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330 iCon

noto "Fathers, be good to your daughters;' sang Mayer. "Daughters will

love like you do:' E ue
Steve Jobs had returned, to all appearances as fit as before and even
A couple of days later, Apple announced its best quarter ever. Rev-
enue was $3.49 billion, up 74 percent from the same quarter ayear ear-
lier. Profits were 70 cents a share, compared with 17 cents ayear
Every on~ of us 1S a walking set of contradictions. The great arnong us
earlier-and 21 cents aboye analysts' consensus. While iPod sales had
are no dIfferent, except that their contradictions tend to run to
skyrocketed-five times as many as ayear earlier-Macintosh sales had
extremes. Steve Jobs today in sorne ways suffers from the same need to
also risen by 26 percent year over year, to more than a million Macs.
be in ~ontrol as.when he forced his parents to move so that he could go
Steve Jobs, at age fifty, had made himself into an kon of three
to a dIfferent hlgh school, the sarne intolerance that led hirn to freeze
different industries. ~ome of his closest friends and associates out of the Apple IPO over
Yet at times it seems as if he is onIy just getting started. He hasn't Issues of ~oya:ty, the same childish harshness that led him to blow up at
changed fundamentally. He's still the same aggressive, opinionated, one of PlXar s founders over something so petty as commandeering
driven creator who inspires people around him to reach unimaginable Steve's whiteboard.
heights and destroys the fragile egos of those whose skin is too thin AH this from one of the towering visionaries of our time, aman who
to handle his abrupt barbs and relentless questioning. Yet now he's a has reshaped three different industries and who, at age fifty, sornetimes
middle-aged man, with three kids at home and a world of experience looks as if he is only just getting started.
behind him. He is warmer, richer, more forgiving, and more under- Over the years, even the most flagrant flaws may be softened. In an
standing, but on reaching fifiy, he's still the sarne rnan he always was. i~terview when he was forty, Steve Jobs showed that family and expe-
"[Turning fifty] makes us look further ahead, but it doesn't make us nence had srnoothed sorne of rus rough edges. Speaking about corn-
more patient;' he said. "You know better what questions to ask. There puters and technology, he said, "This stuff doesn't change the world. It
aren't enough good people to do everything you want to do. So nowwe really doesn'e' The interviewer replied, "That's going to break people's
chew on things for a while before we decide to have the A-team go afier hearts:' Steve said, "I~m sorry, i1's true. Having children really changes
something. That's not the same as being more patient:' your Vlew on these thmgs. We're born, we live for a brief instant and we
Patience is a quality that no one will see in Steve. A legion of admir- die. It's been happening for a long time. Technology is not ch;nging it
ers, a world of investors, a universe of music lovers, an audience of much, if at alL"
moviegoers, and a generation of digital kids are irnpatient to see what "Parenthood:' he told the authors of a children's book about him
worlds he will conquer next. ~n~ Woz, "changes one's world. lt's almost like a switch gets flipped
So is he. mSlde you, and you can feel a whole new range of feelings that you
never thought you'd have."
. Asked on another occasion what he wants to pass on to his children,
hlS answer was equally thoughtful: "Just to try to be as good a father to
thern as my father was to me." He followed with a remark that was both
touching and memorable: "1 think about that every day of my life."
For a rock star, adulation means standing-room-only concert halls

Epilogue 333
332 ¡Con

in to save Apple, Steve has come to understand that the combination of

all over the world and screaming fans. For Steve Jobs, the onlytechnol-
software and content are what make Apple spedal. "The great thing is
ogy rock star of the digital age, it means a soaring stock price and the
that Apple's DNA hasn't changed:' he said in a recent interview. "The
adulation that comes from captivating the investing publico
place where Apple has been standing for the past two decades is exactly
A few days after Steve's fiftieth birthday, on Monday, February 28,
where computer technology and the consumer electronics markets are
2005, Apple's stock split for the third time in the company's history.
converging. So it's not like we're having to cross the river to go some-
Each of the previous times, it signaled the end of an overheated period
where else; the other side of the river is coming to us."
of growth and perception. Will the same thing happen this time?
A wag once said that maturity means knowing what your strengths
Twenty years earlier, when Steve was thirty, he was an immature
are, so that you don't need to fight against them anymore. This is
young man who had grown up in the cauldron of a public company
exactly what Steve has done with Pixar and Apple.
that led the world in revealing the possibilities brought by technology.
Steve is no longer an emperor who stands at the water's edge and
He had taken his fascination with electronics parts and stereo systems
demands that the river change its course to his command. He is now the
and crafted a series of devices that launched an industry.
captain of a river raft hurtling down the rapids; he's guiding the boat, but
When he was thrown out of Apple, he thought that the magic of
he has a team of compadres with oars as well. Whether they are anima-
Apple was in its hardware. As a result, he tried to build a new com-
tors at Pixar or a thousand software engineers at Apple, Steve is the
pany-NeXT-around a new piece of hardware and bought another
leader but now understands that he isn't the only important partidpant.
company, Pixar, that he thought was all about its hardware until he dis-
No one has changed more than he has. In a world of baby boomers
covered a different reality.
who grew to maturity in the sixties and the seventies, he is now an
Eventually, he realized that the true genius at Pixar wasn't in the
emblem of hope in a complex world. Maybe we aren't encased in an
software but in the creativity it enabled. The same thing happened at
immutable prison by the age of thirty. Maybe we can change for the
NeXT. By the time he sold that company to Apple, it wasn't the hard-
ware that mattered, or even the software, but what the software made
In the oId days, Steve always considered that a handful of anointed
superstars were the magic that made the Macintosh hardware work or
With his new focus on software, the next battle that Steve wants to
gave some other project its glow and glamour. Always the chief super-
win has come into sharp focus. There is one company on earth that
star among them, in his view, had been Steve himseIf. He couId be vra-
controls software. It is led by the man who stole Apple's crown jewels . o
ClOUS when he was being lauded or applauded, but it was never
twenty years ago, and Steve has not forgotten. Now it is Apple, not
genuine; his arrogance bubbled palpably under the surface. Now his
Microsoft, that has the buzz and the bounce.
concern for others is genuine.
Having just extracted himself from one battle of titans, Steve Jobs
A friend who ran into Steve during the Christmas holidays of 2004,
has now set himself a new battle with, for him, the giant of titans: Bill
three months after his cancer operation, said that Steve described him-
Gates. When Steve returned to Apple in 1997, there was no doubt who
self as "feeling fine, feeling fortunate." He looked robust, the friend said,
would win. The little Cupertino company was on life support, and it
and recounted his recent pleasure when an analyst gave a positive out-
needed Microsoft to survive. Now the tables have turned, the momen-
look for Apple, so strong a recommendation that the stock price had
tum has shifted, and Apple has the upper hand.
jumped up. Steve seemed "gleeful" in describing his reaction. He was
Take all of this together, and there is one company that Apple is tar-
smiling and relaxed, and, when complimented on how well he looked,
geting. It isn't Sony or any of the consumer electronics companies.
he seemed to genuineIy appreciate the comment.
They are providing boxes, devices, the kinds of products that the young
By the following January, Steve was back on track, and so was
Steve Jobs thought were important. Now, nearly ten years after he rode
334 ¡Con

Apple. With a receding hairline and graying hair, and no longer trim,
Steve was showing his age-just shy of fifty. But he seemed as vigorous Acknowledgments
as ever when he walked onto the stage for his traditional MacWorld
keynote address. When he carne to the end of the two-hour presenta-
tion, he showed his wisdom.
"1 would like you to join me in thanking all the people at Apple
who've worked so hard to create all these new products:' Then he
To paraphrase Steve Jobs, "Publishing a book is a team sport:' Not only is
added, "1 want to thank the families and the spouses of all the people at there an army of unnamed friends, family, and coHeagues who have to
Apple because 1 know you'd like to have us around a Httle more." ~ndure missed birthdays, intense one-sided conversations, and outlandish
It was the new Steve: aman who no longer believed that the world Ideas during the mont?s of reporting and writing, but there are also many
started and stopped with what he was interested in. This was aman who people who labor behmd the scenes to bring a book to the public.
still had the qualities of his youth-good and bad-but they had been Gratitude goes as always to our literary agent, Bill Gladstone, who
leavened with time and wisdom and experience. He had rescued his first co~tinues t~ work wonders, and to David Fugate, Ming Russell, and
love-Apple-and made her beautiful again. He had captivated whole Neil GudovItz, all of whose efforts have be en nothing short of stellar.
families, parents as well as children, with a string of animated stories ~iley editor Hana Lane proved to be a writer's dream: patient, calm,
that celebrate life with a humor that lifted the stories out of the maudlin WIse, and unflappable; we are in your debt. Helene Godin is an attorney
and made them timeless. He had revitalized the music industry, who successfully combines efficiency with kindness and humor. The
breathed new life into it, and sent it off to a new digital future. rest of the team at Wiley-Lisa Burstiner, Naomi Rothwell, Sabrina
Up on the heights of Olympus, the view is different. Steve Jobs has Eliasoph, and freelance copy editor Patti Waldygo-and their efficient
proved that he can captivate us all anew, he has shown his children that collea~ues, all de serve much more praise than would be seemly for us
he is a master of the universe, and he has made money for everyone to dehver here. Suffice it to say that we are deeply in your debt.
who has invested in him again. He has taken charge of three industries We have passed ideas, passages, and chapters among friends and col-
in an unprecedented hat trick. leagues, looking for improvements and inspired reasoning. We've been
Yet there's one more battle he wants to win. lt has nothing to do fo:tunate to recei~e this, and more, from many people. They've caught
with money, fame, or glory. Like aH the best fights, this one is personal. mlstakes and clanfied our thinking. The errors that remain are ourS.
Steve Jobs is going to best Bill Gates. This fight is Shakespearean, ele-
mental, and emotional; watching it unfold should be the most fascinat- From Jeffrey Young
ing business story of this young millennium. A writer's family suffers both the trials and tribulations that this life
We expect our heroes to be flawed. Heroes without flaws would not produces. My wife, Janey, has been my mainstay since before 1 met
be successful. Yet in the end, it's not the flaws we need to remember but Steve Jobs, and remains my guiding star to this day. With her I've dis-
the achievements. covered what forever means, and together we've raised three children
who inspire me every day. Without all of them 1 would be a shadow of
the writer I've become.
1 would be remiss to forget the two men who set me on this story so
many years ago: the late Andrew Fluegelman, and David Bunnell, the
creators of MacWorld magazine. Also instrumental was the editor of
my first book about Steve Jobs, Dan Farber, whose deft touch, gentle

336 Acknowledgments

humor, and insistent voice made my original effort much better than 1
could have dreamed. Over the years there've been many who helped
refine, define, and expand my thinking about Steve Jobs, but only one
I Notes
who has been a constant sounding board, a relentless iconoclast, and by
his example a model for what a great reporter must be: ruthlessly curi-
ous, obsessive about the truth, and eternally uncommon in his insights.
To Jim Forbes, the sine qua non of Silicon Valley reporters, 1 owe more
than 1 can express.
Writing a book together is a spedal challenge. We were lucky to find each other
Final1y, I've been stimulated and embraced byan organization that and discover a mutual fascination with Steve Jobs that spanned more than
has provided me with an opportunity for intellectual challenge and twenty years. From the time Steve first challenged one of us in the middle of the
personal growth. To eraig Gordon, Jon Gates, and the team at Off the Macintosh building on Apple's Cupertino, California, campus in the summer of
Record Research, thank you for your kindness, humanity, and trust. 1 1983, to the January 2005 MacWorld Expo keynote, we've observed and inter-
acted with him in many situations.
couldn't have done this without you. The coauthors of this book have a unique combination of experience that
informs this material. Jeffrey S. Young was one of the cofounders of MacWorld
Prom Bill Simon magazine in 1983, and as such he had a unique ringside seat to the development
To my darling wife, my inspiratíon and my light, who suffered less of the Macintosh computer, both inside Apple before its release, and in subse-
attention and more grouchiness than during the writing of any of my quent years. He is the author of the book Steve Jobs: The Journey Is the Reward
(Scott Foresman, 1987), which provides a detailed look at the life of Apple's
dozen previous books. I'm determined to repay you now that this
cofounder through his founding ofNeXT Computer in 1985. Throughout the
deadline is over and 1 don't mind promising in print that you will be 1990s he was a contributing editor to Forbes magazine in Silicon Valley, and
showered with lavish attention and the praise you deserve for your covered NeXT, Apple, and many other high-tech companies; as the Northern
patience and your forbearance. As our friends and your many admir- California editor for The Hollywood Reporter in the same period, he reported
ers know, life is better with Arynne in it. and wrote extensively about George Lucas and Lucasfilm, Industrial Light and
Magic, and Pixar.
For a writer working on a far-ranging biography it's a relief to be Bill Simon wrote scripts for videos, CEO and executive speeches, and live
able to call on high-quality help with research, organizing, and arrang- meetings for Apple in the 1980s. He is the author of many books on business
ing of material. Jeffrey and 1 were well served by Sheldon Bermont, and other subjects, and in the mid-1990s coauthored the book On the Firíng
Karrie Higgins, Erik Martín, Jerry Starr, and Todd Barmann. Surely Line (Harper Business, 1998) with Gil Amelio, the CEO Steve Jobs ousted on his
return to Apple. As such he brought a deep level of understanding al1d detail to
each of these folks knows how appreciative 1 am, as do Angel Sepriano the crucial period when Steve returned to Apple and the ensuing years.
and his daughter Jo Jo, at Umberto's in Beverly Hills, always graciously Steve was offered a chance to contribute to the book. He refused. Because
providing a place for me and my go-everywhere computer. 1 also want Steve Jobs is violently opposed to friends, associates, or employees speaking for
to recognize the kindness and efficiency of my Los Angeles admínistra- publicatíon, numerous interviews were conducted with the promise of
anonymity, and much of the interview material ended up as background. The
tive assistant, Brenda Hawkins, and to Marianne Stuber for her super- cutting-room floor is always littered with nuggets--thanks to aH of you who
efficient transcribing of interview material. spent time with us over the years, especially those whose insights didn't make it
During these months 1 have enjoyed dinner with friends and fam- directly into this book.
ily who were patient beyond any definition of friendship, suffering my The list of those who've been interviewed by the authors is long, and some
have requested anonymity. Our deepest appreciation to all who spoke on con-
conversation that was heavy with taIk of Steve, Apple, Pixar, Eisner, Dis- dition of anonymity: we salute each of you, and wish we could honor you here
ney, and the other players in this saga. 1 ask their forgiveness and vow, individual1y with the thanks you deserve.
now that 1 am on this last page, that we shall again talk of other things. Individuals interviewed are mentioned at the appropriate places in each
chapter. Those interviewed also include: Garry Allen, Gil Amelío, Stewart

338 Notes Notes 339

Brand, Phi! Roybal, Larry Tessler, Andy Hertzfeld, Mike Boich, John McCollum, Stephen Manes and Paul Andrews; Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
Jay Elliott, Stevan Birnbaum, Burt Cummings, Rich Melman, Chris Espinosa, (Doubleday, 1984) by Steven Levy; and finally, The SouZ of a New Machine
Jerome Coonen, Phil Schlein, Bana Whitt, Cad Ho, Mike Murray, Lee Felsen- (Atlantic-Little Brown, 1981) by Tracy Kidder. AH of these are well worth
steín, Douglas Englebart, Mike Kane, Jím Hennefer, Alex Fielding, Jean-Louis reading and contributed to our work
Gassée, Bruce Tognazzíni, John Warnock, Alfred Mandel, Brian Fitzgerald, Díck Some of the material obtained from published sources is as follows; our
Olson, Al Alcorn, Paul Terrell, Larry Gritz, M. K. Haley, JefRaskin, Joanna Hoff- thanks to all the reporters, journalists, and authors who provided this silent
mann, Donn Denman, Steve Capps, Margie Boots, Ellen Hancock, Paul Heck- help. However, the vast quantity of media coverage of Steve and Apple over the
bert, Joe Hutsko, Bill At..lcinson, Regís McKenna, Nolan Bushnell, Bob Henkel, years makes it impossible to credit everything, as does the dimming of memory
Adam Osborne, Daniel Kottke, Hildy Licht, Jeff Harbers, Ray Wilson of the over time and confusion in the face of multiple sources. For anyone we've
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Susan Berman, Bruce Horn, Larry Kenyon, missed, or missed crediting appropriately, we ask for your forgiveness.
Patti King, Wendell Sander, CHff Huston, Peter Quinn, Dave Larson, Barbara
Koalkin, Bill Fernandez, Elizabeth Holmes, Ed Riddle, Martin Haeberli, Randy 1 Roots
Wigginton, Guy Kawasaki, Fred Hoar, Don Breuner, Ed Ruder, Alex Lamradt, Interview sources for this chapter are Steve Jobs, Clara Jobs (Steve's adoptive
Owen Densmore, Carol Kaehler, Bruce Courture, Linda Lawrence, Alex Schure, mother), Steve Wozniak, Dan Kottke, Randy Wigginton, Bill Fernandez, Al
Dylan Kohler, Terry Kunysz, Terry Anzur, Joe SheIton, Heidi Roizen, Steward Alcorn, Alex Fielding, Bruce Courture, John McCollum, and Jack Dudman. The
Alsop, Steven Miller, Clifford Miller, Wayne Meretsky, Hilary Rosen, Jeff East- quotes about Steve Jobs crying over swim-team losses and being a terror are
wood, Bud Colligan, Bob Albrecht, Dan'l Lewin, Todd Rulon-Miller, and Alvy trom David Sheff, "Playboy Interview: Steve Jobs," Playboy, February 1985. Paul
Ray Smith. Pamela Kerwin and a tennis-playing confidential informant deserve Jobs's memory of his son forcing the family to move was obtained by Michael
special thanks for putting up with so many repeated phone calls. Ditto for Bill Moritz and recounted in his The Little Kingdom (William Morrow, 1984). Fred
Adams, along with deepest respect: his loyalty to Steve is impressive. Hoar, a former Apple advertising manager, is the source of the remark about
While the shelf groans under the weight of many Apple books, there are sev- sipping water from a fire hose.
eral that deserve special mention. We especially want to thank author Alan
Deutschman, author of The Second Coming of Steve Jobs (Broadway Books, 2 A Company Is Born
2000) for providing alead that turned out to be very valuable, and for the con- People whose interviews contributed material to this chapter are Steve Jobs,
tribution of his Steve Jobs biography to the world. The book details the found- Steve Wozniak, Dan Kottke, Randy Wigginton, Chris Espinosa, Trip Hawkins,
ing of Pixar in exquisite detail and many of the triaIs and tribulations of the and former executive ofXerox Development Corp. Stevan Birnbaum. Also, Bob
NeXT years; as in science, each person builds on the work of those who came Newton, Dick Olson, Rod Holt, Lee Felsenstein, and Richard Melman. Steve's
befo re. Another book that is must reading for anyone wanting to find out about description of selling the Apple 1 circuit boards to Paul Terrell appears in the
the earIy days of Apple is Michael Moritz's The Little Kingdom (William Sheff Playboy interview cited previously. The explanation given by Steve when
Morrow, 1984). Steven Levy's Insanely Great (Viking, 1994) tells a cheerful ver- he took financial responsibility for Chris-Ann's child is quoted trom Moritz's
sion of the making of the Mac, while Guy Kawasaki's The Macintosh Way The Little Kingdom, previously cited.
(HarperCollins, 1990) offers a light-hearted view of the inside of the Mac mar-
keting effort by one of the team's early product "evangelists"; they are both 3 let's Be Pirates!
counterpointed by Jim Carlton's Apple: The Inside Story of Intrigue, Egomania lnterview sources for this chapter are Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, the late Jef
and Blunders (Harper Business, 1998) which paints a much darker picture. To Raskin, Chris Espinoza, Andy Hertzfeld, Dan Kottke, Bruce Tognazzini, Trip
understand the world of the Disney Company and Míchael Eisner two books Hawkins, Larry Tessler, Bill Atkinson, Stevan Birnbaum, Bill Fernandez, Joanna
are essential: DisneyWar (Simon & Schuster, 2005) by James Stewart; and Work Hoffmann, Bud Tribble, Donn Denman, Phil Roybal, Mike Murray, Martin
in Progress (Random House, 1998) by Míchael Eisner and Tony Schwartz. Haeberli, Toe Shelton, and lay Elliott. Líttle Kíngdom is also the so urce of Steve's
Several other books deserve to be sought out and read by anyone who wants complaint about Steve Wozniak giving stock to "all the wrong people." The
a deeper understanding of the forces that formed Steve Jobs and created Apple scene of the appearance of the ten-year-old daughter is from A Regular Guy, by
and Pixar, as well as the computer industry. These include: Fire in the Valley: The Mona Simpson (published by Alfred Knopf, 1996).
Making of the Personal Computer (McGraw-Hill, 1999, reissue) by Michael
Swaine and Paul Freiberger; Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the 4 learning to Fail
Microsoft Empire (John Wiley & Sons, 1992) and Overdrive: Bill Gates and the This chapter uses interview material from Mike Murray, Jay Elliott, Steve Woz-
Race to Control Cyberspace (John Wiley & Sons, 1997), both by James Wallace; niak, Herbert Pfeíffer, Paul Berg, Bud Tribble, Susan Barnes, and many others.
Gates: How Microsoft's Mogul Reinvented an Industry (Touchstone, 1994) by Steve Jobs's remarks to the Swedish journalist are from John Dvorak's article,
340 Notes Notes 341

"Jobs Breaks Silence on Apple Ouster;' in the San Francisco Examiner, June 27, (Information Technology Special Report), August 18, 1995. The phrase about
1985. His statements about the following are all from an interview in Newsweek, "the lord in his manor" is from phrasemaker Alan Deutschman, in Second
September 30,1985: his reaction on being fired by John Sculley; giving comput- Coming, as are details of the stock split on starting Pixar.
ers to California schools; and his statements about the issues raised by Apple Lucas'~ rem~rk ~bout "vv.e're all Buddhists up here" was made to Jess Cagle
about "When somebody calls you a thief in public." Information about the and pubhshed m TIme, Apn120, 2002. The description of devising Pixar's name
events that led to the starting ofNeXT indudes material from "Jobs Talks About comes from the Alvy Ray Smith Web site. Information about the Pixar mission
His Rise and Fall;' by G. C. Lubenow and M. Rogers, Newsweek, September 30, company organization and work methods, and the Pixar computer is derived
1985, and from "Behind the Fall of Steve Jobs," by Bro Uual, Fortune, October from ~ com~ination of sources, induding new interviews, Second Ca m ing,
14,1985. The Bill Campbell quote was reported in the Wall Street fournal, Sep- the SmIthsoman oral history interview, and the Philip Elmer-DeWiu artide, "The
tember 17, 1985. The Mike Markkula statement concerning possible action Love of Two Desk Lamps," Time, September 1, 1986. The Time artide is also
against NeXT by Apple is from an Apple press release of September 16, 1985. the source of the reaction to the Luxo fr. short at the Siggraph convention. The
~a,;~ull ~emark about the response to this film was reported by Laura A. Ackley
5 lile NeXT Step m Plxar s deep talent poollured by Catmull's vision," Variety, July 20, 1998.
A former Disney executive, speaking confidentially, contributed material for this
chapter. Information about Christina Redse, in this chapter and later, is from 7 Master of Ceremonies
Alan Deutschman's The Second Coming ofSteve fobs (Broadway Books, 2000). in this chapter is based in part on interviews with the former Disney
The story about Jeffrey Katzenberg's blow-up at Jobs is also from Second Com- executlVe who also provided information for chapter 5; Dylan Kohler, former
ing. This story has been confirmed by the eyewitness who was Deutschman's Disney soft~are ~ngineer who was a principal contributor to development of
source. Katzenberg's public relations representative, Terry Press, though she was the CAPS ammatlOn software; and former Pixar executive Pamela Kerwin.
not present, 10yal1y protects her boss by insisting it couldn't have happened. She ~teve's ~rst enc?unter with his future wife, Laurene, her trip to Italy, and
maintains, "1 have worked with Mr. Katzenberg for seventeen years and 1 have theu weddl?g are m part from Second Coming. Details of her background are
never heard him speak like this to anyone. It is not possible that Jeffrey said any- from Web sltes. Steve told the story about deciding to ask Laurene to have din-
thing like this .... I am saying for the record that there is no way he said this." ner with him on the day of their first meeting to journalist Steve Lohr,
re.counted in."Creating Jobs: Apple's Founder Goes Home Again" (New York
6 Sllow Business Times Magazme, January 18, 1997), and Julie PiUa provided other details about
People whose interviews contributed material to this chapter are Alex Schure, Steve and Laurene's life together and their wedding in the "Informer" section of
the man who created the Computer Graphics Lab that was the ultimate genesis Forbes, Oct~ber 29,1990 and April15, 1991. Steve's blowup at Alvy Ray Smith,
of Pixar; Paul Heckbert, a former employee at CGL; a Lucasfilm confidential recounted m Second Coming, is amplified with input from Alvy. Details of the
source; a NeXT confidential source; and former Pixar sales and marketing vice origin of the movie Tron can be found on the Web site www.cyberroach.
,president Bill Adams. com/tron/tron.htm.
Except for the quotes otherwise attributed, Alan Deutschman assembled the . Much of the material on negotiations between Pixar and Disney were pro-
information about Alvy Ray Smith's quest that led him to Long Island, and the vlded by three confi.dential sources, two from Pixar and one from Disney, as
insights into the origins and operations of the Computer Graphics Lab; details well as by Pam Kerwm. Sorne of the details concerning attorney Brittenham are
were originally presented in Deutschman's Second Coming, cited previously. fro~ the Los Angeles Business ~ournal, February 19, 2001. Material on the pro-
The Jobs remarks about the poor quality of individual frames in the early Star duchon methods and Lasseter s role are based in part on Barbara Robertson's
Wars films are from an oral history interview by Daniel Morrow, executive artide "Toy Story: A Triumph of Animation," Computer Graphics World, August
director, the Computerworld Smithsonian Awards Program, April20, 1995. The 1995, supplemen~ed by details from other sources including Second Coming and
article by Richard Corliss and Jess Cagle, "Star Wars: AUack of the Clones;' in Brent Schlender m Fortune, August 18, 1995, cited earlier. Details of the Canon
Time, April20, 2002, contained Lucas's list of projects he was working on simul- investment in NeXT come from Bob Johnstone, "Canon, Lone Wolf," Wired,
taneously. Carrie Fisher's remark was ad-libbed during a live taping of the cable October 1994. Source of the Billy Crystal quote is the Internet Movie Database
television series "Dinner for Five;' February 2005. John Lasseter's background is (, August 30, 2001. The Schneider remark about partners comes
as reported by Burr Snider in "The Toy Story Story;' Wired, December 1995; by from a Business Week story, "Steve Jobs, Movie Mogul," November 23,1998.
New York Times online at; and on the Pixar Web site. The Material on the story problem on Toy Story and how it was solved comes
Catmull quote on hiring was reported in "Pixar: To Infinity and Beyond;' principally from Burr Snider, "The Toy Story Story;' Wired, December 1995;
Management Today, May 1,2004. Details on hiring Lasseter were contained in from Second Coming; and from a University of Michigan Business School case
Brent Schlender's artide, "Steve Jobs' Amazing Movie Adventure," Fortune study, credited as follows: "Catherine Crane, Will Johnson, Kitty Neumark,
342 Notes Notes 343

Christopher Perrigo prepared this case under the supervision of Professor Katzenberg beating Pixar to the screen is based on a confidential interview
Allan Afuah." Details ofEisner's heart attack and his negotiations with Ovitz, as and on Peter Burroughs's "ANTZ VS. BUGs: The inside story ofhow Dreamworks
well as the break with Katzenberg, for the most part come from the Eisner biog- beat Pixar to the screen;' in Business Week, November 23, 1998. Material on the
raphy Work in Progress (Michael Eisner and Tony Schwartz, Random House, stock package and aircraft presented to Steve by the Apple board is from Jim
1998). Steve's complaint to Brent Schlender appeared in his Fortune artide of Davis, "Gulfstream for Steve;', January 19, 2000; and from
1995, cited previously.

8 leon 11 iPod. ¡Tunes, Therefore I Am

Interview sources for this chapter are Gil Amelío, former CEO of Apple Com- This chapter uses interview material from former chief executive officer of the
puter; former Apple chief technology officer Ellen Hancock; Jean-Louis Gassée, Recording Industry Association of America Hilary Rosen; an executive of one
former CEO of Be, Inc.; and a senior member of the technical team evaluating of the big-five music companies, speaking confidentially; and Terry Kunysz, for-
Apple's software choices, speaking confidentially. A number of the stories con- mer president of Casady and Greene.
cerning Gil Amelio are from Orz the Firing Line. The Schneider and Eisner The Adam Engst artide was "Tower of Song;' in the MacWorld issue of
quotes are from the Schlender 1995 artiele, and from Barbara Robertson, "Toy August 1,2000. Artic1es used in deveIoping the iPod are: Spencer E. Ante, "Nap-
Story: A Triumph of Animation;' Computer Graphics World, August 1995. Mate- ster's Shawn Fanning: The Teen Who Woke Up Web Musíc," Business Week
rial about the Eisner-Ovitz negotiations and break-up comes from the Eisner Online, April 12, 2000; Jonathan Kantor, "iPod Nation;' Newsweek, JuIy 26,
biography and from James B. Stewart's artide, "Partners;' in The New Yorker, 2004; Leander Kahney, "Inside Look at Birth of the iPod;' Wired, JuIy 21, 2004;
January 10, 2005; from "Disney's Basket Cases;' Variety, March 7, 2004; and and Sherman, "Inside the Apple Design Triumph;' Electronics Design-
from information revealed in the stockholders' suit. Steve's comments about Chain, Summer 2002. The Jonathan Ive quotes appeared in Kristi Essick's, "The
Mona Simpson's novel appear in "Creating Jobs: Apple's Founder Goes Home Man behind the iMac;' PC World, September 18, 1998, in Brent Schlender's
Again;' by Steve Lohr, New York Times Magazine, January 12, 1997. Informatíon "Apple's 21st-Century Walkman;' Fortune, November 12, 2001; and in Rob
about the prelaunch activities surrounding the upcoming release of Toy Story Walker's "The Guts of a New Machine;' New York Times Magazine, November
are largely from Second Coming. 30, 2003. The Steve Jobs remarks about design and the story about purchasing
a washíng machine were shared with Wired's Gary Wolf, published in his arti-
9 Mogul ele "Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing" in the February 1996 issue.
Gil Amelío and Ellen Hancock contributed information used in this chapter. The phrase "shined Steve's shoes" is a bowdlerized version of the actual
Steve's statement about his reasons for returning to Apple and the Internet as an remark.
opportuníty for the company comes from the Fortune interview with him, Jan-
uary 24, 2000. Information on the iMac comes from the Apple Web site and a 12 Clash of the Titans
variety of published sources. Sorne information in this chapter comes from an interview with the former
Disney executive who also provided information for chapter 5. Other material
10 Breaking New Ground in the chapter is based on information from the stockholders' suit, from the
Pam Kerwin provided details of the IPO day and of the negotiations and deals James Stewart bookDisneyWar (Simon & Schuster, 2005), and from the follow-
between PÍxar and Dísney, both before Toy Story and the subsequent negotia- ing: Devin Leonard, "Songs in the Key of Steve;' Fortune, May 12, 2003; Kit
tions. A former Pixar executive, speaking confidentially, provided other mate- Bowen, "Pixar's Success May Dampen Future with Disney;',
rial used in the chapter. Alan Deutschman is the source of additional material June 3, 2003; Kim Masters, "Fightin' Mike;' Esquire, September 1,2003; Ronald
on the effect of the IPO on individuals associated with Pixar. The Motley Grover, "Pixar Twists the Mouse's Taíl;' Business Week Online, January 30,2004;
Fool quote appears on the Internet at W\'\ Steve Jobs interview, Rolling Stone, December 2003; John Markoff"Oh Yeah, He
askfoolu981230.htm. Remaking Toy Story 2 is based on the account provided by Also Sells Computers," New York Times, April 25, 2004; Richard Verrier and
Brent Schlender in "Incredible: The Man Who Built Pixar's Innovation Claudia Eller, Los Angeles Times, February 8, 2004; Bruce Orwall and Pui-Wing
Machine;' Fortune, November 2004, and the production and success of that Tam, "Freeze Frame: Pixar Still Lacks a Partner for Post -Disney Era;' Wall Street
film are detailed in Justin Martin's "Inside the Pixar Dream Factory;' Forbes Journal, October 25, 2004; Claudia Eller, "Pixar's Flirtations Could Mean Trou-
Small Business, February 1, 2003. The Business Week artide alluded to is "Steve ble for Disney:' Los Angeles Times, February S, 2003; Bruce Orwall and Nick
Jobs, Movie Mogul;'by Peter Burrows and Ronald Grover, in the November 23, Wingfield, "The End: Pixar Breaks Up with Distribution Partner Disney;' Wall
1998 issue. The Time artic1e that focused on Steve's micromanaging is "Steve's Street Journal, January 30, 2004; ]ay Sherman, "Pixar, Disney to End Partnership
Two Jobs;' by Michael Krantz, in the October 18, 1999 issue. Negotiations between Jobs and Eisner," Television Week, February 2,2004; Steve
344 Notes

Jobs interview, Wired, February 1996; Duncan Campbell, "The Guardian

Profile: Steve Jobs," Guardian Unlimited, June 18, 2004; Claude Brodesser,
"Feuds;' Variety, Tune 7 and 13, 2004; Ron Scherer, "Disney's Real Battle Is to
I Index
Keep Good Cartoons Coming," The Christian Science Monitor, March 4, 2004;
Merlin Jones, "Why Pixar's Films Are More 'Disney' Than Disney's;' SaveDis-; and Steve Jobs intervíew, Business Week, October 12,2004.
Material for the chapter also comes from Marc Gunther, "Roy Disney's
Beef;' Fortune, January 12, 2004; Claude Brodesser, "Feuds;' Varíety, June 7,
2004; Loren Hunt, "Anatomy of a Mouse;' The Philadelphia Independent, April
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
2004; the Pixar Web site, Corporate Information; Austín Bunn, Interview:
"Welcome to Planet Pixar," Wired, Iune 2004; Interview,,
October 25, 2004; Bill Desowitz, Interview: "Brad Bird and Pixar Tackle CG
Humans Like True Superheroes:' Animatíon World, December 20, 2004; and ABC television network, 219, 307 Lasseter, John, 155
Jennifer Ordonez, "Mickey's Fight Club;' Newsweek, November 29, 2004. abortion,7 light, 150-151
The name of the oncologist is fictitious. The physician who provided the The Abyss (film), 187 software, 167-168, 191-193
information requested anonymity. Academy of Motion Picture Arts Tín Toy (film), 166-167
13 Showtime and Sciences, 155, 164, 167, Toy Story (film), 195-199
192,195,252,299 Walt Disney Company, 186
The majority of the material in this chapter is from Steve Jobs's January 2005
Adams, Bill, 165, 166, 171-172 Antz (film), 257-258
keynote address at MacWorld Expo in San Francisco. However, the brief quotes
Adaptation (film), 196 Anywhere but Rere (Simpson),
from Steve taken from outside that public appearance are drawn from the story
Adobe, 327 135-136
"How Big Can Apple Get" by Brent Schlender in Fortune, February 21, 2005.
adoption, 7-8,16,24,133 Apple Computer. See also Jobs,
Epilogue ADP payron company, 215 Steve; Macintosh computer;
Material used in the epilogue has been drawn from Steve Lohr, "Creating Jobs;' Akers, John, 139 specific company products
New York Times Magazine, January 12, 1997; "Bad Apple;' by T. C. Doyle in Aladdin (film), 192 Amelío, Gil, 213-216, 222-226,
VAR Business, January 10,2005; and the book Steven Jobs and Steven Wozniak: Albrecht, Bob, 29 230-233
Creating the Apple Computer, by Keith Elliot Greenberg (Blackbirch Press, Alcorn,Al, 22-23, 28-29 capital for, 34-36, 41, 43-46,51,
1994). The rest is from Steve Jobs himself. Aldus,143 55
Aliens (film), 186 Casadyand Greene (C&G),
Allen, Paul, 37, 79-80 268-270
Allen, Tim, 198,237,315-316 disk drive, 51-52
Allen, Woody, 138, 258 dominance of, 59
Alpert, Richard, 22 educational market, 56
Altair computer, 29, 37, 39-40 employees of, 54-55, 63, 65, 69,
Alto computer, 61 84,103
Amelío, Gil, 177, 213-216,222-226, finan ces of, 50-51, 107,212-213,
230-234,235,236,260,262, 231,263,288,295,330
263,266 founding of, 33-34, 45-46
Ames, Roger, 291 Gore, Al, 301
Anderson, Fred, 215, 263,285 high-definition video, 327
Andre and Wally B (film), 164 iMac, 263-265
animation, 144-145. See also Internet, 261, 265, 323-325
computer graphics; Pixar; Walt inventory reduction, 263
Disney Company IPO,65-66

346 Index Index 347

Apple Computer (continued) AppleWriter (word processing career of, 253-254 Pixar, 159-160, 172, 185, 190,
iPod,275-297 program),56 Chris-Ann pregnancy with, 49-50 192,237,245,246
iTunes, 274,276 Atari, 22-23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, financial support of, 66, 67 Smith, Alvy Ray and, 148-150,
Jobs, Steve return to, 230-233 33,38,43 Lisa computer, 59 238
layoffs at, 73-74, 78 Atkinson, Bill, 60-62, 67, 74-75, 87, paternity test, 57 Toy Story 2 (film), 251-252, 258
leadership quest, 213-214 92 Brittenham, Harry"Skip;' 194, 246 Walt Disney Company, 158
Macintosh computer, 67-69 Audible company, 295 Brodesser, Claude, 310 CD-ROM drive, iMac, 264
MacWorld Expo (January 2005), Aykroyd, Dan, 258 Bromley, Bud, 211 Chambers, John, 231
325-330 Brown, Jerry, 86, 120 Chandler, William B., III, 315
marketing, 41-43, 82-83, 95-96, Baez, Toan, 86, 87, 88 Bryson, John, 310 charities, Jobs, Steve, 56
264 Ballmer, Steve, 296 Buffet, Warren, 246 Chiarello, Míchael, 255
media, 284 Bambi (film), 313 Bug's Life, A (film), 248, 252, Chiat, lay, 95
movie piracy, 303 Bancroft, Anne, 258 256,257,258,312 Chiat/Day agency, 262
music, 267-270, 274 Bardeen, John, 9 Burge, Frank, 42 Chicken Little (film), 309
NeXTSTEP,223-226 Barnes, Susan Kelly, 122, 124,175 Burrows, Peter, 252 Chino, Kobin, 31-32,193
operating systems, 222-223, 326 Barder, Mike, 313 Burstyn, EUen, 308 Clark, Jim, 243
organization of, 63-64, 88-89, BASIC language, 37,49,56,75 Bushnell, Nolan, 28, 32 Clinton, Chelsea, 255
99-100,112-113,115,125, Bastien, Gaston, 266 Business Week magazine, 216,252, Clinton, Hillary, 255
262-263 Baum, Alan, 14 253 Clinton, William Jefferson, 255, 294
Personal Computer Festival (first, BBDO,262 Byte Shops, 35, 36, 40 Cloud 9,111
Atlantic City, New Jersey), Beatles, 285-286, 294 Coleman, Debi, 115,116
38-41 Beauty and the Beast (film), 192, California Institute of the Arts, 155 command-driven computer, 61
programming, 47-48 207 Cameron, James, 186-187 Commodore, 38, 39
sales force meeting, 104-105 Be, Inc., 222, 223 Campbell, Bill, 105, 113, 115, 125, Compaq computer, 265
Sculley, John, 93-95 Bell, Alexander Graham, 83 235 Computer Animation Production
software, 327-328, 332-333 BeOS software, 223 Campbell, Gordon, 249, 277 System (CAPS), 191-192
SoundJam MP, 268 Berg, Paul, 121 C&G (Casady and Greene), computer graphics. See also
stock prices, 55, 64, 94-95, 119, Big Mac computer, 121-122 267-270,274 animation; Pixar; Walt Disney
259,332 biochemistry simulations, 121 Canon, 143, 171,200,201 Company
Sun Microsystems, 212...,.213 Bird, Brad, 312-314, 317 Capps, Steve, 92 film inclustry, 186-187
Apple computer Birnbaum, Stevan, 55 CAPS (Computer Animation Jobs, Steve, 157-158
stock options, 65-66 birth control, 7 Production System), 191-192 light,150-151
Apple Education Foundation, 120 blue box venture, 19-20, 33, 136 Carnegie Mellon University, 143, 170 Lucas,George,153-154,157
Apple 1, 36, 38, 40 Bollenbach, Steve, 227 Carpenter, Loren, 154 Smith, Alvy Ray, 148-150
Apple II, 37, 38-39, 41, 47-48, 50, Bono,17~276,295 Cars (film), 251, 300, 310 software, 151-152,155,166,
54,56,63,82,88,109,111, Bozo Explosion, 55 Carter, Jimmy, 186 167-168,191-193
120, 173, 264 Brattain, Walter, 9 Casady and Greene (C&G), technology of, 161-162
spreadsheet development, 59 Break-Out (game), 28-29 267-270,274 Xerox PARC, 147-148
Apple II Plus, 54 Brennan, Chris-Ann, 20, 31, 36, Catmull, Edwin, 146, 181, 186,243, computer kits, 29-30, 40
Apple He, 103, 105, 107,175 48-49,52-53,57,66,193 314 ConflictCatcher, 268
Apple He, 98, 103, 105 Brennan-Jobs, Lisa Nicole computer graphics, 154, 164 Consumer Electronics Show (CES,
Apple I1I, 54, 63, 70, 79, 94 (daughter),176 Jobs, Steve and, 162-163, 165,218 Las Vegas), 51
Apple Store, 276 acceptance of, 86-87, 211 Lasseter, John and, 156 Cook, Dick, 237
Apple v. Apple, 294 birth of, 52-53 Lucas, George and, 152, 157 Cook, Robín, 154
348 Index Index 349

copyright law, 288 Eagles,293 Ethernet (networking scheme), G5 iMac, 266

corporate culture, media, 235 Eastern mystidsm, Jobs, Steve, development of, 61 Gibson, Mel, 203
Couch, John, 64 21-22,23-27,31-32.Seea~o Euro Disney, 299, 306 Giuliani, Rudolph, 217
Courture, Bruce, 12-13 Zen Buddhism Glover, Danny, 258
Crow, George, 122, 125 Edison, Thomas, 25 Fadell, Tony, 276-278, 279 Gold, Stanley, 306, 307, 310, 315
Crow, Sheryl, 293 educational market Fairchild, 43 Good, Craig, 199
Crown, George, 175 Apple Computer, 56 Fanning, John, 271, 272 Google,90
Crystal, Bi1ly, 198 NeXT, 134, 142 Fanning, Shawn, 270, 271-272 Gore, Al, 255, 301
Crystal Quest (game), 268 Eisenstadt, Al, 113, 124 Felsenstein, Lee, 39, 52 government sales, Pixar, 168-169
Cube. See NeXT computer Eisner, Jane, 205 Fernandez, Bill, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17-18, Gow, Gordon, 89
Eisner, Michael, 177, 187 19,46,65,71 Graham, Katharine, 138
Davis, David, 299 background of, 305 Fie1ding, Alex, 29, 184 graphical user interface (GUI). See
Davis, Lem, 191 Disney, Roy and, 301, 307-308, film industry. See also Pixar; Walt also computer graphics
Death Row Records, 286-287 309,319 Disney Company; spedfic development of, 61
DECVAXcomputers,148-149 Disney board and, 307-308, films and film companies Macintosh,147
Defense Advanced Projects Agency 310-311 computer graphics, 186-187 Grove, Andy, 231
(DARPA),61 Finding Nemo (film), 298 special effects, 151-152 Grover, Ronald, 252
Dell, Michael, 231 Jobs, Steve and, 143,249-251, uncertaintyin, 248-249 Guggenheim, Ralph, 167, 195,245,
Dell Computer, 265 299-305,318-319 Finding Nemo (film), 251, 298-299, 246
Democratic Party, 254-255 Katzenberg, Jeffrey and, 206-208, 304,308,312
Denman, Donn, 74, 75-76, 99-100 256-257 Fiorina, Carleton, 324 Hackman, Gene, 258
DesignChain magazine, 279 management style, 308-309 Fisher, Carrie, 153 Haeberli, Martin, 87
Deutschman, Alan, 149-150, 221 movie piracy, 303 Fisketjon, Gary, 221 Haltek, 19,29,263
Diller, Barry, 205 Ovitz, Michael and, 204-205, Fitzgerald, Ella, 110 Hancock,Ellen, 222,223, 231-232,
disk drive, 51-52 219-220,226-229,315-317 floppy disk, iMac, 264 262
Disney, Roy, 207,217,301,306-307, resignation of, 314 Forbes magazine, 182, 193 Handspring, 265
309-310,311,315,319 salary of, 306 Fortune magazine, 209, 267, Hanks, Tom, 197-198,237
Disney, Walt, 149,313 Toy Story (film), 209, 210, 217, 293 Harwell, Steve, 282
Disney Studios. See Walt Disney 237 Fox, 300 Hawkins, Trip, 54-55, 59, 62, 64
Company Elliott, Jay, 100,105,106-107,113 Fox and the Hound, The (film), 155 heat so urce, 37-38
"Display Postscript" (software), Elliott, Missy, 293 frogdesign, 111 Heinlein, R. A., 281
142 Ellison, Larry, 232, 235, 246, 248, 323 Fylstra, Dan, 58-59 Hertzfeld, Andy, 68, 74, 84,85,95,
Docter, Peter, 260, 312, 313 eMac, 325 100, 103, 117
DL Dre, 275,286-287 EMI,292 gaming, 27, 268 Hewlett, Bill, 17
DreamWorks SKG, 208, 255-256, Eminem, 286, 287 Garcia, Jerry, 254 Hewlett-Packard, 10, 17,33,36,46,
257,304 Empire Strikes Rack, The (film), Gassée, Jean-Louis, 109, 110, 112, 59,86,324
drugs 152 113,116,121,122,125,222, high-definition video, Apple
Jobs, Steve and, 17, 20-21, Englebart, Douglas, 61 223,225-226 Computer,327
169 Entrepreneurs, The (TV Gates, Bill, 37, 79-80,139,141,171, Hill, lmogene "Teddy," 10-11
Dubinski, Donna, 265 documentary),134-135 222-223,231,233,246,248, Hintz, Jurgen, 213
Dudman, Jack, 22 Epson computer, 106 296,326 Hoffmann, Joanna, 70, 71
DuPont,232 Epstein, Ira, 194 Geffen, David, 208 Holt, Rod, 38, 45, 46, 71
Dylan, Bob, 86,98,116,229,286, Espinosa, Chris, 46, 48, 54, 65, 77 General Magic, 276 Home Improvement (TV show), 316
293,295,305 Estrin, Judith, 310 General Motors, 106, 135, 158 Howard, Bdan, 71
350 Index Index 351

Howard, Robert, 320, 321 Iron Giant, The (film), 312 Apple I1I, 55 management style, 75-77, 84, 88,
Hughes, Howard, 139 iTunes birth of, 8 96,253,262-263,279,312,
Hurd, Gale Anne, 187 Apple Computer, 274, 276, 323 Brennan-Jobs, Lisa Nicole 313-314
music piracy, 289 (daughter),49-50, 52-53, 57, 11arkkula, Mike and, 45
IB11, 139-140, 142 iTunes 11usic Store, 295 86-87 marriage of, 193-194
IB1111P3 player, 278 Jobs, Steve, 305 business acumen, 27, 28, 36-38, media and, 231-232, 260
IBM PC, 37, 79, 80-82, 94,101,104, launch of, 292-293 40-41,49-51, 102 movie piraey, 303
110,264 music industry, 287-288, charities of, 56 11urray, 11ike and, 110, 112-113,
iBook, 264-265 290-292 childhood of, 9 115-116,118
iCards,323 music piracy, 289-290 computer graphics, 157-158 music, 267-270, 274, 275-276,
i11ac, 263-265, 280, 325 revenue from, 285 demotion of, 116-119 285-290,305
i11ovies, 327 sales of, 293 design, 229-230, 280-281 music industry, 287-288,
I11SAI,40 Ive, Jonathan, 280, 282, 294 drugs and, 17,20-21, 53-54, 290-292,293
Incredibles, The (film), 251, 300, 311, iWorks,327 169 music piracy, 289
313,314,317,322 Eastern mysticism, 21-22, NeXT, 121-127, 134-135,
Independence Day (film), 258 Jaekling, Daniel C., 174 31-32 141-145,170,171,183-184,
Independence Investment, 304 Jagger, Mick, 117, 276 educatíon of, 10-13, 17-19, 200-201,203,208,218,230,
India, 23-27 Japan,106 21-22 259
individuality, 17 Jasinski, Barbara, 53 Eisner, 11ichael and, 249-251, NeXTSTEP, 223-226
Industrial Light and 11agic, 153 Jiang Zemin, 254-255 298,299-305,316,318-319 parents of, 133-134
initial public offering Jillette, Penn, 198 family life of, 211-212 personalityof, 10, 12, 16,31,
Apple Computer, 64-66 Jobs, Clara (mother), 8, 9, 11,21, finan ces of, 55-56, 64-65, 84, 85, 32-33,46,52-53,57,62,69,
Pixar, 216-217, 243-247 134,193 119,171,183-184,188, 85-86,90,136,217,291,
integrated circuit, 12 Jobs, Erín Siena (daughter), 217 245-246,252,259-260 322-323,331-332,334
Intel, 41, 45, 283 Jobs, Eve (daughter), 252 Gassée, Jean-Louis and, 223 Pixar, 160-163, 164, 165-167,
Inte1486 chip, 208 Jobs, Laurene Powell (wife), 177, Gates, Bill and, 233-234 169-170,184,209,210-211,
Internet, 244 17~210,216,238,252,255 Gil, Amelio and, 231-233 216-217,218-219,243-247,
Apple Computer, 261, 323-325 background of, 182 health of, 319-321 249, 252-253, 258-259,
file transfer, 264 career of, 254 IBM and, 139-141 307-308,312,318
Jobs, Steve, 265 family lífe of, 211-212 India trip, 23-27 polítical activity, 120,254-255
music downloading, 270-272, marriage of, 193-194 Internet, 261, 265 Powell, Laurene, 181-183
276,286-287,288,293 Steve Jobs meets, 181-183 interpersonal relations, 62, 69, resignatíon of, 127-129
inventory management, Apple Jobs, Patty (sister), 9 71-72,85 romantic relationships, 86-87,
Computer, 263 Jobs, Paul (father), 8-9,11,21, 134, iPod,275-297 106,138,181-183
iPhotos, 323 193 Lisa computer, 59, 62, 63, 64, Seott, Mike "Scotty" and, 46, 49,
iPod, 34, 178, 180,324. See also 11P3 Jobs, Reed (son), 193,211 67-68,99-100 54
player Jobs, Steve, 156,173-180. See also loyalty to, 66, 220 Sculley, John and, 93-94, 99,100,
competidon to, 296-297 Brennan-Jobs, Lisa Nicole Lucas, George and, 151, 158-159 111-112,113-115,116,
cost of, 285, 297 (daughter) Macintosh computer, 70-73, 124-125
development of, 276-283 adoption of, 9, 133 75-77,78,82-84,87,91-93, Smith, Alvy Ray and, 162-163,
innovations to, 329-330 Apple CEO, 213-214, 233-236 95-96,97,98,102-103,108, 165,184-186
music piracy, 289 Apple Computer founding, 33-36 161,214 software, 324-325, 332-333
release of, 283-284 Apple Computer return, 230-233 11acWorld Expo (January 2005), speaking skills, 272-274, 323
sales of, 285, 294, 329 Apple II, 47-48 325-330,334 stock dístribution, 65-66
Index 353
352 Index

Lion King: 2 Simba's Pride, The iTunes, 274

Jobs, Steve (continued) Kottke, Dan, 7, 22, 23-27, 31, 40,
(film),302 marketing of, 95-97,100,264
telephone phreaking, 19-21 48-49,53,56,66,71
Lisa computer, 59, 62, 63, 64, 67-68, release of, 97-98
television, 305 Kottke, Leo, 23
70,75,80,82,83,87,88,99, sales of, 99,102,107,110,111
Time magazine article, 89-90 Krantz, Michael, 253
103, 122 software of, 101, 107
Toy Story (film), 238-239 Kunysz, Terry, 267-269
cancellation of, 111 SoundJam MP, 268
upgrade policy, 48 Kvamme, Floyd, 99
failure of, 94-95 20th Anniversary Macintosh,
Walt Disney Company, 187-191,
releas e of, 91 266
194-195,205-206,210, Lack, Andrew, 292
Lisberger, Steve, 186 Macintosh XL, 111
249-251 Lady and the Lamp (film), 155
Little Big Mac computer, 121 Mac Mini, 180,328
Wozniak, Steve and, 3-4,15-17, Lady and the Tramp 11: Scamp's
The Little Kingdom (Moritz), 90 Mac OS 10,326
28-29,47,108-109,111,321 Adventure, The (film), 302
Litvack, Sanford, 205, 227 Mac I1, 111
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Lang, Don, 23
Lockheed, 12, 13 MacWorld Expo events, 1-3,234,
60-62 LaserPrinter, 230
Logsdon, Jeffrey, 304 236,272-274,325-330
Joswiak, Greg, 275 LaserWriter, 143,273,327
Lohr, Steve, 221 magneto-optical drives, 141-142
Juan Carlos (king of Spain), 139 Lasseter, John, 177
Lopez, Jennifer, 258 Manning, Elliott, 315
Iurassic Park (film), 258 Bird, Brad and, 313, 314
Los Angles Times (newspaper), 303 Mannock, Jerry, 71
just-in-time manufacturing, 137 A Bug's Life (film), 258
Lotus, 101 marijuana, 17
Eisner, Michael and, 300
Lowe, Bill, 140, 141 Markkula, Mike
Kahl, Milt, 313 Finding Nemo (film), 299
LSD,20-21 Apple Computer, 54, 63
Kahney, Leander, 278 Jobs, Steve and, 218-219, 239, 319
Lucas, George, 119-120,155,258 Apple Computer founding,
Kamradt, Alex, 49-50 Katzenberg, Jeffrey and, 187,
abilities of, 152-153 44-46,47
Kare, Susan, 92 256-257
computer graphics, 153-154, Gil, Amelío and, 232
Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 249, 250, 260, Lucasfilm, 155-156, 163-164
157-158 Jobs, Steve and, 52, 65, 71, 73,
304 Pixar, 168, 172, 184, 188, 190,
divorce of, 156-157 114,124,126
Eisner, Michael and, 206-208, 245,246,247,250,260,300,
The Empire Strikes Back (film), Kottke, Dan and, 66
251,256-257 312
152 Macintosh computer, 83
Jobs, Steve and, 143, 144-145, 194 Tin Toy (film), 167
Jobs, Steve and, 158-159,300 personality of, 44
Lasseter, John and, 187, 195, 196, Toy Story (film), 195-199,
Raiders of the Lost Ark (film), 152 resignation of, 235
202,256 201-204,237
Star Wars (film), 151, 153 Scott, Mike "Scotty" and, 78
Lucas, George and, 158 Walt Disney Company, 155,309,
Lucas, Marcia, 156-157 Sculley, John and, 94, 110, 115
personality of, 255-258 318,319
Lukas, Paul, 56 software writing, 56
Pixar and, 188-191, 192 Leary, Timothy, 22
Luxo Ir. (film), 164,202 venture capital, 51
Toy Story, 203,206,209,237 LEF Interactive, 288
Marx, Karl, 25
Kay, Alan, 157 Lennon, John, 4, 64
Machat, Steven, 286, 287 Mayer, John, 329-330
Kazaa, 288, 293 Lethal Weapon (film), 203
Mach software approach, 170-171 McAlpine, Dennis, 304-305
Keaton, Diane, 138 Levy, Lawrence, 245, 246
Macintosh computer, 67-73, 75-77, McAuliffe, Christa, 119
Kerwin, Pamela, 190, 191, 194-195, Lewin, Dan'l, 122, 125, 126, 175
78,82-84,87-89,91-93,94, McCollum, John, 18
245,251 Lewis, Del, 232
120,161,175. See also Apple McGregor, Ewan, 294
keyboards, 40 Lewis, Peter, 293
Computer McIntosh Labs, 89, 92
Keynote presentation program, 327 Lichtenstcin, Roy, 316
flaws of, 101-102 McKeigue, Patrick, 304
Kierulff Electronics, 35-36 light, computer graphics, 150-151
Gassée, Jean Louis, 121 McKenna, Regis, 41-43,51,53,100,
Knauss,Ben,278-279,283 Lin, Maya, 106
G5 iMac, 266 107
Knight, Suge, 286-287 Linux system, 325
iMac and, 264 McNealy, Scott, 213
Kohler, Dylan, 191-192 Lion King, The (film), 152, 192,207
354 Index Index 355

media. See also specific newspapers musíc industry, iTunes Music Store, Eisner, Michael and, 219-220, layoffs at, 165, 184
and magazines 287-288,290-292,293 226-229,306,315-317,319 organization of, 260
Apple Computer, 284, 286 Toy Story (film), 237 RenderMan software, 167-168,
corporate culture and, 235 MusicNet, 292 171,208-209
Jobs, Steve, 231-232, 260 music piracy, 289-290 Pace, Betsy, 10 1 sales, 168-169, 171-172,172
medical applications, Pixar Image Pacific Data Images (PDI), 257 Siggraph convention, 163-164
Computer, 162 Napster, 272, 288, 303 Packard, David, 86 Smith, AIvy Ray, 185
Melman, Richard, 45 NASA, 12,119 Page,Rich,122, 128-129,175 stock prices, 252, 299, 304
Melville, Herman, 17 National Film Board of Canada, 152 PageMake~ 143,328 successes of: 258-259
Meyer, Nicholas, 154 National Semiconductor, 43, 46, 213, Pages word processing program, 327 Toy Story (film), 195-199,
Mickey's Christmas Carol (film), 155 214,215 PAL chip, 87 201-204,205-206,208-209,
Microsoft, 79-80,118,296 Netscape Communications, Palm Pilot, 265, 267 237-239
Apple and, 37, 212, 222-223, 230, 243-244,248 pancreatic cancer, 319-321 Walt DisneyCompany, 187-193,
233-234,327 Newsweek magazine, 123 The París Review (journal), 133 194-195,210,299-304,310,
IBM and, 140-141, 142 Newton, Bob, 35-36 Parrish, Maxfield, 55 318-319
Microsoft Internet Explorer Web Newton organizer, 266, 285 Pascal language, 67 Pixar Image Computer, complexity
browser, 234, 324 New York Institute of Technology paternitytest,57 of,162
Microsoft Word, 327-328 (NYIT),149 PDA, 266, 267, 276 Playboy magazine, 43
Miller, Ron, 310 New York Times Magazine, 221 PDI,304 Plimpton, George, 133, 135
Mitchell, George, 311 NeXT computer, 32,146,157 Peí, I. M., 137 Pocahontas (film), 192,217
MITS, 39, 40 costs of, 171 Penn & Teller, 198 politics, Jobs, Steve, 120, 254-255
Mitterand, Frans:ois, 121 design of, 136-137 People magazine, 193 PortalPlayer, 277-278, 279, 283,
Moby,282 faílure of, 145,210 Perot, Ross, 106,133,134-135,138, 294-295
Moby Dick (MelviUe), 17 IBM and, 139-141 143,158,171,176,201 Porter, Tom, 198
monítors, 263-264 NeXTStation, 183-184,201 Personal Computer Festival (fust, PostScript font, 327
Monsters, Ine. (film), 198,251,260, NeXTStep, 223-226, 230 Atlantic City, New Jersey), Powell, Laurene. See Jobs, Laurene
298,312 origins of, 121-127 38-41 Powell (wife)
Moritz, Michael, 89, 90 problems at, 141-142,200-201, Pfeiffer, Herbert, 111 PowerBook,280
MOS 6502 chip, 38 208 Philips electronics, 158,212,276 power supply, 37-38
Motley Fools, 248 release of, 142, 170 phreaks,19-20,33,136 Pressplay, 292
Motorola 68000 chip, 69 startup of, 134-135 Pixar, 2, 119-120. See also animation printed circuit boards, 33, 34-35
Motorola 68020 chip, 121 Nitemare (film), 155 corporate culture of, 307-308, Processor Technology, 39, 40
Motorola 68030 chip, 141 Nixon, Richard, 138 311-312,314 Procter & Gamble, 213
mouse, development of, 61 employees of, 160 Profit from Experience (Amelío),
movie piracy, 303 Olson, Dick, 31, 36 films of, 251-253 213,271,272 Ondo, Kunitaki, 327 finances of, 171-172,260,299,
MP3 player, 268, 270-272,274,275, 101 Dalmatians (film), 313 301-302 QuickDraw program, 75
277. See also iPod On the Firing Line (Amelío), 233 founding of, 159-160
Mucha, Zenia, 302 On the Firing Line (Simon), 29 The Incredíbles (film), 311, Radio Shack, 39
Murray, Mike, 85, 95,102,104,107, Osear Awards. See Academy of 313-314,317 Radley, Gordon, 300
108,110,112-113,114, Motíon Picture Arts and IPO,216-217,243-247 Raíders of the Lost Ark (film), 152,
115-116,118,296 Sciences Jobs, Steve, 160-163,164, 314
musíc, Internet downloading, OS/2 system, 141, 142 165-167,169-170,184,209, Rand, Paul, 137
270-272 Ovitz, Michael, 204-205 216-217,217-219,252-253 Raskin, Jef, 67-69, 70-73, 76, 90, 322
356 Index Index 351

Reagan, Ronald, 108-109, 176 Schure, Alexander, 148-149, 151, Shrek (film), 152 Solomon, Doug, 225
RealNetworks, 292 152,153,159,199 Shriner, Rick, 249 Sonsini, Larry, 246
Recording Industry Association of Schwartz, Tony, 220 Siggraph conventions, 163-164,166 Sony, 292, 327
America (RIAA), 290 Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 186,255, Sigmatel, 295 Sony Music Entertainment, 292
Redse, Christina, 138, 182 263 Silverman, David, 260 Sony Pictures, 299
Reed College (Portland, Oregon), ScientificAmerican (magazine), 147 Simon, Bill, 29 Sony Walkman, 111
29,31 Scott, Mike "Scotty" Simpson, Joanne (mother), 134, 193 SoundJam MP, 267-270, 274
Reeves, Bill, 245, 246 Apple Computer, 47, 60 Simpson, Mona (sister), 133-134, special effects. See also animation;
Reeves, John, 164, 167 business organization, 63-64 135-136, 193,220-221 computer graphics
Regis McKenna Agency, 41-43 hiring of, 46 Simpsons, The (TV show), 313 film industry, 151-152
A Regular Guy (Simpson), 220-221 Jobs, Steve and, 49, 54, 65, 66 single parenthood, 7 Industrial Light and Magic, 153
Rembrandt van Rijn, 150 layoffs, 74, 78,126 Slade, Mike, 200 Spectraphysics, 11
RenderMan software, 167-168,169, Macintosh computer, 68, 71, Sleeping Beauty (film), 186,307 Spielberg, Steven, 208, 258
171,192-193,208-210 72-73 Smash Mouth, 282 Spindler, Michael, 212-213, 263
Rescuers Down Under (film), 192 personality of, 46 Smith, Alvy Ray, 191, 192, 238, 243 spreadsheets, development of, 58-59
Rickles, Don, 198 venture capital, 51 background of, 147 Stanford Research Institute (SRI), 61
Rios, 275 Scott, Ridley, 95 computer graphics, 148-151, 154 Stanford University, 143, 181
"Rip, Mix, Burn" campaign, 303 Sculley, John, 175,200,262,265,266 Jobs, Steve and, 162-163, 165, Stanton, Andrew, 202-203, 256, 299,
Robbin, Jeff, 267-268,269 Apple Computer, 98 184-186 312
Roberts, Ed, 39 board of directors and, 111-112, Lasseter, John and, 156 Starr, Ringo, 285-286
Rock, Arthur, 111 113-115 Lucas, George and, 157 Star Trek JI: The Wrath of Khan
Rockwell International, 213 Gassée, Jean-Louis and, 222 Pixar, 159-160, 172 (film),154
Rohan, Jordan, 318 Jobs, Steve and, 93-94, 99, lOO, Walt Disney Company, 158 Star Wars (film), 151, 153,258
Rolling Stones, 293 105,116,119,124-126 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Stephens, Robertson, 244-245
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 104-105 Lisa computer, 94-95 147-148 stock options, Apple employees,
Rosen, Hilary, 290-291 Markkula, Mike and, 94, 110, 115 Smith, Burrell, 68, 69, 71, 77,82,84, 65-66
Rowling, J. K., 294 Murray, Mike and, 107, 108, UD, 87, 103 Stone, Sharon, 258
Roybal, Phil, 58, 84 118 Smith, George Washington, 174 Sun Microsystems, 137, 199,
Rubinstein, Jon "Ruby;' 236, 277, ouster of, 212 Smith, Roger, 106 212-213,222,223
278,279,285 Pepsi-Cola, 89 Snoop Dogg, 286 Synaptics,295
Russel, Invin, 228 personality of, 100 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Seal,282 (film), 186,307 Tandy,39
Safari Web browser, 324 Second Coming of Steve Jobs, The Snyder, Gary, 22 telephone phreaking, 19-20,33, 136
Sand project, 80 (Deutschman),22] software. See also specific software television, 305
San Francisco Chronicle and security clearances, Pixar, 168-169 names and types The Terminator (film), 186
Examiner (newspaper), 116 Sendak, Maurice, 155-156 computer graphics, 151-152, 155, The Terminator 2 (film), 187,263
San Jase Mercury News (newspaper), Sequoia Associates, 90 166,167-168, 191-193 Terrell, Paul, 35, 36, 40
116 Shakespeare, William, 17 development of, 56 terrorism, 283
Saunders, Merl, 254 Sharman Networks, 288 Jobs, Steve, 324-325, 332-333 Tessler, Larry, 60, 61
Sayre, Rich, 314 Shawn, Wallace, 198 Mach approach, 170--171 Tevanian, Avie, 170-171, 225, 236
Schlein, Phil, 123-124 Shelton, John, 94 Macintosh computer, 101 Thomas, Dylan, 17
Schlender, Brent, 209, 231, 267 Shockley, William, 9 Pixar, 160--162 3Com,265
Schneider, Peter, 189,201-202,210 Shore, David, 306 spreadsheet development, 58-59 3-D computer graphics, 154, 155.
Schumacher, Tom, 203 Shoup, Dick, 147 Sol computer, 39 See also computer graphics
358 Index Index 359

Time magazine, 89-90, 253, 299 Eisner, Michael/Ovitz, Michael disk drive, 51-52 Xerox Development Corporation,
Tin TO)' (film), 166-167, 187, 195 feud, 219-220, 226-229, education of, 13-14, 15-16, 18 55,60
TognazzITU,Bruce,59 315-317 engineering skills of, 33, 37 XeroxPalo Alto Research Center,
Toy Story (film), 152, 195-199, finances of, 298, 301, 305, 306 injury of, 72, 74 60-62,68,147-148,157,161
201-204,205-206,209,210, Jobs, Steve, 299 Jobs, Steve and, 3-4,15-17,19,
216,217,237-239, 246, Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 206-208 27,28-29,47,77,89-90, Yahoo!, 89,90,315
248,249,250,251,252,256, lawsuit against, 315-317 108-109,111,117,297,321 Yokam, Del, 107, 113, 125
298,312 marketing, 217, 300-301, 302 Macintosh computer, 71
Toy Story 2 (film), 251-252, 253, movie piracy, 303 personality of, 14, 16,27,105, Zen Buddhism, 31-32, 36, 37, 56,
258,303 Pixar, 187-193, 194-195, 233 120,146,193. See also Eastern
Toy Story 3 (film), 309, 318 201-204,205-206,208-209, resignation of, 109 mysticism
transistor, 9, 12 210,216,246,298-304,310, stock distribution, 65-66 Zerbe, Ken, 99
Tribble, Bud, 71,122,125,175 318-319 telephone phreaking, 19-20,21 Zip drive, 264
Tron (film), 155, 186 stock prices, 304, 306-307
Turner & Hooch (film), 197-198 Toy Story (film), 237
20th Anniversary Madntosh, 266 Warner Bros., 292, 299
Washington Post (newspaper), 138,
Ugly Contest (Pixar), 308 238
U.S. Coast Guard, 8 Watson, Ray, 228
Universal, 291, 292 Wayne, Ron, 34,45
Unkrich, Lee, 260 Wells, Frank, 143,204,205,207,219,
upgrade policy, Jobs, Steve, 48 306
Urban, Arnanda, 135 West Coast Computer Faire, 47-48
user interface. See graphical user Westley, Steve, 255
interface (GUI) Where the Wild Things Are (Sendak),
U2, 276, 293, 295 155-156
Wigginton, Randy, 28, 46, 47, 49-50,
Valentine, Don, 43-44, 90 52,65,71,94,97
Variety, 228, 238, 310, 318 Windows system, 141,222,324
Venrock investment group, 51 Wired magazine, 201
Vermeer, Jan, 150 Wizard ofOz, The (film), 183
Vicom,l72 Wood, Rick, 165
Vietnam war, 13 Woolard, Ed, 232, 259
Visicak (spreadsheet program), word processing programs, 56, 61,
58-59 327-328
VLSI, 87-88, 248, 277 World Trade Center disaster, 283
Wozniak, Alice, 34
Walkman, 111 Wozniak, Jerry, 13,34
Wall Street Journal (newspaper), 304 Wozniak, Steve, 68,175,179,226,
Walt Disney Company, 143-145, 276,331
150,152,155,158,167,186, Apple Computer founding, 33-36
187. See also animation; Pixar Apple JI, 48, 59
board of, 307-308, 310-311 Break-Out (game), 28-29
Eisner, Michael, 204-205, 307 Cloud 9,111

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