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persons person people stomach

children childs child

mouse mice mouses

deer deeries deers

tooths teeths teeth epoch

elfs elves elfves

clothes cloths cloth

news newss newsies

princess princesss princesses

potatos potatoes potatoses

Compound Sentences Examples

She did not cheat on the test, for it was the wrong thing to do.
I really need to go to work, but I am too sick to drive.
I am counting my calories, yet I really want dessert.
He ran out of money, so he had to stop playing poker.
They got there early, and they got really good seats.
They had no ice cream left at home, nor did they have money to go to the
Everyone was busy, so I went to the movie alone.
I thought the promotion was mine, but my attendance wasn't good enough.
Should we start class now, or wait for everyone to get here?
It was getting dark, and we weren't near the cabin yet.
Cats are good pets, for they are clean and are not noisy.
We have never been to Asia, nor have we visited Africa.
He didn't want to go to the dentist, yet he went anyway.
The sky is clear; the stars are twinkling.
The waves were crashing on the shore; it was a lovely sight.
There were white-out conditions in the town; therefore, the roads were
Check back tomorrow; I will see if the book has arrived.
He said he was not there yesterday; many people saw him there.
I am happy to take your donation; any amount will be greatly appreciated.
She only paints with bold colors; indeed, she does not like pastels at all.
She works two jobs to make ends meet; at least, that was her reason for not
having time to join us.
Malls are great places to shop; I can find everything I need under one roof.
Italy is my favorite country; I plan to spend two weeks there next year.
"Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a good carpenter to build
one." - Lyndon B. Johnson
"The drought had lasted now for 10 million years, and the reign of the terrible
lizards had long since ended." - Arthur C. Clarke, 2001: A Space Odyssey
"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." - Ronald Reagan
Plural Forms of the NOUNS
Rule for
Type of Noun Forming the Examples Exceptions

arch/arches, atlas/atlases, ax/axes, bash/bashes,

bench/benches, bias/biases, botch/botches, box/boxes,
brush/brushes, bunch/bunches, bus/buses, boss/bosses,
bush/bushes, canvas/canvases, catch/catches,
church/churches, class/classes, compass/compasses,
crash/crashes, cross/crosses, dais/daises, dish/dishes,
dress/dresses, equinox/equinoxes, etch/etches,
axis/axes, ox/oxen,
fetch/fetches, fix/fixes, fox/foxes, gas/gases, grass/grasses,
Word ends in s, x, Add 'es' to the epoch/epochs,
itch/itches, kiss/kisses, larch/larches, lash/lashes,
ch, or sh end stomach/stomachs,
latch/latches, mantis/mantises, march/marches,
marsh/marshes, mash/mashes, mass/masses,
match/matches, moss/mosses, mix/mixes, pass/passes,
patch/patches, pox/poxes, radish/radishes, sash/sashes,
sketch/sketches, starch/starches, stitch/stitches, tax/taxes,
touch/touches, trash/trashes, twitch/twitches,
vehicle/vehicles, wish/wishes, witch/witches,

Add 'zes' to the buzz/buzzes, fizz/fizzes, klutz/klutzes, quiz/quizzes,

Word ends in z prize/prizes,
end topaz/topazes, waltz/waltzes
alley/alleys, attorney/attorneys, essay/essays, boy/boys,
Ending in 'y'
delay/delays, guy/guys, jay/jays, key/keys, osprey/ospreys,
preceded by a Add an 's'
play/plays, ray/rays, stray/strays, toy/toys, tray/trays,
turkey/turkeys, valley/valleys, way/ways

ally/allies, army/armies, baby/babies, beauty/beauties,

berry/berries, cherry/cherries, city/cities, colony/colonies,
country/countries, dictionary/dictionaries, duty/duties,
enemy/enemies, fairy/fairies, family/families, ferry/ferries,
Ending in 'y' fly/flies, gallery/galleries, history/histories, injury/injuries,
Change the final
preceded by a jelly/jellies, kitty/kitties, lady/ladies, lily/lilies, navy/navies,
'y' to 'ies'
consonant history/histories, party/parties, pony/ponies, reply/replies,
secretary/secretaries, sky/skies, spy/spies, story/stories,
study/studies, symphony/symphonies, theory/theories,
trophy/trophies, try/tries, university/universities,
variety/varieties, victory/victories
belief/beliefs, chef/chefs,
chief/chiefs, dwarf/dwarfs,
calf/calves, elf/elves, half/halves, hoof/hooves, knife/knives, grief/griefs, gulf/gulfs,
Ends with 'f' or 'fe' Change the 'f' or leaf/leaves, life/lives, loaf/loaves, knife/knives, loaf/loaves, handkerchief/handkerchiefs,
(but not 'ff' or 'ffe') 'fe' to 'ves' scarf/scarves, self/selves, shelf/shelves, wife/wives, kerchief/kerchiefs,
wolf/wolves mischief/mischiefs, muff/muffs,
oaf/oafs, proof/proofs,
roof/roofs, safe/safes, turf/turfs
auto/autos, cameo/cameos,
cello/cellos, combo/combos,
duo/duos, ego/egos,
folio/folios, halo/halos,
buffalo/buffaloes, cargo/cargoes, echo/echoes, inferno/infernos, lasso/lassos,
embargo/embargoes, grotto/grottoes, hero/heroes, memento/mementos,
Ends with 'o' Add 'es' mosquito/mosquitoes, motto/mottoes, potato/potatoes, memo/memos, piano/pianos,
tomato/tomatoes, torpedo/torpedoes, veto/vetoes, photo/photos,
volcano/volcanoes, zero/zeroes portfolio/portfolios, pro/pros,
silo/silos, solo/solos,
stereo/stereos, studio/studios,
taco/tacos, tattoo/tattoos,
tuxedo/tuxedos, typo/typos,
veto/vetoes, video/videos,
yo/yos, zoo/zoos

child/children, die/dice, foot/feet, goose/geese, louse/lice,

Irregular Variable man/men, mouse/mice, ox/oxen, person/people, that/those,
this/these, tooth/teeth, woman/women, die/dice,
analysis/analyses, axis/axes, basis/bases, crisis/crises,
Ends with 'is'
Change final 'is' ellipsis/ellipses, hypotheses/hypothesis, neurosis/neuroses,
(from a Greek
to 'es' oasis/oases, paralysis/paralyses, parenthesis/parentheses,
synopsis/synopses, synthesis/syntheses, thesis/theses

Ends with 'us' (if alumnus/alumni, bacillus/bacilli, cactus/cacti, focus/foci,
Change final 'us' octopus/octopuses (not octopi,
the word is from fungus/fungi, locus/loci, nucleus/nuclei, radius/radii,
to 'i' since octopus is from the
the Latin) stimulus/stimuli, syllabus/syllabi, terminus/termini, torus/tori
Greek language),

bacterium/bacteria, curriculum/curricula, datum/data,

Change final 'um' album/albums,
Ends with 'um' erratum/errata, gymnasium/gymnasia, medium/media,
to 'a' stadium/stadiums
memorandum/memoranda, ovum/ova, stratum/strata
alfalfa/alfalfas, aurora/auroras,
Ends with 'a' but alga/algae, alumna/alumnae, antenna/antennae,
Change final 'a' banana/bananas,
not 'ia' (from a larva/larvae, nebula/nebulae, pupa/pupae (or pupas),
to 'ae' barracuda/barracudas,
Latin root) vertebra/vertebrae, vita/vitae
cornea/corneas, nova/novas,

Ends with 'on' balloon/balloons,

Change final 'on' automaton/automata, criterion/criteria,
(from a Greek carton/cartons and many,
to 'a' phenomenon/phenomena, polyhedron/polyhedra
root -- not 'tion') many others
Change final 'ex' complex/complexes,
Ends with 'ex' vertex/vertices, vortex/vortices
to 'ices' duplex/duplexes, hex/hexes,
index/indexes or indices

advice, aircraft, bison, corn, deer, equipment , evidence, fish

Singular and
(sometimes), gold, information, jewelry, kin, legislation, luck,
Unchanging plural are the
luggage, moose, music, offspring, sheep, silver, swine,
trousers, trout, wheat,

barracks, bellows, cattle, congratulations, deer, dregs,

eyeglasses, gallows, headquarters, mathematics, means,
Only the plural
Unchanging measles, mumps, news, oats, pants, pliers, pajamas,
scissors, series, shears, shorts, species, tongs, tweezers,
vespers, jeans, glasses, news, mathematics
attorney general/attorneys general, bill of fare/bills of fare,
chief of staff/chiefs of staff, court-martial/courts-martial,
daughter-in-law/daughters-in-law, father-in-law/fathers-in-
law, full moon/full moons, he-man/he-men,
journeyman/journeymen, lady-in-waiting/ladies-in-waiting,
The plural ending lieutenant colonel/lieutenant colonels, maid-of-honor, maids-
Compound nouns is usually added of-honor, master-at-arms/masters-at-arms, middle
to the main noun class/middle classes, mother-in-law/mothers-in-law, post
office/post offices, secretary of state/secretaries of state,
sergeant major/sergeants major, son-in-law/sons-in-law,
passer-by/passers-by, she-wolf/she-wolves,
stepsister/stepsisters, ten-year-old/ten-year-olds,
bookcase/bookcases, manservant/menseravants,
Write the plural form of each noun.

1.  frill 2.  bird 3.  entrance

4.  brass 5.  sugar 6.  class

7.  knee 8.  brooch 9.  puzzle

10.  needle 11. county 12. tax


13.  goose 14. paper 15. grocery


16.  tooth 17. batch 18. wrench


19.  parlor 20. jelly 21. ditch


22.  curtain 23. life 24. success


25.  speed 26. throat 27. candy


28.  biology 29. branch 30. rod


Write the plural form of each noun.

1.  chief 2.  festival 3.  access

1.  chief 2.  festival 3.  access

4.  likeness 5.  sweater 6.  essay

7.  address 8.  potato 9.  laser

10.  loaf 11. thief 12. scent


13.  quality 14. charter 15. prefix


16.  grocery 17. location 18. jewel


19.  forty 20. energy 21. congress


22.  occasion 23. maximum 24. success


25.  ovation 26. apparatus 27. pattern


28.  torch 29. complex 30. idea


Write the plural form of each noun.

1.  horse 2.  goal 3.  peach

4.  ailment 5.  genius 6.  collar

7.  lamb 8.  machine 9.  ranch

10.  brook 11. trophy 12. branch


13.  century 14. leaf 15. evening


16.  porch 17. loaf 18. tax


19.  rung 20. ability 21. result


22.  dainty 23. shelter 24. newspaper


25.  toothbrush 26. calf 27. height


28.  army 29. cactus 30. visitor


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