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NAME: ...................................................................................................................................

NICKNAME: ...................................................................GENDER: ..........................................

DATE OF BIRTH: ...................................AGE: ..........................................................................

PLACE OF BIRTH: ....................................................PROVINCE: ..............................................

PHYSICAL ADDRESS: ..............................................................................................................

CONTACT NUMBER: ..................................................TELL: ..................................................

POSTAL ADDRESS: .................................................................................................................

EMAIL: ...................................................................................................................................

FACEBOOK: ...............................................TWITTER: ..........................................................

INSTAGRAM: ...............................................





HEIGHT: ..........................................................

WEIGHT: ........................................................

BODY SIZE: .....................................................


1) Have you been a model before, if yes? which skills do you have concerning modelling (tick 5)

- Art and design

- Adverts / Commercials

- Glamour/Erotic films/Playboys/Lingerie

- Promotions/Billboards/Product Branding
- Corporate events/Ushering

- TV Presenters/ Acting / Soupies

- Runway models/ Cat walking/ Fashion shows

- Magazine cover models

- Cheering parties

- Video vixens/Dancing

2) Which field do you want to specialize in among the chosen five above?


3) Are you working, If yes? Which company and when are you free for Castings and Training?



4) A re you prepared to travel to model assignments? (tick any)

World wide


Only South Africa



- International exposure

- Job opportunities

- Get paid what you deserve

- Chances of traveling to nearby countries and around the world for fashion shows

- Connect you to the best and top companies with in the country and outside the country.

- We provide you with clothing's sometimes in certain fields during modelling, casting, commercials for

- We care for your safety with the companies you made the contract with and know where you
traveling, working conditions.

- Set the going rates for models in a reasonably large market

- Provide necessary contractual language description of rates, releases, usage restrictions on resulting
images, cancellation fees etc.
- Handle billing to the clients and agent’s relationship with those clients, which derives a commercial


The following is a legal agreement between you and the company, if you don't agree don't fill the forms,
this agreement may be revised or updated without notice.

you are advised to review it regularly, details of updates can be found at the beginning of this document
or face book account and website.

The company strives to provide accurate information on Images and the services of the models.

The company cannot be held liable for any losses of images resulting from the inaccuracy of and
information, however we are liable to protect your images with privacy.


- Both parties can terminate your contract for any reason with a written notice and proof of identity
upon termination.

- Miss conduct and failure to a bid by the company’s rules, contract can be terminated and all your
details will be removed from the website and also contact the company sponsoring or signed a contract
too for termination.


The information given above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

signature: ................................. date: ..........................................

approved by: ............................signature: ..................................

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