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Chapter 1


A. Background of the Study

Nowadays, Going out the streets is very dangerous especially when you are
woman and you are alone. Not all of us can defend ourselves and we are not sure if the
by standers help us Learning to defend yourself is a great key to be safe and know what
to do in the time of danger . Bringing safety tools like tazzer gun or pepper spray may
help but one of the effective way is to learn self-defense using the techniques of
different Martial Arts.

Early in China, as many of you know, Shaolin monasteries trained monks in Kung
Fu. In the 6th century, this style of Shaolin Kung Fu quickly spread throughout Asia.
Neighboring countries incorporated these new techniques into their indigenous fighting

In 1372, Okinawa began an official relationship with China. This agreement

allowed China to expand its trade with other countries, as well as to spread Kung Fu
throughout the region. As an Imperial gift to Okinawa, a group of Chinese artisans and
merchants were sent to Okinawa to establish a permanent settlement. This group of
people became known as “the thirty six families.” Not only did these immigrants bring
their professions and culture to Okinawa, but they also introduced a more modern form
of Chinese Kung Fu. So by the 1400’s, two forms of weaponless fighting systems, Tode
and Kung Fu, both originating as Chinese Kung Fu, were coexisting in Okinawa.

Many people consider Asia to be the center of the martial arts world—though it
is not necessarily the birthplace of all the arts. However, it can’t be denied that many of
the most prominent martial arts originate from the region—kung fu, karate, hwarang

However, history has shown that martial arts have thrived, especially when
combined with martial arts from other cultures. For example, Mitsuyo Maeda brought
jujutsu to Brazil and taught the art to a young man named Helio Gracie who in turn
created Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

China became the center of the martial arts universe in 2600 B.C. In 2000 B.C.,
Emperor Huang Di was noted to be a shuai jiao (wrestling) and pole-fighting expert and
had his troops learn martial arts. Mongolian tribesmen introduced a violent style of
skull-bashing wrestling to China around 770 B.C.; this art is believed to be the progenitor
of sumo. During the Han and Qin dynasties (256 B.C.-A.D. 220), this wrestling style was
combined with kemari (a kicking game designed to strengthen one’s feet for war) to
create shubaku. Sun Tsu (544-496 B.C.) wrote The Art of War, emphasizing the
importance of martial arts for living and fighting. Early records also indicate that Chinese
martial arts spread into Europe, India and Asia Minor (Middle East) via the Silk Road in
500 B.C.

The Iron Age began in Europe in 700 B.C. and China in 600 B.C., yet the Chinese
perfected the art of forging cast-iron weapons 1000 years before the Europeans. No
culture in martial arts history has created more diverse martial arts weapons than China

Since time began, every culture has developed fighting styles out of necessity.
Modern martial arts history categorizes Western heroes and martial societies as
practicing martial arts, which opens up an interesting can of martial arts worms.

Besides the ancient martial arts heroes of China (Shaolin), Japan (samurai) and
Korea (Hwarang), the world has witnessed great fighters like the Spartans, Vikings,
Mongols, Huns, Romans, Ottomans, Macedonians, Goths, Knights, Persians and Celts.
Warriors like Alexander the Great, Richard the Lionheart, Hannibal, Hercules, Eric the
Red, Hector, Attila, Achilles and even Siddhartha (Buddha) trained in systematic ways of
fighting and lived by a code of ethics.

Traditionally, martial arts were identified as fighting arts that originated in Asia.
However, as the understanding of martial arts has expanded, combative arts created
outside of Asia began to be labeled as martial arts.

Martial arts techniques come in many shapes and sizes. There are empty-hand
techniques during which the practitioner does not have a weapon. Theses generally
involve strikes, kicks and grappling techniques. There are techniques for various
weapons—knife, stick, blunt and other edged weapons. There are also disarming and
self-defense techniques during which the practitioner is specifically trying to overcome
an aggressor.

Martial arts techniques also can include “softer” techniques, like breathing
exercises, chi-disruption techniques and meditation. Martial arts weapons refer to non-
ballistic weaponry created in Asia before the 1900s— most of which came out of China.
Although the earliest record of an unambiguous weapon (a weapon clearly used for
killing purposes) is a 400,000-year-old wooden throwing spear found in Germany, the
earliest metal weapon is a Chinese Neolithic (5000 B.C.) lance with a copper spear point.
Early Filipino Martial Arts were strongly influenced by Indonesian, Chinese and
Muslim cultures. Native Filipino warriors known as The Moros or Igorots developed an
effective and lethal fighting system, using bladed weapons such as the Bolo or Barong.
In the late fifteen hundreds, The Spaniards invaded and eventually conquered The

In Calapan city, we have 6 gyms offering martial arts like Taekwondo, boxing, kick
boxing, and muay thai but in our RJK martial arts we offer taekwondo boxing mixed
martial arts arnis karate judo and jujutso to be different with other gyms and unlike
their program they only focuses on one or two martial arts. The martial arts we offer do
not only makes one person fit but also teaches discipline and body coordination. It also
improves our bodies quick reaction to defend ourselves from a random people.

Martial arts fitness refers to many things. First, it can refer to a state of physical
health. Second, it can refer to being in good shape as a result of diet and exercise. It also
can apply to a sense of mental and physical health. On a survival basis, martial arts
fitness pertains to the ability to adapt to your environment.

Keeping these notions in mind, it only makes sense that martial arts fitness has
several connotations and theoretical applications. Generally, martial arts fitness can
increase a person’s strength, stability, stamina, flexibility and explosive power.
B. Purpose of the Study

General Purpose
The main purpose of this study is to determine if it feasible to put up a “RJK
Martial ArtS Center” at Barangay Masipit ,Calapan City.

Specific Purpose
 To know and be more familiar with the history and background of Martial Arts
business in Calapan City, to be able to identify , support or improve social
welfare through identifying social desirability , to properly and effective execute
techniques and process and to project the time line to know when will the
business be effective and officially operate.
 To determine the nature of the Martial Arts Business in Calapan City through
knowing the past and projected supply and demand , its gap and its market.
 To know right market strategy through proper pricing, services, Place, people
,promotion ,process and physical environment
 To be able to identify the proponent’s business mission, vision,and goals. To the
type business and to properly develop its organizational Chart, salaries , wages
and compensations.
 To know the percentage to return of investment and return of equity of the
proponents and the cash payback.
 To know the over-all findings and conclusion of the proponent’s business and to
be properly execute the whole processes through recommendations.

C. Social Desirability

The “RJK Martial Arts Center “ will ensure the safety of the customer or the clients during
sessions . Not only the customer will gain physical strength but also the ability to themselves
from danger s. It will also serve as opportunities to unemployed person and decrease the rate
of unemployment in our country. Having familiar with self -defense and basic martial arts will
reduce the crime rate because we already know what to do in the times of dangers.

The proposed business gives the people a place where they can have exercise and in the same
time learning self-defense. The said business will be different from other gyms that offers some of the
martial arts from the “RKJ Martial Arts, from the facilities to the programs offered and the way of
teaching of the instructor. The students will be rest assured that they will learn and will be comfortable
with the instructors and will be taken care during the program. This will also provide job opportunities
to Filipinos who are still looking for jobs and will generate revenues. The business will also a great help
to our local government because it will pay its business tax.

As we asked people who are going to the gym and the persons who are enrolled to martial arts
class, if the space of the gym is enough to facilitate the program, many said that some gyms are lack of
instructors and doesn’t have sufficient space. Some gyms wants other types of martial arts especially
the ladies to equip them basic knowledge on what to do and how to defend themselves in case of
danger and emergency.

The proponents used various types of techniques in collecting data to support the study.
They conducted a planning and listed all ideas each member suggests and voted for what will
be their final topic. Considering also their possible competitors and the weaknesses of the
project is also done after identifying their strengths and difference from other businesses.

The proponents interviewed and asked questions to their competitors and the residents
of Barangay San Vicente Calapan City. They gathered the number of the residents of Barangay
San Vicente , Calapan City from the City Hall and have calculated Slovin’s Formula to get the
number of respondents. The researcher canvassed the tools, equipment and other expenses
needed for the proposed business and computed the expenses that will be used for the

They start making the study after gathering all the data needed. The proponents started
doing the introduction of the study then the marketing aspect because it will determine the
suitability of the business for profitable development and to define finest service and amenities
in accordance with projected market demand. The proponents use the population of Barangay
San Vicente , Calapan City as their target market. They used the total number of respondents
which is 221 . They also used the regression analysis for projecting the demand and supply.

For the Financial Statements chapter, they have consulted a CPA to help and check the
researcher’s statements. One of the proponents too just recently taken a class and had learned
how to make proper vision and mission statements that helped a lot in the making of chapter

Proponents then collaborated their ideas, knowledge and time for the completion of the
other chapters of the study. They brainstorm again and share their knowledge to make a
proficient conclusion, recommendation and findings. After finishing the chapters, they reviewed
it thoroughly to correct mistakes, revised words and they arranged it properly.

Projected Time Table and Status

2018 2019

ACTIVITIES February March April May June July August September October November December January

Formulation of the
Business Plan

Gathering all data

for the Business

of the Business

Raising Funds

Acquiring of
Business Permit
and other legal

Purchasing of
Tools and needed

Hiring of

Training of Hired

Start of Operation
Definition of Terms

Martial arts
Chapter II

I. Nature and Extent of the Market

Business Name

The researchers have decided to name their business as “RJK Martial Arts” so that people
can easily identify what services are being offered.

A. Past Demand
Table 1.1


Total Number
Average Average Averange
of Estimated Past
Amount time in a consumption
School Criminology Customers Demand in
spend per week per year
Year Students in (78%) Peso
week (D)
Calapan City (B) (B)*(E)
(C) (E)
2012-2013 642 501 164.42 115 18,830 9,433,830
2013-2014 681 531 164.42 115 18,830 9,998,730
2014-2015 744 580 164.42 115 18,830 10,921,400
2015-2016 780 608 164.42 115 18,830 11,448,640
2016-2017 606 473 164.42 115 18,830 8,906,590

The proponents got the total number of criminology students by adding the past

population of Divine Word College of Calapan (DWCC), Mindoro State College of Agriculture

and Technology at Calapan City and Luna Goco Colleges .The percentage of the estimated

customer is computed using the survey questionnaire as the reference. The past demand was

gathered through a survey conducted by the researcher. The estimated

client was based on the result of 78 who availed Martial arts . The average consumption per

individual was computed based on the respondent’s response.


Table 2

Past Supply for the Past Five (5) Years

Ishape (2006) Perfect Fit (2011) PAST SUPPLY IN PESO

(A) (B) (A)*(B)
2012 348,000 504,000 852,000
2013 375,840 544,320 920,160
2014 405,907 587,866 993,773
2015 438,380 634,895 1,073,725
2016 473,450 685,687 1,159,137

Table 2. This table shows the past supply for the last five years. The proponents

conducted an interview to their competitor and asked about their annual sales.


Table 3

Table 5



Table 5 presents the demand and supply gap for the next 5 years for the proposed Martial

arts Center. The figures are derived from the previous table

F. Market

Table 6

Market Share Market Share in

Year Demand Gap
(%) Peso
Table 6, shows that the market shares are more than half this may be cause by the huge
demand gap. The proponents used 7% increase in sales per year to cover all the expenses for the
next five years.

II. Marketing Strategies

A. Service Description

 The” RJK martial arts "will offer head gear, gloves ,mouth guards and available
 They will also provide secure and safe facilities not only for the customers but
also to the people surrounding it.
B. Pricing

The prices will vary according to the given service, the supplies like Gloves and
the equipment like arnis. The prices are based on the mark-up cost per service.

Taekwando Session 1,430 30%
Muay –Thai Session 1,729 30%
Karate Session 1,300 30%
Boxing Session 1,495 30%
Mix martial arts Session 2,145 30%
Arnis Session 1,040 30%
Utilities 50.00
Maintenance 100.00
Armor Rental Fee 150.00
Labor Fee 800.00
Total Service Cost 1,100.00

Unit cost 1,100.00

Markup Cost 30%
Service Price 1,430.00

Utilities 50.00
Maintenance 100.00
Gloves Rental Fee 100.00
Labor Fee 1,000.00
Belly pad rental fee 80.00
Total Service Cost 1,330.00

Unit cost 1,330.00

Markup Cost 30%
Service Price 1,729.00

Utilities 50.00
Maintenance 100.00
Armor Rental Fee 150.00
Labor Fee 700.00
Total Service Cost 1,000.00

Unit cost 1,000.00

Markup Cost 30%
Service Price 1,300.00
Utilities 50.00
Maintenance 100.00
Gloves Rental Fee 100.00
Punching bag 100.00

Labor Fee 800.00

Total Service Cost 1,150.00

Unit cost 1,150.00

Markup Cost 30%
Service Price 1,495.00

Mix Martial arts

Utilities 50.00
Maintenance 100.00
Armor Rental Fee 150.00
Labor Fee 1,000.00
Total Service Cost 1,100.00

Unit cost 1,100.00

Markup Cost 30%
Service Price 1,430.00
D. Place

The business is located at Barangay Masipit Calapan City. The proponents will buy their
equipment and materials needed in Calapan City if available if not we will buy at a town or
city where these things are available.

E. Promotion
 The proponents will be displaying tarpaulin in front of their store.
 The proponents are willing to go to different areas of the barangay to promote their
 The proponents are willing to promote their service to different areas of the city.
 The proponents will also use social media.
 The proponents will utilize online advertisement on the social networking sites
F. Process

Register at the Counter

Payment Self

Set-up for the session


Start the Session

Gain physical strength

and learn self-defense


1. “RJK Martial arts will open and start operating at 8:00 am until 8:00 pm Monday to
Friday for customers.
2. The costumer will arrive at our place.

3. They will register and pay.

4. They can now set up the equipment that they use for that session.

5. They can now start the session and learn self – defense
I. Physical Environment

The researchers will maintain the spotless area clean all throughout the sessions.
There will be a proper area to throw garbage and other materials that are used. And there
will be space for rehydration.

J. Logo
Chapter III


A. Service Description

The research was named “RJK Martial arts ”. Researchers came up with this name by

putting up together their names . They also identified several objectives of the business including

students getting learn to defend themselves , and they can also acquire discipline and balance.

This service that we will give in our customers is somewhat satisfying because we provide

healthy, neat and a fulfilling lifestyle of people. Our Martial arts will serve a different kind of

updated and efficient equipment that will help every customer achieve their goals.

B. Process

1. The RJK Martial arts business will require the students to submit a signed waiver
from the parents and/or from the school, and a complete medical certificate.
2. The next step is for the instructor to teach the students the basic martial arts
3. After completing the lessons, the students will proceed to the actual martial arts .
The students must wear.
4. The next step is where the students will be required to equipment where they will
be taught by the instructor directly.
C. Location

The project will be located at Barangay Masipit , Calapan City . The location will be accessible for

the students.

D. Building

The proponents decided to rent a space. On their interview, the rent fee monthly is

A. Furniture and Fixtures


Table 1 3,000.00 3,000.00
Long Chair 1 1500.00 1500.00
Locker (large) 1 15,000.00 15,000.00
Cabinet 1 10,000 10,000.00
Shelf 6 417.00 2,502.00
Electric Fan 2 500.00 1,000.00
Bench 5 2,209.00 11,405.00
Total 32,626.00 44,047.00

B. Equipment


Fire Extinguisher 1 15,000.00 15,000.00

Light Bulb 10 120.00 1,200.00

Telephone 1 3,000.00 3,000.00

Total Cost 18,120.00 19,200.00

C. Cleaning Materials
Broom 1 150.00 150.00
Dustpan 1 100.00 100.00
Mop 1 250.00 250.00
Dirty Clothe 5 25.00 125.00
Garbage Bin 1 120.00 120.00
Total Cost 645.00 745.00

D. Supplies
Calculator 1 300.00 300.00
Ball pen 1box 50.00 50.00
Ledger 6 100.00 600.00
Total Cost 450.00 950.00

E. Utilities
Electricity 5,000.00 60,000.00
Water 1,500.00 18,000.00
Total 6,500.00 78,000.00
F. Rent


Rent 25.000.00 300,000.00
Total 25,000.00 300,000.00

G. Advertisement and Promotion


Flyers 100 3.00 300.00
Tarpaulin big 5 500.00 2,500.00
Total 503.00 2,800.00

H. Permits and Licenses

Barangay Business Permit 300.00
Mayor’s Permit 500.00
Sanitary Fee 200.00
Fire Inspection Fee 250.00
Annual Inspection Fee 200.00
Business Plate 500.00
DTI Registration 200.00
BIR Registration 500.00
Total 2, 650.00
I. Machinery and Equipment

Mat 80 250.00 20,000.00

Belly pad 6 2,499.00 14,994.00

Body armor 8 1,165.00 9,320.00

Gloves 10 1,449.00 21,735.00

Head guard 10 2,349.00 23,490.00

Focus mitt 6 711.00 4,266.00

Kick pad 8 1,450.00 11,600.00

Double kick pad 12 551.00 6,612.00

Speed bag 10 1,290.00 12,900.00

Punching bag 7 1,449.00 10,143.00

Arnis stick 15 299.00 4,485.00

Stationary Bike 5 6,700.00 33,500.00

Jump Rope 10 294.00 2,940.00

Total Cost   20,416.00 175,509.00


K. Salaries Expense Weekly

Manager 1 450.00/day 2,700.00
Receptionist 1 430.00/day 2,580.00
Martial arts 6 400.00/day 2,400.00
Utility Personnel 2 300.00/day 2,100.00
Total Cost 1,580.00 9,780.00

L. Total Project Cost Pre-Operating Cost

Furniture and Fixtures
Cleaning Materials
Rent(1 month advance and 1 month deposit)
Advertisement and Promotion
Licenses and Permits
Machinery and Equipment
Total Project Cost
Chapter IV

Management Aspect


“To provide a good martial arts service to costumer and commercial establishments giving
trustworthy service.”

“To provide the best Martial arts services in the community in which we serve the safest and
highest quality service.”


1. To give high quality services that our customers deserves.

2. To provide safety in terms of Martial arts services right at your door steps.
3. To ensure good working relationship with our client.
4. To satisfy the clients demand.

I. Types of Business Organization

The “RJK Martal Arts”, is a partnership type of ownership. A partnership is an

arrangement in which two or more person known as partners, share the profit and liabilities of a
business venture.

This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions that manage the partners within the

1. The parties from a partnership under the name of “RJK Martial arts” to propose
Martial arts service that will make the customer satisfied. The location of the
business is at Barangay, Calapan City.
2. The partners shall invest an equal capital. Since, there are three partners in the
proposed business, the investment of each partners would be 33.33%for starting
and operating the business.
3. The partners shall have an equal privilege in managing and improving the

4. The partners agreed that all profits and losses are equally divided among them.

5. Upon the death or withdrawal of either one partner, the remaining active partners
have the decision to terminate or liquidate the partnership business.

II. Organization Chart




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