015 Silvio 92%
1/1/2015 Manuel 75%
1/2/2015 Pedro 95%
1/2/2015 Juan 76%
1/2/2015 Michael 100%
1/2/2015 Aniceto 82%
1/2/2015 Saudi 67%
1/2/2015 Josue 75%
1/2/2015 Alvaro 68%
1/2/2015 Alex 85%
1/2/2015 Alejandra 93%
1/2/2015 Val 84%
1/2/2015 Jasson 66%
1/2/2015 Ken 89%
1/2/2015 Joseph 69%
1/2/2015 Mike 73%
1/2/2015 Peter 71%
1/2/2015 Silvio 98%
1/2/2015 Manuel 67%
1/3/2015 Pedro 81%
1/3/2015 Juan 94%
1/3/2015 Michael 88%
1/3/2015 Aniceto 70%
1/3/2015 Saudi 93%
1/3/2015 Josue 85%
1/3/2015 Alvaro 91%
1/3/2015 Alex 97%
1/3/2015 Alejandra 92%
1/3/2015 Val 82%
1/3/2015 Jasson 83%
1/3/2015 Ken 92%
1/3/2015 Joseph 81%
1/3/2015 Mike 85%
1/3/2015 Peter 88%
1/3/2015 Silvio 66%
1/3/2015 Manuel 92%
1/4/2015 Pedro 76%
1/4/2015 Juan 79%
1/4/2015 Michael 96%
1/4/2015 Aniceto 94%
1/4/2015 Saudi 95%
1/4/2015 Josue 74%
1/4/2015 Alvaro 72%
1/4/2015 Alex 84%
1/4/2015 Alejandra 97%
1/4/2015 Val 81%
1/4/2015 Jasson 72%
1/4/2015 Ken 95%
1/4/2015 Joseph 66%
1/4/2015 Mike 79%
1/4/2015 Peter 86%
1/4/2015 Silvio 82%
1/4/2015 Manuel 84%
1/5/2015 Pedro 69%
1/5/2015 Juan 68%
1/5/2015 Michael 99%
1/5/2015 Aniceto 65%
1/5/2015 Saudi 96%
1/5/2015 Josue 94%
1/5/2015 Alvaro 91%
1/5/2015 Alex 83%
1/5/2015 Alejandra 94%
1/5/2015 Val 96%
1/5/2015 Jasson 83%
1/5/2015 Ken 77%
1/5/2015 Joseph 86%
1/5/2015 Mike 68%
1/5/2015 Peter 68%
1/5/2015 Silvio 87%
1/5/2015 Manuel 87%
1/6/2015 Pedro 91%
1/6/2015 Juan 81%
1/6/2015 Michael 67%
1/6/2015 Aniceto 73%
1/6/2015 Saudi 91%
1/6/2015 Josue 65%
1/6/2015 Alvaro 97%
1/6/2015 Alex 94%
1/6/2015 Alejandra 66%
1/6/2015 Val 95%
1/6/2015 Jasson 94%
1/6/2015 Ken 73%
1/6/2015 Joseph 88%
1/6/2015 Mike 84%
1/6/2015 Peter 72%
1/6/2015 Silvio 88%
1/6/2015 Manuel 70%
the csat score of the following people {10 Points} Q6.5

Date Names Csat

1/1/2015 Saudi
1/1/2015 Jasson
1/1/2015 Mike
1/1/2015 Silvio
1/2/2015 Josue
1/2/2015 Alejandra
1/2/2015 Peter
1/3/2015 Juan
1/3/2015 Josue
1/3/2015 Val
1/3/2015 Peter
1/4/2015 Pedro
1/4/2015 Juan
1/4/2015 Aniceto
1/4/2015 Alvaro
1/5/2015 Pedro
1/5/2015 Alvaro
1/5/2015 Alex
1/5/2015 Alejandra
1/5/2015 Val
1/5/2015 Mike
1/6/2015 Pedro
1/6/2015 Aniceto
1/6/2015 Saudi
1/6/2015 Val
1/6/2015 Mike
1/6/2015 Silvio
Create one formula that extracts the word "PIPM" from all the cells (you can use the
following formulas {Left, Right, Find, LEN}) {7 Points}

aaaa----- PIPM ----aaa

aaaa-- PIPM ----aaa
bbbPIPM ----aaa
Exercise 1: Weighted Average Handel Time
Average Handle Time(AHT) Average Talk Time (ATT) & After Call Work (ACW
Average-Talk-Time (ATT) is the average amount of time agents talk to customers.
After-Call-Work (ACW) is the average amount of time an agent takes to wrap-up a call in this case is fixed in 7 seconds.
Hold Time (HT) is the amount of time used to put any customer on hold.
Average Handle Time is the combination of both ATT + ACW +HT.
Calculation AHT = Average-Talk-Time + After-Call-Work+Hold Time
HINT: Weighted average take into consideration number of calls , all metrics are expressed in seconds. Low
Contact centres tend to place tremendous effort in driving down AHT because it is directly related to increased cost.
In very large centres, an additional second of AHT can add as much as one million dollars in additional annualized costs.
Monitor AHT but also the effectiveness of a call. It is important however not just to monitor AHT but also the effectiveness of

Date # Calls ATT HT ACW Wght_AHT Date # Calls

1-Aug 845 347 82 7 1-Aug 1261
2-Aug 907 324 45 7 2-Aug 983
3-Aug 1289 314 1 7 3-Aug 920
4-Aug 1212 181 54 7 4-Aug 1308
5-Aug 924 386 60 7 5-Aug 1142
6-Aug 613 458 13 7 6-Aug 1204
7-Aug 1043 256 15 7 7-Aug 987
8-Aug 538 552 47 7 8-Aug 15
9-Aug 798 278 67 7 9-Aug 706
10-Aug 589 329 79 7 10-Aug 596
11-Aug 649 326 20 7 11-Aug 795
12-Aug 303 460 27 7 12-Aug 472
13-Aug 1672 251 33 7 13-Aug 746
14-Aug 1340 268 30 7 14-Aug 811
15-Aug 1221 320 26 7 15-Aug 95
16-Aug 1184 265 22 7 16-Aug 983
17-Aug 939 446 12 7 17-Aug 829
18-Aug 892 400 78 7 18-Aug 1089
19-Aug 1272 298 78 7 19-Aug 87
20-Aug 682 338 52 7 20-Aug 26
21-Aug 1089 230 69 7 21-Aug 370
22-Aug 660 377 42 7 22-Aug 1363
23-Aug 882 407 27 7 23-Aug 204
24-Aug 859 476 26 7 24-Aug 837
25-Aug 821 174 129 7 25-Aug 1306
26-Aug 65 489 119 7 26-Aug 812
27-Aug 1159 326 49 7 27-Aug 627
28-Aug 932 429 12 7 28-Aug 1022
29-Aug 996 363 18 7 29-Aug 1064
30-Aug 65 489 119 7 30-Aug 1022
31-Aug 917 413 91 7 31-Aug 730
SITE A Weighted AHT SITE B Weighted A
Handel Time
After Call Work (ACW) & Hold TIMe (HT)

ssed in seconds. Lower the metric better the performance

l annualized costs.
also the effectiveness of a call. The key is to find the right balance for your business.


212 34 7
364 26 7
461 43 7
304 20 7
313 1 7
348 31 7
300 19 7
349 10 7
433 12 7
395 46 7
415 80 7
263 56 7
317 23 7
340 16 7
398 7 7
393 44 7
528 15 7
298 5 7
158 7 7
317 41 7
628 27 7
314 50 7
207 134 7
361 43 7
316 0 7
407 57 7
343 82 7
294 30 7
304 53 7
294 30 7
434 83 7
SITE B Weighted AHT
Exercise 2: Histogram on CSAT Scor
CSAT Scores is a set of scores used in an E-mail Customer Care Survey. After the call is ended the Customer use this survey to r
As high the score as better the rating Highly Satisfied
Niether Satisfied nor dissatisfied
Highly Dissatisfied

Hint: We have prepared a Histogram Matrix you only need to fill up this matrix with the right data/calculations. After that you

Coach Tamara Solorzano Histogram Matrix

DATE (All) Class Count Ind_freq Cum_freq
Month 8
Week (Multiple Items)

Agent CSAT Scores

togram on CSAT Scores
ustomer use this survey to rate How Agents Performed
2 These two scores belongs to bottom
performers and must be avoided

calculations. After that you can construct the Histogram figure and label it
Exercise 3: Control Chart AHT Sites
The Client has establised an AHT Goal of 376 ± 50 seconds
HINT: Use Standard Deviation to set up Control Boundaries in your Run Chart LSL (Lower specification limit) and USL (Upper Sp

Site A Site B
Date # Calls ATT HT ACW AHT Goal LSL USL Date # Calls
1-Aug 845 347 82 7 1-Aug 1261
2-Aug 907 324 45 7 2-Aug 983
3-Aug 1289 314 1 7 3-Aug 920
4-Aug 1212 181 54 7 4-Aug 1308
5-Aug 924 386 60 7 5-Aug 1142
6-Aug 613 458 13 7 6-Aug 1204
7-Aug 1043 256 15 7 7-Aug 987
8-Aug 538 552 47 7 8-Aug 15
9-Aug 798 278 67 7 9-Aug 706
10-Aug 589 329 79 7 10-Aug 596
11-Aug 649 326 20 7 11-Aug 795
12-Aug 303 460 27 7 12-Aug 472
13-Aug 1672 251 33 7 13-Aug 746
14-Aug 1340 268 30 7 14-Aug 811
15-Aug 1221 320 26 7 15-Aug 95
16-Aug 1184 265 22 7 16-Aug 983
17-Aug 939 446 12 7 17-Aug 829
18-Aug 892 400 78 7 18-Aug 1089
19-Aug 1272 298 78 7 19-Aug 87
20-Aug 682 338 52 7 20-Aug 26
21-Aug 1089 230 69 7 21-Aug 370
22-Aug 660 377 42 7 22-Aug 1363
23-Aug 882 407 27 7 23-Aug 204
24-Aug 859 476 26 7 24-Aug 837
25-Aug 821 174 129 7 25-Aug 1306
26-Aug 65 489 119 7 26-Aug 812
27-Aug 1159 326 49 7 27-Aug 627
28-Aug 932 429 12 7 28-Aug 1022
29-Aug 996 363 18 7 29-Aug 1064
30-Aug 65 489 119 7 30-Aug 1022
31-Aug 917 413 91 7 31-Aug 730
tion limit) and USL (Upper Specification Limit)


212 34 7
364 26 7
461 43 7
304 20 7
313 1 7
348 31 7
300 19 7
349 10 7
433 12 7
395 46 7
415 80 7
263 56 7
317 23 7
340 16 7
398 7 7
393 44 7
528 15 7
298 5 7
158 7 7
317 41 7
628 27 7
314 50 7
207 134 7
361 43 7
316 0 7
407 57 7
343 82 7
294 30 7
304 53 7
294 30 7
434 83 7
Exercise 4: Correlation Analysis
FCR measures the percentage of customer issued calls that are resolved the first time.
Contact centres will use a time frame within the first customer call to determine if that call was successfully resolved in the first ca
FCR is a key metric to measure and understand. Some contact centres will say this is the most important metric to analyze, espe
A very high FCR can save your organization considerable money (the result is less repeat calls) and greatly improves customer s


11/30/08 3.95 73.78%
12/07/08 3.86 67.50%
12/14/08 3.88 68.75%
12/21/08 3.85 70.88%
12/28/08 3.81 71.30%
01/04/09 3.92 72.17%
01/11/09 3.92 70.03%
01/18/09 3.91 69.70%
01/25/09 3.90 68.54%
02/01/09 3.52 62.96%
02/08/09 3.93 73.83%
02/15/09 3.87 69.15%
02/22/09 4.01 75.28%
03/01/09 4.10 75.00%
03/08/09 4.07 73.09%
03/15/09 4.01 76.52%
03/22/09 4.04 73.35%
03/29/09 4.11 78.40%
04/05/09 4.12 77.91%
04/12/09 4.10 74.20%
04/19/09 4.20 78.64%
04/26/09 4.15 75.23%
05/03/09 4.07 77.05%
05/10/09 4.12 80.08%
05/17/09 4.07 77.67%
05/24/09 4.17 81.01%
05/31/09 4.03 80.98%
06/07/09 4.03 80.07%
06/14/09 4.03 77.84%
06/21/09 4.05 79.19%
06/28/09 4.00 77.28%
07/05/09 3.84 75.72%
07/12/09 3.99 75.51%
07/19/09 3.94 76.39%
07/26/09 4.22 85.61%
08/02/09 4.05 82.07%
08/09/09 3.97 78.34%
08/16/09 4.02 74.75%

essfully resolved in the first call. For example some centres will use a 72 hour time frame to help determine a negative or positive FCR
ortant metric to analyze, especially when you consider that a Customer may wait a while to reach an agent and receive extreme satisfaction with the call
d greatly improves customer satisfaction
eme satisfaction with the call

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