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EC6004 Satellite Communication R-2013

Orbit Perturbations

Definition :

Effects on orbit of the satellite due to various forces other than gravitational pull of Earth are
called as orbit perturbations.

Factors producing orbit perturbations:

A. Effects of non spherical earth

B. Effects due to non gravitational forces
I. radiation pressure of the sun
II. residual atmospheric drag
C. Effects due to the gravitational pull of sun and moon Perturbing force Orbit affected Parameter affected

1 Effects of non spherical earth LEO, MEO,GEO n, Ω, ω
2 Atmospheric drag LEO below 1000 km a, e, M
3 Gravitational pull of sun and GEO I

Explanation :
A. Effects of non spherical earth
1) Change in mean motion (n)
2) Rotations of orbital plane [ changes in Ω, ω ]

1) Change in mean motion (n)

We know that mean motion (average angular velocity) of satellite is

n= ..... (1)
For a spherical earth (assuming earth is a uniform spherical mass structure, but in reality earth
is not perfectly spherical), the nominal mean motion is given by

n0 = .....(2)
By taking the oblateness of earth into account , the mean motion of satellite is

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EC6004 Satellite Communication R-2013

 k (1 − 1.5sin 2 i ) 
n0 = n0 1 + 1 2 .....(3)
 a (1 − e 2 )1.5 

Where k1 is constant. k1=66,063.1704 km2

(2) Rotations of orbital plane

1. Regression of nodes
Change in right ascention of ascending node ( Ω)
2. Rotation of apsides
Change in argument of perigee ( ω )

Change in right ascention of ascending node ( Ω)

• Both ascending node and descending nodes appear to slide along the equator
• As a result, value of RA ( Ω ) changes
= − kcos(i) .... (4)

Change in argument of perigee ( ω )

• ω changes with time due to equatorial bulge (oblateness of earth)

= K(2-2.5sin 2 (i)) .... (5)
Hence new values of ω , Ω are
Ω = Ω0 + (t-t 0 )

ω = ω0 + (t-t 0 )

B. Effects due to non gravitational forces

• Due to atmospheric drag , for near earth satellites whose semi major axis a < 1000 km,
drag is greatest at perigee. i.e they are experiencing a strong gravitational force of Earth
at perigee.
• As a result , velocity at perigee will decrease
• Satellite will not reach same perigee height at successive rotations
• So, both (a,e) will reduce

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EC6004 Satellite Communication R-2013

 n0 3
• Change in a is a ≃ a 0  
 n 0 + n 0 (t-t 0 ) 

n '
• Change in mean anomaly ∂M= 0 (t-t 0 ) 2

C. Effects due to Sun and Moon

• Angle of inclination i, changes due to presence of Sun and moon for GEO satellites
• For GEO satellites, rate of change of i is 0.850/year.
• The inclination angle i of GEO satellite will change to ± 14.670 over 26.6 years

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EC6004 Satellite Communication R-2013

Limits of Visibility
From an Earth station on earth, the geostationary arc ( path or orbit in which GEO satellite
moves) is not visible at all angles. The east and west limits on the geostationary arc visible from
Earth station are called limits of visibility.

Reasons for limits of visibility:

The geographic co-ordinates of Earth station and Antenna elevation angle causes these limits

Types :
1) Longitudinal limits , 2) Latitudinal limits

1) Longitudinal limits :

Let the Earth station ES is situated in Equator.

Antenna is pointing either west or East along the horizontal.
aE: equatorial radius of Earth (6378 km)
aGSO : radius of geostationary orbit (42164 km)

 a 
θ= cos −1  E 
hence  aGSO 
 6378 
θ= cos −1  
 42164 
longitudinal limits are θ = ±81.30

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EC6004 Satellite Communication R-2013

2) latitudinal limits

• Earth station latitude also affects the visible angles of GEO satellites
• Let the minimum elevation angle for ES antenna be Elmin= 50
• σ min = 900 + Elmin
• By applying sine rule, angle S subtended at the Satellite is given by
 R 
S = sin −1  .Sin(σ min ) 
 aGSO 
angle b = 1800 − σ min − S
•  cos b 
angle B=cos −1  
 cos λE 
• Thus longitude of satellite at sub satellite point
φSS = φE + B

Sun Transit Outage

Definition :
The blockage of signal transmitted from the satellite into earth station antenna due to the
position of satellite during equinox periods is called as Sun Transit outage.
Explanation :
• During equinox period, during certain time the position of the satellite is in between the Sun
and Earth.
• As a result, the Sun comes within the beam
beamwidth of the earth station antenna.
• The sun appears as an extremely noisy source.. It completely blocks the signal coming from
the satellite.
• Period of sun transit outage = 10 minutes during a day.
about 6 days during equinox)

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EC6004 Satellite Communication R-2013

(Earth)Eclipse of Satellite
The non availability of solar power from Sun for satellites is called Eclipse. i.e the visibility of Sun is partially or fully affected is called
Reason for Eclipse of Satellite:
• Whenever the equatorial plane of Earth rth co
coincides with the ecliptic plane of the Sun, eclipse of satellite will occur
Explanation :
• Equatorial plane of earth is tilted at angle of 23.40 with ecliptic plane of sun, for most part of the calendar year, satellite will
receive solar energy
• During equinox periods ( sun crosses equator), satellite is in the shadow of earth. Thus it will not receive solar energy from
the sun.
• On both spring equinox and autumn equinox periods, eclipse of satellite will occur.
• Min duration of eclipse =10 min
• Maximum duration of eclipse = 72 min

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EC6004 Satellite Communication R-2013

Sub Satellite Point

The point on the earth vertically under the satellite is known as sub satellite point.
Explanation :
• Knowledge of latitude and longitude of the sub satellite point and height of the satellite
above the sub satellite point are essential for communicating satellite from the earth
• Information required : radius vector r


HSS = height of the terrain

h SS = height of the satellite above terrain
total height satellite above reference ellipsoid h= H SS + hSS
LST= local side real time, GST= Greenwich side real time

Thus from above equations, latitude of satellite(λSS ), height (h),and LST can be computed

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