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Technology and Livelihood Education

Module 1
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)
Technology and Livelihood Education
Module 1
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)
Table of Contents
What This Module Is About..................................................................................................................iv
What I Need to Know............................................................................................................................iv
How to Learn from this Module............................................................................................................iv
Icons of this Module..............................................................................................................................v
What I
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) Needed in Aquaculture..............................................1
What I Need To Know........................................................................................................................1
What’s In...........................................................................................................................................1
What’s New.......................................................................................................................................2
Activity 1: PECs Checklist..............................................................................................................2
What Is It.......................................................................................................................................3
What’s More......................................................................................................................................6
Activity 2: Aligning one’s PECs.......................................................................................................6
What I Have Learned.........................................................................................................................6
Activity 3........................................................................................................................................6
What I Can Do....................................................................................................................................7
Activity 4.1 . Matching Type : Entrepreneurial competencies.......................................................7
Identify Areas for Improvement, Development and Growth.................................................................8
What’s In...........................................................................................................................................8
Activity 1.2.1..................................................................................................................................8
What’s More......................................................................................................................................8
Activity 1.2.2 Interview..................................................................................................................8
What I Have Learned.........................................................................................................................9
Activity 1.2.3..................................................................................................................................9
What can I do..................................................................................................................................10
Activity 1.2.4 My PECs that need to be further improved...........................................................10
Post Test..............................................................................................................................................12
Key to Answers....................................................................................................................................13
What This Module Is About
Have you ever thought of running your own business? Entrepreneurship has
brought great success to some, but it's not a career path for all.
In this module, you will learn more about entrepreneurship and the
entrepreneurial competencies of a successful entrepreneur. According to Computer
Hardware Servicing- Module 1-Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) module 1,
you will have a first-hand experience in educational activities leading to assessment of your
personal entrepreneurial competencies (PECs) and the entrepreneurial competencies of a
successful entrepreneurs within your province. You will also have several activities that will
align your competencies with those of successful practitioners. Moreover, this module will
encourage you to think about entrepreneurship and its role in the business community as
well as in the economic and social development of an individual.
To start with this module, let us first understand entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship.

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Recognize Personal Competencies and Skills (PECs) needed aquaculture
(TLE_PECS9-12-00-1, TLE_PECS7/8-0k1)

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
 Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
 Answer the pre-test honestly; the purpose of the pre-test is for you to determine your
prior knowledge before going through the lessons and activities.
 If you have hard time understanding the lessons and activities, please do take a
break. Having breaks between lessons and activities will give you some space where
you can absorb the lesson well.
 You can use the internet if you need more information about the lesson.
Icons of this Module
What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that
Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.
What I Know
Test I: Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and understand the situation that describes the entrepreneurial
characteristics or attributes. Write only the letter of your best answer on your assignment

Mr. Gomez opens his own processed fish products business. He knows that his personal
entrepreneurial characteristics are insufficient to ensure a successful operation of the
business he has in mind. Your answers to the questions below will help in developing his PECs.

1. What PECs must he possess if there are customers who complain about the quality of
her product?
a. Hardworking b. Patient
c. Versatile d. All of the above

2. Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of an entrepreneur?

a. Copes with failure b. Dependent
c. Opportunity seeker d. Persistent

3. If he wants to ensure a profitable business operation, what characteristic must he/she

a. Committed b. Futuristic
c. Goal oriented d. Opportunity seeker

4. You follow the advice of your friend to be flexible especially if you intend to open a retail
business. What PECs do you demonstrate?
a. Open to feedback b. Reliable and has integrity
c. Persistent d. confident

5. You tell your best friend that she has a strong will to find solution to a business problem.
What PECs she has been demonstrated?
a. Hard work b. Persistence
c. Risk- taking d. Confident
Module Personal Entrepreneurial
Competencies (PECs) Needed in
1 Aquaculture

What I Need To Know

At the end of this module,you should be able to:

1. Recognize Personal Competencies and skills (PECs) needed in Aquaculture

1.1 Identify and assess practitioner’s PECs: Characteristics, Attributes, Lifestyle,
Skills, Traits

1.2 Identify areas for improvement, development and growth

What’s In

Do you know what Entrepreneurs mean? How about PECs of Entrepreneur? Did you
go to our public market? What do you observe the vendors doing every day? Answer this
concept map activity. Write the common activities of the entrepreneurs/vendors in Agora
Market, write your answer inside the blank circle. Copy this on your activity notebook.



Activity 1: PECs Checklist
Direction: Using the PECs checklist, assess yourself by putting a (X) mark in either strengths
or development areas column. Interpret the results by counting the total number of check
marks in each of the column. After accomplishing the checklist, share it to your family for
some comments or suggestions.

PECs Checklist

Personal Entrepreneurial Personal Assessment in terms of:

Competencies ( PECs) Strength Development Areas
 Profit oriented Example:
Always looking for an X
opportunities to have an
 Self-reliance in one’s ability
 Ability to accept changes
 Solid dedication
 Disciplined
Always stick to the plan
 Sound decision maker
Makes wise decisions towards
the set objectives
 Hardworking
Work diligently
 Possess people skill
Effective and efficient
communication skills and
relates well to people
 Excellent planner
Strategic thinking and setting
of goals
 Creative
Innovative to have edge over
other competitors

Your Interpretation or Insight after you assess yourself.


What Is It

Important Entrepreneurial Traits

Entrepreneurial competencies refer to the important characteristics that should be

possessed by an individual in order to perform entrepreneurial functions effectively. In this
lesson, you will learn some of the most important characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills,
and traits of successful entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs are those with the skills and capabilities to see and evaluate business
opportunities. They are individuals who can strategically identify products or services needed
by the community, and have the capacity to deliver them at the right time and at the right

Below are some important characteristics /traits/attributes/of a good entrepreneur:

1. Hardworking: One of the most important characteristics of a good entrepreneur.
This means working diligently and being consistent about it. Hardworking people
keep improving their performance to produce good products and/ or provide good
2. Self-confidence. Once the plan to do entrepreneurial activities is ready to be started,
assure yourself to overcome risks and many other forms of business constraints.
3. Self-control. In any situations that need to be handled, never react immediately.
Instead respond to the situation in the most legal and beneficial ways.
4. Courage. Be a risk-taker with alternative courses of action on hand. 7 Business
risks are always there however, one’s readiness to face, reduce or eliminate it
depends on how brave you can be.
5. Commitment. Sustain every effort you have started. Profit may dwindle in the most
unacceptable way but never hesitate to invoke your right to persist and regain a lost
6. Creativity. Do not stay inside a box which means go out and flaunt your potential to
be effectively different. Use your imagination to create marketable ideas and push it.
If you thought of a potentially good one, be the first to act upon it. Chances are,
others’ have thought about it, too.
7. Optimism. Be someone who always feels positive in every effort in order to achieve
8. Future-Oriented. Once you enter in a line of business, you must understand that you
are in a non-stop contract. It may take several years to build up a business to a
reasonable standard. The goal of most successful business people is to build a
secure job with a stable income based on their own ability.
9. Profit-Oriented. When you enter into the world of business, obviously, you are
looking for income because you know that this will be your bread and butter not only
for you but also for your family. Therefore, you must see to it that the business can
generate income. Another plan of action is to expand your own business through the
use of your generated income.
10. Persistence. Differences in opinion and judgment. Your opponent can be a part of
the rejection on what you intend to do for your endeavor. As an entrepreneur, you
must be firm, strong-willed, and stick or follow what you believe is the best
11. Copes with Failure. “Learn from your mistakes”. As an entrepreneur, you must
learn how to deal with the frustrations and failures. Instead, turn these into productive
learning experiences.
12. Takes the Initiative. A successful entrepreneur takes the initiative. You must put
yourself in a position where you, personally, are responsible for the failure or success
of your business.
13. Shows Willingness to Listen. Take time to listen to the advice, suggestions, and
recommendations of fellow entrepreneurs. It will help your business grow.

14. Risk-Taker. Risk sometimes cannot be anticipated. When misfortunes happen,
consider these as challenges. Work them out and set good alternatives. Risks may
result to loss of your business or even bankruptcy.
15. Reliable and has Integrity. An entrepreneur must build a good reputation, and
possess the courage to do the right thing. Do what you say, walk your talk, be loyal,
and be fair in dealing with the subordinates and costumers.
16. Set your Own Standards. This involves developing and using logical, step by-step
plans to reach the goal; offering evaluation alternatives, monitoring progress, and
switching to successful strategies. To be a successful entrepreneur, you must take
into consideration that sales and production depend on your own standards.
17. Information Seeking. "Information seeking is the process or activity of attempting to
obtain information in both human and technological contexts".
18. Well-defined values. Be precise in your principles or standards. Goals coated with
well-defined values provide guidance to what your business must achieve with
reduced inconveniences.
19. High energy level. Competitive entrepreneurs are fuelled to succeed. Passion in
the endeavor is an energy enhancer. Success in business comes from being
passionately energetic.
20. Leadership ability. Guide, direct and influence people according to what benefits
the business. People and the many ways you may lead them can spell success or
failure of your business.


What’s More

Activity 2: Aligning one’s PECs

Directions: Choose from the list below the characteristics and traits that best describe your
own personal entrepreneurial characteristics. Find ways on how to align them according to
the personal characteristics of an entrepreneur which were discussed earlier. Write your
answers on your activity notebook.

Flexible Strong-minded Hardworking Organized

Persistent Persistence Observant Competent

Risk taker Decision-maker Optimistic Self control

Passionate Sensitive Knowledgeable Resourceful

Committed Efficient Independent Decisive

Reliable Courteous Self-control Initiative

Courage Confident Creative Dynamic

What I Have Learned

Activity 3:
In this activity you write your definition on the second column things to do to align your PECs
to a practitioner.
Example: My PECs- Creative -my definition: to create something new: entrepreneurs
always do innovation of display products or services
Things to do to align with
My PECs My Definition PECs of a successful


Risk taker


Hard working


What I Can Do

Activity 4.1 . Matching Type : Entrepreneurial competencies

Directions: Match the entrepreneurial competencies in Column A with their meaning in
Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on your assignment notebook.

Column A Column B
1. Optimism A. Develop the ability to look for opportunities for your
choice of business.
B. Use your imagination to create marketable ideas and
2. Self-confidence push it, or creating something new to the eyes of your
C. Once the plan to do entrepreneurial activities is ready
3. Opportunity Seeker to be started, assure yourself that you can do it, or
you trust your ability that you can do it.
4.Hardworking D. The entrepreneur persists in pursuing goals despite
obstacles and has positive attitudes towards work.
E. The entrepreneur understands that risk taking means
trying something new, and possibly better, in the
sense of stretching beyond what has been done in
5. Creativity the past; and that the constant challenge is to learn
how to assess choices responsibly, weighing the
possible outcomes against his/her values and
F. Systematic planning is a planning process that is
6. Risk taking based on the scientific method and includes concepts
such as objectivity of approach and acceptability of
7. Self-control G. Working diligently and being consistent about it.
8. Persistence H. Process or activity of attempting to obtain information
in both human and technological contexts
9. Systematic Planning I. Never react immediately, instead respond to the
situation in the most legal and beneficial ways.
10. Information Seeking J. The fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in
spite of difficulty of the opposition”.

Identify Areas for Improvement,
Development and Growth

What’s In

Activity 1.2.1
After knowing the entrepreneurial characteristics of a successful entrepreneurs, List 3 of
those characteristics which best describe you. And give your own definition.

Your best entrepreneurial Your own definition




What’s More

Activity 1.2.2 Interview

Directions: In your locality, interview some successful entrepreneurs whose type of business
is related to aquaculture. Focus your questions on PECs and other business-related
attributes that helped them become successful. And compare this to your own PECs that’s
needs to be developed. Write your answer on your activity notebook.


Name of Proprietor/Practitioner: _______________________________________________

Age: __________ Number of years in business: ____________________
Business Name: ____________________________________________________________
Business Address: __________________________________________________________

1. What makes you decide to engaged in this type of business?

2. Do you the skills and characteristics that are related with your plan business?
3. Did you meet some problem in the early years of your business operations?
4. What are the solutions you have made to those business-related problems?
5. Did you ask some tips from a successful entrepreneur or practitioner before you
engaged in your business?
6. What are best entrepreneurial characteristics you could share with aspiring

What I Have Learned

Activity 1.2.3
Directions: Copy the tables below in your activity notebook. Gather the needed information
from the interview to supply answers to row 1 in the table below, after which, fill out the
second row with your PECs.

Example: (successful Entrepreneur)- hardworking(characteristics)-charming(attributes)

Business manager or athletic-(lifestyle) computer skills ‘or listener skill- patient(Traits)

Entrepreneurial Characteristics Attributes Lifestyle Skills Traits
in the locality


Using the information on the table above, analyze and reflect on the similarities and
differences in your answers. Put your reflection on the table you copied in your notebook.

Personal Entrepreneurial
Similarities Differences




What can I do

Activity 1.2.4 My PECs that need to be further improved

Directions: At the center of cross road are arrows pointing to the left and right. On the box
above, pick out the positive PECs that you are already strong at, write on the right side.
While the negative characteristics that need to be further improved, you write it on the left
side. Write your answer on your activity notebook.

Risk taker Hardworking

Creative Pessimistic
Self confidence Coward
Sincere Persistence


Example: Left Right

1. Unfaithful 1. Self-control

Entrepreneurial skills are helpful in identifying business opportunities, finding the
relevant means and resources to realize your plan business through networking and the
development of a business strategy that are helpful in the operation of your business.
Entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in the growth and development of economic system of
society. It is created out of your own innovative idea and creation which is realized to be
placed in business or to be transformed as a good business.
The above characteristics and traits of a good entrepreneurs discussed in this
module help you students in identifying your own entrepreneurial qualities. The development
of your own entrepreneurial skills could be a source of changes in your life, in a way of
starting and managing a small business in your own locality.

Post Test
Test I. Matching Type
Directions: Match the entrepreneurial competencies in Column A with their meaning in
Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on your assignment notebook.
Column A Column B
A. Process or activity of attempting to obtain information in
1. Persistence
both human and technological contexts
B. Use your imagination to create marketable ideas and push
2. Self-confidence
it, or creating something new to the eyes of your customers.
C. Once the plan to do entrepreneurial activities is ready to be
3. Opportunity Seeker started, assure yourself that you can do it, or you trust your
ability that you can do it.
D. The entrepreneur persists in pursuing goals despite
4. Self-control
obstacles and has positive attitudes towards work.
E. The entrepreneur understands that risk taking means trying
something new, and possibly better, in the sense of stretching
5.Creativity beyond what has been done in the past; and that the constant
challenge is to learn how to assess choices responsibly,
weighing the possible outcomes against his/her values and
F. A planning process that is based on the scientific method
6. Risk taking and includes concepts such as objectivity of approach and
acceptability of results”.
G. The entrepreneur persists in pursuing goals despite
obstacles and has positive attitudes towards work.
8. Optimism H. Develop the ability to look for opportunities for your choice
of business.
9. Systematic I. Never react immediately, instead respond to the situation in
Planning the most legal and beneficial ways.
10. Information J. The fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in
Seeking spite of difficulty of the opposition”.

Test 2: Multiple Choice: Write only the letter of your chosen answer in your
quiz/assignment notebook.

1. A person who engaged in selling goods and services is called_________.

a. Owner b. entrepreneurs c. manager d. customer
2. Trusting in one’s ability
a. Sound decision maker b. adoptable to change c. self-confident d. Committed

3. An entrepreneurs work diligently.

a. Disciplined b. Creative c. Hardworking d. confident
4. The process or activity of attempting to obtain information in both human and
technological context.
a. information seeking b. self-confidence c. creative d. honest
5. Planning process that is based on the scientific method and includes concepts such
as objectivity of approach and acceptability of results". 
a. opportunity seeking b. systematic planning c. problem solving d. persuasion

Key to Answers

What’s In : Act. 1.2.1 Answers may vary as this is personal view or

opinion of the students
What’s More: Act. 1.2.2. Interview Answers may vary as this is personal view or
opinion of the students
What I Have Learned: act. 1.2.3 Answers may vary as this is personal view or
opinion of the students
What can I do: Act.1.2.4 My Pecs Left: Right:
Needs to improved Selfish Risk taker
Pessimistic Hardworking
Coward Persistence
Arrogant Sincere
Laziness Discipline
Dependent Creative
Self confidence

Matching Type: Post test Multiple Choice:-Post test
1. G 1.B
2. C 2.C
3. H 3.C
4. I 4.A
5. B 5.B
6. E
7. D
8. G.
9. F
10. A.

 Technology and livelihood Education-Agricultural Arts – AQUACULTURE NCII
Learner’s Materials -9 pp.6-24
 CHS Learners Module 1 Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) - pp. 2-13
 file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/aquaculture_for_grades_7_to_10_as_of_jan.20.201
 file:///C:/Users/User/Documents/lm-aquaculture.pdf


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