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Main idea of the video

• the main idea of the video is to present to the pubic all the stench of Aquino-Cojuangco
governance during their period. The video stated the several facts that was not aired in
media and what media hide from us. Unlike from our recent presidents like Marcos, Erap
and Ramos their transgressions was already broadcasted and aired in medias. It is quite
suspicious that only Aquino-Cojuangco was the only president that has no bad issues
during their times. The video shows all the hidden treasures and buried truth behind the
Aquino-Cojuangco family.

1. The video’s point of view

• From the perspective of the video, it all shows the truth behind the false stories that we
were in convinced to believe with. Aquino-Cojuangco used their power to bribe media
and hide all of their erroneous doings. They use their power to manipulate those ignorant
people. They even killed a lot of people just to cover their true colors. The video says that
Cojuangco-Aquino are not seeking for a proper governance, but they are here to fulfil
their political ambitious. It says that Benigno Aquino Jr. was not a hero, Cory Cojuangco
was not a saint and Benigno Aquino III was not the best president that the Philippine have.
Despite of all the killings in Hacienda Luisita ABS-CBN and Inquirer, and Filipinos still
believed that the Aquino-Cojuangco was the good one.

2. The video’s argument

• It all started when the Cojuangco brothers became the most powerful family in the
Philippines and they became richer and richer because of the lands they keep on getting
from the farmers who could not pay their fees. This made them the biggest land-owning
clan in Central Luzon, but their father still ran for congress. Suddenly, Cojuangco’s are
found everywhere in the government. Cory Cojuangco, who is the daughter of one of the
brothers, married Ninoy Aquino, who is the congressman of Tarlac and made them the
most powerful family who ever lived in the Philippines. Azucarera, the world’s oldest
tobacco company which was owned by Spanish Company, was purchased by Cory’s father
himself and the Philippine government agreed to loan him money in two conditions; first
he should buy the surrounding farmland which is Hacienda Luisita and lastly, he should
distribute the land to farmers but unfortunately, the land distribution did not happen.
Former President Marcos kept of filed a case for the Cojuangco’s but was trashed when
Cory took his spot as the president of the country.

3. Inconsistencies and/or falsehoods in the video

• The Mendiola Massacre on the 1987 of January, under the administration of Cory Aquino.
It was said that Cory Aquino’s government forces opened fire against the protestor. There
were 13 famers who died, and 39 gunfire injured. But again, blaming Cory on everything
that happened under her watch will simplify things and is an effect of the centralization
of the powers of government which Marcos actually started during Martial Law. Gen.
Alfredo Lim who had the ground responsibility, maintains that the first to fire were the
protesters, Cory also said this in her last Jessica Soho interview for Newsmakers
special. There is a possibility that someone other than farmers were there to create
• On the Land Reform of Cory Aquino, the Hacienda Luisita was exempted from being
distributed and she failed her promise to every Filipino. The Hacienda Luisita Massacre on
2004 of November, when the soldiers open fire on the blockade line of the famers. There
were about 32 people injured from the gunfire and 7 were found dead on the crime scene.
The assassination of the Cojuangco were followed and killed all of the Hacienda Luisita
witnesses. Then again it was said that it was the protestors
• In 2005 the NOYNOY Superhighway known as the SCTEX- Tarlac and became operational.
It was said that the government paid the Cojuangco’s of 83 Million pesos right away and
government spent 170 Million pesos for the Private Exit of Hacienda. Cojuangco’s also
charge motorist of 20 pesos for using the govt.-built access road. But it was said that it
was the project PGMA based on plans by the previous administrations including
Marcos. The Cojuangco’s already stopped their private toll fee after only a few days.

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