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Read the extract given on Page 4 of New English Fourth by Rhodri Jones titled –
“Father’s Gift” and then answer all the questions given below:

1. What sometimes made the father come home feeling happy?

Ans: The father used to come home from night shift and the children were in their
night dress. Then night met morning face to face and the contact wasn’t always
happy. Perhaps it’s the father not liking to see his children when daily entering the
house. Sometimes he was happy, because of his long walk through his dewy fields
in the first daybreak. Seeing the open morning, the sky was crystal.

2. ‘He liked non-human things best.’ What does this suggest about the father?

Ans: The father used to walk through the dewy fields every morning because he
enjoyed it. Whenever he walks, he watches every bird, every stir in the trembling
grass, he answers to the whining and petwits of the field. He could have responded
with whistling with a native language that was non-human.
3. ‘He was always a disturbing presence.’ What does this mean?

Ans: One sunny morning, the family was sitting at the table and suddenly they heard
a heavy slurring. The father made that noise and the family became uneasy. His
presence was always disturbing to them because of the non-human language which
he spoke in the fields.

4. The author describes the father’s walk as ‘slurring’ and his presence as
‘trammelling.’ Explain what he means.

Ans: The author meant “slurring” because the father’s indistinctly whistling which he
used to communicate with the birds and other midget animals. ‘Trammelling” was
meant to say that he always had the freedom to do anything he wanted. But his
family did not consider his behaviour.

5. Why is the mother so opposed to keeping the rabbit?

Ans: The father had come home from his walk and asked the mother for tea. He sat
down at the table and had his arm in a fisted position. While he took his tea, he kept
a small brown rabbit on the table. The whole family pounced and got scared. The
mother had the wish to bring it back to life and the whole family sank down in tears.

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