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 India has evolved into a vibrant constitutional democracy and made rapid strides in several
domains even though the aftermaths of British rule in India upshot repulsive backlashes on
Indian social and economic framework. The transition of India from a British colony to a
sovereign, secular, and democratic nation was indeed historical. It was a long journey of
around two decades that started with the conceptualisation of the dream in 1930 to its actual
realization in 1950. 

India has come a long way from the country the British exited in 1947 to a country of
increased convergence and shared democratic values in 2019. The seeds of this republican
nation were sowed by some prominent persons to resuscitate India where it is today.

This piece of article devises an abstract about all possible prominent persons in Indian
politics over course of magnificent history who strived for stupendous future of India.

Topic introduction and purpose of the study

 The limits of the power are defined by the individuals who wield it. Being recognized as
most prominent people, they certainly derive their authority from the positions they hold-but
that is not the sole source of their power. The ever throbbing desire to progress India is what
defines and completes them. India’s magnificent history has witnessed some such charismatic
leaders who have guided the country throughout and served as an inspiration to all. It can
range from the famous leader-come-politician Jawaharlal Nehru to the recent Narendra Modi.

This thesis highlights some such prominent persons and brings to light these statesman’s
great ideology, efforts, changes and strategies to make India one of the leading countries like
we are in today.


The study is based on academic writings such as books, journal and online resources. While
using such materials, a great care has been taken in terms of their credibility.


ROLL CALL: 2019022

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