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1. Lemons are 60 cents a dozen. How many lemons can you buy for 60 cents?

2. Which of these things is in solid form?


3. The instructor said, “The interior of the house was very beautiful.” What part of the house was he
talking about?
the outside
the frame
the upstairs
the inside

4. The tailor said, “I don’t think this coat needs any alterations.” What did the tailor mean by alterations?

5. The doctor wants to check John’s pulse. What does the doctor want to check?
his fever
his throat
his ears
his heart beat

6. Mr. Long said,” I haven’t seen Tom since the day before yesterday.” When was the last time Mr. Long
saw Tom?
a week ago
two days ago
three days ago

7. If it is a bright day, what kind of day is it?


8. What is an electric drill used for?

making surfaces smoother
sawing wood
cutting metal
making holes

9. Jerry wants you to come right now. When does he want you to come?
next week
after a few minutes
some time later

第 1 頁,共 108 頁
10. When I went to Kansas City, I paid for my hotel room in advance. When did I pay?
by check
in cash
before I stayed in the room
after I stayed in the room

11. The storm shattered the window last night. What did the storm do to the window?
It broke the window.
It opened the window.
It dented the window.
It closed the window.

12. A new car will cost $5,000 dollars or more. How much will the car cost?
only $5,000
less than $5,000
$5,000 or higher
just $5,000

13. The majority of the students went to the movies. What percentage went to the movies?
lees than fifty percent
thirty-three percent
more than fifty percent
ten percent

14. My radio is in bad shape. What’s wrong with it?

It is in poor condition.
It is too large.
The form is not good.
The design is bad.

15. John says he wants to know the literal meaning of the word. What does he want to know?
the slang for the word
a special expression
the opposite of the word
the exact meaning of it

16. It’s hard to tell his age. What is hard to tell?

how much he has grown
how old he is
how many children he has
how often he eats

17. This is a residential section. What is it?

It is a place for parking.
It is an area for private homes.
It is a location for business.
It is a center for shopping.

18. The teacher says that every tape recorder is working now. What does she mean?
Only one tape recorder is being used.
All of them are working at the present time.
None of them are working right now.
Every other one is working now.

第 2 頁,共 108 頁
19. Do the students get off the bus here?
Yes, they enter the bus here.
Yes, the bus leaves for town.
Yes, the students leave the bus here.
Yes, the students use the bus.

20. If an object is round, how is it shaped?

It’s shaped like a ball.
It’s shaped like a square.
It has no shape.
It has corners.

21. When did you make up your mind?

When did you decide?
When did you think about it?
When did you know?
When did you take it?

22. Will you please inform the class?

Will you count the class?
Will you listen to the class?
Will you tell the class?
Will you ask the class?

23. Are you getting used to the weather?

Did you like the weather?
Are you using the weather?
What kind of weather are you getting?
Are you becoming accustomed to the weather?

24. Why didn’t you make the beds?

Why didn’t you buy the beds?
Why didn’t you arrange the beds?
Why didn’t you clean the beds?
Why didn’t you sleep in the beds?

25. When are you going to do the dishes?

When are you going to wash the dishes?
When are you going to buy the dishes?
When are you going to set the table?
When are you going to make the table?

26. School is over at 4:00.

We walk to school at four o’clock.
We arrive very early at the lab.
We arrive very late.
Classes are finished at four.

27. Watkins forgot my telephone number.

He dialed it.
He got it form me.
He didn’t remember it.
He dropped it.

第 3 頁,共 108 頁
28. There’s something the matter with the engine.
The car is running fine.
The car doesn’t make any noise.
The engine was removed from the car.
The engine is not running well.

29. I’m looking for a 74 car.

I want a 1974 model automobile.
I want to sell a new car.
I have $74 to buy an automobile.
My company needs 74 cars.

30. Miss Taylor flies occasionally.

She flew only one time.
She sometimes flies.
She flies frequently.
She never flies now.

31. It is illegal to go into that area.

It is safe.
It is authorized.
It is unlawful.
It is not dangerous.

32. Classes start at 7:40. Mr. Brown was in class on time.

He was late.
He came after 7:40.
He was in class only once.
He arrived before 7:40.

33. I called, but I wasn’t heard.

Someone else answered my call.
It wasn’t her.
No one heard me call.
I called very loudly.

34. Fred Moore wanted to inspect the new oxygen mask.

He wanted to leave it.
He wanted to look at it.
He wanted to get one.
He wanted to borrow one.

35. The boys learn rapidly in this university.

They learn to fly here.
They learn to speak here.
They learn very slowly here.
They learn fast here.

36. Linda is 5 years old. Patrick is also 5.

Linda is older.
Patrick is ten years old.
Linda is the same age as Patrick.
Patrick is older.

第 4 頁,共 108 頁
37. Robert is an only child.
He has one brother.
He has no brothers or sisters.
He has only one sister.
He has only one son.

38. It turned cold last night.

The weather stayed warm.
The weather became hot.
It wasn’t cold last night.
The temperature went down.

39. I’m looking forward to meeting him.

I can meet him later.
I met him before.
I am looking for him.
I am eager to meet him.

40. Phillip is 26 years old. Harry is 35 years old.

Phillip is older than Harry.
Phillip is as old as Harry.
Harry is younger than Phillip.
Harry is older than Phillip.

41. Lieutenant Collins rode downtown; then, he took the bus home.
He didn’t go to town.
He went home by bus.
He didn’t go home by bus.
He walked downtown.

42. She will be thirsty when she comes home.

She will want some rest.
She will want a bath.
She will want some water.
She will want a snack.

43. Frank washes his car everyday.

He cleans his car every day.
He gets his car dirty.
He looks at his car every day.
He enjoys driving every day.

44. Send me a couple of pounds of rice.

Send me a dozen pounds of rice.
Send me two pounds of rice.
Send me a pound of rice.
Send me three pounds of rice.

45. The woman said, “This is Dr. Perkins speaking.”

She is writing a speech.
She is answering the phone.
She is a good speaker.
She is taking a patient to her office.

第 5 頁,共 108 頁
46. Betty prefers a red car.
Betty has won a red car.
Betty likes to race in her red car.
Betty always talks about this red car.
Betty would rather have a red car.

47. The prisoner will be released from jail today.

He will be let out today.
He will be put in today.
He will stay in jail.
He’ll still be in jail in the morning.

48. William will lend you some money.

William needs to borrow some money.
You can borrow money from William.
William will send for some money.
William left his money is the bank.

49. I like the style of the suit, but it’s not as dark as I wanted.
I wanted a light-colored suit.
I don’t like the suit at all.
The suit is too light-colored.
I like white suits.

50. A toothbrush is used to remove the food particles from around the teeth.
Food particles are taken out with a toothbrush.
Food particles are put in a toothbrush.
Food particles are moved away from the toothbrush.
Food particles are placed around a toothbrush.

51. W: What kind of room did you have at the hotel?

M: One with a private bath.
What kind of bathroom did the man have?
a public bathroom
one only for his private use
a bathroom shared by two hotel rooms
a bathroom down the hall

52. W: You smoke too much, Paul.

M: Yes, I should cut down.
What should the man do?
quit smoking
change his brand of cigars
reduce his smoking
cut his cigars in two

53. W: What’s wrong with your coat, Tim?

M: A cigarette burned a tiny hole in it.
What kind of hole did the cigarette burn?
a large hole
a deep hole
a small hole
a wide hole

第 6 頁,共 108 頁
54. W: Why don’t you stay with your uncle while you’re in Miami?
M: Maybe, I will. He’s well off.
What did this man say about his uncle?
He’s old.
He’s tall and thin.
He lives far away.
He’s rich.

55. M: Where is your office, Mrs. Baxter?

W: It’s on the street floor.
On which floor is the woman’s office?
in the basement
on the ground floor
on the second floor

56. W: Why can’t you work that machine?

M: It’s too complex.
Why can’t the man work the machine?
It’s broken.
A part is missing.
It’s too complicated.
The power was cut off.

57. W: I’m going to shop at this store today.

M: Why?
W: Because it has many things on sale.
What happens when products are on sale?
Their prices are higher.
Their prices are reduced.
They are sold at the same prices.
They are given away.

58. M: What happened to your next-door neighbor?

W: He was disabled.
What did the woman say about her neighbor?
He’s not physically fit.
He was taken to jail.
He went away on vacation.
He was able to see her.

59. W: Where did you get that book?

M: It was issued by the office.
How did the student get the book?
He bought it at the office.
He borrowed it for the office.
It was given to him by the office.
He found it in the office.

60. W: Where can I see you, Cliff?

M: Well, let me see. I have a class in the morning, but I’m free in the afternoon.
What did the man say?
His class is before noon.
He’s off in the morning.
He goes to school in the afternoon.
He’s in class every afternoon.

第 7 頁,共 108 頁
61. Edward has not made a mistake yet.
a. He hasn’t made one up to this moment.
b. He doesn’t want to make a mistake today.
c. He has made one.
d. He has been making a mistake.

62. Mr. Butler, may I present Major Torres?

a. Mr. Butler wants to give Major Torres a gift.
b. Major Torres is being introduced to Mr. Butler.
c. Major Torres is introducing Mr. Butler.
d. Major Torres is absent from class.

63. Drop around after class and the instructor will help you with the problem.
a. You must wait for the instructor.
b. The instructor can’t help you after class.
c. The instructor wants to see you in class.
d. See the instructor after class.

64. Alice said that they didn’t have much money, but that they would go on the trip just the same.
a. They will go anyway.
b. They are going with other people.
c. They will get money for the trip.
d. They haven’t enough money to go on the trip.

65. The spending of this money is administered by the government.

a. The government has no control over this spending.
b. The government is indifferent to the spending.
c. The government can’t spend this money.
d. The government manages this money.

66. There were twenty-five students in all who made the trip to the zoo.
a. They went to see captive wild animals.
b. They went to see the printing of money.
c. They went to see bread being baked.
d. They went to see the guard-dog training.

67. The instructor said, “Did you study last night?” Martha said,
“No, I didn’t. I went downtown.”
a. Martha studied in town last night.
b. Martha studied before she went to town.
c. Martha didn’t go downtown last night.
d. Martha didn’t study last night.

68. George doesn’t know when the plane leaves. Neither does Ann.
a. Ann doesn’t know George.
b. Ann won’t leave on the plane.
c. Ann doesn’t know when it leaves.
d. Ann knows when it leaves.

69. I’m hoping for a chance to go skating.

a. I need to get some skates for skating.
b. I want an opportunity to go skating.
c. I want to go skating and to a dance.
d. I need to get some money before I go skating.

第 8 頁,共 108 頁
70. This liquid conducts electric current.
a. eliminates
b. increases
c. carries
d. cancels

71. It doesn’t look as though the rain is ever going to let up.
a. start
b. stop
c. get worse
d. increase

72. Walking beyond this sign is dangerous.

a. allowed
b. prohibited
c. not safe
d. enjoyable

73. This is the city they lived in.

a. that
b. what
c. when
d. how

74. Some people work on Sundays, but others .

a. do
b. don’t
c. didn’t
d. doesn’t

75. The students are very much interested in English.

a. learn
b. learned
c. learning
d. to learn

76. Jimmy and Nancy a long walk through the garden.

a. took
b. came
c. let
d. taken

77. We have been studying English two years.

a. through
b. of
c. for
d. during

78. The students watch a movie during the period.

a. have
b. need
c. can
d. done

第 9 頁,共 108 頁
79. Alexander’s pen is different Carol’s pen.
a. from
b. with
c. to
d. as

80. Laura needs Walter’s book to study. She should say to Walter,
“ I borrow your book?”
a. Would
b. Had
c. Did
d. May

81. We have been in the United States January.

a. until
b. since
c. before
d. after

82. We don’t have food tonight.

a. lots
b. some
c. much
d. many

83. My friend is neither at home in the library.

a. nor
b. or
c. for
d. and

84. I had already the movie before Bill told me about it.
a. see
b. been
c. saw
d. seen

85. What reference book gives information about every branch of knowledge?
a. a textbook
b. a novel
c. an encyclopedia
d. a grammar book

86. You might catch a cold in this rain. wear a raincoat.

a. You’d better
b. You did
c. You ought
d. You’re

87. The lights went out all of a .

a. suddenly
b. sudden
c. quite sudden
d. so sudden

第 10 頁,共 108 頁
88. She doesn’t want to go, and I don’t .
a. neither
b. either
c. never
d. ever

89. The boy thought that, since he did not know his way home, he must
be .
a. happy
b. lost
c. hungry
d. thirsty

90. Mr. Edwards was very sick yesterday, but he better now.
a. gets
b. is getting
c. got
d. was getting

91. The bridge in one year.

a. was built
b. are built
c. be built
d. build

92. The Captain was in Europe but now he .

a. isn’t here
b. was here
c. has built
d. is here

93. These chairs really need to .

a. be repaired
b. been repaired
c. being repaired
d. become repaired

94. “How long has Mr. Rivers studied English?”

“He English for one month.”
a. studies
b. is studying
c. will study
d. has been studying

95. I told the cab driver to drive faster. I wanted him to .

a. slow down
b. increase his speed
c. park the car
d. stop the car

96. “Hadn’t they written any letters?”

“ .”
a. No, they hadn’t
b. Yes, they hadn’t
c. No, they had
d. Yes, they will

第 11 頁,共 108 頁
97. Do they buy used cars at the garage ?
a. where car is your
b. where is your car
c. where your car is
d. is where your car

98. My friend has given me his address.

a. My friend drove me to his house.
b. My friend gave me his house number.
c. I have given my phone number to my friend.
d. I have given my address to my friend.

99. Judge Stapleton asked Allen, “Weren’t ?”

a. you last month by Miss Bell called
b. you by Miss Bell called last month
c. by Miss Bell called you last month
d. you called by Miss Bell last month

100. Choose the correct sentence:

a. Accidents are for the commander a constant worry.
b. A constant worry for the commander are accidents.
c. For the commander is a constant worry accidents.
d. Accidents are a constant worry for the commander.

第 12 頁,共 108 頁
第 13 頁,共 108 頁

1. The player who arrived yesterday runs very rapidly. How does he run?

2. Mary bought a pair of shoes for twenty dollars plus one dollar tax. How much did the shoes cost
without the tax?

3 Some leaves are beginning to fall now. Where are they coming from?
the animals
the lake
the trees
the ocean

4 What does the pipe carry?

twelve men
heavy bundles

5 The sergeant said, “I found him.” Who was found?

a pencil
a girl
a man
two people

6 What do we call one rotation of the earth?

a reflection
a revolution
a radiation
a reservation

7 Mrs. Jones gave the boy some money. What did she give him?
some candy
some books
some coins
some toys

8 The boy went to the pier and dove into the water. Where did the boy run to?
the swimming pool
the dock
the raft
the truck

9 If someone gave you a liquid and told you that it’s for external use only. What will you do with it?
rub it on
drink it
burn it
dry it out

第 14 頁,共 108 頁
10 They left the language school in 1973 after they had finished training. When did they leave?
They had learned English
before 1973
in 1973
to attend flight school

11 This morning the commander gave his men a mission. What did he give them?
a weapon
a signal
a award
an assignment

12 How did the hole get there?

Chris drilled it.
Chris sewed it.
Chris wrote it.
Chris bought it.

13 Tom said, ”Sometimes I eat out.” Where does Tom sometimes have his meals?
at home
in a restaurant
on the porch
in the park

14 The doctor told David to take the medicine twice a day. How often will he take medicine?
three times a day
once a day
two times a day
once each two days

15 Jack said, “The weather varies in this part of the world.” How is the weather?
It rains very often.
It remains the same.
It is always hot.
It changes often.

16 Do the police sometimes use chopper to control traffic in your city?

Yes, they use traffic lights.
Yes, they use helicopters.
Yes, they use radios.
Yes, they use police cars.

17 Joe wants to glance at the materials in the store. What does he want to do?
buy something
handle material
test the material
have a quick look at them

18 Why don’t you like the movie?

It tastes salty.
It’s too heavy to carry.
It takes too long to train.
It hurts my eyes.

第 15 頁,共 108 頁
19 I know Sam pretty well, but I don’t know his brother. Is he good-natured?
Yes. He is happy and carefree.
Yes. He is English.
Yes. He is carefree and happy.
No. He is a salesman.

20 What is the thermostat used for?

to indicate atmospheric pressure
to record air speed
to measure precipitation
to regulate temperature

21 Why doesn’t Mr. Brown like to drive when the road is slippery?
because the car is rough
because the car is hot and dry
because the car stops
because the car slides

22 Jan likes basketball, but she prefers football. Which does she prefer?
She likes both equally well.
She likes basketball better.
She likes football better.
She doesn’t like either of them

23. The course is difficult, but Barbara thinks she will make it. How does Barbara feel?
She thinks she will succeed.
She thinks she will fail the course.
She wants to drop the course.
She wants to take it over.

24 Will he furnish a car during our stay?

Yes, he will provide one.
Yes, he will sell one.
Yes, he will want one.
Yes, he will change one.

25 When will you wind up the project?

When will you increase the project?
When will you expand the project?
When will you initiate the project?
When will you finish the project?

26 Mary is a polite person.

She is courteous.
She is pretty.
She is rude.
She is grown.

27 Some students were expelled from the university.

They are graduated.
They were discharged.
They were congratulated.
They were alternated.

第 16 頁,共 108 頁
28 The guards fought off the attack.
They prevented it.
They repelled it.
They started it.
They missed it.

29. He gave up smoking.

He wants to smoke.
He quit smoking.
He enjoyed smoking.
He began to smoke.

30 That dancer has a beautiful figure.

Her voice is beautiful.
Her house is beautiful.
Her face is beautiful.
Her shape is beautiful.

31 You must find the man at once.

You must hit him.
You must feed him.
You must locate him.
You must treat him.

32 Captain Sanders opposes the plan.

He made it up.
He is against it.
He is explained it.
He will carry it out.

33. Jan is looking for a good used car.

She is shopping for a car.
She is testing a car.
She is waiting for a car.
She is selling a car.

34 He said he hopes to go with us.

He went ahead of us.
He will come with us.
He wants to join us.
He can go with us.

35 The organization set up a training schedule.

A schedule was lost.
A schedule was destroyed.
A schedule was found.
A schedule was established.

36 At last they finished the course.

They didn’t finish it.
They finished half of it.
They finished the final portion.
They finally finished it.

第 17 頁,共 108 頁
37. The plane’s crew was very busy during the emergency.
They had a normal flight.
They had some turbulence.
They had a practice drill.
They had a dangerous problem.

38 The difference in price isn’t important. Don’t mention to her.

Don’t tell her.
Don’t let her tell.
Don’t forget to tell her.
Don’t talk about her.

39 The boy must fold his paper.

He must roll it up.
He must double it up.
He must clean it up.
He must read it again.

40 The fog was so thick. We could not see.

The visibility was poor.
It was raining.
There was a lot of snow.
It was getting dark.

41 Rose got dizzy while going up in the elevator.

She got a good deal.
She became very happy.
She received a surprise.
She felt unsteady.

42. He is willing to travel.

He is not able to travel.
He said he would travel.
He objects to traveling.
He is afraid to travel.

43 Jane and Mary are Mr. Cooper’s children.

Mr. Cooper is their cousin.
Mr. Cooper is their father.
Mr. Cooper is their brother.
Mr. Cooper is their uncle.

44. Although Henry wanted a sports car, he bought a sedan.

Henry wanted a sedan.
Henry didn’t want a sports car.
Henry bought a sedan.
Henry bought a sports car.

45 The astronauts undergo years of training.

They dislike extensive training.
They receive extensive training.
They train lightly because of exhaustion.
They skip extensive training.

第 18 頁,共 108 頁
46 The manager will employ women from the village.
He will fire the women.
He will educate the women.
He will give jobs to the women.
He will help the women find husbands.

47 The pistol ejected the used shells.

It threw out the shells.
It mixed the shells.
It put in the shells.
It fired the shells.

48 We’re saving these seats for our friends.

Our friends won’t use the seats.
Our friends are in the seats.
The seats for our friends are cheap.
The seats are being held for our friends.

49 Tom is able to come.

He can come.
He can’t come
He won’t come
He has to come

50 Don’t forget to call her up next week.

Don’t forget to send her a telegram.
Don’t forget to telephone her
Don’t forget to write her a letter
Don’t forget to see her next week

51 W: What readings are the instruments giving you?

M: They show one hundred and forty-two.
W: Is that Centigrade or Fahrenheit?
Q: What were they talking about?

52 W: Is the machine ready to start?

M: Almost. It still needs fuel.
Q: What does the machine need?
a source of energy
a steering device
a job to do
a way of stopping

53 W: Are you ready to go?

M: I will leave as soon as I change my shirt.
Q: What is the man going to do?
buy the shirt
put on a different shirt
show the woman his shirt
go to a shirt store

第 19 頁,共 108 頁
54 W: I think the report is finished.
M: You’d better check it one more time.
Q: What does the man want the woman to do?
look for mistakes
write it again
begin a new job
pay him for his work

55 M: Can you go shopping with us?

W: I suppose so.
Q: What does the woman mean?
She’ll probably go.
She hasn’t considered it.
She’s happy about going.
She doesn’t think she’ll go.

56. W: Where’s your son?

M: He is getting a book.
Q: What is the man’s son getting?
something to eat
something to wear
something to read
something to drink

57 W: Here’s your dinner.

M: Why is the meat so hot?
Q: What is the best answer for the man’s question?
It is a warm day
It was just cooked.
I already finished eating.
That’s my favorite meal.

58 W: My little boy cut his hand.

M: It must hurt very much.
Q: What does the woman say now?
“Yes, he was crying.”
“Yes, it was very dark.”
“No, he finished it anyway.”
“No, he could not carry it.”

59 W: Why are you staying behind that slow car?

M: The road was too narrow for two cars.
Q: What does the man mean?
The cars will get lost
The cars are too heavy
The cars can’t go very fast
The cars can’t pass each other.

60 W: I understand the ship sank.

M: Yes, it was complete loss.
Q: What did the man say about the ship?
It was the commanding ship
It was not a very fast ship
It could be seen easily
It could not be recovered.

第 20 頁,共 108 頁
61. I frequently drink coffee in the afternoon.
a. sometimes
b. seldom
c. often
d. never

62. The lawyer maintained that Jones was innocent of the crime.
a. doubted
b. denied
c. saw
d. said

63. The man couldn’t fly because he was too nervous.

a. calm
b. relaxed
c. tense
d. uneducated

64. He becomes very angry when his roommate disturbs him.

a. obtains
b. receives
c. gets
d. increases

65. There are several good musical directors on the East coast. Kraft, for instance, is an excellent
a. for example
b. for a moment
c. instantly
d. for necessity

66. The whole family turned in at nine p.m.

a. went out
b. went to bed
c. ate dinner
d. watched TV

67. The accident proved to be fatal.

a. Someone was hurt.
b. Someone was killed.
c. Someone was hospitalized.
d. Someone was fault.

68. Would you like a single or a double room, sir?

a. I want a single, please.
b. I want, please, a single.
c. Please, a single I want.
d. A single I want, please.

69. My son wore ____ his old shoes.

a. with
b. in
c. for
d. out

第 21 頁,共 108 頁
70. We asked the ____ to take us to the park.
a. drive
b. drove
c. driver
d. driven

71. What did you have ____ lunch?

a. on
b. in
c. for
d. from

72. We wish you ____ change the subject.

a. would
b. must
c. have
d. shall

73. The class ____ being taught by a doctor.

a. shall not
b. isn’t
c. aren’t
d. won’t

74. We’ve ____ many examinations at the Language School.

a. take
b. taking
c. took
d. taken

75. John said, “We ____ to leave now.”

a. ought
b. had ought
c. must
d. should

76. Max insulated the wire to make it ____.

a. longer
b. safer
c. shorter
d. brighter

77. Meat is usually ____ one piece at a time.

a. eat
b. eating
c. eaten
d. ate

78. If a shirt is on sale, the price is ____.

a. lower
b. higher
c. too much
d. enough

第 22 頁,共 108 頁
79. May I ask if it’s ____ to make another part than to buy one?
a. cheapest
b. cheap
c. cheaper
d. most cheap

80. Lt. Blake, who had on a uniform, was an officer. Lt. Blake ____ a uniform.
a. tore
b. bought
c. wore
d. carried

81. Alice: What did the weather forecast say for today?
Ed: It said there was an 80% possibility of rain.
Alice: Oh, I ____ have brought my raincoat!
a. wish
b. may
c. should
d. could

82. A cheap way ____ is by automobile.

a. travel
b. traveled
c. to travel
d. traveling

83. Most women are interested in fashions. They like to read about ____.
a. food
b. clothes
c. entertainment
d. furniture

84. Many people have said that the best fire prevention system is good ____.
a. cooking
b. housekeeping
c. painting
d. flooring

85. Let’s ____ the subject in class tomorrow.

a. bring up
b. bring about
c. bring down
d. bring of

86. The electrical current is conducted by ____.

a. rubber
b. wiring diagrams
c. resistance
d. copper wire

87. We certainly enjoyed ____ with them.

a. visiting
b. visited
c. had visited
d. was visiting

第 23 頁,共 108 頁
88. Another ____ holiday is Independence Day.
a. patriot
b. patriotically
c. patriotism
d. patriotic

89. The speaker could not be ____ by the people in the back row.
a. were heard
b. hear
c. heard
d. will hear

90. The dog that was ____ frightened me.

a. bark
b. barking
c. barked
d. barks

91. John meant ____ the answer right away.

a. to give
b. has given
c. will give
d. gave

92. They enjoyed ____ the city.

a. tour
b. to tour
c. touring
d. toured

93. The skeleton ____ the human body.

a. supporting
b. supports
c. is supported
d. to support

94. After ____ for many hours, he finally understood the lesson.
a. study
b. studies
c. studied
d. studying

95. We went home after the party ____.

a. ends
b. is ending
c. to end
d. ended

96. The wire is broken. To repair it, the wire ____.

a. has soldered
b. must be soldered
c. must solder
d. will solder

第 24 頁,共 108 頁
97. The students ____ to the laboratory now.
a. are going
b. went
c. will going
d. were going

98. Peter and Martin have been playing basketball ____.

a. for noon
b. by noon
c. since noon
d. noon

99. Jim lives with his brother ____.

a. for Main Street
b. on Main Street
c. in Main Street
d. to Main Street

100. Robert was reading a newspaper while ____.

a. was studying Claude his lesson
b. Claude his lesson was studying
c. His lesson Claude was studying
d. Claude was studying his lesson

第 25 頁,共 108 頁
第 26 頁,共 108 頁

1. He could feel the plane vibrating. What was the plane doing?

2. Susan needs a yard of cloth. How much does she need?


3. What do you usually do for recreation?

play ball
eat supper

4. Matt is going to take these cows to the market. What’s he going to do with the cows?
sell them
milk them
feed them
tie them up

5. The man said he likes a good joke once in a while. What does he like?
a strong drink
a good smoke
a funny story
a loud song

6. He lives in the vicinity of the base. Where does he live?

on the other side of town
near the base
far from the base
in a trailer court

7. The commandant came in to observe the class.

What did he want to do?
see how the class was conducted
teach the class
interview the students
give them a briefing

8. They were measuring the velocity of the bullet. What was being measured?
the diameter
the circumference
the speed
the angle

9. The boys are going to climb the rope. What are they going to do?
use up the rope
sell the rope
go up the rope
cut the rope

第 27 頁,共 108 頁
10. She told her children to always be punctual. What were the children told?
to be truthful
to be on time
to be neat
to be fair

11. What kind of vehicle did you use?

I used a pencil
I used a car
I used water
I used gas

12. The prices of certain farm products fluctuate. What do the prices do?
rise steadily
fall steadily
go up and down
stay the same

13. He has a great deal of determination. What does he have?

the desire to succeed
a prolonged illness
a sharp mind

14. John said, “I need two men to arrange these chairs for the lecture.” What do the two men have to do
place the chair in storage
fix the chairs
put the chairs in order
sit on the chairs

15. Catherine told me, “Remember your appointment with the doctor.” What did Catherine tell me to
to call the doctor
to write to the doctor
to go see the doctor
to find out about the doctor

16. Patrick gave Bill permission to drive the car. What did Patrick do?
He ordered Bill to drive the car
He allowed Bill to take the car
He warned Bill not to take the car
He gave Bill a ride in the car

17. She looked at the schedule. What did she want to know?
what to buy for next week
where Main Street is
how to repair the radio
the time of the meeting

18. If they don’t pay her more money, she’ll resign. What will she do?
She’ll leave her job
She’ll stop working so hard
She’ll complain
She’ll ask for the money

第 28 頁,共 108 頁
19. Each of the children has a separate room. What does the child have?
a small room
an air conditioned room
a room of his own
a room with a partition

20. We contacted with our friends. What did we do?

We united them
We communicated with them
We agreed with them
We employed them

21. Children usually imitate their parents. What do children usually do?
live with their parents
admire their parents
act like their parents
help their parents

22. What is the capacity of your car’s cooling system?

The maximum is 190 degree.
It holds 12 quarts.
It is very hot.
It uses antifreeze.

23. The man checked his work. What did he do?

He started looking for work
He made sure his work was right
He found that his work was hard
He started doing his work

24. The teacher was dissatisfied with the scores of the examination. How did he feel?
He was evaluating the scores
He was studying the scores
He was unhappy with the scores
He was not sure of the scores

25. The results were contrary to what we expected. What were the results?
There were no expectations
There were no results
The results were what we expected
The results were not what we expected

26. The temperature was around seventy degrees, but it was a foggy morning.
You couldn’t see the sun.
The visibility was excellent
The air was dry
There was a steady breeze blowing

27. Mrs. Gregory described her brother to us.

She introduced him to us
She told us where to find him
She called him on the telephone for us
She told us what he is like

第 29 頁,共 108 頁
28. I had just left the office when you called.
I left only a minute before you called
You called before I left
My office is to the left
I entered the office just as you called

29. Marry likes to talk over her problems with her father.
Mary’s father solves her problems for her
Mary and her father exchange ideas about her problem
Mary conceals her problems from her father
Mary has problems because of her father

30. Please fasten those two locks to the door.

Hurry them
Attach them
Hear them
Separate them

31. Jerry was interested in the girl.

He was curious about her
He hated her
He send her away
He had been angry at her

32. The coffee machine is out of order.

It costs too much
It doesn’t work
It makes coffee
It‘s outside

33. Barbara was comfortable.

She was frightened
She knew too much
She felt good
She did not have any money

34. The helicopter was used to rescue the man.

It hit him
It injured him
It missed him
It saved him

35. This is the property of the school.

It is the story of the school
It is a project for the students
It creates a problem for the students
It belongs to the school

36. We picked out the best radios.

We cleaned some radios
We repaired some radios
We selected some radios
We sold some radios

第 30 頁,共 108 頁
37. The truth is we enjoyed Bob and Susan’s party.
We had a good time
We stayed a long time
We saw many friends there
We did many things there

38. These shoes are cheap.

They do not cost much
They do not have stripes
They are made by hand
They have long sleeves

39. I wish the rainy season were over.

I wish it would last longer
I wish it would get colder
I wish it would end
I wish it would start

40. The housing facilities were inadequate at the base we just came from.
They were not satisfactory
They were clean
They were luxurious
They were very good

41. The Colonel said that the report has to be amended.

It has to be recorded
It has to be mailed
It has to be compiled
It has to be changed

42. That student has a negative attitude.

He is lying down
He is in poor health
He failed the test
He doesn’t cooperate

43. Henry got a painful injury playing football.

It hurt a lot
It was caused by carelessness
It was serious
It left him crippled for life

44. This pill is coated with sugar.

It is filled with sugar
It is mixed with sugar
It is covered with sugar
It is taken with sugar

45. That man looks familiar.

I think I like that man
I think I know that man
I think that man is friendly
I think that man is strange

第 31 頁,共 108 頁
46. Mary had a wonderful time on her vacation this summer.
She dressed very beautiful
She ate too much
Her time was limited
Her trip was a pleasure

47. He couldn’t concentrate, so he didn’t finish the job.

He was not able to concentrate
He didn’t start the job
He concentrated on the job
He got the job finished

48. My wife wants to take up golf.

She wants to stop playing golf
She wants to learn to play golf
She wants to improve her golf
She wants to join a club

49. I couldn’t convince him that I was right.

He didn’t believe I was right
He believed I was right
He promised that I was right
He didn’t forget that I was right

50. Bob has worked on the job many years. He couldn’t get by with any bad work.
His employer wouldn’t accept bad work
Bob was successful in doing bad work
His employer liked that kind of work
Bob was new and did bad work

51. W: This sentence isn’t very important.

M: Well, you can omit it.
Q: What can the woman do?
move it up
put it in
take it down
leave it out

52. W: Why are you holding your hand like that?

M: It’s numb.
Q: What did the man say about his hand?
It has no feeling in it
It’s bleeding a lot
It’s painful
It’s broken

53. W: What’s that?

M: It’s an automatic bottle-opener.
W: Yes, but what is it constructed of?
Q: What does she want to know?
what it represents
what it is made of
what it does
what it looks like

第 32 頁,共 108 頁
54. M: What are you waiting for?
W: I’m waiting for you to apologize.
Q: What does she expect the man to do?
introduce her
tell her that he is sorry
leave the room
open the door for her

55. W: Would you like some more vegetables?

M: I have sufficient, thank you.
Q: What did the man mean?
He has enough
He doesn’t like vegetables
He wants more
He would like something else

56. M: Why don’t you come over here and sit beside me?
W: Thank you, I’ll be glad to.
Q: Where will the woman sit?
in front of them
behind the man
next to the man
across from the man

57. W: What are you going to do about that car, Steve?

M: I don’t know, my friend is going to take a look at it.
Q: What is Steve’s friend going to do?
watch the car for Steve
inspect the car for Steve
take the car away from Steve
drive the car to Steve

58. W: Are you going to buy that house?

M: Well, first I want to make sure that is a good one.
Q: What does the man want to do?
insure the house if it’s good
improve the house
have the house repaired
be certain that the house is good

59. M: Do you want me to close the windows?

W: Yes, it looks like the storm is coming.
Q: Why should the man close the windows?
to keep the rain and wind out
to keep the noise out
to keep the house dark
to keep the lightening out

60. W: Darcy looks awful.

M: I’m not surprised. It’s been a long time since she had a good meal.
Q: What did the man say about Darcy?
She needs a good bath
She isn’t eating properly
She hasn’t worked for a long time
She needs some new clothes

第 33 頁,共 108 頁
61. It happened during the fire.
a. waited
b. melted
c. burned
d occurred

62. He said he was all set to go.

a. required
b ready
c. unable
d. eager

63. I wish you’d keep that in mind.

a. watch it
b. complete it
c. remember it
d. obtain it

64 I had better see a doctor.

a. should
b. can
c. wouldn’t
d. couldn’t

65. She accumulated a lot of leave time.

a. lost
b. got paid for
c. used up
d. saved up

66. Ben’s pulse beat was very erratic.

a. good
b. slow
c. irregular
d. strong

67. I asked her to give me a hand.

a. hold me
b. shaked hands
c. help me
d. take charge

68. It was a brief encounter.

a. game
b. time
c. statement
d. meeting

69. It’s getting late. Drink up.

a. Finish your drink.
b. Don’t drink too much.
c. Order a drink.
d. Fill your glass.

第 34 頁,共 108 頁
70. They have been waiting for me ____ 5 o’clock.
a. during
b. between
c. since
d. for

71. If I knew his address I ____ write him.

a. ought
b. want
c. like
d. would

72. The young lady ____ at the desk is his secretary.

a. will sit
b. sitting
c. sat
d. to sit

73. The students who are waiting outside ____ come in now.
a. can
b. would
c. may have
d. had

74. “Why didn’t the waitress take your order?” “She ____ understand me.”
a. might
b. couldn’t
c. can
d. could

75. The wind is blowing ____ now.

a. heard
b. most hard
c. more hard
d. harder

76. He wanted me to look at the newly ____ house.

a. construct
b. constructing
c. construction
d. constructed

77. Many people work ____ sunup to sundown.

a. when
b. in
c. from
d. where

78. He really doesn’t have an excuse for ____ late to class.

a. to be
b. being
c. been
d. to being

第 35 頁,共 108 頁
79. The flowers in the garden ____ in the spring.
a. were planted
b. planted
c. plants
d. is planting

80. Hurry up! We’re already ____.

a. early
b. fast
c. late
d. slow

81. Would you be interested in ____ a soccer game?

a. attended
b. attend
c. attending
d. to attend

82. The students refused ____ in class.

a. to remained
b. remaining
c. remained
d. to remain

83. Were you ____ for a winter suit at the new store yesterday?
a. look
b. looked
c. to look
d. looking

84. Until winter ____, the weather will be warm.

a. comes
b. come
c. came
d. had come

85. The captain ____ the plane yesterday.

a. flies
b. flew
c. is flying
d. flown

86. John would have called the police if he ____ the accident.
a. will see
b. saw
c. sees
d. had seen

87. I’ll go if I ____.

a. had time
b. will have time
c. am having time
d. have time

第 36 頁,共 108 頁
88. The man who was playing the piano ____ by the audience.
a. applauded
b. applauding
c. was applauded
d. is applauding

89. The accident victim ____ to the hospital.

a. rush
b. was rushed
c. were rushing
d. has rushes

90. The weather ____ change tomorrow.

a. is going to
b. will be
c. goes to
d. will go to

91. Jim: “Why did you go to the post office?” Tom: “I went ____ a package.”
a. picking up
b. picked up
c. to pick up
d. to picked up

92. Most of our woodlands are natural forests. They are ____.
a. not planted by man
b. dark
c. suburban areas
d. cultivated

93. If you’re going out in this drizzle, you’d better ____.

a. fill the gas tank
b. open the windows
c. turn off the lights
d. put on a raincoat

94. If you jump to conclusions, you ____.

a. must be in good physical condition
b. enter contests
c. suffer physical pain
d. make decisions too quickly

95. He was looking through the want ads because he wanted to ____.
a. read an editorial
b. see what movies were playing
c. find his friend’s telephone number
d. buy some used furniture

96. I can’t tell them apart because they’re so much

a. slower
b. less
c. trouble
d. alike

第 37 頁,共 108 頁
97. The road goes ____ that direction.
a. under
b. in
c. for
d. between

98. Choose the correct sentence.

a. Can you the lab tell me how to find?
b. Can you tell me the lab how to find?
c. Can you how to find the lab tell me?
d. Can you tell me how to find the lab?

99. Choose the correct sentence.

a. This is the best way to learn a language.
b. This the best way to learn a language is.
c. This the best way is to learn a language.
d. This to learn a language is the best way.

100. Choose the correct sentence.

a. Countries different have different customs.
b. Customs different have countries different.
c. Different countries have different customs.
d. Different countries different customs have.

第 38 頁,共 108 頁
第 39 頁,共 108 頁
1.They walked through a dense forest. What kind of forest was it?
It was high up in the mountains.
There were few animals living there.
It was far form everything.
There were many trees close together.

2.Petty was almost caught by the current. What almost caught her?
a group of people
the flow of water
a dangerous animal
the electric light

3.The teacher measured the diameter of the circle. What did he measure?
a line all the way around the circle
a line through the center of the circle
a line form the center of the edge
a line around part of the edge

4. The jet has had a great affect on military operations. What’s the great affect on military operations?
a new type of artillery shell
a new type of individual weapon
a new type of airplane engine
a new type of military vehicle

5. I asked Willis to call on me. What did I want him to do?

visit me
telephone me
help me
relieve me

6. Kevin belongs to a labor organization. Who are members of the organization?

religious people
single people
old people
working people

7. They extinguished the fire. What happened to the fire?

It started burning.
It grew smaller.
It stopped burning.
It grew larger.

8. The office has a waiting room. What does it have?

a place where people can sit
a place where they keep records
a place where there are telephones
a place where they prepare food

9.L. Frost is in charge of transportation. What’s her responsibility?

the supplies
the weapons
the vehicles
the meals

第 40 頁,共 108 頁
10. Helen enjoys flying. What does she enjoy?
watching TV
traveling by air
going for walks
driving her car

11. The student got into trouble because he didn’t obey the regulations. Why did he get into trouble?
He followed the regulations.
He knew the regulations.
He wrote the regulations.
He disregarded the regulation.

12.The climate of that country is nice. What’s nice about that country?
the people
the food
the mountains
the weather

13. Mr. Tenet made out of money order. What did he do with it?
He filled it in.
He threw it away.
He looked it over.
He sent it off.

14.Sgt. McGrath told us to watch out. What did he tell us to do?

to study the report
to find the answer
to be careful
to be clear

15. The constitution of this state has 14 amendments. What does it have?
14 pages
14 changes
14 authors
14 laws

16. Mr. Young learned by imitating the teacher. How did he learn?
by repeating the teacher’s actions
by following the teacher’s advice
by listening to the teacher’s voice
by doing the teacher’s assignments

17. Marilyn told the men to hurry. What did he tell them to do?
to wash up
to move fast
to stand still
to quiet down

18. The price of meat has fluctuated gradually this year. What’s happened to the price of meat?
It has gone up.
It has stayed the same.
It has gone down.
It has gone up and down.

第 41 頁,共 108 頁
19. Alex was on time for work. What happened?
She started to work recently.
She arrived at work promptly.
She stopped her work suddenly.
She finished her work quietly.

20. Barbara kept bringing up the same thing. What did she keep doing?
changing the subject
controlling the conversation
talking about the same thing
talking without thinking

21. Paul damaged the car. What happened?

He learned how to drive it.
He was in an accident.
He had trouble paying for it.
He went on a vacation.

22. There was a good deal of salt in the food. How much salt was in the food?
just enough
a little
the usual amount
a lot

23. The weather report calls for thundershowers. What will the weather be like?

24. Tom kept an eye on the book. What did he do?

He watched the books.
He found the books.
He examined the books.
He admired the books.

25. In general, James works hard. Does she work hard?

Yes, she usually does.
No, she rarely does.
Yes, she always.
No, she never does.

26. The second part of the plan is essential.

It’s complete.
It’s optional.
It’s confusing.
It’s necessary.

27. Virginia does her work very quickly.

She does it well.
She does it fast.
She does it poorly.
She does it slowly.

第 42 頁,共 108 頁
28. Those weapons are destructive.
They can be carried easily.
They can cause a lot of damage.
They are the most modern available.
They are completely useless here.

29. Except for Pete, everyone was present.

Everyone was present, even Pete.
Everyone was present because of Pete.
Everyone was present, according to Pete.
Everyone was present but Pete.

30. Smith went instead of Jones.

Jones went, bur Smith didn’t.
Smith went, but Jones didn’t.
Neither Jones nor Smith went.
Both Jones and Smith went.

31. Debora was silent all the evening.

She didn’t talk.
She didn’t move.
She didn’t eat.
She didn’t sleep.

32. The weather was very warm

It was windy.
It was cool.
It was dry.
It was hot.

33. They erased the blackboard.

They looked at the blackboard.
They took away the blackboard.
They wrote on the blackboard.
They cleaned off the blackboard.

34. Robin selected a book.

She read a book.
She found a book.
She sold a book.
She chose a book.

35. Jean poured the coffee.

She filled the cup with coffee.
She drank the coffee from the cup.
She made the coffee in a pot.
She warmed the coffee on the stove.

36. Mr. Hunter has many obligations.

There are many things he must do.
There are many places he could go.
There are many friends he might visit.
There are many activities he can enjoy.

第 43 頁,共 108 頁
37. The house was originally painted blue.
It was painted blue this year.
It was painted blue all over.
It was painted blue inside.
It was painted blue at first.

38. Mr. Robert ignored the instructions.

He didn’t expect the instructions.
He didn’t follow the instructions.
He didn’t understand the instructions.
He didn’t forget the instructions.

39. Mrs. Hail has a valuable table.

It is used in the kitchen.
It is big and very strong.
It is worth a lot of money.
It is covered with dirt.

40. Sometimes Miss Ellen gets angry.

She gets irritated.
She gets sick.
She gets happy.
She gets tired.

41. There is a big difference between a policeman and a fireman.

They are not alone.
They are not brothers.
They are not alike.
They are not friends.

42. Caroline didn’t take precautions.

She was hungry.
She was cold.
She was careless.
She was alone.

43. That book belongs to Dr. Murray.

Dr. Murray borrowed it.
Dr. Murray owns it.
Dr. Murray likes it.
Dr. Murray wants it.

44. The food began to decay.

It began to burn.
It began to heat up.
It began to spoil.
It began to dry out.

45. The ladder was in horizontal position.

It was standing up.
It was sitting down.
It was lying flat.
It was bending over.

第 44 頁,共 108 頁
46. Burin spread out the maps.
He opened the maps.
He folded the maps.
He marked the maps.
He copied the maps.

47. En route to New Orleans, Mr. Harley stopped in Chicago. En route to Chicago,
he stopped in New Orleans.
He went to New Orleans instead of Chicago.
He went to Chicago and then to New Orleans.
He had a layover in New Orleans.

48. The light bulb began to glow.

It came on.
It became dimmer.
It burned out.
It started flashing.

49. The candy was coated with sugar.

It had some sugar on it.
It had sugar all over it.
It was made entirely of sugar.
It was completely free of sugar.

50. Lisa visited Pat.

Lisa went to see Pat.
Lisa tried to call Pat.
Lisa need to write Pat.
Lisa wanted to leave Pat.

51. M: What do you want to know?

W: I want to know the purpose of all of these.
Q: What did the woman mean?
She wants to know the cost.
She wants to know the means.
She wants to know the answer.
She wants to know the reason.

52. M: What do you think of the clothes in that store?

W: I think the quality is poor.
Q: How does the woman feel about the clothes?
She thinks the clothes are too expensive.
She thinks the clothes are all the same.
She thinks the clothes are not very good.
She thinks the clothes are not very pretty.

53. W: Do you have enough money?

M: I believe so.
Q: What does the man mean?
He doubts that he does.
He thinks that he does.
He knows that he doesn’t.
He hopes that he has.

第 45 頁,共 108 頁
54. W: When was the company established?
M: Several months ago.
Q: What did they say about the company?
It was expanded several months ago.
It was started several months ago.
It was moved several months ago.
It was closed several months ago.

55. M: Why do you want to buy that chair?

W: Because it is comfortable.
Q:What did the woman say about the chair?
It matches my furniture.
It is a bargain.
It is nice to sit in.
It is a pretty color.

56. W: How did you buy your TV?

M: I paid for it in advance.
Q: What did the man mean?
He paid for it ahead of time.
He paid for it little by little.
He paid for it with a loan.
He paid for it with a check.

57. W: What does your company make?

M: We make pipes.
Q: What does the company make?

58. W: What’s the matter?

M: I’m in a rush.
Q: What did the man say?
He wants to go to bed.
He wants to get cleaned up.
He wants to drink something cold.
He wants to get somewhere fast.

59. M: What’s Al’s house like?

W: It’s huge.
Q : What did the woman say about Al’s house?
His house is pretty.
His house is old.
His house is big.
His house is modern.

第 46 頁,共 108 頁
60. M: What are you studying in school?
W: I’m studying Engineering.
Q: What did the woman say?
She is studying how to build things.
She is studying how to write stories.
She is studying how to teach children.
She is studying how to fix teeth.

61. Mr. Winters can work.

a. is able to
b. ought to
c. is about to
d. needs to

62. The news broadcast reached every home in the land. The news reached every house _____ .
a. through the newspapers
b. on the radio
c. by word of mouth
d. at the movies

63. Duncan works across town. He works______ .

a. on the other side of town
b. on this side of town
c. in town
d. outside of town

64. Shirley knows what to say.

a. what she has said
b. what she was saying
c. what she won’t say
d. what she should say

65. One of the enemies killed our scout. Our scout ______.
a. is killing
b. will kill
c. had killed
d. was killed

66. Virginia jotted down the word.

a. used
b. repeated
c. wrote
d. saw

67. Mr. Thompson understands the basis of the decision.

a. news about
b. trouble with
c. surprise at
d. reason for

68. All the men were accounted for. They ______ all the men.
a. accounted for
b. account for
c. are accounting for
d. will account for

第 47 頁,共 108 頁
69. Farming is Delbert’s business. He _______
a. buys from farmers.
b. operates a farm
c. sells things to farmers
d. builds houses on farms
70. The speech will have been heard by a thousand people. A thousand people _____ the speech.
a. are eventually going to hear
b. were immediately going to hear
c. have now heard
d. will never hear

71. Granville’s apartment is below ours. It is ____ ours.

a. under
b. next to
c. over
d. across from

72. Select the correct sentence:

a. On Friday fish we eat usually.
b. Fish usually we eat on Friday.
c. We usually eat fish on Friday.
d. Usually fish we eat on Friday.

73. Mother said, “Listen to me, Martha!”

a. Watch what I do
b. Hear what I say
c. Eat what I cook
d. See what I have

74. Claude worked out the problem.

a. discovered
b. avoided
c. caused
d. solved

75. Select the correct sentence:

a. On the table a pile of papers were.
b. The news are good.
c. The news is not good.
d. Newspapers is a good source of news.

76. They took up the problem.

a. looked up
b. discussed
c. forgot
d. discovered

77. He told us to stick to it.

a. stop making noise
b. listen very carefully
c. stay on the job
d. help with the work

第 48 頁,共 108 頁
78. I am studying English _____ the Language School.
a. go
b. on
c. at
d. from

79. Sandra is standing next to Joan. Sandra’s standing _____ .

a. beside her
b. in front of her
c. behind he
d. across from her

80. The teacher told us to stand up.

a. open our books
b. do another exercise.
c. Stay after class
d. Get to our feet

81. Mr. Siegal, but not his friends______,

a. are going
b. have been there
c. was watching TV
d. were at the game.

82. Select the correct sentence:
a. Neither Frank are capable, nor his brothers of doing the job.
b. Are capable of doing the job are neither Frank nor his brother.
c. Of doing the job, neither Frank nor his brother are capable
d. Neither Frank nor his brothers are capable of doing the job.

83. Select the correct sentence:

a. Bob asked Marie if she had seen Jane at the party.
b. Bob asked if Marie she had seen Jane at the party.
c. Bob asked Marie if at the party Jane she had seen.
d. Bob asked if Marie she had a the

84. Cynthia asked Alex what he had in mind. She wanted to know ____ .
a. what he did
b. what he remembered
c. what he heard
d. what he intended

85. Frances looked up the number.

a. asked for
b. found
c. forgot
d. lost

86. What is a stamp machine used____ ?

a. for
b. to
c. of
d. at

第 49 頁,共 108 頁
87. Crawford is setting up the tent.
a. cleaning up
b. putting up
c. folding up
d. messing up

88. Carla took off her coat because .

a. she wanted to find it
b. she was too cold
c. she wanted to wear it
d. she was too warm

89. All cured patients will be moved to another building. The patients ______ will be moved
a. who are already cured
b. who want to be cured
c. who can never be cured
d. who still must be cured

90. ______ you meet us at the airport?

a. Why
b. Ought to
c. Couldn’t
d. Maybe

91. Speeding is the cause of many problems.

a. The law about people who speed
b. The reason why people speed
c. The fact that people speed
d. The type of people who speed

92. My car can go _____ than your car.

a. more faster
b. more fastest
c. faster
d. fast

93. Ann has been studying for three hours.

a. She was going to study for three hours.
b. She finished studying three hours ago.
c. She is going to study for three hours
d. She started studying three hours ago.

94. Nancy is not as beautiful as Elaine. Elaine is______ than Nancy.

a. much beautiful
b. more beautiful
c. most beautiful
d. less beautiful

95. You might catch a cold in this rain ______ wear a raincoat.
a. You did
b. You’d better
c. You ought
d. You’re

第 50 頁,共 108 頁
96. Classes _____ begin on time.
a. should be
b. could to
c. ought to
d. always are

97. The sunshine feels good _____ me.

a. to
b. for
c. with
d. into

98. It will heat up tomorrow. The weather will be ______ .

a. cooler
b. warmer
c. wetter
d. drier

99. My new instructor gave me a book ______ .

a. to reading
b. for read
c. reading
d. to read

100. When Americans are invited to a meal in a home and they are not sure what they should do, they
follow the rule of imitating the host. According to this sentence, which of the following is correct?
a. Americans don’t follow the rules.
b. Americans do as the host does.
c. Americans don’t all eat the same kinds of foods.
d. Americans are always worried about what they should eat.

第 51 頁,共 108 頁
第 52 頁,共 108 頁

1. The east door could be used only in case of an emergency. When should we use the east door?
when there is no danger
when the building is on fire
when there is a high ranking visitor
When the building in empty

2.Ed wanted cash for his car. What did he want?


3.Did you intend to do that?

Yes, it was an accident.
Yes, I found out about is later.
Yes, it was a surprise.
Yes, I planned it.

4. The passenger told the driver to cut down on his speed. What should the driver do?
He should increase his speed.
He should continue at the same speed.
He should decrease his speed.
He should stop.

5.When Ellen missed the 10:40 bus, did it make her sad?
Yes, it made her afraid.
Yes, it made her angry.
Yes, it made he unhappy.
Yes, it made her unacceptable.

6. Are the women sitting down?

Yes. They are going now.
Yes. Here they come.
Yes. They are putting it down.
Yes. They are in their chairs.

7. Paul spent a great deal of time in the country. How much time did he spend there?
a few
a little
a lot

8. Klaus got a letter from his family last week. Should he answer it?
Yes, he ought to.
Yes, he can.
Yes, he might.
Yes, he did.

9. Did you observe your friend yesterday?

Were you involved?
Did you wash him?
Did you assist him?
Did you watch him?

第 53 頁,共 108 頁
10.He was given an order to report the office. What was he given?
an argument
a command
a farm
a report

11. If Captain Mercy wants to know if the design is new, what does he want to know about?
the color
the engine
the uniform
the plan

12.This food should be cooked with moderate heat.

The heat should be very hot.
The heat should be medium.
The heat should be very low.
The heat should be turned off.

13.The man was working under the car. Where was he?
beside it
inside of it
beneath it
on top of it

14. What does a rod look like?

a stick
a ball
a hole
a box

15. When is afternoon?

between midnight and six A.M.
between six A.M. and noon
between noon and six P.M.
between six P.M. and midnight

16. Can you judge how wide the room is?

Can you measure the width?
Can you count the width?
Can you see the width?
Can you estimate the width?

17. The tubing was heating in back of the icebox. Where was the tubing heating?
on top of the ice box
in front of the ice box
behind the ice box
to the left of the ice box

18. Joe goes to bed at midnight almost every night. But, last night he went to bed at 8 o’clock. What time
does he usually go to bed?
at midnight
at 8 o’clock
at 12 noon
every night

第 54 頁,共 108 頁
19. Bob is an excellent football player and wants to take part in other sports. What does he want to do?
instruct in sports
watch football
participate in sports
present a football

20. I told Henry to call me back. What should he do?

return my visit
return my phone call
defend himself
make me come back

21. The instructor said, “I can hardly hear you.” What did he mean?
You are speaking too loudly.
You are not speaking.
You should speak more politely.
You are not speaking loudly enough.

22. Doris found my hat yesterday. Whose hat is it?


23. Clore had trouble in class today. What happened?

He had some difficulties.
He had several lessons.
He had an easy day.
He had a new teacher.

24. Mary said, “Be careful. That wire was not insulated.” What did she mean?
The wire is not good.
The wire is not protected.
The wire is not carrying electricity.
The wire is not visible.

25. The students described a typical high school day in their country. What kind of
day did the students describe?
an unusual one
the first one
an ordinary one
the last one

26. Mrs. Anderson provided all the food for the party.
She ate the food.
She protected the food.
She threw away the food.
She furnished the food.

27. The commander inspected the troops before the parade.

He gave them a briefing.
He organized their vehicles.
He looked at their uniforms.
He watched the march.

第 55 頁,共 108 頁
28. John needs another blanket.
He is angry.
He is cold.
He is hungry.
He is blind.

29. The electric power failed last night.

It came on.
It grew stronger.
It went off.
It grew weaker.

30. A burning cigarette could be a danger to a forest.

It might be a health hazard.
It could frighten the animals.
It probably smells bad.
It can set fire to the forest.

31. If it doesn’t clear up, we won’t be able to go.

The weather is bad.
The work is too hard.
The road is rough.
The picture is all right.

32. Major Morin removed the book.

He took it away.
He brought it.
He took off its cover.
He read it.

33. The solution was obvious. Everyone knew the answer.

The solution was unknown.
The solution was apparent.
The solution was dangerous.
The solution was essential.

34. The field must be level.

It must be flat.
It must be long.
It must be square.
It must be large.

35. We encountered the enemy yesterday.

We confused the enemy.
We met the enemy.
We defeated the enemy.
We avoided the enemy.

36. General Bascal’s car will lead the parade.

It will be protected from the crowed.
It will be the first car in the parade.
It will be the tenth car.
It will wait for the parade to pass.

第 56 頁,共 108 頁
37. The coat didn’t belong to him.
It didn’t fit.
He didn’t own it.
It was too heavy.
He didn’t like it.

38. I didn’t notice the plane’s arrival.

I didn’t see the passengers.
I didn’t like the noise it made.
I didn’t see the plane come it.
I didn’t know the arrival time.

39. We will leave in the morning.

We will eat then.
We will rest then.
We will go then.
We will call then.

40. The laws on driving safety are becoming stricter.

They’re becoming longer.
They’re becoming more interesting.
They’re becoming more rigid.
They’re becoming important.

41. The soldiers rescued the trapped officer.

They saved him.
They surrounded him.
They located him.
They buried him.

42. The room needed many things.

It required many things.
It contained many things.
It regulated many things.
It excluded many things.

43. They kept their people in mind.

They neglected their people.
They liked their people.
They forget their people.
They remembered their people.

44. Ben said, “Let me cut in for a moment if you don’t mind.”
He wants to leave.
He wants to interrupt.
He wants to continue listening.
He wants to rest for a moment.

45. You can use this substance if you want, but don’t forget it’s highly flammable.
It is good for insulation.
It burns easily.
It is easy to lose.
It is very expensive.

第 57 頁,共 108 頁
46. Corporal Hill has great respect for his officer.
He dislikes them very much.
He makes them angry.
He has great trouble working with them.
He has a high regard for them.

47. The driver is relaxed behind the wheel.

He is at ease.
He is frightened.
He is tense.
He is careful.

48. Susan made a mistake.

She hit the target.
She made a perfect score.
She made an error.
She was correct.

49. Her car received a minor damage.

The damage wasn’t necessary.
There was only a little damage.
No damage was detected.
There was major damage.

50. Henry had sufficient time to study.

He had enough time.
He had no time.
He had extra time.
He had limited time.

51. A: Can you send a taxi to Building 100?

B: Right away, ma’am.
What did the man mean?
He could not send a taxi.
He will send one immediately.
He did not understand the address.
He didn’t know when to send it.

52. A: You can’t reach those pieces with you fingers. How are you going to get them out?
B: I’ll have to use a magnet.
What is the man trying to get out?
pieces of wood
pieces of paper
pieces of metal
pieces of glass

53. A: The club had a meeting last night.

B: I know. I was present.
What did the man say?
He was the speaker.
He attended the meeting.
He enjoyed the meeting.
He received a present at the meeting.

第 58 頁,共 108 頁
54. A: Charles is having trouble answering this question.
B: He doesn’t even understand it.
What does the woman mean?
Charles hasn’t heard it correctly.
Charles has been standing it the wrong place.
Charles means everything he says.
Charles doesn’t know what it means.

55. A: Your car needs gas, oil and water.

B: Just put in gas, please.
What did the woman tell the man to do?
put gas in, but nothing else
put gas in first
put in oil an water, but no gas
tell her what was needed

56. A: How will Bill be traveling?

B: Well, he will use a plane and a jeep. But primarily he will go by boat. How long will Bill go by boat?
not at all
some of the time
very little of the time
most of the time

57. A: Who is going to speak to us at the meeting this afternoon?

B: The principle speaker will be Col. Evans.
What answer did the man give?
Colonel Evans will be the main speaker.
Colonel Evans will introduce the speaker.
Colonel Evans will not give a speech.
Colonel Evans will ignore the speaker.

58. A: Where is your house, Steve?

B: It’s close to the river.
Where is the house?
across the river
down the river
far from the river
near the river

59. A: How many rooms do you need, ma’am?

B: A single large room will do. Thank you.
How many rooms did the woman ask for?
a few

60. A: What should I do now?

B: Proceed with the work.
What did the woman tell the man to do?
continue to work
do the work over again
stop working
do the work better

第 59 頁,共 108 頁
61. In order for a person to be physically fit, self-discipline must be _____.
a. emphasizing
b. emphasize
c. to emphasize
d. emphasized

62. Let me get the check _____ the waitress.

a. and
b. by
c. from
d. with

63. These experiments will be conducted in the laboratory ______ there are more facilities.
a. where
b. so that
c. what
d. however

64. On a bus, the passengers sit _____ each other.

a. next
b. beside
c. from
d. across

65. Blood is______ through miles of veins and arteries by the heart.
a. to pump
b. pumping
c. pumped
d. by pump

66. We tried to ignore the _____ dog five days a week.

a. bark
b. barking
c. barked
d. to bark

67. Most Americans________

a. work
b. works
c. worked
d. working

68. There ______ only one way to solve these problems.

a. be
b. are
c. is
d. am

69. Larry skipped the fourth question.

a. wrote
b. omitted
c. answered
d. asked

第 60 頁,共 108 頁
70. Horace _________ a coffee table for his mother.
a. is making
b. is made
c. has making
d. to make

71. If he _______ to fall into the lake, he would get wet.

a. was
b. is
c. were
d. are

72. A federal law becomes effective as soon as the President signs it.
a. locked
b. delayed
c. operative
d. remunerative

73. The ice around the ship was _________ solid.

a. freeze
b. freezing
c. froze
d. frozen

74. Use the calendar and figure out the best time for our vacation.
a. examine
b. determine
c. pick
d. assemble

75. Mr. Davis is looking for a permanent job.

a. lasting
b. temporary
c. well paid
d. exciting

76. Alice is deaf. She is unable to_______ .

a. see
b. understand
c. hear
d. taste

77. Some people judge the quality of food by____ it.

a. smell
b. smelled
c. to smell
d. smelling

78. Dogs react to kindness by showing affection.

a. resolve
b. resort
c. respond
d. restrain

第 61 頁,共 108 頁
79. Maybe she will come to see us.
a. Perhaps
b. Surely
c. Soon
d. Tomorrow

80. Virginia and I will remain in Canada all summer.

a. go
b. leave
c. fly
d. stay

81. The grocer said it was necessary ______ the price of coffee.
a. to increase
b. increase
c. increasing
d. increased

82. His mother maintains that Jack is innocent.

a. pretends
b. denies
c. insists
d. thinks

83. Which house plan will you select?

a. develop
b. suggest
c. reject
d. choose

84. Shine your shoes.

a. Polish
b. Tie
c. Remove
d. Fix

85. The woman held open the door and asked the man_____ the packages into the house.
a. carry
b. to carry
c. carries
d. carried

86. Barbara is climbing the mountain.

a. coming down from
b. talking about
c. looking at
d. going up

87. Sue is_____ girl here.

a. somewhat pretty
b. far prettier
c. the prettiest
d. a most pretty

第 62 頁,共 108 頁
88. The sun radiates heat and light.
a. gives off
b. absorbs
c. stores up
d. contains

89. Have you ever _______ his home?

a. saw
b. seen
c. did see
d. seeing

90. Our guest speaker said, “In addition, I’d like to thank you.”
a. Before I begin
b. After
c. Also
d. Tomorrow

91. We suddenly _____ that it was time to return.

a. were realize
b. realized
c. were being realized
d. were realized

92. The men will cooperate with the police.

a. help
b. ignore
c. neglect
d. confuse

93. Sam went to bed early ______ he could leave the next day.
a. in order to
b. in spite of
c. because that
d. so that

94. The courthouse is located in the middle of the town square.

a. in the corner
b. on the side
c. in the center
d. at the back

95. If I had enough money I_____ a camera.

a. can have bought
b. would buy
c. will buy
d. had bought

96. The instructor was informed of the violation by the students.

The students told the instructor.
The instructor told the violation.
The violation was told by the instructor.
The instructor told the students.

第 63 頁,共 108 頁
97. A wound in the lungs makes it difficult to____ .
d. breathe

98. Select the correct sentence:

a. Fighting off they were a superior force.
b. They were a superior force fighting off.
c. A superior force fighting off they were.
d. They were fighting off a superior force.

99. Select the correct sentence.

a. Doug drove his car to the park.
b. Doug to the park drove his car.
c. To the park his car drove Doug.
d. His car to the park Doug drove.

100.He keeps busy from morning sick call until it’s time to hit the sack. Then he’s most likely to be
wakened to stop a midnight headache or to give medicine to a man with an upset stomach.
According to this paragraph, .
a. he’s probably a gunnery sergeant.
b. he’s probably in communications
c. he’s probably a combat casualty
d. he’s probably a medical corpsman

第 64 頁,共 108 頁
第 65 頁,共 108 頁
1. The men are going to construct the house. What will they use?

2.Which of these is a meal?

an animal
a jeep

3.There was a sudden change in the schedule. What kind of change was it?

4. Tom really blew his top. How did he feel?


5.The bottom of the lamp is broken. What section of the lamp is broken?
the top
the bulb
the cord
the base

6. Mr. Wilson likes the cartoon in the morning paper. What did he like?

7. Did he give Sue his consent?

Yes, he gave Sue a mean look.
Yes, he gave Sue his approval.
Yes, he gave Sue a lecture.
Yes, he gave Sue his promise.

8. The people are moving forward so that they can see the concert better.
Where are they going?
the back
next door
to the ocean
toward the stage

9. The inside of the bus is very clean. What is clean?

the whole body
the underside
the interior
the outer part

第 66 頁,共 108 頁
10. What is hunting license?
a kind of ball game
a permit to kill animals
an area for hunting
a popular sport

11. The driver is starting to work. What does he operate?

a car
a store
a restaurant
a barber shop

12. Bob tried to avoid the accident. What did he try to do?
see the accident
keep away from the accident
get near the accident
record the accident

13.The police said that the woman was pushed into the water. What did they say?
that somebody caught her
that somebody released her
the somebody rescued her
that somebody shoved her

14. They’ll have to take the engine apart. What will they have to do?
assemble the engine
take the engine out
run the engine slower
tear down the engine

15. Anne walked through the dense of the forest. What kind of forest was it?
It was far away from town.
It was high up in the mountains.
There were many trees close together.
There were few animals living together.

16. There is a movement in the house. What is it in the house?


17. How much does she have left in her bank account?
Her balance is $30.00
Her pay is $30.00
Her deposit is $30.00
Her check is $30.00

18. Were those battle scenes on TV real?

No, they were simulated.
No, they were live.
No, they were synthetic.
No, they were natural

第 67 頁,共 108 頁
19. He has approximately 6.00 dollars in his pocket. How much money did he have?
six dollars
less than six dollars
more than six dollars
about six dollars

20. We are going to the movie. Are you able to go?

Yes, I like it.
Yes, I saw it yesterday.
Yes, I can make it.
Yes, it is very expensive.

21. Those shoes are worn out. What should I do with them?
throw them away
change the laces
polish them
get them stretched

22. The soldier drew a line through my name on the graduation list. What did he do?
He put my name on the list.
He crossed out my name.
He omitted my name from the list.
He asked about my name.

23. Lt. Smith said, “I left as soon as the meeting broke up.” When did she leave?
when the meeting ended
before the meeting
during the meeting
at the beginning of the meeting

24. Where did you put my pen this afternoon?

I laid it on the bookcase.
I saw it on the table.
I got it from Miss Ball.
I bought it at the bookstore.

25. Because it was so hot, she stayed at home. Why did she remain at home?
because of the heat
because of the work at home
because of the cold weather
because of the rain

26. Roy said, “Sometimes I eat out.” Where does Roy sometimes have his meals?
at work
in the kitchen
in bed
in a restaurant

27. The clock is hanging on the wall. Where is the clock?

over the wall
on the top of the wall
inside the wall
attached to the wall

第 68 頁,共 108 頁
28. The weatherman says, “We should expect hail.” What should we expect?
a heavy shower
icy pieces
many clouds

29. The teacher gave the students some homework. What did the teacher do?
He assigned some homework to the student.
He made markings on the student’s homework.
He returned the student’s homework.
He told the student there wasn’t any homework.

30. Do we need heat in the room?

No, it’s very bright now.
Yes, will you go to the office for some?
Yes, will you build a fire, please?
No, it’s better now that the sun has gone down.

31. Mr. Herman employs many people.

Many people agree with Mr. Herman.
Many people live with Mr. Herman.
Many people work for Mr. Herman.
Many people listen to Mr. Herman.

32. I was talking to Bob when Sandy cut in.

I interrupted Bob and Sandy.
Bob interrupted us.
Sandy interrupted us.
Bob was impolite.

33. The pill brought El some relief.

He became sleepy.
He became thirsty.
He felt very sad.
He had less pain.

34. The weather is worse today.

The weather’s nearly the same.
The weather isn’t as good today.
The weather hasn’t changed.
The weather’s a little better.

35. The dog doesn’t like to take a bath.

It doesn’t like medicine.
It doesn’t like dirt.
It doesn’t like fish.
It doesn’t like water.

36. Ruth is very skillful.

She is an expert.
She lives overseas.
She is very short.
She used to be friendly.

第 69 頁,共 108 頁
37. This cotton is inexpensive.
This cotton is cheap.
This cotton is dirty.
This cotton is thick.
This cotton is light.

38. After a while, Mary became aware of her mistake.

She realized it was there.
She wanted to describe it.
She forget all about it.
She stopped talking about it.

39. The teacher doesn’t smoke when he goes to the library.

He smokes a lot there.
He smokes there once in a while.
He smokes there sometimes.
He refrains from smoking there.

40. Linda is the author of these books.

She didn’t write these books.
These books are not hers.
She wrote these books.
She sold these books.

41. All in all, this project seems to have succeeded.

It wasn’t successful, considering everything.
We are certain the project was successful.
The project was badly presented.
It was apparently successful, in general.

42. There is something the matter with the engine.

The car is running fine.
The car is not running well.
The engine was repaired.
The car doesn’t make any noise.

43. Brian failed his last examination.

He missed some questions.
He received help on the examination.
His score was unsatisfactory.
He made a high score.

44. Judy will go with the Sergeant.

Judy is going, but not the sergeant.
The sergeant is going, but not Judy.
Neither is going.
Both are going.

45. The waiter forgot to bring Mr. Brown some vegetables.

He didn’t get a drink.
He didn’t get macaroni.
He didn’t get any peas.
He didn’t get any dessert.

第 70 頁,共 108 頁
46. The cadets were permitted to go downtown.
The cadets were ordered to go.
The cadets felt they shouldn’t go.
The cadets weren’t allowed to go.
The cadets were authorized to go.

47. They came to see us at the hospital.

They paid us at the hospital.
They wrote to us there.
They gave us treatment there.
They visited us there.

48. The new woman isn’t capable of doing the job.

She’s not allowed to do it.
She doesn’t want to do it.
She doesn’t know how to do it.
She’s too busy to do it.

49. I get up every morning at 6:00.

I eat at 6:00.
I don’t stay in bed after 6:00.
I stay up until 6:00.
My roommate wakes me at 6:15.

50. There is no communication between them.

They do not talk to each other.
They like each other.
They do not go to school.
They work next to each other.

51. A storm is being forecast in this city for today.

We will not have a storm today.
We can expect a storm today.
The storm will be over by today.
It won’t continue into today.

52. Your pie tastes good.

The pie is turning bad.
The pie has a salty taste.
The pie is delicious.
The pie has very little taste.

53. This new book has a large amount of information about flying techniques.
It has very little information.
It contains only a short outline.
It gives little knowledge of flying.
It has a great deal of information.

54. Mr. George has poor circulation.

His blood doesn’t flow very well.
He can’t eat some kinds of food.
He can’t breathe in enough air.
His eyes are very weak.

第 71 頁,共 108 頁
55. The grocery store is out of food.
It is stocked up.
It is empty.
There is a lot of fruit.
There isn’t any more.

56. They took their vacation so long ago that they can’t remember much about it.
Vacation lasted for a long time.
Vacation won’t last for a long time.
It will be a long time until vacation.
It has been a long time since their vacation.

57. Jane can not tell when she makes errors.

She knows her errors.
She makes a few errors.
She cannot recognize when she makes errors.
She knows how to make corrections.

58. Scott told me that his friend is always rushing.

Scott’s friend is always early.
Scott’s friend always asks for more time to finish.
Scott’s friend does everything slowly.
Scott’s friend is always in a hurry.

59. The ship was dashed against the rocks.

The ship went past rocks.
The water made the ship hit the rocks.
The water drove the ship away from the rocks.
The ship was tied to the rocks.

60. The door needed new hinges.

The door couldn’t be cleaned or painted.
The door couldn’t be opened or closed.
The door was too small for us.
The door didn’t match the wall.

61. A: What do you do for a living?

B: I am a pilot in the Air Force.
What is your job?
A: I am a professor at the University.
What are they talking about?
their hobbies
their clubs
their techniques
their professions

62. A: Vivian, what did you have there?

B: I bought this cloth so I can make something new.
What can Vivian make from the cloth?
a desk
a meeting
a dinner
a dress

第 72 頁,共 108 頁
63. A: Does your brother manufacture radios?
B: Yes, he does.
What does his brother do?
a.He collects radios.
b.He trades radios.
c.He makes radios.
d.He buys radios.

64. A: Can your brother lift that heavy weight?

B: Yes, he is the school champion in weight lifting.
What is the man’s brother like?
a.He is muscular.
b.He is thin.
c.He is interesting.
d.He is studies.

65. A: Well, what do you think it will do?

B: Oh, I don’t know. But, it looks like it might clear up this evening.
What are they talking about?
a.the temperature
b.a photograph
c.a plan
d.the weather

66. A: I’m sorry, Sir. But you can’t go in.

B: But I have an official pass.
Why does the man think he should be allowed to enter?
a.He has permission from someone in authority.
b.He works in the building.
c.He is an officer.
d.He thinks his reason for entering in important.

67. A: May I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like an explanation for this letter.
What does the woman want?
a.a stamp to mail the letter
b.something with which to seal the letter address for the letter
d.the reason why the letter was written

68. A: How did you find out about the news?

B: It was broadcast.
How did the man find out about the news?
a.His brother told him about it.
b.He learned about it from a friend.
c.He read about it in a newspaper.
d.He heard it on the radio.

69. A: How much do I owe you?

B: That’s a dollar and a half.
A: Here are two one-dollar bills. Keep the change.
What has happened?
a.The man gave her one dollar and fifty cents.
bThe lady received two dollars.
c.The man wants some change back.
d.The lady will have to pay him fifty cents.

第 73 頁,共 108 頁
70. A: What’s the matter?
B: The exhaust system of your car needs to be repaired.
What’s wrong with the car?
a.The fuel isn’t getting to the engine.
b.Gases are leaking into the car.
c.The car won’t turn properly.
d.The car doesn’t stop properly.

71. A: Hi, Bruce. How’s your brother?

B: Not too good. He stopped attending the school.
What happened to Bruce’s brother?
a.He dropped out of schooling.
b.He had to extend his schooling.
c.He fell and was injured.
d.He had a great deal of homework from school.

72. A: How long did it take to do that?

B: It took just an instant.
How much time did it take?
a.It took a very short time.
b.It took a long time.
c.It took too much time.
d.It took a very long time.

73. A: Do you want some help?

B: Will you please categorize these books so we can find what we want?
What did the man ask the woman to do?
a.List the books in some orderly way.
b.Put the books in a pile.
c.Write the titles of the books on their covers.
d.Put the books on a shelf according to size.

74. A: Where are the books?

B: In the rear of the store.
Where did she say they were?
They are outside, behind the store.
They are in the back part of the store.
They are upstairs, in a closet.
They are in the basement of the store.

75. A: Do you know what you made on your test?

B: Yes. Our teacher told us.
What does that mean?
The teacher doesn’t know their test results.
Their test results were told to their teachers.
The teacher should be told their results.
They were told their test results by the teacher.

76. The car_____ by a stone.

a) was hit
b) was hits
c) was hitting
d) hits

第 74 頁,共 108 頁
77. Sheila ought to review this report today.
a) can
b) should
c) could
d) may

78. The meals ______ three times a day.

a) serve
b) are served
c) have served
d) are serving

79. Todd lives with his father ______ Elm Street.

a) for
b) in
c) on
d) to

80. We _______ already seen that show before.

a) were
b) for having
c) had
d) are

81. Some machines are run by engines which develop their energy from water vapor.
a) coal
b) gasoline
c) steam
d) kerosene

82. My son broke his leg. I______ take him to the hospital right now.
a) must
b) may
c) would
d) won’t

83. Cats respond to kindness with affectionate behavior.

a) resolve
b) react
c) resort
d) restrain

84. There are private hospitals in addition _____ the public hospitals.
a) of
b) from
c) to
d) with

85. you mind closing the window?

a) Could
b) Would
c) Should
d) Might

第 75 頁,共 108 頁
86. The ………._door was fixed.
a) breaking
b) broken
c) break
d) broke

87. They will visit us today because they have ………_ us in four months.
a) not saw
b) not see
c) not seen
d) to not see

88. Lily saw the car wreck. The car wreck …….._ by Lily.
a) was seen
b) seeing
c) had seen
d) is seen

89. Fiction stories are………

a) real
b) not true
c) factual
d) actual

90. Susan isn’t quite as happy now ………. she used to be.
a) that
b) than
c) as
d) when

91. The professor said, “Be sure to wear an overcoat so you will not _____ a cold.”
a) seek
b) catch
c) bring
d) caught

92. She doesn’t think she can make it, but you _____ .
a) could too
b) can’t
c) can
d) would

93. Dolly’s answers are entirely wrong.

a) completely
b) sometimes
c) partly
d) usually

94. Mr. Hunter will _______ win the game because he has practiced more than the others.
a) hardly
b) nearly
c) probably
d) formerly

第 76 頁,共 108 頁
95. Ask Mrs. Bower _______ me back tonight.
a) for call
b) calling
c) called
d) to call

96. I am used to drinking tea for breakfast.

a) I do not like tea.
b) I never drink tea.
c) I am accustomed to drinking tea.
d) I sometimes enjoy drinking tea.

97. Some people have protested their government’s actions by not ______ .
a) eaten
b) eating
c) to eat
d) eats

98. Mrs. Beene got tired of _______ to so many complaints.

a) to listen
b) listening
c) listen
d) listened

99. The manager got all the packages ______ this afternoon.
a) were delivered
b) will deliver
c) had delivered
d) delivered

100. Physics _______ Daniel’s best subject.

a) is
b) were
c) are
d) be

101. Liz broke a ______ on her violin.

a) note
b) ribbon
c) string
d) song

102. The captain _____ some shirts at the store right now.
a) is buying
b) bought
c) was buying
d) buys

103. Had we seen you earlier, we ______ you to the concert.

a) had taken
b) would Take
c) took
d) would have taken

第 77 頁,共 108 頁
104. I _______ a glass of water all afternoon.
a) was wanted
b) wants
c) have wanted
d) am wanting

105. These forms ______ in this state.

a) printed
b) were printed
c) printing
d) prints

106. Stan likes to talk _____ his family.

a) at
b) about
c) after
d) over

107. Lynn expects……. a good time.

a) having had
b) having
c) to have
d) have

108. We _______ the Sunday newspaper.

a) don’t always read
b) don’t read always
c) read always don’t
d) always don’t read

109. Mr. Web has a fine rock collection.

a) He collects paintings.
b) He collects stamps.
c) He collects coins.
d) He collects minerals.

110. Sally purchased a barometer to _____ atmospheric pressure.

a) weigh
b) support
c) measure
d) increase

111. The students have a lot of ambition. They have ……. Ambition.
a) a worthwhile
b) very little
c) a great deal of
d) some

112. Hard work was the reason for Edison’s success.

a) accounted for
b) worked against
c) did not amount to
d) did not result in

第 78 頁,共 108 頁
113. “Would you please watch my car for a while?”
“Okay, I_______ .”
a) will an eye keep on it
b) will keep an eye on it
c) an eye will keep on it
d) will keep on it an eye

114. Which sentence is correct?

a) Humans had to learn of ocean currents the effects.
b) Humans had to learn the effects of ocean currents.
c) Of currents ocean humans had to learn the effects.
d) The effects humans had to learn of ocean currents.

115. My roommate speaks French and English, but I only speak English.
a) Both of us speak English.
b) Both my roommate and I speak French.
c) I speak French, but my roommate doesn’t.
d) My roommate only speaks English.

116. I tore my blouse on a nail. I hope it won’t be noticeable.

a) I hope the tear won’t show.
b) I hope it won’t rip on the nail.
c) I hope the nail will stay up.
d) I hope my blouse can’t be seen.

117. Mack rides the train rather than the bus. He says the train is faster and is as comfortable as the bus.
a) He believes the bus is more comfortable.
b) The train is more comfortable.
c) He thinks the train travels faster.
d) He prefers the bus to the train.

118. Aerospace history is the story of man’s effort to improve his transportation and knowledge. Orville
and Wilbur Wright were the first to prove man could make controlled, mechanically-powered flights.
Charles L. Lindberg proved the practicality of flying by crossing the Atlantic alone in a single-engine
plane. Today, plans are being made to send astronauts to Mars. According to the paragraph, these
accomplishments have …….
a) increased man’s ability to travel farther and faster
b) had little significance in aerospace history
c) caused people to lose interest in space travel
d) been done entirely by the Wright brothers.

119. I prefer the blue jacket to the black one.

a) I like the black one better.
b) I like one more than the other.
c) I like the blue jacket just as well as the black one.
d) To me one color is as pretty as the other

120. Dennis knew it was not safe to drive his car with ice on the windshield, so on a very cold morning he
removed the ice before getting into the car. He then warmed up the engine prior to driving off to work on
the base. According to the reading,________ .
a) he needed to do some work on the base before starting his car
b) Dennis knew it wasn’t safe to work on the base when the weather was cold
c) he removed the ice from the windshield by warming up the engine
d) it was necessary for Dennis to take certain precautions before driving his car

第 79 頁,共 108 頁

40.C 82.A
41.D 83.B
42.B 84.C
1.A 43.C 85.B
2.B 44.D 86.B
3.D 45.C 87.C
4.B 46.D 88.A
5.D 47.D 89.B
6.D 48.C 90.C
7.B 49.B 91,B
8.D 50.A 92.C
9.C 51.B 93.A
10.B 52.C 94.C
11.A 53.D 95.D
12.B 54.A 96.C
13.D 55.D 97.B
14.D 56.D 98.B
15.C 57.C 99.D
16.A 58.D 100.A
17.A 59.B 101.C
18.A 60.B 102.A
19.D 61.D 103.D
20.C 62.D 104.C
21.A 63.C 105.B
22.B 64.A 106.B
23.A 65.D 107.C
24.A 66.A 108.A
25.A 67.D 109.D
26.D 68.D 110.C
27.D 69.B 111.C
28.B 70.B 112.A
29.A 71.A 113.B
30.C 72.A 114.B
31.C 73.A 115.A
32.C 74.B 116.A
33.D 75.D 117.C
34.B 76.A 118.A
35.D 77.B 119.B
36.A 78.B 120.D
37.A 79.C
38.A 80. C
39.D 81.C

第 80 頁,共 108 頁

1. Which of these is often kept in the tank?


2.What number is between sixteen and eighteen?


3. She likes both of the bicycles. How many bicycles is she looking at?

4. Captain East is worried about the welfare of his men. How did he feel about their

5.Who sits in the cockpit?

a pilot
a typist
a baker
a doctor

6. She asked for his ideas. What did she want?

his money
his tools
his car
his opinions

7. Greg Bell said, “ I am sorry, but my father is not at home.” Who was not at home?
Miss Bell
Mrs. Bell
Mr. Bell
Greg Bell

8. The gas was compressed during the experiment.What happened to the gas?
It became wider.
It became longer.
It became clearer.
It became denser.

9. Tob got knocked over by a big wavelet. Where was he?

at work
in the ocean
in the mountains
in town

第 81 頁,共 108 頁
10. David drove over the bumpy road. What was the road like?
a wide road
a short road
a dark road
a rough road

11. Bill made a list of their duties. What is on the list?

their schedule
their groceries
their free time
their jobs

12. Welly asked for the freezing in degree centigrade. What did he ask about the
how shallow the water was
the temperature of the water
the amount of water
how dirty the water was

13.The book has many chapters. What is a chapter?

a great deal of books
a kind of book
too many pages
a part of a book

14.May will make it to the meeting. What will she do?

return to the meeting
refer to the meeting
come to the meeting
agree to the meeting

15. As the orange fell, its speed increases. What happened as the orange fell?
The orange looked lighter.
The orange became bigger.
Its velocity became greater.
It became softer.

16. Rebecca discussed the concert.

She heard the concert.
She watched the concert.
She talked about the concert.
She stopped the concert.

17. Soon will be time for lights out.

Everyone will go to bed.
Everyone will eat dinner.
Everyone will watch TV.
Everyone will start to work.

18. The parents rescued their child. What did they do?
They saved their child.
They rested with their child.
They couldn’t find their child.
They looked for their child.

第 82 頁,共 108 頁
19. Bob was going but he changed his mind. What did he do?
he went to school.
He was saddened.
He ate too much.
He stayed at home.

20. Mrs. Becker is trying to cut down her eating. What is she trying to do?
to eat at home more
to eat cheaply
to eat less food
to eat richer food

21. Did you mean to do that?

Yes, it was a lucky accident.
Yes, I planned it carefully.
Yes, it was a surprise to me.
Yes, I found out about it later.

22. On his trip through Washington, Bob glanced the White House.
What did Bob do?
He photographed the White House.
He looked at the White House.
He stayed at the White House.
He ate at the White House.

23. “What time did he get up?” Dick asked.

What did Dick want to know?
the time he ate breakfast
the time he got out of bed
the time he opened his eyes
the time he dressed

24. This house has lots of stored space. What does it have?
space to wash things in
space to cook things in
space to keep things in
space to plant things in

25. Mrs. Boil measures the trunk of the tree. What does she measure?
the main stem of the tree
the exact age of the tree
the lowest branch of the tree
the full height of the tree

26. Ted took part in a play last night. What did he do last night?
He missed the play.
He watched the play.
He participated in the play.
He scheduled the play.

27. Drag wants to start a fire. What does he need to use?

a book of matches
a very large bucket of water
a small, portable fire extinguisher
some help from the fire department

第 83 頁,共 108 頁
28. Rob wrote down his ideas. What did he do?
He jotted it down on the paper.
He thought about it for a while.
He decided to reject it.
He tried to explain it.

29. She mashed the bug with her foot. What did she do?
She kicked the bug.
She stepped on the bug.
She put the bug on her foot.
She put her foot in front of the bug.

30. The thermostat is not working properly. What is not working correctly?
the instrument for measuring distance
the instrument for controlling room temperature
the instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure
the instrument for looking at very small objects

31. Mary went away when Seed arrived.

She came back.
She laughed.
She slept.
She left.

32. My sister isn’t sick.

She’s sad.
She’s ill.
She’s fast.
She’s well.

33. The lieutenant put it back on the table.

He located it there.
He searched for it.
He took it from there.
He placed it there.

34. The book isn’t interesting.

It is cheap.
It has a nice cover.
It isn’t very long.
It is dull.

35. Terry went to the library.

she wanted a book.
She needed a shower.
She bought a postcard.
She got an apple.

36. They were unable to predict the weather.

They couldn’t change it.
They couldn’t forecast it.
They couldn’t examine it.
They couldn’t enjoy it.

第 84 頁,共 108 頁
37. Wanda got a pair of shoes which were cheap.
They did not cost much.
They were extra large.
They did not fit.
They were very heavy.

38. Bob explained the problem.

He studied the problem.
He discovered the problem.
He created the problem.
He clarified the problem.

39. Alex walked toward the woman.

Alex approached the woman.
Alex talked about the woman.
Alex ran from the woman.
Alex asked for the woman.

40. Mrs. Clark would like to finish her work this morning, but she won’t be able to.
She will finish her work this morning.
She will not finish her work this morning.
She is able to work this morning.
She doesn’t want to finish it this morning.

41. Brian is at ease.

He is working hard.
He is excited.
He is very relaxed.
He is studying hard.

42. Kelvin has a marvelous memory.

His memory is very good.
He forgets quickly.
He can’t remember anything.
His memory is average.

43. Drag succeeded at his first job.

He hated it.
He was always early.
He started it.
He made good on it.

44. The bus’s cover has dirt.

It is highly polished.
It is covered with paper.
It is being painted.
It is not clean.

45. Mr. Fisher had a lot of trouble in his factory.

There were many products.
There were many bargains.
There were many offices.
There were many problems.

第 85 頁,共 108 頁
46. They were held up by the traffic.
They were delayed.
They were attacked.
They were supported.
They were injured.

47. We don’t know she will come.

We don’t know when she will come.
We don’t know why she will come.
We don’t know whether she will come.
We don’t know how she will come.

48. The women will help the police.

The women will attack the police.
The women will ignore the police.
The women will cooperate with the police.
The women will confuse the police.

49. Lora is the same size as Trity.

They are both 5 feet tall.
They are both sergeants.
They are both 26 years old.
They are both students.

50. Cadet Ann was too late to catch the train.

She missed the train.
She did not get off the train.
She got on the train.
She got on the wrong train.

51. The pharmacy is close to the barbershop.

It is inside the barbershop.
It is near the barbershop.
It is far from the barbershop.
It is above the barbershop.

52. Mr. Becker didn’t understand the idea.

He missed the point.
He broke his pencil.
He turned at the wrong intersection.
He has sharpened his knife.

53. Her television is in a very bad shape.

It is in fine working condition.
It is in the storage room.
It is in a difficult place.
It is in poor working condition.

54. John computed the range before shooting at the target.

He checked the distance and shot the target.
He knew the range and hit the target.
He talked to the ranger before shooting the target.
He shot and hit the target from a great distance.

第 86 頁,共 108 頁
55. Drop around after class and the professor will help your problem.
You must wait for the professor.
See the professor after the class.
The professor wants to see you in class.
The professor can’t see you in class.

56. The books were carried to the post office by George.

The post office sent George the books.
George went to the post office to buy some stamps.
George got the books from the post office.
George took the books to the post office.

57. Fred didn’t want to go to school yesterday, but I made him go.
Fred stayed at home yesterday.
I did not want Fred to go to school yesterday.
I did not see Fred at school yesterday.
Fred went to school yesterday.

58. The instructions on the bulletin board told all the guards to return their weapons.
They must turn in their weapons.
All of them were issued new weapons.
Everyone had to change their weapons.
All of them had to clean their weapons.

59. According to may sister, the date of the exam is May 10.
My sister is going to take the exam on May 10.
My sister says the date of the exam is May 10.
My sister has agreed to do the exam on May 10.
My sister has changed the date of the exam to May 10.

60. The house was quiet.

It was very big.
It had many people in it.
It was very new.
It was not noisy.

61. W: What did you buy?

M: Some clothes.
Q: What did the man buy?
something to paint
something to read
something to drink
something to wear

62. W: What does Mrs. Bios do for a living?

M: She writes story.
Q: What does Mrs. Bios do?
She writes fiction.
She writes textbooks.
She writes columns.
She writes reports.

第 87 頁,共 108 頁
63. M: Well, what do you think we will do?
W: Oh! I don’t know, but it looks like it’s not clear up today.
Q: What’s being discussed?
the problem
a picture
a sickness
the weather

64. W: What’s he doing with this article?

M: He’s changing it.
Q: What did the man mean?
He’s reading the article.
He’s revising the article.
He’s copying the article.
He’s publishing the article.

65. W: What kind of oil should be used?

M: I’d like the weight one.
Q: What did the man mean about the oil?
The oil should be clean.
The oil should be thin.
The oil should be cheap.
The oil should be dense.

66. M: Is Lt. Cops a good speaker?

W: Well, she speaks with great precision.
Q: What does the woman say about the lieutenant.?
She has a soft voice.
She speaks with enthusiasm and joy.
She has a difficult accent to understand.
She speaks with exactness and clarity.

67. M: Why do you want to buy the sofa?

W: Because it is comfortable.
Q: What does the woman say about the sofa?
It is nice to sit in.
It is inexpensive.
It is hard to move.
It is a pretty color.

68. W: Why is she so sad?

M: I don’t know. She goes, people laugh at her.
Q: Where do people laugh at the woman?
in one place she goes
in a few places she goes
in none of the places
she goes in each place she goes

69. W: What is the city famous for?

M: It’s a seaport.
Q: What is the city?
a place where ships come and go
a place where officers are trained
a place where students go to college
a place where machinery is manufactured

第 88 頁,共 108 頁
70. M: What’s the matter?
W: The man tried to grab my pocketbook.
Q: What had happened?
Someone pursued the woman.
Someone wanted to borrow her money.
Someone tried to rob the woman.
Someone insulted the woman.

71. W: I hear Major Roy is joining you.

M: Yes. Can you tell me his characteristics?
Q: What does the man want to know about Major Roy?
when he is expected to arrive
where he is coming from
who his parents are
what kind of person he is

72. M: Do you like professor Lark’s lectures?

W: Yes, he expresses himself very well.
Q: What did the woman say about professor Lark?
that he was a good speaker
that he talked very fast
that his appearance was good
that he knew a lot

73. W: Harry, would you please turn on the light?

M: Certainly, I’ll be glad to.
Q: What will Harry do?
He will move the light switch.
He will turn the light on.
He will change the light bulb.
He will replace a switch on the light.

74. M: Who is going to serve the food?

W: He is.
Q: What will he do?
put the food on the table
take the food to the mess hall
get the food from the stove
remove the food from the table
75. W: Did John knock?
M: Yes, he knocked three or four times.
Q: What was John trying to do?
go to sleep
fix a car
get someone to open the door
get something put away safely

76. He was trying to get out of the church.

a) paint
b) leave
c) find
d) clean

第 89 頁,共 108 頁
77. We ______ go to that country if we had a lot of money.
a) would
b) had
c) have
d) can

78. Place the books in a suitable bookcase.

a) new
b) selected
c) several
d) proper

79. Would you please open the desk _____ ?

a) cage
b) drawer
c) handle
d) key

80. Hurry up, I’m already_____ .

a) late
b) fast
c) early
d) slow

81. I don’t remember that man, but I ______ have seen him before.
a) can
b) may
c) would
d) will

82. Lou needs Tom’s pen to write with. He should say to Tom, “ ______ I borrow your pen?”
a) Would
b) May
c) Did
d) Had

83. The teacher looked annoyed when she saw the students talking. The teacher was _____ .
a) happy
b) accurate
c) indifferent
d) disturbed

84. The thermometer occasionally reads ______ freezing.

a) behind
b) under
c) below
d) after

85. A lot of coal is found in Taxes.

a) A great deal of
b) Very little
c) A bargain of
d) A good grade

第 90 頁,共 108 頁
86. Where is Mrs. Jones’ home? She is ______ San Antonio.
a) of
b) away
c) out
d) from

87. The jet approached at an extremely high speed.

a) a legally
b) a fast
c) a normally
d) a very

88. Economics_______ his favorite subject.

a) be
b) is
c) are
d) were

89. He likes to talk _______ his father.

a) at
b) over
c) about
d) after

90. The test was complex. The student said it was _____
a) easy
b) not completed
c) complicated
d) completed

91. An expensive ring is ______ .

a) costly
b) bad
c) not good
d) cheap

92. Don’t work against his opinions.

a) oppose
b) be for
c) examine
d) be concerned about

93. The commandant had the telephone _______ out of the lounge.
a) take care
b) took
c) taken
d) taking

94. We want a chance to meet with her.

a) an assistant
b) a reason
c) an opportunity
d) a supervisor

第 91 頁,共 108 頁
95. She’s very sorry _________ that Lou is ill.
a) to hear
b) hear
c) hearing
d) heard

96. He has my permission to leave class at 1:30. He ______ leave the class then.
a) may
b) should
c) must
d) is ordered to

97. The librarian said, “Would you please put those books back ______ they belong.”
a) if
b) where
c) because
d) when

98. Since we have been in this country, we _______ some interesting things.
a) learned
b) have learned
c) will learn
d) learn

99. We had the privilege of ______ to him speak.

a) listened
b) listens
c) to listen
d) listening

100. This ______ water is too hot to use.

a) boil
b) boils
c) to boil
d) boiling

101. Liz lives 45 miles from New York. Lisa lives 90 miles away. Lois lives 20 miles
away. Lois’s home is_____ New York.
a) as near as
b) as far as
c) the nearest to
d) the farthest from

102. Visiting with American families ______ him an opportunity to practice English.
a) gives
b) to give
c) giving
d) given

103. “How long has Miss Dixon studied English?” “She_____ English for one
a) studies
b) has been studying
c) will study
d) is studying

第 92 頁,共 108 頁
104. John told Tom that Mary _______ him tomorrow.
a) saw
b) has been
c) would see
d) see

105. Let’s get a few new books______.

a) to read
b) reading
c) for read
d) to reading

106. In order for a person to be physically fit, self-discipline must be_______ .

a) to emphasize
b) emphasized
c) emphasize
d) emphasizing

107. Was the driver _____ by the stop sign?

a) confused
b) confuse
c) confusing
d) to confuse

108. She ______ to class on Monday.

a) didn’t come
b) didn’t came
c) don’t come
d) don’t came

109. Orin defends himself well by ______ .

a) fighting back
b) listening closely
c) eating a good meal
d) taking a rest

110. This task _____ by the end of this month.

a) finished
b) had finished
c) finishes
d) must be finished

111. If you wake up every morning at 5 o’clock, you ______ at 5 o’clock.

a) study our lessons
b) talk to a friend
c) stop sleeping
d) go out

112. Flying a helicopter is not as easy as _______ a car.

a) driving
b) driven
c) drive
d) for drive

第 93 頁,共 108 頁
113. Lou’s decision was affected by his uncle. Lou’s uncle _____
a) made a decision
b) delayed his decision
c) influenced his decision
d) didn’t like the decision

114. The physician is going to ask you many questions.You should answer him______
a) as can as you well
b) as well as you can
c) can you as well as
d) as well as can you

115. They will not fail the exam if _______.

a) they tonight study hard
b) they study hard tonight
c) hard study tonight
d) hard you study tonight

116. If he’s going out in this shower, he’d better ______.

a) fill the gas tank
b) put on a raincoat
c) turn off the lights
d) open the windows

117. The atmosphere is actually part of the earth. It rotates with the earth in space and
can be considered a gaseous outer cover of the earth. According the this paragraph,______ .
a) the earth and atmosphere rotate together
b) the earth rotates without the atmosphere
c) the atmosphere rotates around the earth
d) the ground is part of the atmosphere

118. Since a commander cannot be familiar with the actions of every operation or individual under his
control, he must depend on his staff to keep him informed. If the information is faulty or insufficient, he
is apt to make a bad decision. According to this paragraph, ______.
a) the staff makes decisions for the commander
b) the commander does not make bad decisions
c) the decisions are made on available information
d) a commander knows all actions and individuals

119. Which sentence is correct?

a) The truck started after she checking the battery.
b) She after checking the battery the truck started.
c) The battery after checking she the truck started
d) After checking the battery, she started the truck.

120. The dictionary gives the lexical opinions of language experts. The user can discover just how and to
what extent experts agree on what he is to say or write. Yet, the user is left with one of the most difficult
of human decisions: the decision of what to say. According to this paragraph, ______.
a) experts are of the same opinion about English usage
b) experts decide which dictionary you should use
c) the dictionary gives you the opinions of experts
d) the dictionary tells you what you must say and write

第 94 頁,共 108 頁
第 95 頁,共 108 頁

1. Mr. William went to the barbershop to get a haircut, then he went to the post office
to get some stamps. Where did William go after getting a haircut?
a) to buy a money order
b) to get his hair trimmed
c) to the barbershop
d) to the post office

2. John participated in a play last night. What did he do last night?

a)He took part in the play.
b) He watched the play.
c) He missed the play.
d) He cancelled the play.

3. Tom lived in a residential area. Where did he live?

a) in a shopping center
b) in an area of private homes
c) in a large motel
d) over a repair shop

4. Bob and Bell are getting together for lunch. What will Bob do?
a) eat Bill's lunch
b) eat lunch alone
c) do Bill's work for him
d) eat lunch with Bill

5. This hat fits me all right. I’ll take i

a) It is the wrong size.
b) It is too tight.
c) It is the right size.
d) It is bright.

6. Martin knows more than the other men, and has become the head of this group.
a)He is a follower now.
b)He is a cook now.
c) He is a father now.
d) He is a leader now.

7. An airplane goes out every hour

a) An airplane arrives every hour.
b) An airplane leaves every hour.
c)An airplane lands every hour.
d) An airplane is late every hour.

8. John considers his work a pleasure.

a) He likes it.
b)It worries him.
c)He misses it.
d) It bores him.

第 96 頁,共 108 頁
9. Mr. Milton knows what population of the New York is.
a)He knows where New York is.
b)He knows how to get to New York.
c)He knows how many miles away New York is.
d) He knows how many people live in New York.

10. Every 6 months, Mr. Brown takes his car to the mechanic for inspection.
a) Mr. Brown wrecks his car every 6 months.
b) Mr. Brown trades his car every 6 months.
c)The mechanic examines Mr. Brown's car every 6 months.
d) The mechanic repairs Mr. Brown's car every 6 months.

11. Bill arrived at the lab just in time.

a} He was late to lab.
b) He arrived at the lab early.
c) He arrived late.
d) He arrived at the exact time.

12. Jim mailed a letter to his wife yesterday after class. What did Jim do yesterday?
a)sent a letter home
b)went home to see his wife
c)missed his class
d) bought some envelopes

13. This engine is very loud. What does it do?

a) It uses too much gas.
b)It runs at high speed.
c) It makes a lot of noise.
d) It doesn't run well.

14. One of the students bought a portable typewriter. What kind did he get?
a) a very large typewriter
b)a very heavy typewriter
c) a typewriter which is light and easy to move
d) a typewriter that cannot be moved

15. Will this plane be delayed?

a) Yes, it will be early.
b) No, it won't be late.
c) Yes, it came yesterday.
d) No, it is a private plane.

16. The mechanic asked Joe, “What is the capacity of the fuel tank?” What did the mechanic want to
a) when Joe could bring the fuel tank for repair
b)how much fuel the tank could hold
c) where Joe had bought the fuel tank
d) what kind of fuel the tank was carrying

17. Before he can do anything else, John needs more data. What does he need?
a)more schooling
b) more changes
c) more rest
d) more information

第 97 頁,共 108 頁
18. Henry was pleased with the acceleration of the car. What did he like?
a)the color of the car
b) the slowing down action
c) its ability to pick up speed
d)its stopping action

19. The salesman told John he could try out the car. What can John do?
a)buy it
b) sell it
c) test it
d)repair it

20. Red spent a great deal of time himself. How much time did he spend there?
a) none
b)a little time
c)a lot of time
d)very little time

21. He killed the diseased animals.

a)He killed the fat animals.
b) He killed the sick animals.
c) He killed the injured animals.
d)He killed the o1d animals.

22. Joe’s friend says, “I have an extra room.”

a) Joe's friend has a spare room
b) Joe's friend has no room.
c)Joe's friend has a large room.
d)Joe’s friend has only one room.

23. We will provide you with pencils and paper.

a) We’ll buy pencils and paper from you.
b)We will take up your pencils and paper.
c)You must bring pencils and paper.
d)We will give you pencils and paper.

24. You’ll soon have an opportunity to speak English.

a) It's a good practice to speak English.
b) You'l1 have a chance to speak English.
c) You'll learn English quickly.
d) You won't have any occasion to speak English.

25. The electric power failed last night

a)It came on.
b)It grew stronger.
c)It grew weaker.
d) It went off.

26. Take your time.

a) Don't hurry.
b) Look at your watch.
c) Come now.
d) Begin immediately.

第 98 頁,共 108 頁
27. The organization set up the training schedule.
a) A schedule was lost
b) A schedule was destroyed.
c)A schedule was found.
d) A schedule was established.

28. I get up every morning at seven.

a)I eat at 7:00.
b)I stay up until 7:00.
c)I don't stay in bed after 7:00.
d) My roommate wakes me at 7.15.

29. Will you get through with your homework soon?

a)Yes, I'l1 finish it quickly.
b) Yes, I think I'l1 start it soon.
c) Yes, it'll take some time to do.
d)Yes, I need to go through it.

30. Would you like to revise this paper?

Yes, I would like to correct it.
Yes, I would like to destroy it.
Yes, I like the size of the paper.
Yes, I bought the paper to use here.

31. Mary bought a pair of shoes for four dollars plus 20 cents tax. How much did the shoes cost without
the tax?

32. The tree will obstruct the view. What will the tree do?
open the view
improve the view
keep the view
block the view

33. What can a person usually find in a classified ad section of the newspaper?
local news

34. There are empty seats at the rear of the theater. Where are the empty seats?
in the back
in the middle
at the side
in the front

35. Bill must leave at once. When must Bill leave?

later on
at any time
right away

第 99 頁,共 108 頁
36. Ben didn’t want to go to school yesterday, but I made him go.
Ben stayed at home yesterday.
Ben went to school yesterday.
I did not see Ben at school yesterday.
I did not want Ben to go to school yesterday.

37. I’ll take the bus next time.

When I go again, I’ll go by bus.
I will take my time and go by bus.
I took the next bus.
The next bus was on time.

38. I had just left the office when you called.

I left only a minute before you called.
You called before I left.
My office is to the left.
I entered the office just as you called.

39. I wish the raining season would be over.

I wish it would last longer.
I wish it would get colder.
I wish it would end.
I wish it would start.

40. Denis said she would rather have snow than raining.
She likes rain better.
She likes snow better.
She likes them both.
She doesn’t like snow or rain.

41. I saw him in the vicinity at the Base Exchange.

He wasn’t near the Base Exchange.
He was interested in the Base Exchange.
He was near the Base Exchange.
He was an employee of the Base Exchange.

42. Since the time of World War I, incredible progress has been made in the development of production
of this weapon.
The progress is small.
The progress is as expected.
No progress has been made since World War I.
The progress is almost unbelievable.

43. We had a flat on the highway.

The road was level.
We lived in an apartment.
One of our tires blew out.
We lay down on the highway.

44. Drop around after class and the instructor will help you with the problem.
You must wait for the instructor.
The instructor can’t help you after class.
The instructor wants to see you in class.
See the instructor after class.

第 100 頁,共 108 頁

45. Harry made up his mind in a hurry.
He hurried and made a mistake.
He decided in a hurry.
He forgot because he hurried.
He couldn’t decide to hurry.

46. The car lost the right front tire. What did the car lose?
a bolt from the right wheel.
the rubber around the wheel
the right front window
the right front light

47. The doctor wants to check John’s pulse. What does the doctor want to check?
his fever
his throat
his ears
his heart beat

48. How did you know that the table is not level?
There are holes in the wood.
It’s too easy to steal.
It feels smooth when I touch it.
Everything slides off of it.

49. Man is able to survive at very high altitudes. What can he do there?

50. He could feel the plane vibrating. What was the plane doing?

51. We are having a thundershower. What are we having?

a storm
a bath
a harvest day
a sunny day

52. Did you find out what caused his illness?

Did you see his ailment?
Did you get sick today?
Did you cause his sickness?
Did you learn the reason for his sickness?

53. Carol kept working on the problem until she solved it.
She is working on it.
She kept it.
She finally gave up.
She worked it out.

第 101 頁,共 108 頁

54. If Jim had had the money, he would have loaned it to Larry.
Jim has the money.
Jim loaned Larry the money.
Larry doesn’t need the money.
Jim didn’t have the money.

55. The temperature was around 70 degrees and it was a foggy morning.
You couldn’t see the sun.
There was some dust in the air.
The air had a low moisture content.
There was a steady breeze blowing.

56. Sophie poured the coffee.

She filled the cup with coffee.
She drank the coffee from a cup.
She made the coffee in a pot.
She warmed the coffee on the stove.

57. W: Did you finish your assignment last light?

M: No, I didn’t. I had a party last night.
Q: Why didn’t the student finish his assignment?
because he was sleepy
because he wasn’t busy
because he didn’t have a party
because he had a party

58. W: What did you tell them?

M: The situation is critical.
Q: What does the man mean?
Something funny is happening.
There is a severe problem.
Something strange is happening.
There is nothing to talk about.

59. W: Are you ready to go?

M: I would be as soon as I change my shirt.
Q: What is the man going to do?
buy the shirt
put on a different shirt
show the woman his shirt
go to a shirt store

60. W: What’s your city famous for?

M: It’s a seaport.
Q: What’s his city known for?
It’s a place where soldiers are trained.
It’s a place where ships come and go.
It’s a place where people to to college.
It’s a place where machinery is manufactured.

第 102 頁,共 108 頁

61. W: Are you going to buy his car?
M: Well, first, I want to make sure it’s a good one.
Q: What does the man want to do?
insure the car if it’s good
improve the car
have the car repaired
be certain that the car is good

62. M: Did you want to go to the cafeteria for lunch?

W: I can’t. I haven’t got a cent.
Q: What does the woman mean?
She is not hungry.
She won’t have to buy her lunch.
She has no money.
She does not like the cafeteria.

63. W: Do you know what you made on this test?

M: Yes, the instructor told us.
Q: What does the man mean?
The instructor doesn’t know their test results.
They were told their test results by the instructor.
The instructor should be told their test results.
Their test results were told to their instructor.

64. W: What’s that?

M: It’s an example of modern art.
W: Yes, but what was it constructed of?
Q: What does she want to know?
what it represents
what it is made of
what it does
what it looks like

65. W: Where should we meet tomorrow? I think the corner will be good.
M: I was going to say the post office, but now I think we’d better meet right here.
Q: Where will the man and the woman probably meet?
on the base
at the office
on the corner
at the post office

66. M: How much do I owe you?

W: That’s a dollar and a half.
M: Here are two one-dollar bills. Keep the change.
Q: What has happened?
The man gave her one dollar and fifty cents.
The man wants some change back.
The lady received two dollars.
The lady will have to pay him fifty cents.

67.Are there any other boys in Don’s family? Yes, he _____ .

a) has two brothers
b) is the only child
c) has one sister
d) has a grandmother

第 103 頁,共 108 頁

68. When a sponge _______ water, it becomes heavy.
a) eliminates
b) takes out
c) lets out
d) absorbs

69. The volcano emits smoke.

a) mixes
b) draws
c) takes in
d) sends out

70. Is there any way to adjust the temperature?

a) Yes, we have air-conditioning controls.
b) Yes, you learn to like it in time.
c) No, I don’t think it will rain.
d) No, it never does in winter.

71. At noon the sun is directly ______ our heads.

a) by
b) under
c) over
d) before

72. Ed: How long has Mr. Rivers studied English? Tom: He_____ for one month.
a) studies
b) is studying
c) will study
d) has been studying

73. Kent: Would you please keep an eye on my car while I’m inside?
Scott: Sure, I________ ..
a) will an eye keep on it
b) an eye will keep on it
c) will keep an eye on it
d) will keep on it an eye

74. The stores are convenient.

a) easy to get to
b) too expensive
c) too far off
d) always full of people

75. This is how it actually happened.

a) supposedly
b) probably
c) really
d) mistakenly

76. The plane was grounded because of bad weather. The pilot _______ .
a) will be able to leave as soon as the plane is repaired
b) cannot leave until the weather clears up
c) cannot move the plane because it is stuck in the mud
d) will leave regardless of the weather

第 104 頁,共 108 頁

77. The fuel supply was adequate.
a) too little
b) sufficient
c) adjusted
d) reduced

78. His behavior last week was excellent.

a) conduct
b) leave
c) travel
d) luck

79. I am reading an interesting book ________ animals and the places where they live.
a) telling
b) for
c) from
d) about

80. We could not study because we were disturbed _______ the loud noise.
a) from
b) by
c) for
d) above

81. Ask Mr. Miller _______ me back later.

a) to call
b) calling
c) called
d) calls

82. Flying an airplane is not as simple as _______ a car.

a) drive
b) driven
c) driving
d) for drive

83. John lives 50 miles from New York. Bill lives 100 miles away. Bob lives 30 miles
away. Bob’s home is ______ New York.
a) the nearest to
b) as far as
c) as near as
d) the farthest from

84. The headlines are printed in _______ .

a) ordinary type
b) small type
c) large type
d) little letters

85. I prefer the blue jacket to the black one.

a) I like the black one better.
b) I like the blue jacket just as well as the black one.
c) I like one more than the other.
d) To me one color is as pretty as the other.

第 105 頁,共 108 頁

86. The instructor explained the process.
a) progress
b) procedure
c) program
d) enrollment

87. John asked Mary, “Would you mind if I smoke?”

a) object
b) like
c) favor
d) please

88. If you jump to conclusions, you_______.

a) are in good physical condition
b) enter too many contests
c) suffer great physical pain
d) make decisions without facts

89. Some people judge the quality of food by _______ it

a) smell
b) smelled
c) to smell
d) smelling

90. Our students _______ many new words since they began their language training.
a) learn
b) learned
c) has learned
d) have learned

91. We suddenly _______ that it was time to leave.

a) were realized
b) realized
c) were being realized
d) realizing

92. This project ________ by the end of next month.

a) finished
b) is to be finished
c) finishing
d) had finished

93. Since a commander cannot be familiar with the actions of every operation or individual under his
control, he must depend on his staff to keep him informed. If the information is faulty or insufficient, he
is apt to make a bad decision. According to this paragraph, ______.
a) the staff makes decisions for the commander
b) the commander does not make bad decisions
c) the decisions are made on available information
d) a commander knows all actions and individuals

94. Bill wasn’t in class this morning. Bob wasn’t there, _______.
a) too
b) neither
c) either
d) both

第 106 頁,共 108 頁

95. It’s quite a hot day.
a) nota
b) a pretty
c) too a
d) better

96. Anna: Would you please switch the plates?

Carl: Certainly, I’ll ______ .
a) exchange them
b) turn them over
c) break them
d) clean them

97. Henry jotted down the word.

a) He used it in the right way.
b) He repeated it several times.
c) He wrote it on some paper.
d) He saw it in a book.

98. Classes _____ begin on time.

a) should have
b) could be
c) ought to
d) always are

99. I am tired ______ reading. Let’s go for a walk.

a) to
b) of
c) by
d) for

100. The National Honor Society is an American organization for high school boys and girls. Members
are selected on the basis of scholarship, leadership, citizenship, service, and character.
According to this paragraph,______ .
a) all high school students are members of this society
b) membership in this society is determined mainly by educational achievement
c) high school students can become members automatically
d) several factors are considered in selecting students for this society.

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