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FORM: 93

DIRECTIONS: You will hear 41 sentences . Listen closely. They will be read only once.
Mark the best answer...a, b, or c on your answer sheet.

1. a) They cross each other.

b) They run next to each other.
c) They join together.

2. a) Yes, you had a phone call.

b) Yes, you had a visitor.
c) Yes, you have some mail.

3. a) They lowered the security level.

b) They kept it at the same level.
c) They raised the security level.

4. a) Someone is sitting there.

b) No one has taken that seat.
c) The seat is broken.

5. a) We will drive 200 miles.

b) We will take Highway 47.
c) We will travel by bus.

6. a) The fighting started three days ago.

b) The fighting happened every three days.
c) The fighting lasted for three days.

7. a) the speed
b) the air pressure
c) the temperature

8. a) It can hold 20 gallons.

b) It weighs 20 pounds.
c) It is 20 inches long.

9. a) …can arrive soon.

b) …had better arrive soon.
c) …ought to arrive soon.

10. a) He almost missed his flight.

b) He missed his flight.
c) He had a lot of time to catch his flight.
11. a) …northward.
b) …northern.
c) …northerly.

12. a) I asked how long she has been living in Japan.

b) I asked how long she had been living in Japan.
c) I asked if she had been living in Japan.

13. a) Do not touch that!

b) Do not touching that!
c) Do not touches that!

14. a) an ambulance
b) a bandage
c) a wheelchair

15. a) He failed to complete the job.

b) He accomplished the job.
c) He attempted the job.

16. a) He sat down.

b) He fell down.
c) He lay down.

17. a) water
b) silver
c) air

18. a) He cares about it.

b) He knows about it.
c) He understands it.

19. a) …how to repair automobile engines.

b) …how to teach people about exercise.
c) …how to take care of injured people.

20. a) Yes, nothing is covering them.

b) Yes, they are plugged into the wall.
c) Yes, they are long enough.

21. a) I will sell the books to the clients.

b) I will give the books to the clients.
c) I will take the books away from the clients.

22. a) I am going to Atlanta.

b) I came from Chicago.
c) I live in Los Angeles.
23. a) Yes, it looks safe enough.
b) Yes, it looks flat enough.
c) Yes, it looks big enough.

24. a) Are you smoking in the barracks?

b) Have you smoked in the barracks?
c) Have you been smoking in the barracks?

25. a) …did not understand the decision.

b) …did not support the decision.
c) …did not complain about the decision.

26. a) They have plenty of ammunition left.

b) They have no ammunition left.
c) They have little ammunition left.

27. a) He cut himself with a knife.

b) He was bitten by an insect.
c) He fell down some stairs.

28. a) They were killed.

b) They were hurt.
c) They were rescued.

29. a) She made many mistakes.

b) She finished quickly.
c) She took a long time to finish.

30. a) The patient’s condition is not changing.

b) The patient’s condition is improving.
c) The patient’s health is getting worse.

31. a) He took us to the PX.

b) He followed us to the PX.
c) He told us how to get to the PX.

32. a) The clear sky is allowing him to aim easily.

b) The wind is making him adjust his position.
c) The sun is helping him see the target.

33. a) We are building a hospital.

b) We are using many tools.
c) We are building the third floor.

34. a) ships
b) firearms
c) knives

35. a) It is flying at 1000 kilometers per hour.

b) It is flying 1000 feet in the air.
c) It will fly 1000 miles before landing.

36. a) You have to translate quickly.

b) You have to translate many things.
c) You have to translate correctly.

37. a) I should continue the mission.

b) I should stop the mission.
c) I should start the mission over again.

38. a) At the same time.

b) One after the other.
c) Without telling anybody.

39. a) It evacuated.
b) It evaporated.
c) It eliminated.

40. a) I met another person.

b) I talked with another person.
c) I crashed into another person.

41. a) Increase the temperature.

b) Decrease the temperature.
c) Maintain the temperature.

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