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Identify a tourism crisis under category #1 within your local area/locality (or within the
Philippines) and explain how it affects the tourism industry.
- 13th of January 2020, Taal Volcano erupted and has affected about 200 restaurants, 170 hotels
and at least six major event facilities. Hotels scaled back operations amid cancellations.
Restaurants that are typically full were shuttered.
- The eruption of Taal volcano left a huge impact in tourism sites in the province of Batangas,
particularly those located within the 14-kilometer danger zone. An initial report released by the
Provincial Tourism and Cultural Affairs Office (PTCAO) says tourism sites in the 14-kilometer
zone suffered estimated damage amounting to P86.5 million and estimated losses of P123.2
million. Meanwhile, cultural sites in the same area recorded damage of around P2.8 million and
losses of P376,000. 
- Local tourism officer Jelanne Mendoza said visitor numbers have dropped by 70 percent from
last month and that up to 100 tourism-related establishments have closed.
- Taal Volcano, itself a postcard-worthy tourist spot in Batangas province, started spewing ash on
Sunday. Two days after, almost everything is still covered in ash in Tagaytay City, including its
amusements parks and picnic grove. There are no tourists in any of these places, only
maintenance workers cleaning up thick layers of volcanic ash. Several malls, restaurants, banks,
and other commercial establishments are shut down. The once green and yellow pineapple
plantations have turned gray, all destroyed by the ashfall. Some residents still opted to open
their stores, selling whatever they had left. Some fruit vendors were forced to bring down prices
to avoid spoilage. All in all, damage to crops and livestock has reached more than half a billion
pesos in the Calabarzon region, according to the Department of Agriculture.
- Sen. Francis Tolentino, a former mayor, said Tagaytay’s tourism sector is connected with
livelihoods in neighboring communities surrounding the lake — and the eruption affects
everything from a substantial wedding industry to small-business owners such as fruit vendors.
2. Identify a tourism crisis under category #2 within your local area/locality, in the Philippines or
outside the country and explain how you can help manage this predicament.
- Organizations in high-end hospitality resorts strive to meet the immense expectations of the
customers they serve because failure to do so could result in the loss of customers, negative
referrals to others, or even potential lawsuits. When shortcomings occur, a quick and expedited
response is necessary for a successful resolution. In service, crisis management involves
managing situations of extreme emotions, in which individuals are dealing with situations they
normally would not. As such, a need exists to formulate a method of best practices to ensure
that an organization can effectively manage service failures once they occur. Crisis timing
strategy management is important to service failures because the timing with which a service
failure is handled can have implications for a guest’s future interactions with the organization.
For example, a guest could choose a different resort for future visits, or negatively portray the
resort to others.
In A Nutshell
It is a system that stresses the idea that a person does not need formal religion to live a
life of faith
It is a personal and individual journey
It includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically
involves a search for the meaning in life
It is the belief in invisible things
Testimony – reports of sightings, miraculous events supposedly caused by such
beings, and so on
Subjective sense of presence – “just know” feeling that a dead person is in the same
place with you, or “extra” or spirit sense of a guardian angel around
Self-transcendence – the ultimate meaning of life; a reference to God and spiritual
Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft
Religion is the set of beliefs, feelings, dogmas, and practices that define the relations
between people and sacred beings or divinity.
Magic has often been dismissed as either primitive and irrational and therefore alien to
modern society, as inherently opposed to the Judeo-Christian traditions of the West, or
as incompatible with religion in general.
Witchcraft means the practice of, and belief in, magical skills and abilities that can be
exercised individually, by designated social groups, or by persons with the necessary
esoteric knowledge.
Involves making common decisions for a group of people
The activity by which differing interests within a given unit of a rule are conciliated by
giving them a share in power in proportion to their importance to the welfare and
survival of the whole community
Philippine Politics as Elitist
It operates on a clientelist tradition where the patron-client system figures prominently.
The breeding ground and the strongest root of this clientelism is the family
Political families mainly form the elite base of Philippine politics, and their significant
instruments are both political and economic power
Philippine Politics as Personalist
A common thing about painted walls, restored roads, or waiting sheds in the Philippines
is the words “A Project of” or “Priority project of.”
Personalism appears in Philippine politics when certain actions are undertaken that are
directly connected to particular individuals instead of the institutions or the system itself,
therefore resulting in gratitude to that official
Philippine Politics as Kleptocratic
It refers to a government so corrupt that there remains no pretense of honesty
Role of citizenship in developing one’s political self
Gives people a sense that they have a stake in society and democracy
Allows them to learn how to be and experience being actively involved in democracy
Let them understand the relationship between citizens and the state, and how
democracy works
Provide opportunities to explore, understand, and negotiate their identities
Social Responsibilities According to the 1987 Philippine Constitution
To be loyal to the Republic
To love and defend the country
To contribute to the development and welfare of the state
To uphold the Constitution and obey the laws
To cooperate with duly constituted authorities
To exercise rights responsibly and with due regard for the freedom of others
To engage in gainful work
Factors that shape our political orientation
Family & School
Non-government and People’s
Digital Self
Anonymity on the web is hard to achieve when you have a digital presence
Accounts that you created and forgotten can appear, even the posts that you have
written in the past, or photos that you have deleted
As much as you can Google yourself so as anyone else
Online identity – the sum of your characteristics and your interactions in social media.
Partial identity – a subset of characteristics that make up your identity.
Persona – partial identity created by you to represent yourself in a specific situation.
Self-presentation – the “process of controlling how one is perceived by other people”
and is the key to relationship inception and development to construct positive images,
individuals selectively provide information about themselves and carefully cater this
information in response to other’s feedback

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