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Jack Ma: You're Supposed to Spend Money on Your People

A Reaction Paper

All the discussion this week deals with how we can learn even though we have a hard
time on the new normal classes. I’ve been researching on globalization for a while and this is the
first time that I’ve had an opportunity to watch an interview with Jack Ma at the World
Economic Forum that talks about China, the Trump World, Globalization, trade and Alibaba
itself. The interview with Jack Ma entitled: You’re supposed to spend your money on your
people was particularly interesting because it talks about a successful person’s ideology and
vision for the world, another topic I am inherently interested in. The video was also a great
example of testing, building relationship with other country and visualization of plans in the

At the beginning of the video where they talk about Jack Ma meeting the President-elect
Trump, I had this in the back of my mind, the image of the two person with Donald Trump as a
racist meeting with Jack Ma as one of the richest Asian. It was kind of funny to contemplate the
two having a friendly relationship though it wasn’t new in the world of politics and business.
Despite of that image of mine in my head, I think it was a good idea for China to open more to
the world. With that in perspective, I think other countries will learn a lot from them.

During the interview, I was thinking that Jack Ma has high hopes for small businesses
and for the coming next generation. He dreamed big but contented. This gave me a thrilling
experience to listen more on what comes and goes during the interview. My view on this Chinese
man remain the same excepts when he answers a question in relation to other countries stealing
jobs from America, it’s funny how he critic their strategy to as a culprit for this issue of them that
“they did not distribute their money in a proper way” and praise this same strategy at the
beginning. Maybe this is where pros and cons comes in.
Another topic which interest me was Alibaba’s philosophy where Ma dreams a small
businesses using technology to empower. This philosophy amazes me because the view for rich
man to support small business was rare. He could choose to support and invest on big companies
but he chose those in small. I also like his sense of visualization of his plans in the future while
looking back at the past events, it makes me feel like he can do anything with his plans. He
always says, 10 years ago or 30 years from now. Perhaps the thing with Jack Ma’s level of
professionalism of being a teacher and businessman for quiet so long gives him that kind of
wisdom that I admire.

In conclusion, I like the quote he left for the audience, a quote from his favorite movie
Forrest Gump saying “nobody makes money catching whales, people make money catching
shrimps. So we serve small business”. I think that statement shows all of his personality. So
diplomatic, humble, hilarious at the same time, well balanced and more than anything. Inspiring.
Before I end my small reaction paper, I search a little about him today and found out he really
stepped down from being the CEO of Alibaba, he will gladly enjoy the rest of his life I think.


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