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Foxboro™ SCADA

Remote Terminal Viewer

Release Notes
SY-1101212, Version K

*B0780SD* *L*

B0780SD, Rev L

May 2020
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Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K

Table of Contents
Preface ...............................................................................................................5
Revision Information.........................................................................................5
Related Documents..........................................................................................5
Global Customer Support .................................................................................6
We Welcome Your Comments...........................................................................6
Chapter 1: Functionality and Compatibility ...................................................7
Supported Operating Systems ..........................................................................7
Supported RTU Software and Subsystems ........................................................7
Superseded Versions ..................................................................................... 11
Chapter 2: Changes Since Previous Release ............................................12
Enhanced Functionality ..................................................................................12
Defects Corrected ..........................................................................................12
Chapter 3: Known Problems and Limitations .............................................14
Open CARs for this Release ...........................................................................14
Chapter 4: Installation and Upgrade Instructions ......................................16
Installing from the CDROM .............................................................................16
Chapter 5: Validation and Verification .........................................................17

B0780SD, Rev L 3
Preface Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K

This document accompanies a major release of the EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA
Remote Terminal Viewer (RTV) software, identified as part number SY-1101212,
Revision K (built from internal baseline 29.0.0). This document describes:
• Changes since the previous release of this software
• Outstanding problems detected and known limitations
• Procedures for installing and upgrading the software
• Activities conducted to verify that the product is ready for release
This document lists the changes made in the RTV software since the previous
release, SY-1101212, Revision G5. Read the Release Notes for the intermediate
releases before you upgrade from an earlier release. The Release Notes are available
in PDF format in the Release Notes installation component. You can create a desktop
shortcut to the Release Notes by installing them on your system.
Known Problems and Limitations remain at the time of product release. For a more
detailed assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of adopting the SY-
1101212, Revision K version of the RTV software for specific projects, contact Global
Customer Support at (registration required).

Revision Information
This revision of the document includes these changes:

Global • Updated the latest revision of the RTV

software from SY-1101212, Revision G5 to
SY-1101212, Revision K
• Updated the latest revision of the Foxboro
SCD6000 software from SY - 1101207,
Revision F to SY-1101207, Revision K
• Updated Preface, page 5
• Updated Related Documents, page 5

Chapter 1: Functionality and Compatibility • Updated Superseded Versions, page 11

Chapter 2: Changes Since Previous Release • Updated Defects Corrected in SY-1101212_

K, page 12

Chapter 3: Known Problems and Limitations • Updated Chapter 3: Known Problems and
Limitations, page 14
• Updated Open CARs for this Release, page

Related Documents
For further information on installing, configuring, programming, and diagnosing
Foxboro remote devices and the RTU50, refer to the documents available on the
Foxboro RTU Product Documentation CD (Part Number: SY-2005654, Version AA).
You can also refer to the EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA SCD6000 User
Documentation CD Release Notes (B0780SA) for the list of reference documents and
their latest versions.
The following list of documents have been updated for the current release:
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA SCD6000 Hardware Programming Guide.
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA RTU Station (SCD6000, SCD5200, RTU50/
SVX) User's Guide (B0780DQ)

B0780SD, Rev L 5
Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K Preface

• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA Remote Terminal Viewer (SCD6000, SCD5200,

RTU50/SVX) User's Guide (B0780DY)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA IEC 60870-5-104 Master (SCD6000, SCD5200,
RTU50/SVX) User’s Guide (B0780FC)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA IEC 60870-5-104 Slave (SCD6000, SCD5200,
RTU50/SVX) User’s Guide (B0780DT)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA IEC 60870-5-101 Master (SCD6000, SCD5200,
RTU50/SVX) User’s Guide (B0780EE)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA V.28 Dual Communication Board (SCD6000,
SCD5200, RTU50/SVX) User’s Guide (B0780EN)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA IEC 60870-5-101 Slave (SCD6000, SCD5200,
RTU50/SVX) User’s Guide (B0780EH)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA Intrinsic Database Functions (SCD6000,
SCD5200, RTU50/SVX) User’s Guide (B0780DR)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA DNP3 Slave (SCD6000, SCD5200, RTU50/
SVX) User’s Guide (B0780DC)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA Conitel Slave (SCD6000, SCD5200, RTU50/
SVX) User’s Guide (B0780EL)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA Modbus Slave (SCD6000, SCD5200, RTU50/
SVX) User’s Guide (B0780DG)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA RTU50/SCD5200 to SCD6000 Migration Guide
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA SCD6000 Installation Guide (B0780EV)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA SCD6000 User Documentation CD Release
Notes (B0780SA)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA Connect Secure Release Notes (B0780SC)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA RTV Release Notes (B0780SD)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA SCD6000 Software Release Notes (B0780SF)
• EcoStruxure™ Foxboro™ SCADA Foxboro RTU Station CD Read Me First
Release Notes (B0799AX)
Find the latest version of these documents on the Global Customer Support (GCS)

Global Customer Support

For support, visit (registration required).

We Welcome Your Comments

We want to know about any corrections, clarifications, or further information you would
find useful. Send us an email at

6 B0780SD, Rev L
Chapter 1: Functionality and Compatibility Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K

Chapter 1: Functionality and Compatibility

The Remote Terminal Viewer (RTV) provides access to the diagnostic features of the
Foxboro remote devices and RTU50. This includes protocol diagnostics, I/O
diagnostics, and the Foxboro Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) flash file system. It
provides a modern, graphical, mouse-driven user interface, replacing the text-mode,
keyboard-driven diagnostic utilities, TOOL and TOOL32.

Supported Operating Systems

The Remote Terminal Viewer supports the Windows 10® (64-bit), and Windows
Server® 2016 (64-bit) Operating Systems. For information on how to install the RTV,
refer to the EcoStruxure™ Foxboro SCADA Remote Terminal Viewer User’s Guide

Supported RTU Software and Subsystems

The table lists the RTU software parts supported by this release of the Remote
Terminal Viewer.

Table 1 - RTU Software Versions Supported by RTV

Part Number Revision Description

SY-1037461 D Bootstrap for RTU50 80386-SL CPU boards
SY-1037532 — Bootstrap for RTU50 80486 CPU boards
SY-1037586 — Bootstrap for Foxboro SCD5200 CPU boards
SY-1037599 — Bootstrap for CPU boards with 64 MB RAM of
the Foxboro remote device
SY-1037625 E Bootstrap for SCD6000 and RTU50 SVX
SY-1101101 J RTU50 real mode software-project specific
SY-1101155 D to K RTU50 protected mode generic software
SY-1101155 L and later RTU50/SCD5200 protected mode generic
SY-1101205 — and later RTU50/SCD5200 protected mode generic
SY-1101207 A to C1 Foxboro RTU50 SVX Software
SY-1101207 A to K Foxboro SCD6000 Software (includes utilities)

The Remote Terminal Viewer does not support all subsystems present in these RTU
Software versions. This table lists the subsystems available with each firmware part
number and if the version supports the RTV. For information on the part numbers of
these subsystems, refer to Appendix A, Summary of Part Numbers in EcoStruxure™
Foxboro SCD6000 Hardware User’s Guide (B0780DW).

B0780SD, Rev L 7
Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K Chapter 1: Functionality and Compatibility

Table 2 - Subsystems Supported by RTV

Subsystem Part Number RTV Support

SY-1101155 Yes
AC Transducer Card SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101101 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
AC Output Card
SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
Condensed Package I/O Card SY-1101155 No
SY-1101101 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
32DI/4AI Card (ADI) - Type 1
SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
32DI/4AI Card (ADI) - Type 2 SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101101 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
12 Digital Output Card (TDO)
SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
8 Digital Output Card (8DO) SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101101 Yes
20 Analog Input Card (20AI) - SY-1101155 Yes
Type 1 SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
20 Analog Input Card (20AI) -
Type 2 SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
Multi I/O Card SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
8 Channel Serial Card SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
12 Channel Serial Card SY-1101155 Yes

8 B0780SD, Rev L
Chapter 1: Functionality and Compatibility Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K

Table 2 - Subsystems Supported by RTV (Continued)

Subsystem Part Number RTV Support

SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
C2025 Conitel Master SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
C2025 Conitel Slave SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
C300 Conitel Slave
SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
DNP3 Master SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101101 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
DNP3 Slave
SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
FoxCom Master SY-1101101 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
Harris 5000/5500/6000 Slave SY-1101155 No
SY-1101155 (Rev N and Yes
IEC 60870-5-101 Master
SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
IEC 60870-5-101 Slave SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
IEC 60870-5-103 Master SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
IEC 60870-5-104 Master SY-1101207 (Rev G3 Yes
and later)
SY-1101155 (Rev P and Yes
IEC 60870-5-104 Slave
SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101205 (Rev _ and Yes
IEC 61850 Client later)
SY-1101205 Yes

B0780SD, Rev L 9
Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K Chapter 1: Functionality and Compatibility

Table 2 - Subsystems Supported by RTV (Continued)

Subsystem Part Number RTV Support

SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101205 (Rev B and Yes
IEC 61850 Server
SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
LN57-3 SY-1101155 (Rev H and No
SY-1101155 Yes
Modbus Master SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101207 (Rev K and Yes
Modbus TCP Slave later)
SY-1101101 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
TCP/IP SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 (Rev E and Yes
WISP+ Master later)
SY-1101205 Yes
WISP+ Slave SY-1101155 (Rev E and Yes
SY-1101205 Yes
Electrobus I/O Expansion SY-1101155 (Supported Yes
firmware for RTU50)
SY-1101207 (Rev C1 Yes
and earlier)(a)
SY-1101207 (Rev F and Yes
later) (b)
SY-1101155 Yes
Intrinsic Database Functions SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101101 Yes
SALL calculations (including SY-1101155 Yes
floating point and gas calcs) SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 (Rev H and Yes
IEC 61131-3 (ISaGRAF)

10 B0780SD, Rev L
Chapter 1: Functionality and Compatibility Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K

Table 2 - Subsystems Supported by RTV (Continued)

Subsystem Part Number RTV Support

SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101155 (Rev R and Yes
Control Interlock
SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
SY-1101155 (Rev N and Yes
Serial Event Logger
SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
IRIG-B Serial Time Code SY-1101155 (Rev F and No
Generator later)
SY-1101101 Yes
SY-1101155 Yes
System Monitor (SysMon)
SY-1101205 Yes
SY-1101207 Yes
(a) Supported firmware for RTU50 SVX
(b) Supported firmware for SCD6000

Superseded Versions
The SY-1101212_K release supersedes these versions of the RTV software:
• SY-1101192 (all versions up to Revision M, including maintenance releases)
• SY-1101212 (all versions up to Revision G, including maintenance releases G6)

B0780SD, Rev L 11
Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K Chapter 2: Changes Since Previous Release

Chapter 2: Changes Since Previous Release

Enhanced Functionality
No new functionalities are added in this release.

Defects Corrected
Table 3 - Defects Corrected in SY-1101212_K

Change Request/ Maintenance Description

TFS ID Release/Quick Fix
CAR#60225335/ Foxboro EVO SCADA RTV does not
Defect#437854 show DNP3 variables in SY-1101212_
G with C50 RTU and with firmware
version 155PMR10 FW. This
replicates in the SY-1101212_G2 and
SY-1101212_G4 versions.
CAR#58546593/ RTV version G2 has backward
Defect#426135 compatibility detected issue with the
older firmware’s.
CAR#50658518/ Updated the RTV user guide to list
Defect#375970 down the combinations for selection
of files in the File system menu.
CAR#61024205/ The current version of the RTV help
Defect#440334 SY-1101212_G7 content does not launch the help
CAR#63664430/ Attempting to connect the RTV with
Defect#448813 RTU by security, results in a detected
CAR#63717766/ When a user attempts to delete
Defect#448935 multiple files in RTV along with SCF,
the RTV does not delete all the files
and 'Deleting File' window stops
CAR#62278834/ The following information is not
Defect#448286 available in the manual: SALL
supports error, running, wait for
change, program, state machine, and
wrap up states are displayed based
on the logic developed by the user
and the mode in which SALL is
CAR#64778122/ Detected issue with the RTU Secure
Defect#453577 connect when there is a mixed
optonet node of SCD6000& RTU50’s.
CAR#58850365/ SY-1101212_G9 RTV version G2 is unstable when
Defect#433451 connected to a SCD5200.
Defect#445626 Rollover condition is not working for
DNP3 and Conitel.

12 B0780SD, Rev L
Chapter 2: Changes Since Previous Release Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K

Table 3 - Defects Corrected in SY-1101212_K (Continued)

Change Request/ Maintenance Description

TFS ID Release/Quick Fix
CAR#67039216/ When RTV connects to a SCD6000 (.
Defect#462979 scf enabled) and a RTU50 (.scf
SY-1101212_G10 enabled) is connected to Optonet, the
RTU50 node is grayed out in RTV
even if SCD6000 and RTU50 have
the same credentials.
CAR#68105201/ RTU Station allows the users to
Defect#468122 configure multiple Remote Status
words in a Conitel Scan group,
causing an unhandled exception.
Defect#412578 When you click on the file system or
sysmon page, the RTV (SY-1101212_
G release) throws a detected error of
an invalid tool query.
Defect#380597 RTV throughs an exception when
user clicks on the F1 button on the
calculation tab.
Defect#431279 SY-1101212_K 32-bit float analog I/O displays junk
values in RTV for Modbus Master.
Defect#406327 In RTV, the set point float does not
display in the float format.

B0780SD, Rev L 13
Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K Chapter 3: Known Problems and Limitations

Chapter 3: Known Problems and Limitations

At the time of release, there are no outstanding priority 1 (top priority) defects
detected. However, some limitations are known to exist for the SCD6000, SCD5200,
and RTU50 SVX modules with the SY-1101212_K release of the Remote Terminal
• Response from the RTV GUI when navigating to individual information objects of
IEC104 Slave is directly proportional to the configured number of points.
• The RTU does not report the correct error code and the detected error message
(CR FW#104) in these cases:
◦ If you disable flash memory and download a file
◦ If you format the flash file system
• Downloading large files through OptoNet may not be successful due to delays in
accessing the flash file system in the RTU.
Upgrade the OptoNet card or the COPE/P3E CPU card to the latest hardware
revision and/or upgrade the RTU Software to SY-1101155_P or later to resolve
• RTU connections are not saved in the connection.dat file for non-admin users.
• When more than 20 SCD5200s with SCFs are connected in an OptoNet network,
the RTU nodes are intermittently not displayed on RTV (CAR#47188479).
• When multiple SCD6000 RTUs or a combination of SCD6000 and SCD5200
RTUs with SCFs are connected in an OptoNet network, the RTU nodes are
intermittently not displayed on RTV.

Open CARs for this Release

Some problems are known to exist for the SCD6000, SCD5200, and RTU50 SVX
modules with the SY-1101212_K release of the Remote Terminal Viewer. The
following CAR is open in this release:

Table 4 - CARs Released

Change Request Description Comments

CAR#67039216/ When RTV connects to SCD6000 and This is addressed as
Defect#462979 have connected a part of
to optonet with RTU50, and both maintenance release
have SCF files, RTU50 is grayed out SY-1101212_G10.
even after providing the correct
CAR#58546593 Due to backward compatibility
detected issues, RTV did not start
while opening the GUI of DNP3 slave
for older firmware verisons such as
Defect#449162/ When applying SCF files to sites with
CAR#47188479 large Optonets, RTV stability and
speed is reduced.
CAR#68105201 An unhandled exception occurs when
using RTV to view a SCD5200 Conitel
slave scan group.
Defect#445656 SAL calculation Start/Stop operation in
the RTV is dependent on the SAL

14 B0780SD, Rev L
Chapter 3: Known Problems and Limitations Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K

Table 4 - CARs Released (Continued)

Change Request Description Comments

Defect#456488 In RTV, the step position configured in
the IEC101 Slave is displayed
separately for each object.
Defect#458893 The counter values displayed in the
Master point detail window are
different from the main protocol
window GUI.
Defect#463066 Delayed update of the integrated totals
in the104 Master RTV window.

B0780SD, Rev L 15
Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K Chapter 4: Installation and Upgrade Instructions

Chapter 4: Installation and Upgrade Instructions

Install the Foxboro Remote Terminal Viewer on your workstation PC from the release
CDROM. The release CDROM provides a graphical installation wizard. The default
installation paths are:
• For Windows 10 (64-bit), and Windows Server 2016 (64-bit):
C:\Program Files(X86) \Foxboro\Remote Terminal Viewer where C is the drive
letter of the Windows home drive.

Installing from the CDROM

1. Load the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. The installation menu dialog box is
If the installation menu is not displayed automatically, open the file menu.exe to
display the installation menu.
2. Select the checkbox next to Remote Terminal Viewer (RTV) and click Install.
3. On the Customer Information window, enter the details needed and click Next.
4. On the Ready to Install the Program window, click Install.
5. Click Finish after the installation is complete.
For detailed instructions on how to install the RTV, refer to the EcoStruxure™ Foxboro
SCADA Remote Terminal Viewer User’s Guide (B0780DY).
After installation, we recommend that you use Internet Explorer version 11 or later as
your default browser for using the Help. To change the browser settings so that the
Help page refreshes and displays properly:
1. Go to Internet Explorer browser settings and click Internet Options.
2. On the General tab, click Tabs
The Tabbed Browsing Settings window is displayed.
3. In the Open links from other programs in section, select The current tab or
window and click OK.

16 B0780SD, Rev L
Chapter 5: Validation and Verification Remote Terminal Viewer Release NotesSY-1101212, Version K

Chapter 5: Validation and Verification

The RTV software, SY-1101212_K, was thoroughly verified and validated before the
release. The verification and validation strategy for this release consists of:
• Change Design and Code Reviews
Peer developers documented and reviewed the design and the source code of all
the baseline changes before integrating it with the system.
• Incident Retest
An independent team prepared and documented test cases for each of the
incidents addressed in this release. This retest helped to confirm that the incident
was fixed satisfactorily without any side effects due to the modification.
• Windows Compatibility Test
The RTV software (version SY-1101212_K) was tested on Windows Windows 10
(64-bit), and Windows Server 2016 (64-bit) Operating Systems.
However, there may be undetected defects that arise in project usage patterns.

B0780SD, Rev L 17
Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc.
38 Neponset Avenue
Foxboro, Massachusetts 02035–2037
United States of America

Global Customer Support:

As standards, specifications, and design change from time to time,

please ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication.

© 2018 – 2020 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

B0780SD, Rev L

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