BPS Staff Handbook - at A Glance

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Staff Handbook – Getting the Basics Right

Bellaire Primary School

Bellaire-specific Information
Absences – Staff Attendance - Students Bell Times, Music and Sessions Communication
Daily absences are to be notified to Ben - Assistant Principal (0400 Rolls are marked electronically twice daily using Sentral. CRT Staff Music will be played at 8:55am. Whilst the music is playing, students Effective communication at Bellaire includes:
122 614). It is good practice that absences be made by 8:30pm the will mark a paper copy of the roll in the Home Group Teacher’s come inside to put their bags away and prepare to begin class by o Checking emails and Sentral (daily) before 9.00am (Sentral
previous night. If this cannot be done, notification must be made by absence and send it to the office at the end of the day. 9:00am. Teachers should be in their rooms by at least 8:45am to calendar). Weekly Bulletins are sent out by Suz via email on a
between 6:30am and 7:05am on the day of absence. Please advise Ben prepare the room for the day and be available to chat with Sunday.
(or Kate M) of your reason for absence when you inform them you parents / other teachers if there is a need. Parents may want a quick o Checking Seesaw (daily) before 9.00am
The roll must be marked morning (by 9.30am) and afternoon. word with teachers at the start of the day. If a longer interview is
will be away (e.g., illness, carer’s leave etc). Please record reasons for absences (if known) using the drop-down All messages from parents must be responded to within 24 hours
required, please ask parents to make an appointment for another time.
menus in Sentral. If students arrive at school after 9.00am, they are The music at 11:27am and 2:27pm signifies to the students that they
Work Programs - To be kept on Google Drive required to obtain a ‘late pass’ from the office. This signals to the need to pack up after recess and be ready in their home group spaces Communicating with parents or to community members /
This is a legal document and should be prepared in advance so that Home Group Teacher that the Office Staff have marked the student as when the bell goes. organisations
classes function effectively, and all areas of the curriculum are present (late) on Sentral. Session Times All communication with parents is formal communication and must be
addressed. Detailed work programs and schedules must be given to Session 1 9.00am written as such - rather than casual register.
your LOL or Sub-LOL or teaming partner if you are absent. These are All absences require communication from home to explain the Written communication needs to be on a school letterhead and
to be completed preferably in ‘print friendly’ format and provide Session 2 10.00am countersigned by the Principal. Notes (permissions, information
absence. Parents are notified of absences via a daily push notification Recess 11.00am
enough information to those covering the class. from Sentral / Office Staff. Hard copies of notes can be kept in a booklets, etc), other than short notes to parents will need to be
Session 3 11.30am presented a day in advance for approval. A copy must be provided to
plastic envelope and sent to the office at the end of the year. If a Session 4 12.30pm
student is going to be away for an extended period e.g., holidays or the office via email attachment in case of parent queries.
hospitalisation, an ‘Absence Proforma’ (located in the Office) must be Lunch - 1:30pm - 1:45pm
filled out by parents. Teachers must ensure that students who have a inside
large number of absences / late arrivals are followed up with the Lunch break 1:45pm - 2:30pm
parents or referred to the Principal team. Session 5 2.30pm
End of day 3.30pm

Dress Code Drinks General School Rules Hours of Duty

Teaching and Administrative staff are required to dress in a manner Staff members are encouraged to consume all hot drinks in the Inside Outside Staff are required to be on-site and available, as a minimum, from
that is professionally appropriate and presentable. Teaching staff have staffroom space provided and during break times. o Students can only enter the o Toilets in the South building are 8:45am to 3:45pm each day. The work week is a 38-hour week.
buildings when the music for Prep and Junior students;
a duty of care to ensure that their clothing and footwear allows them No hot drinks are to be consumed during lessons or in the begins at 8:55am and before toilets in the North building are Teachers need to be on duty in their classrooms at 8:45am in case
to move freely and safely to assist students. Open-toed footwear classrooms. recess and lunch times end. for Middle and Senior students. parents or students need assistance. Staff are also required to attend
cannot be worn. On school excursions, teachers are representing the o Students are not to be left o The playground on the south staff and professional development meetings throughout a usual week.
school, and their attire should reflect the above expectations. unsupervised at any time. A side of the school is for the Prep Please avoid booking or organising private appointments during these
teacher must be in the and Junior students, the times.
homeroom space if a student playground on the north side of
o Clothing needs to reflect business standards. Midriff exposure, remains inside for any reason. the school is for Senior students
shoulder exposure, low-cut tops, blue denim, mini dresses, casual o SLU and MLU students may and there is a Middles In extenuating circumstances, such requests should be made a day in
t-shirts and thongs are not business dress code. enter the school building prior playground on the south side of advance to allow for alternative arrangements to be considered. A
o A wide brim hat needs to be worn for outdoor duties in Terms 1 to the music to put their iPads the MLU. term calendar / planner should be referred to for meeting times and
inside, however, need to head o Prep and Junior students should
and 4 and shoulders must be covered. straight back outside. ensure that all toys are returned dates. Teachers are also expected to attend all team meetings. Staff
o Bellaire staff school uniform can be purchased. On sports days, o Hats and beanies are not worn to the play shed at the end of representatives will also attend scheduled Consultative, Curriculum
if staff are involved in active participation, they may wear the inside. recess. PLTs and Leaders of Learning meetings. Consultation will occur
agreed sports uniform of good quality. o Lunch is to be eaten under o All bikes must be walked into when forming a term calendar to ensure scheduled meeting times
supervision in the classroom (or the school from the boundary beyond the regular school day do not exceed the limits set in the
outside) between 1:30 and gates. Students must be in Year
If you are supervising a student teacher, please make them aware of 1:45pm. Ensure the areas 4 and have completed the Bike Victorian Government Schools Agreement.
this policy. remain tidy and clean. Ed course before they can ride
unaccompanied to school.
o Pedestrians must enter through
the small gate in the centre of
the school block in Larcombe
Street and not through the
vehicle gates.
o At the beginning of the day,
students should be directed to
wait for friends in the courtyard
rather than at the front gate. At
the end of the day, students
should wait inside the gate for
parents to arrive.

Staff Meetings and Professional Practice Yard Duty / First Aid Wet / Hot Weather
Staff are required to attend all staff and professional learning meetings Each staff member will be issued with a Yard Duty timetable at the beginning of a year. The timetable will also be on display in the staffroom and There will be an announcement if students are to remain in their
scheduled on the calendar each term. Relevant staff are required to teacher offices. Teachers are to ensure that they are punctual for Yard Duty and change shifts in the playground. Staff must move actively around classrooms due to wet or hot weather. If it begins to rain when the
attend scheduled Consultative, Curriculum PLTs and Leaders of their designated yard duty area, interacting with all students and ensuring their safety. students are at recess or lunchtime, an announcement will be made,
Learning meetings. All teachers must attend unit planning meetings and students should walk quietly to their own classrooms. During
for their unit. Teachers are to carry and utilise their Yard Duty backpacks while on duty. These backpacks contain important student information and a basic First hot/wet weather, students are encouraged to get something
Aid kit (Band-Aids, tissues, etc). In addition to carrying the backpack, all staff are required to carry an Emergency Lanyard (found in teacher constructive and passive to do in their classrooms until the end of
Instructional coaching is an integral part of the ethos of Bellaire PS. offices). In the event that a student with special medical requirements needs urgent medical assistance, the staff member on duty will pull the recess/lunchtime.
One hour (out of your 4 hours) is required to be used to your student’s emergency tag off and send it quickly to the office (with responsible students). For all other medical emergencies, or those you feel need
professional learning and development. During this time, staff more attention, please send the student up to the Sick Bay with the red emergency poster (with other responsible students). An injury report will be
participate in conversations or follow ups about instructional practice. completed. Parents will be contacted if the injury is of a serious nature or involves a head injury. If a student is sent home, the Office Staff member
These take place with the school’s Learning Specialists. The aim is for will inform the class teacher and an injury report will be completed.
teachers and Learning Specialists to work together to set personal and Yard Duty teachers attend to any minor First Aid requirements.
school-aligned goals for improved teaching and learning that result in
exemplary student achievement. Students and Staff with medical alerts are listed in staff office spaces, on Sentral and also in the CRT’s attendance rolls. All medication is to be
accompanied by a Medical Form and be kept in the sick bay or in the teacher office. The location of the medication should also be noted inside the

In accordance with our school SunSmart policy, staff are required to wear a hat while on Yard Duty in Terms 1 and 4 and shoulders must be
covered. Sunscreen is available for students to use and must apply it themselves.
On days of wet weather all staff are expected to be available for alternative duty arrangements.
Staff Handbook – Getting the Basics Right
Bellaire Primary School
There are a number of Professional Requirements that we need to get right all the time.
Duty of Care Professional Conduct and Legal Requirements Home School Communication / Feedback - All teachers: Planning and instructional practice
o Ensure that they are in their classrooms 15 minutes before school o Are familiar with the Child Safe Standards and Mandatory o Check and monitor student diaries throughout the week. A simple o Utilise the Bellaire curriculum documentation - access current
commences and 15 minutes after school (when not scheduled for Reporting requirements. Ensuring all reportable incidents are strategy for achieving this is commencing the day with diaries and relevant documents aimed at supporting teachers in planning,
yard duty) to be available for student and parent queries. directly and immediately communicated to a member of the open on the table. Initial and or respond to any parent assessment and reporting, and teaching and learning.
o Ensure prompt attendance at line up areas, moving to the area Principal Team. communication. o Clearly display the learning intentions and success criteria for
before the bell. o Commence the workday at 8.45am and end at 3.45pm on non- o Contact parents on a regular basis. Good practice may include each lesson.
o Arrive to yard duty on time, with their backpack, yard duty vest, meeting nights. Please ensure you are on-site during these times. trying to contact at least 3 parents per week for positive o Provide regular feedback on student work and ensure teacher to
hat (Term 1 and 4) and actively supervise students whilst on yard o Ensure class rolls are completed. Please note this is a legal recognition of their child’s behaviour/learning). student feedback is timely.
duty. requirement and attendance records can be subpoenaed. o Contact parents when a student is absent and unexplained for o Ensure work program for the week is completed prior to the
o Ensure mobile phones are not used during class time or whilst on o Monitor and respond to student attendance data in the classroom, three consecutive days. week commencing and is accessible on the Google Drive at all
yard duty unless it is an emergency. including late arrivals. o Encourage and actively promote parent engagement in learning at times.
o Never leave a class unsupervised by a teacher. o Ensure all absences are followed up and notes are recorded on the school. o Ensure sufficient and meaningful work is left for a CRT.
o Be aware of student medical needs and allergies in their class or Sentral or kept in offices in administration bags. o Provide opportunities for parent helpers to assist in the classroom o Maintain up to date assessment data students.
subject area year levels. o Adhere to a professional dress code. Clothing and footwear need and on excursions. Please note all parent helpers participate in a
o Be aware of any personal circumstances such as family matters to follow Occupational Health and Safety and Sun-Smart Parent Helper induction session and must have a valid Working
that may impact students learning whilst at school. guidelines- this includes footwear where toes are covered. with Children’s Check.
o Ensure hot drinks are only consumed in the staffroom. o Maintain up to date class split lists (updating with new
enrolments), saving a copy on the Google Drive and hard copy in
your classroom – in case of not being able to get a CRT.
o Model appropriate behaviours at all times including outside of
school settings and on social media.
o Make personal appointments for times outside school hours, if
this is not possible personal leave will need to be taken for the
absence. Please note leave is taken on a full day or half daytime
frame due to coverage.

Digital Technology Classroom Set up and Environments Wellbeing / Positive Behaviours Framework Student Management and Expectations
o Ensure ICT is a tool for learning - not a reward or ‘babysitter’. o Clearly display the weekly and daily timetable in classrooms to o Take a collective responsibility for the students in Prep to Year 6. o Clearly display classroom rules and expectations in the
o Actively monitor student use of ICT in the classroom. support student organisation and learning. o Reinforce and teach to the school values and whole school classroom.
o Limit use ICT for free time or games during wet weather o Group tables to promote collaboration. expectations. o Ensure classes line up to enter classrooms in an orderly fashion.
timetable. o Promote a student-centred environment through high quality o Use the Behaviour Ladders as a classroom behaviour o Log all incidents on Sentral and contact parents when required.
o Make sure classroom technology and 1:1 devices are safely and displays of children’s work in/outside classroom. Displays are management strategy. All students will start on ‘Ready to learn’ o Monitor student trips to the toilet during class time.
securely stored in the classroom filing cabinet or student lockers updated regularly. at the beginning of each session if they have moved down during o Monitor movement of students in buildings and around the
during breaks and at the end of the day. o Establish and maintain English and Mathematics walls (not the lesson prior. Students will move up and down the ladder school, ensuring students are always supervised and orderly. All
literacy and numeracy) – anchor charts to support learning. depending on their behaviours demonstrated. students walk in two lines between classes.
o Ensure that every classroom has a vocabulary wall that is o Follow school processes for ‘Responding to Behaviour in the o Choose responsible pairs when walking in lines, going to the
regularly added to. Yard and in the Classroom’. toilet and on errands.
o Ensure any classroom libraries are set up, organised and that the o Establish a strategic and teacher-selected seating plan.
books are respected and monitored in the classroom. o Allow a 5-minute snack for brain food to break up a 2-hour
o Please do not label chair bags as they are school property. block.
o Ensure that teachers’ desks are only in office spaces and not set o Monitor student diaries and bookwork for graffiti.
up in classrooms/open learning spaces. o Ensure classroom materials are respected. Monitor student use of
o Set up a centrally located and managed stationery system in resources, including graffiti.
classrooms and monitor students to ensure they have the correct o Schedule regular clean outs of lockers and tubs, making sure
equipment. E.g., Stationery. these areas are kept neat and orderly.
o Make sure all doors and windows are closed when using the air o Ensure all book work is neat, including ruled pages (age
conditioner. appropriate), dated work, appropriate pen or pencil used and
o Ensure that valuable equipment is stored appropriately, that errors have a neat line through them. Whiteout should not be
windows and doors are locked and all electronics i.e., Air used in workbooks.
conditioner, fans, screens are turned off at the end of the day. o Ensure all students are wearing full school uniform at all times
o Leave all rooms’ neat and tidy, this includes teaching spaces, and that parents are contacted if a student is in incorrect uniform
office spaces and communal spaces such as the staffroom or without a note from home. This is primarily the responsibility of
meeting spaces. the homeroom teacher, however, should be followed up by
Specialist teachers.
o Explicitly teach students about respecting the environment and to
be mindful of littering. Working with students to ensure that the
classroom and the yard is clean and litter free.

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