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Hermann Anschutz: A Gem

iented yro corass m the a r

first yTOSCOTE mdzi houerer
neary 100 wars before thas i
A German itentor G. C. Bohnenbera y4
(Pic. A Model of Fre

Chapter 25: Missing Course

Prevailing current is given. Initial Co not known, initial position and final PL isknown.
To find final position and initial course.

Q.25.1 A vessel in position 002°08.1'N 080°15'E at 1100h, steered a certain course (engine
Q' 198°. Current
11.25 kn ), in orderto enter the traffic lane off N' Light float. At 1120 h bore between
1100h& 1120h set Ely@ 3 kn. Find the position of vessel at 1120 h & the course steered byher.
Pninciple: In these types of questions normally a fix is provided at one end & a position line at the one

In above case the ship's positionat 110Oh is The

given. vectors are applied to this positon u
reach the final position:
1. Unknown Cox 3.75M (vector partly known).
2. Drift 090° x 1M (vector fully known).
The fuly known vector/ vectors are applied on ppied
the fix- end' and the unknown vector is left to DE pP

towards the 'bearing- end' dlat

total resu af
The order of application of these vectors can be changed. Iif we change the order, the
dep &hence final position is not going to change. Thus to the initial position, wewilapue Oi
vector first. Thereafter an arc of distance over water is cut approximately in the direction
arc cuts the bearing line at 1120 h at a point that is the 1120 h position.

Thus let A be initial position. Plot AB =090° x 1 M (drift in 20 min. = 1 M@3kn).

From this position drawan arc ofradius = 3.75 M (distance b yengines in 20min. = 3./0

Plot bearing line at 1120h. This bearing line cuts the arc at C.
CHARTWORK: Basic Concepts & Miscellaneous Calculations 151



Fig. 25.1

The vessel made good AC. Any

C is the position at 1120 h. Course steered is given by
BC =184°T.
intermediate position can be found out.

Ans. Co steered 184°T. Position at 1120 h =02°04.4'N
steers several courses. Initial Co not known, initial
Prevailing current is given. Vessels
To find final position and initial course.
position and final PL is known.
1800 h (position 002°00.4'N 080°29.75'E), proceeding on a
Q.25.2 A vessel sailed out from Z' roads at
of 9.0 kn during the first hour. At 1900 h she altered
certain course. She maintained engine speed
to 12 kn At 1930 X* light bore 241.5°T. Current set
course to true North. Average speed increasing
335°T@ 2 kn. Find;
(a) Position at 1930h
(b) Initial course of the ship.

Principle is the same as last question.
to reach the final position
he following vectors are applied to this position
1. Unknown Co x 9M
2 000° x 6MM
3. Drift 335°x 3M
The order of application of above factors (vectors) if changed
will not affect the final position. If we
& hence final position is not going to
Cnange the order of different courses, the total effective d'lat, dep
The run to the initial point can be applied in the order (3), (2), (1) or in the order (2), (3), (1). In
ne tig we can see that the current is applied first. Thus to the initial position, the curent vector AB is
is applied then & thereafter the unknown course is applied as an arc of
appiied first. The known course
distance over water at end.
otal drift for entire passage is applied.
hus plot AB = 335° x 3 M (drift in 1.5 h@ 2 kn). Plot BC = 000° x 6M. With C as centre draw an arc of
1930h. CD gives the 1
dalus equal to 9M. This arc cuts the 1930-bearing line at D. D is the position at
course &distance. Physically the ship makes good the passage through AG& GD.
CHARTWORK: Basic Concepts & Miscellaneous Calculations

* *********

1s Co steered

2nd Co steered

Actual CMG on first Co


Fig. 25.2
Ans. Position at 1930 h = 0215'N 08035.4'E. 1st steered course =
Q. 25.3 Alpha light bore 000°T at 2000h. A certain course
course was altered to
port on 100°T for 10M. At 2200h 'T'
was steered for 8M till 2100h. Thereafter the
set 160°T @ 2kn
throughout light bore 036°T at
distance of 4M. lf
what was the course steered between 0000h & 2100h. Also find curren a



21d0h 100°Tx 10M

ruled out


Fig. 25.3
CHARTWORK: Basic Concepts & Misceilareous Caicuizticns

Hint: the drift for total intervai and the krnown course (100°T 1M s iited a e pcsto 20
This is because if the order is changed the relative pOSsTerig a DOSsiC sEd nt
position does not change. From the initial end of the kmaWn course a art f Eilf s cut o t e bearne irg
at 2000h. The arc cuts at 2 places & accordingly there are TNG JrUcaCiE cursES VZ 14T 3 7 Or
of these two courses 144 T is the correct ane as the Z caurse is u he pcrt afmE Ca
To find the pos at 2100h make the t ons hour triange st 2000h.

Ans Unknown Co= 144"T, Pos at 2000h 3.1M due S of "A' Pos at 2100h = 2*13N GB0E.5E

Q. 25.4 At 1800h while steering a course of 340°T a kn Rigit bore 2525*T. t 190 course mes
atered to port. At 2000h M buoy was due west ata distance of 1M. IFtITUghCLE HE Crert ser 090T
2kn find the position of vessel at 1800h and the second course sisered

Hint: the bearing line is piotted at 1800h. The postion is pioted at 2000h. Tne fully krom ecors a
placed frorm the fix-end and the incompiete vectors ie distance over Waisr betEen 1900h and 200Os
left for the bearing-end.

Total drift 4M applied at

Aciua CMG
am Co

Known Co
vector pioted

Actuai CMG
ant Co

Unknown Co

Arc of dist of
unknown Co

Fig. 25.4

Ans. Unknown Co 290°T and pos at 1800h 4.5M off R

26.5 At1600h B bore 070'T af a distance of 5M. A course of 156°T was steeredtil 1700 A 170
u COurse was altered to 180°T. if hroughout the curent set 110 Tand at 1800h N bore 158
position at 1800h and the rate of drift.
CHARTWORK: Basic Concepts & Miscellaneous Calculations 154

Plot 1600h pos. Known ectors viz. the courses and distance over water are ploted atfix - end. At line
end of which current vector is drawn in the direction 110°T. Where this vector intersects the bearing
total period i.e. 2h.
at 1800h is the fix at 1800h. The length of current vector is the drift for the
The drift for 2h = 4.8M, hence the rate of drift 2.4kn.




Total drift for 2h 1800h

Fig. 25.5
Ans. Pos at 1600h = 2.75M from 'N'. Rate of drift 2.4kn.
CHARTWORK: Basic Concepts &Miscellaneous Calculations 141

in Weil Germany
Kepler: [1571- 1630] Born
the university of
KePpler graduated from
Tubingen. Earlier a teacher, Kepler
formed an
Brahe a noted
association later with Tycho
astronomer. Keppler gave 3 laws planetary
orbits were not
motion c realized that the
circular but were elliptical
(Pic. Johannes Kepler)

Chapter 23 Rendezvous'
at sea. It may
the destination may be a vessel underway De
Some times, instead of a fixed position, certain interval of time. The
other vessel may
other vessel at earliest or after a
required to meet the a certain course.
with current& wind or may be making good
simply drifting principle
sheet or by using a simple
geometrically on a radar-plotting the three
be done
side is constant for all
The calculations may internal angle & the opposite
the Sine of any of the calculations
viz. the ratio between examples will explain
the rendezvous
angles & sides respectively. 310°T x 250M at
with another vessel bearing
012°30'W has to catch up a course of
Q.1 A ship in position 51 30'N can be 18kn. The target ship for s o m e r e a s o n is steaming & position
earliest. Maximum speed needs to be steered by
own ship. Also find the
Find the course which
210°T 6kn.
of the meeting.

ship, (A) = 18x miles

distance steamed by own
Sol two ships meet
after x hours. The NAB 50°. Let the
Let us suppose that the target ship N50°W

= 6x miles. The bearing of the

& that by the target ship, (B) Also 2 ABS 50°.

that L BAC 0°.


COurse steered be AC, so

formula we have,
By the sineSine80° Sin 180°-(8°+50°+30°)]
6x 18x
0 = 19.16°.
Solving the first twogroups we get 18x = 249.4M.
13.85 hours & .distance
third group, we get x=
Solving the second & be found by plane sailing method viz.
arrived can
Ihe position 52°58.7'N. M'at
= 52°14.4'N.
1°28.7'N. Final lat final long = 18°50.4'W.
Dlat = 006 20.4'W, gives
Dep 233.08' & d'long 380.4'
Pos = {52°58.7"N, 018°50.4'W
&Miscellaneous Calculations

CHARTWORK: Basic Concepts

on radar
ra plotting heet to
c o n s t r u c t e d

for 1
a triangle
Method ll: Altemately
course to be steered by own





Fig 23.1

The ship is stopped & thettotal

from a ship in pos 45°'N 020°W.
Ex2 A distress message was received
wind-current' drift is estimated to be due east
3kn. Own ship position is 42°42'N 016 27w An
own ship, if the rescue is undertaken. Also the W'y wind is
average S'ly drift of 2 kn is expected by
Iikely to cause a leeway of 4°. Find the course, which must be steered in order to reach the position
of vessel in distress by steering a single rhumb line course14kn. In how many hours wil the
rescue ship meet the distressed vessel?

Sol The bearing & distance from own ship, A to target ship, B is found by plane sailing and is found to be
N48.1°W & 206.5M.

Whenever the own ship& the target ship are exposed to two different current rates/drifts, we must
find out the resultant direction of set & the rate of drift of
target ship using the set & rate experienced o0
her & the reverse of the set & rate experienced by own ship. The resultant direction of set & the rate by
drift of target ship can be found by
simple plotting to scale:
CMG 056.3°T & rate of

3.605kn 3.605x
56.3 2kn
206.5M N



Fig 23.2
CHARTWOR Basic Concepts & Miscellaneous Calculations

By the
sine formula we have,
-Sine 75.6 Sine 180-(0°+75.6°)]
3.605x 14x 206.5
first& the third group, we get 0= 14.44...2 NAC = 48.1-14.4 =
Solving the first
SO teract the leeway the course which must be steered 33.7
N(33.7+4) =
Solvin the third & fourth group, we get x = 14.28 hours& .distance, AC = 14x N37.4°W.

Own ship is in position 32 25N 3446W, at 2000h, steering a course of 030° 6kn needs to meet
ofher vessel of her company at 0600h on the next day, for picking up some urgently needed
snares. At 2000h beanng & distance of the other ship was 348° x 200M. Advise her the course &
speed to steam. (Given, Wy wind is expected to cause a leeway of 6° to both the ships, curent set
SWx 2.4kn at both the ships.

For triangle CMG after leeway is used.

making the
+6 36 = N36°EE
ThusAC is 30 is found after calculations is CMG after leeway
BC that




Fig 23.3 current for
consider the
we need not
in the same way,
both the ships
aCurrent is affecting
aiculations or for plotting purpose

By the sine formula we have,

Sine 48. Sine 1180-(0°+48°)]-Sine(0°+48")
60 10s 200 200

Solving 1s&4 group we get

Sine 0- Sine Cos 48°+Cos 6°Sine48)
Or 200
200-Sine Cos 48°+Cos 9°Sine48).Sine 48.
Cos 48 the CMG
60 tane
This is
Sine $27.6°E.

SolHenceving, we get 0 =
15.6°.direction of C from B
12°+ 55..6

the CTSby =

Now by
Sine 8 argettarget
t ship must be S(27.6-6)°E
60 ne 48, gives 10S = 165.81.S
Target ship is advised to steer

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